Matthias was one of the disciples of JesusOne of the twelve apostles.He is symbolically represented by a young angelTo signify Jesus Christ's humanity.He was the most human discipleOut of all the disciples of Jesus.Once you become interested in godYou start becoming more and more super-human.You start transcending humanityYou start surpassing humanity.Matthias remained utterly a human beingAnd became a representative of Jesus' humanity.All the twelve disciples represent something.They are twelve aspects of Jesus.Nobody represents Jesus in his wholenessBut each disciple can represent him at leastMatthias represents his humanityAnd that is of great significanceBuddha is thought to be absolutely super-human.All the stories that we have written about BuddhaHave taken away everything human from him.He is just an abstractionHe looks more like a myth than like a reality.And so is the case with Krishna and Mahavira:Everything human has been taken away.It is not that they were not human,They were human, very human,But the idea was that a man of godHas to go beyond humanity.Mahavira is said not to have perspiredBecause that is too human.Now, in India not to perspire...It is a super-human feat!It is easier to walk on waterThan not to perspire in India!And he lived in the hottest part of the country,In Bihar, and he lived nakedAnd he walked bare-footed on muddy pathsIn dirt and dust and in the burning sun.But the stories say that he never perspiredNever urinated, never defecated.These are human things too human!The followers of Mahavira, cannot conceiveThat looks below Mahavira, too below:You can always think of him sittingThat's the only activity left for him.In that way Jesus is far more human.He enjoys eating and drinkingAnd mixing with people and laughing and joking.He enjoyed company, and the company of all kindsOf people -- gamblers, drunkards, prostitutes.And Matthias is the most human of allHis disciples, he represents his humanity.Is to make religion as human as possible.It should not be airy-fairy!We have to bring it down to earth.And I allow my sannyasins to perspire!There is nothing wrong in it, no sin is committed.Even a sauna bath is perfectly virtuous!Perspire as much as you can.Remember that religion has not to be unearthly.It has to be rooted in the earthWhen it becomes too cloudy, uprootedIt looses all greenness, it looses all aliveness.It becomes just an abstract philosophy.That's what has happened in the East.Hence Jainas cannot believe in Jesus,Neither can Buddhists believe in JesusSimply because he is so human!We want a religion which is human.Of course one has not to end with humanityOne has to go beyond it, one has to transcend itBut one should remain rooted.