If you are angry, sooner or later angeritself will make you aware that anger is useless -- not only useless, it ispoisonous; not only poisonous, it is very destructive and suicidal. But if yougo on only thinking of being angry, murdering people, destroying people, youwill never come to an understanding. You will never become able to get rid ofanger.
If you go into sex, sooner or later youwill lose all the fantasies that you have been creating about it. Sooner orlater it becomes a very ordinary thing. Sooner or later you start getting boredby it. But if you simply imagine, then you will never be bored. Then you arenever going to become disinterested in it. One day or other sinners can dropit, but the saints, the so-called saints, they cannot drop it. They are sittingon a volcano.
This man was surprised because he went onmarking those rungs on the ladder for ages and still they were coming and stillhe went on remembering. It was as if he had never done anything except commitsins in his mind.