奢侈品在告诉我们什么 | 金融时报

时事   2024-12-24 07:58   山东  


1. stock [stɒk] n. (商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备物,备用物;储备量,现有量;股本,资本;股份,股票;公债,公债券;家畜,牲畜;家族,世系;(动植物的)类,种类,种群;高汤,原汤;(用作刑具的)手足枷(stocks);(工具的)柄,(尤指)枪托;名声,声望;紫罗兰;接穗,砧木;(草本植物多年生的)根茎,根状茎;(演出几种不同保留剧目的)专业剧团;信任,相信;(铁路上运行的)全部车辆(包括机车、车厢等);(胶卷)原片;(牌戏中)发剩下的牌;(商品的)原材料;锚杆;主轴台,主轴箱(headstock 的简称);尾架,尾座(tailstock 的简称);(作为正式骑马服饰一部分的)白色领结,白色领带;(牧师衣领下系的)黑色领带;船台(stocks) v. (商店或工厂)储备,贮存;为……备货,把……填满;(尤指为某个特定时刻或目的而)备货,囤积;为(枪等火器)装枪托;出新芽 adj. 老一套的,陈腐的;(商店里)常备的,通常有的,库存的;(有关)电影资料镜头的 【名】 (stock)(德、匈、捷)施托克,(英、法、葡、瑞典)斯托克(人名);stocks;stocks;stocking;stocked;stocked

2. luxury [ˈlʌkʃərɪ] n. 奢华,华贵;奢侈品;不常有的乐趣,难得的享受 adj. 奢侈的,豪华的;luxuries

3. retail [ˈrɪːteɪl] n. 零售 v. 零售;以……价格销售;详说,述说(尤指别人的事情) adv. 以零售方式 adj. 零售的 【名】 (retail)(印)勒塔伊(人名);retails;retailing;retailed;retailed

4. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

5. scale [skeɪl] n. 天平,磅秤;天平盘;天秤(星)座(the scales);等级,级别;刻度,标度;标尺,刻度尺;规模,范围;比例,比例尺;鳞,鳞片;鱼鳞状物;水垢;牙垢;音阶;(加热后金属上形成的)氧化皮;进位制;(摄影)影调范围 v. 改变(文字、图片)的尺寸大小;刮去(鱼鳞);攀登,翻越;剔除(牙垢);(尤指皮肤)生成鳞屑;(成片状)脱落,剥落;(数量,财产) 按一定比例调节;称得重量为;估算(树木的)产木材量 adj. (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的 【名】 (scale)(意)斯卡莱(人名);scales;scales;scaling;scaled;scaled

6. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

7. release [rɪˈlɪːs] v. 释放,放走;使出院;把(动物)放生;解救;放开;拉开,松开(装置);发射,投(弹);公布,发布;发行,上映;表达,发泄;释放,排放(物质);解除(职务或工作),解雇;放弃,让予;使不紧张;开放,解禁 n. (人或动物的)释放,放出;排放,泄漏;(设备的)松开,拉开;释放装置(如按、拉的装置);表达,宣泄;解脱,轻松感;放松的机会;新发行的东西;公开,发布;公映;(责任等的)免除,解除;免责书;放弃,让予;放弃文书;传球;releases;releases;releasing;released;released

8. stuff [stʌf] n. 东西,物品;基本特征,特质,根本;(某人从事的)活动,事情;原材料;投球能力;作品,乐曲,艺术;胡说八道,废话,荒谬的想法;饮料,毒品;毛料,呢绒 v. 塞进,填进;填满,装满;填作料,填馅;制作(动物)标本;(使)吃撑,吃足;不稀罕,不在乎;把同样的印刷品装进(信封);把伪造选票投入(票箱);性交(一个男人和一个女人性交);stuffs;stuffs;stuffing;stuffed;stuffed

9. notable [ˈnəʊtəbl] adj. 显要的,值得注意的;非常成功的,令人尊敬的 n. 显要人物,名流;notables

10. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

11. despite [dɪsˈpaɪt] prep. 尽管,即使;不由自主地,忍不住地 n. 亵渎;轻蔑,鄙视 v. 蔑视;激怒;despites;despiting;despited;despited

12. bizarre [bɪˈzɑː] adj. 奇异的,古怪的

13. perfection [pəˈfekʃən] n. 完美;完善;完美的人(或物)

14. segment [ˈsegmənt] n. 部分,片段;(市场)细分的部分;(水果或花自然形成的)瓣,(昆虫的)节;球缺,弓形;(直线或弧线上两点间的)段;(特定广播或电视节目的)时间段;某一时段单独播放的节目;音段 v. 分割,划分;(细胞)分裂;segments;segments;segmenting;segmented;segmented

15. excess [ɪkˈses, ˈekses] n. 超过,过量;越轨行为,暴行;无节制,无度;(保险中的)免赔额 adj. 过多的,超额的;额外的,附加的;excesses;excesses;excessing;excessed;excessed

16. jet [dʒet] n. 喷气式飞机;喷射流;煤玉,黑玉;喷嘴,喷射口 v. 乘喷气式飞机旅行;喷射;jets;jets;jetting;jetted;jetted

17. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区;扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

18. asset [ˈæset] n. 有利条件,有价值的人或物;资产,财产 null 【名】(asset)(法)阿塞(人名);assets

19. growth [grəʊθ] n. 成长,生长;增长,发展;肿瘤,赘生物;生长物,产物;种植,栽培 adj. 发展的,增长的;growths

20. fleet [flɪːt] n. 船队,舰队;(某家公司控制的)车队;小湾,水道 adj. 快速的;快速的;(水)浅的 adv. 浅,不深地 v. 疾驰,飞逝 【名】 (fleet)(美)弗利特(人名);fleets;fleeter;fleetest;fleets;fleeting;fleeted;fleeted

21. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions

22. cruise [kruːz] n. 巡游,乘船游览 v. 乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;缓慢巡行,兜风;轻而易举赢得,轻取;猎艳 【名】 (cruise)(英、美、加)克鲁斯(人名);cruises;cruises;cruising;cruised;cruised

23. recovery [rɪˈkʌvərɪ] n. 康复,痊愈;戒除;恢复,复苏;(供刚做完手术的病人使用的)监护室;(被拿走或失去的东西的)复得,找回;收回的物品(资金);(破损车辆或坠毁飞机)回收修理;(高尔夫)挽回败局之击,复原之击(击回球道或球穴区);(美橄)重新获球;(划船,自行车赛,游泳)还原至预备姿势(如回桨等);回收利用(能源、化工品等);recoveries

24. investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n. 投资;值得买的东西;(时间、精力的)投入;包围,封锁;investments

25. bold [bəʊld] adj. 大胆自信的,敢于冒险的;冒失的,鲁莽的;明显的,轮廓突出的;粗体的,黑体的;陡峭的 n. 黑体,粗体 【名】 (bold)(英、德、罗、捷、瑞典)博尔德(人名)

26. confidence [ˈkɒnfɪdəns] n. 自信,信心;信任,信赖;把握,肯定;保密,机密;秘密,知心话;confidences

27. voluntary [ˈvɔləntərɪ; (?ɜ) -terɪ] adj. 自愿的,自发的,主动的;(机构或组织)志愿的,义务性的;(工作)志愿的,无偿的,义务的;(工作者)志愿的,无偿服务的;(人体活动)随意的,可以控制的;(让与)自愿的,无偿的 n. (教堂里管风琴演奏的)仪式终始曲;(尤指作为其他作品的序曲,或自由创作的)即兴曲,自由调;(比赛中的)自选表演;自愿行动;志愿者;voluntaries

28. turnover [ˈtɜːnˌəʊvə] n. (一定时期内的)营业额,成交量;(商店的)货物周转率,销售比率;人事变动率,人员流动率;半圆馅饼(用水果、肉类或蔬菜做馅);(比赛中的)易手,失误 adj. 翻过来的,可翻转的;turnovers

29. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

30. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共;总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

31. affluent [ˈæflʊənt] adj. 富裕的,富足的;(水)畅流,滔滔流动;丰富的 n. 富人;支流;affluents

32. clothe [kləʊð] v. 给……穿衣;为……提供衣服;赋予(某人某品质);clothes;clothing;clothed;clad;clothed;clad

33. dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] v. 统治,支配;在……中占首要地位;俯视,高耸于;占绝对优势;dominates;dominating;dominated;dominated

34. giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. (传说中的)巨人;高大健壮的人;巨兽,巨型植物;大公司,大国;卓越人物,伟人;(天文)巨星 adj. 巨大的,伟大的;giants

35. tariff [ˈtærɪf] n. (政府对进出口货物征收的)关税,关税表;(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表;量刑标准 v. 按税率定……的价格;征收关税;tariffs;tariffs;tariffing;tariffed;tariffed

36. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的

37. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气,膨胀,增大;(宇宙论某些理论)暴涨;夸张,自命不凡

38. category [ˈkætɪgərɪ] n. 种类,范畴;categories

39. client [ˈklaɪənt] n. 客户,委托人;客户机,用户端;(古罗马)贵族庇护下的平民;受赡养者,食客;clients

40. leisure [ˈleʒə; ˈlɪːʒə] n. 闲暇,业余时间;休闲活动 adj. 空闲的,有闲的;业余的 【名】 (leisure)(英)莱热(人名)

41. index [ˈɪndeks] n. 索引;(物价和工资等)指数;指标,量度;幂,根指数;指针 v. 为……编索引,将……编入索引;使指数化,将(工资)等与(物价水平等)挂钩;(机器,部件)转位;indexes;indices;indexes;indexing;indexed;indexed

42. stocking [ˈstɒkɪŋ] n. (女式)长筒袜;(装礼物用的)圣诞袜;男袜;(尤指用于治疗静脉病的)袜状弹性绷带;(马小腿部的)白斑;短袜 v. (尤指为某个特定时刻或目的而)备货,囤积 (stock的现在分词形式);储存,贮备;(为销售而)备有,存有 【名】 (stocking) (美)斯托金(人名);stockings

With Christmas just a couple of days away, it’s a good time to take stock of the shopping season. I think a fair bit about the luxury retail market, because where the rich lead, the market — and even the economy as a whole — tends to follow. This past year was the worst for the luxury industry since the great recession of 2007-09.


While the super-rich are still spending as if they exist in a separate gravitational orbit, the aspirational consumers who make up the all-important “mass luxury” part of the market are scaling back. That goes a long way to explaining why many of the world’s largest luxury companies have underperformed recently. There are, after all, only so many watches and handbags that the one per cent can buy.


And the number of people who can afford this sort of thing is declining. The latest Bain luxury market report, released in November, found that the luxury market shrank by about 50mn consumers over the past two years, in part because younger consumers are turning away from traditional luxury goods. I suspect that this is one of the reasons you are (finally) seeing older people, particular older women, in advertising and even on fashion runaways. They are the only people buying stuff.


第一,学习take stock (of sth)的用法。这个词组表示to think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next,(对某事情)作出估计[判断],估量,例:While in hospital, Jeremy took stock of his life. 杰里米住院期间思考了他的人生。

第二,学习gravitational的用法。这个词作形容词,表示related to or resulting from the force of gravity,引力的;重力引起的,例:the Moon’s gravitational field 月球的引力场

第三,学习underperform的用法。这个词作不及物动词,表示if a business underperforms, it does not make as much profit as it expected to make,〔公司〕业绩不佳

But there are other reasons that luxury has lost its lustre, notable among them the pervasive feeling that economic insecurity may be around the corner, despite buoyant markets.


If you discount the V-shaped Covid blip, we are six years overdue for a recession. Meanwhile, the bizarre world of the US equity markets, which are priced for perfection, has everyone at New York dinner parties talking about when (and if) they are planning to take at least some of their portfolios to cash.


Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the super-rich can still spend. Those in the ultra-wealthy segment of the luxury market — meaning the people who spend their excess cash on yachts and jets (both sectors which are doing quite well) — have seen their net worth bolstered by double-digit asset market growth. There’s big fleet expansion in the super high-end cruise business, and growth in luxury cars and hotels is still strong.


第一,学习(just) around/round the corner的用法。这个词组表示near,就在附近,例:There’s a bus stop just around the corner. 就在附近有个公共汽车站。也可表示likely to happen soon,即将发生,例:Economic recovery is just around the corner. 经济复苏在即。

第二,学习portfolio的用法。这个词作名词,表示a group of STOCKs owned by a particular person or company,〔某人或某公司持有的〕有价证券组合,投资组合,例:an investment portfolio 投资组合

第三,学习bolster的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to help someone to feel better and more positive,增强;激励,例:He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence. 他正在采取大胆行动以提振辖区信心。

But less wealthy people who were once ready to splurge on that $500 handbag are being far more cautious. That’s because they, unlike the super-rich, still have to worry about working. Aspirational consumers’ disposable incomes are down, having been affected by reduced job openings and increasing voluntary turnover rates, according to the Bain study. That’s why overall luxury sales are expected to drop by about 2 per cent in 2024, and remain flat next year.


So what does all this tell us about what’s to come in the broader economy in 2025? There are three key lessons.


First, a US equity market correction will come, perhaps this year, perhaps next. But few rich people I speak with have any doubt that it’s on its way. The fact that even the affluent are scaling back purchases of fine wines, jewellery, watches, and art means that a lot of asset-wealthy consumers are expecting a slowdown and some kind of market correction, even if we don’t see a full-blown trade war.


第一,学习splurge的用法。这个词作及物或不及物动词,表示to spend more money than you can usually afford,乱花钱,挥霍,例:Within a couple of months, I’d splurged about £2,500 on clothes. 就在几个月时间里,我买衣服花掉了2,500英镑。

第二,学习scale sth down/back的用法。这个词组表示to reduce the amount or size of something,缩减,缩小,例:The emergency aid programme has now been scaled down. 紧急救援计划现在已经缩减了规模。

Second, if the latter did come to pass, the luxury sector, which is dominated by high-value European goods, would fall much faster and harder than other areas. Europe doesn’t have tech giants, but it has luxury conglomerates — two out of the top five largest European firms by market capitalisation are LVMH and Hermès.


One could easily imagine the products these companies make becoming targets for tariffs if Trump turns a critical eye to the continent. Remember when the EU retaliated against Trump’s steel and aluminium tariffs by putting tariffs on motorcycles, adding $2,200 to the price of a Harley-Davidson? European luxury brands — including German automakers and French fashion houses — would be easy political pickings.


Finally, there’s a growing sense in the luxury business that some of the price inflation we’ve seen over the past several years simply can’t last. Already, only the top name brands in any given category of personal luxury can hold their price points, as aspirational clients downshift to cheaper watches or spirits.


Ditto travel and leisure. I recently spoke to two private equity investors in the hotel business in the US who predicted that while top-notch markets such as Jackson Hole, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard would probably be fine in a downturn, nosebleed rates for rooms at a four-star hotel in Houston on a Tuesday night would come down at the first sign of a market correction.

旅游和休闲行业也是如此。我最近与两位在美国酒店业的私募股权投资者交谈,他们预测,尽管像杰克逊霍尔(Jackson Hole)、楠塔基特和玛莎葡萄园(Martha’s Vineyard)这样的顶级市场在经济下行时可能会安然无恙,但在市场出现调整的第一个迹象时,休斯顿一家四星级酒店周二晚上的高价房费将会下降。

For those of us who’ve noticed that $500 seems to be the new $300 for hotel rooms in major American cities, that’s welcome news. But as we wait for rates to fall, there’s always the small splurge on a high-end beauty item.


The “lipstick index,” a term coined by beauty titan Leonard Lauder, posits that when purchases of small luxury items like a new cosmetic go up, a recession is imminent. In 2024, beauty was one of the few luxury categories with positive growth, as consumers sought out that small splurge.


If my husband is reading this, I’m hoping for a tube of Celine’s Rouge Triomphe in the stocking.

如果我丈夫在读这篇文章,我希望在圣诞袜里能有一支Celine的Rouge Triomphe口红。

外刊文章来源,What luxury is telling us 金融时报 2024年12月23日


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