华为在电动汽车领域的崛起 | 金融时报

时事   2024-12-20 07:58   山东  


1. division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions

2. giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. (传说中的)巨人;高大健壮的人;巨兽,巨型植物;大公司,大国;卓越人物,伟人;(天文)巨星 adj. 巨大的,伟大的;giants

3. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出;挑染 n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;挑染的头发;强光部分;highlights;highlights;highlighting;highlighted;highlighted

4. internal [ɪnˈtɜːnl] adj. 内部的,体内的;内政的,国内的;本身的,本质的;内心的;(大学生)本校生的 n. 内部部件,内部特征;内脏

5. despite [dɪsˈpaɪt] prep. 尽管,即使;不由自主地,忍不住地 n. 亵渎;轻蔑,鄙视 v. 蔑视;激怒;despites;despiting;despited;despited

6. sanction [ˈsæŋkʃən] n. 制裁;处罚,惩罚;(正式)许可,批准;(尤指基督教会的)法令,法律;(伦理学)约束力;支持,鼓励 v. 认可,准许;对……实施制裁,处罚;sanctions;sanctions;sanctioning;sanctioned;sanctioned

7. exclude [ɪksˈkluːd] vt. (故意)不包括,把……排除在外;认为……不可能,排除……的可能;阻挡;开除(学生);防止……的发生;excludes;excluding;excluded;excluded

8. segment [ˈsegmənt] n. 部分,片段;(市场)细分的部分;(水果或花自然形成的)瓣,(昆虫的)节;球缺,弓形;(直线或弧线上两点间的)段;(特定广播或电视节目的)时间段;某一时段单独播放的节目;音段 v. 分割,划分;(细胞)分裂;segments;segments;segmenting;segmented;segmented

9. automation [ɔːtəˈmeɪʃən] n. 自动化

10. joint [dʒɔɪnt] adj. 联合的,共同的,共有的;连带的 n. 关节;(一般带有骨头的)一大块肉;(两个物体或部分的)接合处,接缝;廉价娱乐场所,下等娱乐场所;大麻烟卷 v. 把……切成带骨的大块肉;接合,联合;使有接头 【名】 (joint)(美)茹安(人名);joints;joints;jointing;jointed;jointed

11. contract [ˈkɒntrækt] n. 合同,契约;暗杀协议;(桥牌)定约墩数;婚约,订婚 v. (使)收缩,缩小;签合同,订立契约;患上,感染;订立婚约(或盟约);欠负(债);contracts;contracts;contracting;contracted;contracted

12. inherit [ɪnˈherɪt] v. 继承(遗产);经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等);接手,承担;接收(前所有者的事物);(尤作圣经翻译和典故用语)得到;inherits;inheriting;inherited;inherited

13. hardware [ˈhɑːdweə] n. (计算机)硬件;五金制品;装备,设备

14. gear [gɪə] n. 排挡,齿轮;(用于特定目的的)装备,服装;(做事的)速度,努力;(特定用途的)器械,装置;毒品;所有物,财物 v. 使变速,使调挡 【名】 (gear)(英)吉尔(人名);gears;gears;gearing;geared;geared

15. chip [tʃɪp] n. 炸薯条,炸薯片;芯片;碎块,碎屑;缺口,豁口;筹码;撮球,切球;木条 v. 打破,弄缺;(尤指用工具)削下,凿下;切成细条;撮球,挑球;chips;chips;chipping;chipped;chipped

16. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的 n. 水流,气流;电流;思潮,趋势 【名】 (current)(英)柯伦特(人名);currents

17. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

18. version [ˈvɜːʃən] n. (同一种物件稍有不同的)样式,型号;(从不同角度的)说法,描述;(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式;《圣经》译本;胎位倒转术 v. 创制……的新版本,更新……的版本;versions

19. generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] v. 产生,引起;generates;generating;generated;generated

20. revenue [ˈrevənjuː] n. (企业、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)税收;税务局,税务署(the revenue);revenues

21. emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] v. 强调,着重;重读(单词或短语);使突出(或明显);emphasizes;emphasizing;emphasized;emphasized

22. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

23. resource [rɪˈsɔːs] n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;谋略,智谋 v. 向……提供资金(或设备);resources;resources;resourcing;resourced;resourced

24. manufacture [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃə] v. (用机器大量)生产,制造;编造,捏造;生成,产生(一种物质) n. 大量制造,批量生产;工业品;制造业;manufactures;manufactures;manufacturing;manufactured;manufactured

25. dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] v. 统治,支配;在……中占首要地位;俯视,高耸于;占绝对优势;dominates;dominating;dominated;dominated

26. threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓;构成威胁的人(或事物);凶兆,征兆;(律)恐吓,威胁;threats;threats;threating;threated;threated

27. surgery [ˈsɜːdʒərɪ] n. 外科手术;诊所;(议员的)接待时间;应诊时间;手术室;surgeries

28. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区;扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

29. investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n. 投资;值得买的东西;(时间、精力的)投入;包围,封锁;investments

30. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

31. boost [buːst] v. 使增长,推动;偷窃;宣扬,推广 n. 推动,促进;广告,宣扬 【名】 (boost)(英)布斯特,(德)博斯特(人名);boosts;boosts;boosting;boosted;boosted

32. obsolete [ˈɒbsəlɪːt] adj. 淘汰的,废弃的;(生物特征的一部分)退化的 vt. 淘汰(产品),废弃(想法);obsoletes;obsoleting;obsoleted;obsoleted

33. transition [trænˈzɪʒən, -ˈsɪʃən] n. 过渡,转变;(分子生物)转换;(乐)临时转调;(物理)跃迁,转变 v. 转变,过渡;transitions;transitions;transitioning;transitioned;transitioned

34. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

35. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

36. senator [ˈsenətə] n. 参议员,(古罗马的)元老院议员,(大学理事会的)理事;庭长 【名】 (senator)(瑞典、斯威)塞纳托尔(人名);senators

37. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

38. allege [əˈledʒ] v. (未经证实地)宣称,指控;alleges;alleging;alleged;alleged

39. disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt] v. 中断,扰乱;彻底改变(某物)的结构,使(某物)的结构破裂;使瓦解,使分裂;disrupts;disrupting;disrupted;disrupted

40. growth [grəʊθ] n. 成长,生长;增长,发展;肿瘤,赘生物;生长物,产物;种植,栽培 adj. 发展的,增长的;growths

41. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

42. radar [ˈreɪdə] n. 雷达,无线电探测器 n. (radar)拉达尔(人名);radars

43. register [ˈredʒɪstə] n. 登记表,注册簿;注册员;(人或乐器的)声区,音区;(适合特定场合使用的)语体风格,语域;(印刷,摄影)套准,叠合;现金出纳机;(电子设备的)寄存器;(供暖或制冷设备的)调风口,节气门;(设计图案组成的)条,局部 v. 登记,注册;(正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张;流露出,表达出;注意到,受到注意;(仪器上)显出,显示;把……挂号邮寄;取得(结果),得(分);(印刷,摄影)套准,叠合 【名】 (register)(美)雷吉斯特(人名);registers;registers;registering;registered;registered

44. entity [ˈentɪtɪ] n. 实体,独立存在体;entities

45. component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 组成部份,成分,部件 adj. 组成的,构成的;components

46. stake [steɪk] n. 股本,股份;桩,标桩,篱笆桩;赌注;赛马奖金(stakes);比赛,竞赛(stakes);利害关系;火刑柱;(制作篮子的)纵向基杆,经条;(铁匠用的)小铁砧;摩门主教管辖区 v. 拿…...冒险,以…...打赌;用桩支撑;资助,帮助 【名】 (stake)(瑞典)斯塔克(人名);stakes;stakes;staking;staked;staked

47. battery [ˈbætərɪ] n. 电池,蓄电池;一组,一系列;炮组,排炮;殴打罪;(棒球队的)投手和接球手 adj. 笼养的,层架式养殖的;batteries

48. remains [rɪˈmeɪns] n. 剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗骸;古迹,遗迹 v. 仍然是,保持不变;逗留,留下;剩余,余留(remain 的第三人称单数形式)

49. establish [ɪsˈtæblɪʃ] v. 建立,设立;证实,确定;发现,找出;使被接受,使得到承认;使(故事的角色)真实;(桥牌)(通过出大牌)使(某)花色所剩的牌都能赢;establishes;establishing;established;established

50. clutch [klʌtʃ] v. 紧握,紧抓;(因害怕或痛苦)突然抓住 n. 离合器踏板;一小群,一小簇;势力范围,控制;紧握,紧抓;一窝(蛋);女式无带手提包 adj. 关键性的;(尤指体育比赛中)在关键时刻表现良好的;clutches;clutches;clutching;clutched;clutched

51. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

52. massive [ˈmæsɪv] adj. 大而重的,结实的;非常严重的;大量的,大规模的;特别成功的,非常有影响的;(岩石或地层)均匀构造的,大块的;(矿物)外观非晶质的;极好的,非常妙的 n. (某一地区的年轻人群体)嬉蹦音乐迷(或丛林爵士音乐迷);massives

53. retail [ˈrɪːteɪl] n. 零售 v. 零售;以……价格销售;详说,述说(尤指别人的事情) adv. 以零售方式 adj. 零售的 【名】 (retail)(印)勒塔伊(人名);retails;retailing;retailed;retailed

54. legacy [ˈlegəsɪ] n. 遗产,遗赠物;遗留问题,后遗症 adj. (软件或硬件)已过时但因使用范围广而难以替代的;legacies

55. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

56. venture [ˈventʃə] n. 风险项目,冒险事业;冒险旅行,冒险行动 v. 敢于去(未知或危险等地方);冒险;小心地说,谨慎地做;敢说,大胆表示 【名】 (venture) (法)旺蒂尔(人名);ventures;ventures;venturing;ventured;ventured

57. collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt] v. 合作,协作;勾结,通敌;collaborates;collaborating;collaborated;collaborated

58. device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;手段,方法;花招,诡计;炸弹,爆炸装置;图画,设计;(某物的)样式,外表;devices

59. recur [rɪˈkɜː] v. 再发生,反复出现;(思考或讲话时)重新回到,反复提及(recur to);(小数)循环;recurs;recurring;recurred;recurred

60. capture [ˈkæptʃə] v. 俘获,捕获;夺取,占领;吸引,引起;记录,体现;拍摄,录制;吃掉(国际象棋棋子);使(数据)保存于电脑中;俘获(原子,亚原子粒);(河流)袭夺 n. 捕获,被捕获;被捕获的人(或物);占领,攻占;夺取,抢占;(数据)存储;captures;captures;capturing;captured;captured

61. plug [plʌg] n. (电)插头;(电)插座;(洗涤槽或浴缸的)塞子;堵塞物;棉球,药棉;(塑料制的)螺钉楔子;(车辆引擎的)火花塞;宣传,推荐;(压实的)块,口嚼烟;(婴儿的)橡皮奶头;岩颈;(供移植的)幼苗,草皮;(渔)鱼饵;消防栓;疲惫的马 v. 堵,塞;补足;插入;用插头接通电源;推广,宣传;射击,射杀;艰难地走,埋头于;plugs;plugs;plugging;plugged;plugged

62. fleet [flɪːt] n. 船队,舰队;(某家公司控制的)车队;小湾,水道 adj. 快速的;快速的;(水)浅的 adv. 浅,不深地 v. 疾驰,飞逝 【名】 (fleet)(美)弗利特(人名);fleets;fleeter;fleetest;fleets;fleeting;fleeted;fleeted

63. engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] n. 工程,工程学;控制,引导,管理;筹划,出谋划策 v. 设计,建造;策划,精心安排(engineer 的现在分词形式)

64. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威;demonstrates;demonstrating;demonstrated;demonstrated

65. pose [pəʊz] v. 造成,引起(威胁、危险、问题等);提出(问题);(为照相、画像等)摆好姿势;假扮,冒充(pose as);(举止或穿戴)装腔作势,招摇过市;把……难住,使为难 n. (为拍照、画像等摆的)姿势;故作姿态,装腔作势;poses;poses;posing;posed;posed

66. merge [mɜːdʒ] v. (使)合并,(使)融合;渐渐消失于,融入;兼并(产权,产业) 【名】 (merge)(意)梅尔杰(人名);merges;merging;merged;merged

At Huawei’s electric vehicle division a giant screen highlights two of the biggest changes in human mobility in the past 150 years: from horses to cars, and from the internal combustion engine to driverless EVs.


Huawei was not around for that first automotive revolution, but despite being heavily targeted by US sanctions, the Chinese tech powerhouse is determined not to be excluded from the second.


The world’s biggest telecoms group and one of the biggest smartphone producers believe it can corner lucrative segments of the car industry as it is transformed by automation and electrification.


第一,学习mobility的用法。这个词做名词,表示the ability to move easily,活动性,灵活性,例:It improves the strength and mobility of joints. 它能提高关节的力量和灵活性。

第二,学习powerhouse的用法。这个词做名词,表示an organization or place where there is a lot of activity or where a lot of things are produced,强大的组织,重要的地方,例:Europe’s industrial powerhouse 欧洲的工业重地

第三,学习lucrative的用法。这个词做形容词,表示a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money,〔职业或活动〕可赚大钱的,获利多的,常用搭配为lucrative business / market / contract etc,例:He inherited a lucrative business from his father. 他从父亲那里继承了一家赚大钱的公司。

Its aspirations run from providing carmakers with hardware including telecoms gear, screens and infotainment systems, all the way to developing software for advanced driverless car systems and computer chips — but it has no plans to build cars itself.


“No matter how good Huawei’s cars were, at best they would be like mobile phones, accounting for 10 to 20 per cent of the market,” current chair Xu Zhijun told Chinese state media in a recent interview.


Instead, said Xu, Huawei’s automotive ambitions were to be the “Chinese version of Bosch”, referring to the German industrial giant that generated revenues of more than $50bn from its Mobility parts and services unit last year.


第一,学习infotainment的用法。这个词做名词,表示television programmes that deal with important subjects in a way that people can enjoy,〔在电视中用轻松的方式谈论重要问题的〕信息娱乐节目

第二,学习at best的用法。这个词组表示used to emphasize that something is not very good, pleasant, honest etc even if you consider it in the best possible way,充其量;至多,例:The campaign was at best only partially successful. 这场宣传活动充其量只是部分成功。

The Financial Times was able to visit Huawei in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, but the company declined on-the-record interviews.


Huawei’s entrance into the automotive market comes as China’s dominance of the resources, manufacturing and technology used to make EVs transforms an industry dominated for decades by companies from the US, Europe and more recently, Japan and South Korea.


Nissan and Honda are in exploratory talks about a merger, the latest sign of the threat to traditional carmakers from fast-growing Chinese manufacturers.


第一,学习be/go on (the) record as saying (that)的用法。这个词组表示to say something publicly or officially, so that it may be written down and repeated,公开[正式]说……,例:She is on record as saying that teachers are under too much pressure. 她公开说教师的压力太大。

第二,学习exploratory的用法。这个词做形容词,表示done in order to find out more about something,探索的;勘探的,例:He’s going to have exploratory surgery on his knee. 他的膝盖要做探查性手术。

Vincent Sun, an equity analyst covering China’s car sector for investment research group Morningstar, said Huawei’s telecommunications, chip design and smartphone businesses had “a lot of synergies” with the technology underpinning increasingly advanced cars.

投资研究集团晨星(Morningstar)研究中国汽车行业的股票分析师Vincent Sun表示,华为的电信、芯片设计和智能手机业务与支撑日益先进的汽车的技术有着“大量协同效应”。

“Huawei is a different animal,” said Sun, adding that traditional car companies needed to boost research and development spending to avoid becoming obsolete “like Nokia”, referring to the Finnish phonemaker’s failure to adapt to the smartphone era.

“华为是一个不同的动物,”Vincent Sun说,并补充说,传统汽车公司需要增加研发支出,以避免“像诺基亚(Nokia)一样”被淘汰,他指的是这家芬兰手机制造商未能适应智能手机时代。

As the EV transition gathers pace, global service revenues from robotaxis alone are forecast to reach as high as $1.2tn annually, according to IDTechEx, a UK research group.


Senator Marco Rubio, who is president-elect Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, alleged in October that one of Huawei’s “primary goals” was expanding.

美国当选总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)提名为国务卿的参议员马尔科•鲁比奥(Marco Rubio) 10月声称,华为的“主要目标”之一是扩大能力。

Huawei has spent five years and at least $5.6bn on research and development linked to EVs, part of a search for new growth drivers. Executives believe Huawei is poised to leverage dozens of Chinese technologies, from chips, radars and cameras to artificial intelligence, data centres, autonomous driving and infotainment systems.


The group reported revenues of Rmb4.7bn ($655mn) from its nascent automotive business unit last year, more than double those of the previous year but less than 1 per cent of the group’s total of Rmb704bn.


In January, the privately owned company moved to separate its EV business, registering a new entity, Yinwang, for marketing its main EV-focused systems and components, including its autonomous driving software.


Huawei has since sold two 10 per cent stakes in the company — to Avatr Technology, an EV start-up owned by state-backed Changan Automobile and the world’s biggest battery maker CATL, and to Chongqing-based carmaker Seres.

自那以来,华为已分别向两家公司出售引望10%的股份,一家是国有的长安汽车(Changan Automobile)和全球最大电池制造商宁德时代(CATL)持股的电动汽车初创企业阿维塔科技(Avatr Technology),另一家是总部位于重庆的汽车制造商赛力斯(Seres)。

The deals valued Yinwang at $16bn, not far behind the market capitalisation of the listed unit of Geely, one of China’s biggest private-sector carmakers. And Huawei remains on the lookout for new strategic investors.


The group has established partnerships with a clutch of traditional Chinese carmakers, such as state-backed groups Chery, Seres, BAIC and JAC, and has been closely involved in car development and sales, including leveraging its massive retail network.


For the legacy Chinese brands, the Huawei tie-ups are a lifeline to transition to EVs following years of declining sales and massive overcapacity in petrol-powered cars.


Huawei has also clinched narrower but possibly more important deals, supplying software and hardware solutions. This includes selling its advanced autonomous driving system for some models made by BYD, the Warren Buffett-backed group that is challenging Tesla as the world’s biggest EV maker.

华为还达成了范围更小、但可能更重要的交易,提供软件和硬件解决方案。这包括出售其先进的自动驾驶系统,供比亚迪(BYD)生产的一些车型使用。沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)投资了比亚迪,它正在挑战特斯拉(Tesla)全球最大电动汽车制造商的地位。

Despite the geopolitical backdrop, foreign companies in Chinese joint ventures, including Germany’s Audi and Japan’s Toyota and Nissan, are also collaborating with Huawei on advanced driving technology as they try to survive the onslaught from Chinese competition.


Bill Russo, the former head of Chrysler in China and founder of the consultancy Automobility, said Huawei was among a group of Chinese internet giants and device makers — which also includes Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiaomi — unlocking new and “recurring” revenue streams linked to EVs.

克莱斯勒(Chrysler)前中国业务负责人、咨询公司Automobility创始人罗威(Bill Russo)表示,华为是正在开启与电动汽车相关的新的和“经常性”收入流的中国互联网巨头和设备制造商之一,它们还包括百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、腾讯(Tencent)和小米(Xiaomi)。

In the first 10 months of this year, sales of models jointly developed by Huawei and its four main partners — Chery, Seres, BAIC and JAC — have totalled 353,600, according to data supplied to the FT. A fifth partner, state-backed GAC, was announced in late November.


Sales have been dominated by Aito cars, made by the Seres-Huawei venture, which have captured nearly 4 per cent of the market for battery and plug-in hybrid EVs. By comparison, Tesla had 6 per cent of the EV market with just over 500,000 cars and BYD had 35 per cent with 2.9mn.


Huawei is also targeting growth through the surge in automation in commercial vehicles for use in mines, ports and other logistics hubs. The group is touting its ability to link transport and logistics fleets to its global data centres.


Christoph Weber, who leads the China business for Swiss engineering software group AutoForm, said Huawei had demonstrated how tech groups with little experience in the car industry could rapidly grow market share and pose an existential threat to incumbents.

瑞士工程软件集团AutoForm的中国业务主管克里斯托夫•韦伯(Christoph Weber)表示,华为已经展示了,在汽车行业缺乏经验的科技集团如何能够迅速扩大市场份额,并对现有企业构成生存威胁。

“Clearly, the tech and automotive industries are merging,” he said. “It puts everyone else under even more pressure.”


外刊文章来源,金融时报 2024年12月20日 ‘A different animal’: inside Huawei’s nascent EV business


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