
文摘   2024-12-01 00:05   广东  






Love.The world is neither misery nor happiness.

What we are seeking becomes the world. Our outlook becomes ourworld. Each one of us if the creator of his own world. If each moment of lifebrings you misery, then somewhere or other there is a fault in your outlook.

And if all that you can see is darkness all around, then you have certainlyclosed the same eyes that can see light. Think about yourself again. Look atyourself afresh. If you blame others, you will not be able to seek out your ownmistakes. If you blame the circumstances, you will not be able to fathom theroots of your own mental standpoint.

That is why, whatever circumstances you find yourself in, alwaysstart by looking for the causes within yourself. The causes are always foundwithin oneself. But they always appear to be in others. If you avoid this misunderstandingit will be difficult to hold on to misery. Others simply function as mirrors.The face is always our own.

Life can be a big celebration, but we need to recreate ourselvesanew. That work is not difficult, because the moment we see the folly of ourown outlook, that folly begins to die and a new man starts to be born.




