微信版 第20241120期A版
2024年11月18日,《娄绍昆经方医案医话》英文版《The Jingfang Case Studies and Medical Treatises of Dr. Lou Shao-Kun》在美国Purple Cloud出版社正式出版发行。在此,特别感谢译者Will Ceurvels的辛勤付出,以及Greg Zimmerman、Marnae C. Ergil和Johannes M. L. Hausen为本书出版所做出的贡献。
● One of the first jīngfāng herbalism case study books available in English.
● 第一本用英语出版的经方医案书籍。
●The first case study book in English to give detailed accounts of the use of abdominal diagnosis or fukushin in the treatment process for each case.
● 第一本用英语详细介绍腹诊(即腹部诊断)在每个案例治疗过程中如何应用的经方医案书。
●Often includes multiple cases using different techniques for one disease to illustrate the importance of formula pattern diagnosis in jīngfāng medicine. There are nine different case studies on infertility alone.
●Detailed descriptions of Dr. Lou’s signature style of combining jīngfāng herbalism, acumoxa and other external techniques.
●Deep insights from the Kampo tradition rarely seen in Chinese medical books in China.
●This is Dr. Lou’s gift to the medical world, a distillation of 40+ years of medical experience in pure private clinical practice devoted to the pursuit of jīngfāng medical excellence.
“His clinical approach and medical thinking were a guiding light for students and practitioners of jīngfāng, and his passing was a major loss for the jīngfāng world.”——Huang Huang
美国出版社Purple Cloud: