一旦你找到那永恒之物就连死亡也无法拿走它桑雅士必须学会纯粹地演戏他必须把这整个世界看作一个大型剧场有一千零一场戏剧正在上演你必须参与到诸多游戏当中你在不停地移动从一种状态到另一种状态从家到办公室从办公室到教堂从教堂到俱乐部如此种种这只是不同的戏码,不同的戏台但这些全都是角色不要认真不需要弃绝弃绝意味着你——当真了!那就是为什么我说永远不要弃绝什么去活你的角色,享受它这是好玩的事情但要轻装上阵,轻松加愉快没有什么值得担心的所以无论什么角色你都得在特定的圈子里演好尽全力去演演出它全部的精髓一旦结束不管是成功还是失败都无关紧要了无需回头继续向前还有其它的戏码要演成功还是失败都不重要重要的是觉知一切都是游戏当你的整个生命都充满这样的觉知你就解脱了没有什么能障碍你那么你将不会被任何事困住你手上再也没有枷锁你再也不会被任何东西囚禁你使用各种面具但你知道它们不是你原始的脸你可以拿掉面具因为现在你知道了那是一个面具它可以被拿掉,被移除现在你也知道了你原始的脸庞觉知到生命是一场游戏的人会知道他原始的脸知道他原始的脸就知道了所有值得知道的因为那是神的脸庞是真理的脸庞是爱的脸庞是自由的脸庞 Learn the art of being grateful.And there are so many situationsMillions of them.Every moment you come across something or otherWhich can make you feel immensely grateful.But we have forgotten the language of gratefulness.Our minds go on complaining and complainingAsking for more.The religious person has no complaintBut only gratitude.He does not ask for more.He simply bows down to the unknown energyThat has given so much already...And we had not asked for it.It has been given out of god's abundance.His overflowing delight is the cause of creation.It is out of his blissfulness, his playfulnessThat existence has arisen.Remember:If you can start feeling more and more gratefulYou will be transformed by that gratefulness.That is the secret formula of inner changeOf a radical change.One needs to be industriousOne needs to accept challenges which provoke oneFor the upward journey.It is hard, it is dangerousBut it brings out the best in you.It creates integrityUltimately it creates a soul in you.吾同翻译