问:钟爱的师父,你觉得谭 崔法门不适合我们, 是由于你看到了谭崔教导中的缺点吗?
几天之内,他们就会再次累积压抑,因为他们不可能在社会里这么做。于是他们就成了长期客户──慢性谭崔患者(Chronic Tantrikas)。
It is not a complete system. There is abasic fallacy that human beings fall into: they find a small truth, a part of thetruth, and rather than discover the whole, the remaining part they imagine tofill up the gap. Because they have part of the truth, they can argue and theycan manage to make a system, but the remaining part is simply their invention.
All the systems have done that. Rather thandiscovering the whole truth, it is the human tendency to say, "Why bother?We have found a small piece which is enough for the showcase, which is enoughto silence any enemy who raises any question" -- and the remaining is justinvention.
For example, tantra is right that sexualenergy is the basic energy, so this energy should be transformed into higherforms. It is a truth. But what happened is that they never went very deep intomeditation; meditation remained just secondary. And man's sexuality showsitself so powerfully that in the name of tantra it became simply sexual orgy.Without meditation that was going to happen. Meditation should have been themost primary thing because that is going to transform the energy, but that becamesecondary.
And many people who were sexuallyperverted, sexually repressed, joined the tantra school. These were the peoplewho brought all their perversions, all their repressions. They were notinterested in any transformation, they were interested only in getting rid oftheir repressions; their interest was basically sexual.
So although tantra has a piece of truth, itcould not be used rightly. Unless that piece of truth is put in second place,and meditation moves into first place, it will always happen that in tantra,people will be doing all kinds of perversions. And with a great name, they willnot feel that they are doing anything wrong; they will feel they are doingsomething religious, something spiritual.
Tantra failed for two reasons. One was aninner reason -- that meditation was not made the central point. And second,tantra had no special methodology for the perverted and the repressed, so thatfirst their repressions and perversions are settled and they become normal. Andonce they become normal, then they are introduced to meditation. Only afterdeep meditation should they be allowed in tantra experiments. It was a wrongarrangement, so the whole thing became, in the name of a great system, just anexploitation of sex.
That's what many of the therapists aredoing. Just the other day I saw Rajen's advertisement for a tantra group --with an obscene picture. It will attract people because this is realpornography. Why bother to go to see just pictures printed on paper when youcan see real people doing pornography? And Rajen has no understanding ofmeditation, has never meditated.
And these people will feel good, relieved,because the society does not allow them... In the group they will be allowed todo everything they want to do, so much repression will be thrown out, and theywill feel relieved and light and they will feel thankful that they have gonethrough a great tantra experience. And there has been no tantra experience --it was simply a sexual orgy. And within a few days, they will again collectrepressions because they cannot do it outside in the society. So they becomepermanent customers, chronic tantrikas.
And the so-called therapists enjoy themoney that they bring. They have nothing to lose, they simply allow freedom.They start with all the great words that I have been using --"freedom," "expression," "no repression,""just be yourself, and don't be worried what others are thinking,""do your own thing." And those idiots start doing their own thing!
First people should be introduced tomeditation, and then they should be introduced to tantra methods. This is nottantra. Tantra methods are totally different. These people who are doingtantra, they don't know anything about tantra.
For example, Ramakrishna meditated deeply,and whenever he felt any sexual urge disturbing his meditation he would ask hiswife Sharda -- who was a beautiful woman -- to sit on a high stool, naked, andhe would sit in front of her just looking at her, meditating on her till thatsexual urge subsided. Then he would touch the feet of Sharda, his own wife, andhe would thank her, saying, "You have been helping me immensely;otherwise, where would I have gone? The urge needed some expression, and justwatching you was enough."
The temple of Khajuraho has beautifulstatues in all sexual postures. It was a tantra school that made the temple andthose statues. And the first thing the student had to do was to meditate oneach statue -- and they are arranged in such a way that from one corner you goaround the temple in a circle. It may take six months, but you have to watcheach statue until you can see it just as a statue with no sexuality in it --and it is in a sexual posture. But just in your watching it, seeing it formonths, it becomes a pure piece of art; all pornography disappears. Then youmove to another. And all the perversions of human mind have been put into thestatues.
And when you have circled the whole temple,only then will the master allow you inside the temple. Those six months are ofimmense meditation and of tremendous release, all repressions gone: you arefeeling absolutely light. Then the master allows you in. And inside the templethere is no sexual statue; inside the temple there is nothing -- emptiness.
Then the master teaches you how to godeeper into your meditation which has arisen in the six months, and now you cango very deep because there is no hindrance, no problem, no sexuality. And thisgoing deep into meditation with no sexual disturbance means the sexual energyis moving with the meditation, not against it. That's how it is transformed andtakes higher forms.
All these so-called therapists know nothingabout tantra, know nothing of why it failed. But they are not interested inthat, they are interested in exploiting repressed people. And the repressedpeople are happy because after a seven or ten day tantra session, they feelrelieved; they think this is some spiritual growth. But within two or threedays all that spiritual growth will be gone, and they are ready for another group.
There are some people -- you can call them"groupies" -- that move from one group to another group to anothergroup. Their whole life is just a movement from group to group. Just likehippies... but you can call them "groupies."