
文摘   2024-10-22 22:29   中国香港  



“ 虚菩提,于意云何?可以身相见如来不?”“不也,世尊,不可以身相得见如来。”何以故?如来所说身相,即非身相。”佛告虚菩提:“凡所有相,皆是虚妄。若见诸相非相,即见如来。”












Buddha continued: "What do you think, Subhuti, can the Tathagata be recognized by the possession of his marks?" Subhuti replied: "Certainly not, O Master. And why? What has been taught by the Tathagata as the possession of marks is in truth the non-possession of non-marks." Buddha continued: "Where there is possession of marks, there is deception; where there is non-possession of non-marks, there is no deception. Therefore, the marks by which the Tathagata is recognized are non-marks."

These words will seem enigmatic to you, but they are not. At the high level from which Buddha speaks, everything becomes contradictory: contradiction is the only mode of expression. At this degree of fullness of being; one can only be paradoxical, logic loses all meaning. He who persists in remaining logical cannot live in this totality or express this truth. This cannot but be contradictory.

Buddha asks: "Subhuti, can a Tathagata be recognized by the possession of his marks?" According to the Bāndhī scriptures, a Buddha has thirty-two marks that indicate that he is an extraordinary man, a superman. Are these thirty-two marks the decisive factor? For the ordinary human being that you are, the answer is yes, because you have no other eyes. You can only see the external mark, you live by the signs, by the marks. But for a man like Subhuti, who can see the interior, who can see into the Buddha, these marks should no longer be of any interest. Moreover, possession is not the work of a Buddha—even these thirty-two marks. They are of no use. A Buddha must be totally ordinary, because he possesses nothing. This is his true mark: to possess nothing, not even Buddhahood. Hence the contradictory aspect of truth.

A genuine Buddha does not even claim to be a Buddha, because all claims are lies. Pretending is the work of an imposter. A Buddha claims nothing, he has no desires. He does not seek at all to put on a show, or to convince anyone of what he is. He is totally present: you can share what he is, join in his dance, take part in his celebration. But he is not there to prove anything. To prove something only indicates that one has not yet reached Realization. A Buddha has nothing to defend.

These external marks can be made by people who are not Buddhas. Everything can be created. For example, Buddha's breathing is totally silent, as if he were not breathing at all. But this can be done by any yogi. By training yourself, by exercising your breathing, you can stop him and even surpass Buddha. If his breathing is slow, almost imperceptible, it is because he lives in slow motion and is not going anywhere, it is not thanks to any training. There is no hurry, all desires have disappeared, he has no worries, no future. He simply takes a morning walk.

Have you noticed that your breathing becomes agitated when you are worried, violent when you are angry, chaotic and feverish when you make love and passion is unleashed? Passion, in a Buddha, has become compassion, his desires have gone away like the yellowed leaves have fallen from the tree. His breathing has slowed down, slowed down...

But if this is the mark, then any impostor can exhibit it. Buddha is seated, totally silent, motionless. With a little training, this can be accomplished by anyone, but it will not make him a Buddha.

"Where there is possession of marks, there is deception..." If someone claims: "I possess these marks. Look, I am a Buddha!" then there is deception. His very pretension is proof of this.

But why does Buddha suddenly ask Subhuti this question? It is because a desire has arisen in him. Understand: it is normal on the eve of becoming a Buddha to say to oneself: "Soon I will possess thirty-two marks and I will be proclaimed a Buddha!" Perhaps it was only an unconscious desire, nothing but a ripple on the water... Seeing Buddha and his thirty-two marks, his grace, his beauty, who would not begin to desire them? And for Subhuti, it is achievable: he is on the threshold of Buddhahood. Listening to the master say that one must give as if one were not giving, that immense is the merit if one can give without idea of donor, gift or beneficiary, Subhuti felt a desire, imperceptible no doubt, but nevertheless real: "Thus loaded with merits, I will become a Buddha. I will have thirty-two marks, I will be enveloped in the same perfume as that of Buddha, I will have the same grace, the same brilliance, the same bliss! Ah!" Seeing this desire dawn, Buddha asks: "What do you think, Subhuti, the Tathagata?"金刚经






