礼物,可以塑造关系并创造回忆 | 今日心理学

时事   2024-12-19 07:58   山东  

The Power of Gifting


Gifts can shape relationships and create memories.


Posted December 16, 2024 |  Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

发表于 2024 年 12 月 16 日 | 由 Gary Drevitch 测评

1. loyalty [ˈlɒɪəltɪ] n. 忠诚,忠贞;忠于……的强烈情感;loyalties

2. evolve [ɪˈvɒlv] v. 进化,演化;逐步发展,逐渐演变;evolves;evolving;evolved;evolved

3. intention [ɪnˈtenʃən] n. 意图,目的,打算;愈合;意念;intentions

4. context [ˈkɒntekst] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境;contexts

5. thoughtful [ˈθɔːtful] adj. 体贴入微的,考虑周到的;沉思的,思考的;缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的

6. excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt] n. 令人激动(或兴奋)的事,刺激因素;激动,兴奋;性兴奋;excitements

7. management [ˈmænɪdʒmənt] n. 经营,管理,安排;管理人员,管理层;(成功的)处理手段,(有效的)处理能力;治疗,监控;欺骗,欺诈;managements

8. gratitude [ˈgrætɪtjuːd] n. 感激之情,感谢

9. obligation [ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃən] n. (法律上或道义上的)义务,责任;恩惠,人情债;(承诺付款等的)合同,契约;必须要做的事情;obligations

10. vital [ˈvaɪtl] adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals

11. nurture [ˈnɜːtʃə] v. 培养,促进;养育,培育;抱有,怀有;扶持,帮助;滋养,滋生 n. 养育,培育;教养;(总称)环境因素;nurtures;nurturing;nurtured;nurtured

12. bond [bɒnd] n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名);bonds;bonds;bonding;bonded;bonded

13. blend [blend] v. (使)混合,调和;(使)协调,融合;调制,配制 n. 混合物;交融,融合;混合词;blends;blends;blending;blended;blended

14. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威;demonstrates;demonstrating;demonstrated;demonstrated

15. affection [əˈfekʃən] n. 喜爱,关爱;爱恋,爱慕之情;精神状况,感情;疾患,病;影响;affections

16. response [rɪsˈpɒns] n. 反应,响应;(口头或书面的)回复,答复;(考试题的)答案;(教堂中人们对牧师所说的话作出的)唱和,应答;responses

17. prestige [presˈtɪːʒ, -ˈtɪːdʒ] n. 声望,威信 adj. 受尊重的,令人敬仰的;贵重的,气派的 【名】 (prestige)(英)普雷斯蒂奇(人名)

18. manipulate [məˈnɪpjəleɪt] v. 操纵,摆布;操作,使用;正骨,推拿;篡改;巧妙地移动(某物),巧妙地处理(某事);校正,转移(储存在计算机上的信息);manipulates;manipulating;manipulated;manipulated

19. expectation [ˌekspekˈteɪʃən] n. 期待,预期;期望,指望;expectations

20. foster [ˈfɒstə] v. 促进,培养;领养,收养 adj. 代养的,寄养的 【名】 (foster) 福斯特(人名)

21. strain [streɪn] n. 焦虑,紧张;负担,紧张;张力,压力;损伤,扭伤;品种,类型;气质,个性特点;旋律,曲调;口吻,语气;(物理)应变,胁变;血缘;困难,负担 v. 拉伤,扭伤;绷紧,用力拉;竭力,使劲;过滤;使不堪忍受,使紧张;用力推(或拉),拉紧 【名】 (strain)(英)斯特兰(人名);strains;strains;straining;strained;strained

22. scarf [skɑːf] n. 围巾,披巾,头巾;(嵌接的)斜面,斜嵌槽;鲸脂的切口 v. 狼吞虎咽地吃;嵌接,斜接(木材,金属);切割(鲸)脂 【名】 (scarf)(英)斯卡夫(人名);scarves;scarfs;scarfs;scarfing;scarfed;scarfed

23. lemon [ˈlemən] n. 柠檬;柠檬汁;柠檬树;柠檬色;废物;蠢人 adj. 浅黄色的,柠檬色的 n. (lemon)(美)莱蒙(人名);lemons

24. seemingly [ˈsɪːmɪŋlɪ] adv. 貌似,看似(但可能并非如此);似乎,好像(是事实)

25. profound [prəˈfaʊnd] adj. (影响)深刻的,极大的;(感情)强烈的,深切的;(思想)深邃的,(见解)深刻的;深的,深处的;完全的;艰深的,玄奥的;(疾病,残疾)严重的

26. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v. 冲击,撞击;挤入,压紧;(对……)产生影响

27. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

28. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

29. affirm [əˈfɜːm] v. 断言,证实;宣称拥护,支持;认可(判决,协议),批准;不宣誓而提供正式证词;给予(某人)情感支持(或鼓励);affirms;affirming;affirmed;affirmed

30. cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ] v. 珍视,珍爱;怀念(过去),抱有(希望);cherishes;cherishing;cherished;cherished

31. negligible [ˈneglɪdʒəbl] adj. 微不足道的,不值一提的

32. reinforce [ˌrɪːɪnˈfɔːs] v. 加强,强化(观点、思想或感觉);加固,使更结实;给……加强力量(或装备),增援;寻求(或得到)增援 n. 加固物;reinforces;reinforcing;reinforced;reinforced

33. instance [ˈɪnstəns] n. 例子,实例 v. 举……为例;instances;instances;instancing;instanced;instanced

34. breakdown [ˈbreɪkdaʊn] n. (汽车或机器的)故障,损坏;(关系的)破裂,(系统的)瘫痪;精神崩溃,(健康、体力等的)衰竭;细目,分类;分解;跺脚曳步舞;breakdowns

35. insult [ˈɪnsʌlt] v. 侮辱,冒犯;损害,危害 n. 侮辱,冒犯;(医)(对组织、器官的)损伤;insults;insults;insulting;insulted;insulted

36. giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. (传说中的)巨人;高大健壮的人;巨兽,巨型植物;大公司,大国;卓越人物,伟人;(天文)巨星 adj. 巨大的,伟大的;giants

37. sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə] n. 雕像,雕塑作品;雕刻艺术,雕塑艺术;(动,植)(贝壳、花粉粒、角质层或其他生物体表面凸起或凹陷的)雕饰,雕纹 v. 雕刻,雕塑;从事雕刻;sculptures;sculptures;sculpturing;sculptured;sculptured

38. intimate [ˈɪntɪmɪt] adj. 亲密的;个人的,隐私的;温馨的,幽静舒适的;详尽的,精通的;密切的,紧密的;有性关系的,暧昧的 v. 透露,暗示;宣布,通告 n. 密友,知己;intimates;intimates;intimating;intimated;intimated

39. stun [stʌn] v. 使震惊,使惊讶;使昏迷,(尤指)打昏;给(某人)以深刻印象,使深深感动 n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;stuns;stunning;stunned;stunned

40. linger [ˈlɪŋgə] v. 继续存留,缓慢消失;流连,逗留;持续看(或思考);苟延残喘;消磨,缓慢度过 【名】 (linger)(法)兰热,(德、捷、瑞典)林格(人名);lingers;lingering;lingered;lingered

41. evoke [ɪˈvəʊk] v. 引起,唤起(感情、记忆或形象);召(魂),唤(神);evokes;evoking;evoked;evoked

42. reservation [ˌrezəˈveɪʃən] n. 保留,保护;(房间,座位等的)预订;(美国印第安人的)居留地,保留地;(野生动物)保护区;(财产转让的)权益保留;圣餐保留(指弥撒完毕后部分圣餐留给病人或作为礼拜之用);存疑,保留;(罗马天主教高级圣职人员的)赦罪权的保留;(教皇的)任命权保留;reservations

43. romantic [rəˈmæntɪk] adj. (人)浪漫的,有情调的;(事物)富有浪漫色彩的,充满浪漫气息的;爱情的,情爱的;不切实际的,空想的;(文学、艺术和音乐)浪漫主义的(romantic) n. 浪漫的人;爱幻想的人,空想者;浪漫主义作家(或音乐家、艺术家)(romantic);romantics

44. session [ˈseʃən] n. (某项活动的)一段时间,一场;(议会等的)会议,(法庭的)开庭;学年,上课时间;(酒吧中)演奏会(尤指演奏爱尔兰音乐);(尤指录音师的)灌录音乐时间;酗酒期;基督教长老会的管理机构 adj. (音乐家)伴奏的;sessions

45. retreat [rɪˈtrɪːt] v. (军队)撤退;后退,离开;(水、雪或土地)范围缩小;隐退,躲避;悔棋;改变意见,改变看法;(股价)下挫,下跌;向后倾 n. 撤军,撤兵;后退,离开;退隐处,静居处;(主意、观点、决定的)改变;(股票)贬值;静修期间(或活动);retreats;retreats;retreating;retreated;retreated

46. jewelry [ˈdʒuːəlrɪ] n. 珠宝,首饰

47. urge [ɜːdʒ] v. 敦促,催促,力劝;竭力主张,强烈要求;驱赶,鞭策;鼓励,激励(~ sb. on. n. 强烈的欲望,冲动;推动力;urges;urges;urging;urged;urged

48. recipient [rɪˈsɪpɪənt] n. 接受者,领受者;接收器,容器 adj. 接受的,容纳的

49. negotiate [nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪt] v. (尤指在商业或政治上)谈判,磋商,洽谈;商定,达成协议;顺利通过,成功越过;解决(难题);议付,洽兑;转让(支票、汇票或票据);negotiates;negotiating;negotiated;negotiated

50. collective [kəˈlektɪv] adj. 集体的,共同的;总的,集合的 n. 集体农庄,集体企业;集合名词;collectives

51. assert [əˈsɜːt] v. 坚称,断言;维护,坚持(权利或权威);坚持自己的主张,表现坚定;生效,起作用;asserts;asserting;asserted;asserted

52. resist [rɪˈzɪst] v. 阻挡,抵制;抵抗,回击;耐得住,抵挡;使不受……的伤害,抗(伤害) n. 保护涂层(防染色、着釉等),防染材料;resists;resists;resisting;resisted;resisted

53. underlie [ˌʌndəˈlaɪ] vt. 构成……的基础,为……的起因;位于……的下面;underlies;underlying;underlay;underlain

54. underlying [ˈʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ] adj. 根本的,潜在的;表面下的,下层的;优先的;(数量或水平)实际的 v. 位于…的下面;构成…的基础(underlie 的现在分词形式)

55. fascinate [ˈfæsɪneɪt] v. (尤指蛇)以眼神震慑(人,动物),使无法动弹;深深吸引,迷住;fascinates;fascinating;fascinated;fascinated

56. inherent [ɪnˈhɪərənt] adj. 内在的,固有的;(权利,特权)固定属于(某人)的;(形容词)作定语和表语时意义相同的

57. dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj. 充满活力的,精力充沛的;动态的,发展变化的;力的,动力的 n. 动力,活力;相互作用,动态;动力学;dynamics

58. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

59. perceive [pəˈsɪːv] vt. 认为,理解;察觉,注意到;意识到;perceives;perceiving;perceived;perceived

60. extravagant [ɪksˈtrævəgənt] adj. 奢侈的,挥霍的;不切实际的,放肆的;豪华的,精美的

61. structure [ˈstrʌktʃə] n. 结构,构造;结构体,(尤指)大型建筑物;周密安排,精心组织;机构,组织,体系 v. 计划,组织,安排;structures;structures;structuring;structured;structured

62. feudal [ˈfjuːdl] adj. 封建制度的;领地的;世仇的

63. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

64. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

65. sentiment [ˈsentɪmənt] n. 观点,看法,情绪;多愁善感,伤感情绪;sentiments

66. elaborate [ɪˈlæbərət] adj. 复杂的,详尽的;精心制作的 v. 详细说明,详尽阐述;精心制作;elaborates;elaborating;elaborated;elaborated

67. wrap [ræp] v. 包,裹,包装;用(手臂、指头或腿)围紧,用……绕住;绕……走;完成拍摄,杀青 ;使(车辆)撞上(固定物体);(使文字)换行 n. 披肩,围巾;包裹(或包装)材料;宽松外套,浴衣;面卷饼(一种三明治,由薄面包包着肉、蔬菜等);拍摄(或录音)结束,停机;(全身覆盖湿布或海草等进行的)皮肤护理;(喻)秘密;一小包白粉(毒品);wraps;wraps;wrapping;wrapped;wrapped

68. vase [vɑːz, veɪs] n. 瓶;花瓶 n. (vase)(塞、罗、芬)瓦塞(人名);vases

Gifts symbolize love, care, or loyalty and can reshape relationships over time. Experiential gifts create powerful memories and deepen emotional connections. The meaning of a gift evolves, shaped by intention, culture, and shared context. Thoughtful gifts matter most, showing care and strengthening close relationships.


For the last two weeks, I’ve been swept up in the usual holiday whirlwind: searching for gifts that feel meaningful for everyone on my list. Some were easy to decide—my toddler’s excitement at a simple toy will light up the room—but others, like choosing something for my in-laws, left me second-guessing myself. Would they find it thoughtful enough? Practical enough?


The truth is, gift-giving is far more than a seasonal tradition or a material exchange. Research shows that gifts hold deep symbolic and emotional significance, serving as tools for connection, care, and even relationship management. A single gift can reflect love, gratitude, or shared memories, while another might create stress or obligations for both giver and receiver.


Gifts play a vital role in managing and nurturing relationships, helping us strengthen bonds, signal commitment, and express emotions that words sometimes fail to convey. Relational gifting focuses on care, connection, and reciprocity, fostering trust and intimacy, while transactional gifting tends to be more self-serving or impersonal. Motivations behind gifts often blend altruism and self-interest—whether we’re showing appreciation, demonstrating affection, or hoping for a particular emotional response. Gifts can be used for expressing love, gratitude, and loyalty, as well as demonstrating power, seeking prestige, or manipulating relationships. Ultimately, the recipient’s reaction determines the success of the exchange. Gifts that align with expectations and relationship context foster positive emotions, while thoughtless or inappropriate choices can strain bonds.


At their best, gifts serve as powerful, unspoken gestures of care. A simple handmade scarf or a lemon tree planted together may not only bring immediate joy but can also reshape how we feel about each other over time, reminding recipients of the giver’s thoughtfulness and connection. Even small, seemingly ordinary gifts can have a profound impact on relationships.


Research shows that receiving a gift can lead to various relational outcomes: A well-chosen gift can strengthen a relationship by expressing commitment or shared meaning, often marking significant milestones like anniversaries or birthdays. Gifts can also affirm the positive qualities of an existing relationship, reminding us of closeness and familiarity—like a cherished book or photo album that symbolizes years of friendship.


Not all gifts carry the same weight, however. Some have a negligible effect when they feel irrelevant or when preexisting bonds are already strong enough to make the gift inconsequential. In other cases, gifts can have unintended consequences. They may reinforce negative qualities in a relationship, such as misunderstanding or a lack of effort, or weaken it by introducing unwanted obligations or sending inappropriate messages. In rare but impactful instances, gifts may even sever ties by symbolizing control, disrespect, or a breakdown of trust. Imagine receiving a gift so inappropriate that it feels more like an insult—like the time a friend proudly gifted me a giant chocolate sculpture of a man’s intimate parts on my wedding day, right in front of the stunned faces of my parents, husband, and in-laws.


Why Experiences Make the Best Memories


When choosing a gift, many of us focus on physical items, but research shows that experiential gifts—like a cooking class, concert tickets, or a shared weekend trip—are especially powerful for relationships. These gifts create moments of joy and shared memories that linger far longer than most material possessions. The magic lies in the emotions we experience. Whether we’re sharing the moment with the giver or enjoying it on our own, experiential gifts evoke stronger feelings of connection. Even small experiences, like a dinner reservation or a surprise day out, can leave a lasting mark. Of all the gifts I gave my parents last year, the ones they cherished most were a romantic photo session and a 3-day spa retreat in a peaceful suburban forest. In contrast, the material gifts I gave—whether a pair of warm socks, a piece of jewelry, or something else—have already faded from memory, even for me.

在选择礼物时,我们中的许多人都关注实物,但研究表明,体验式礼物(如烹饪课、音乐会门票或共享周末旅行)对人际关系特别有效。这些礼物创造了欢乐和共同回忆的时刻,比大多数物质财产的持续时间要长得多。魔力在于我们体验到的情感。无论我们是与送礼者分享这一刻,还是独自享受,体验式礼物都能唤起更强烈的联系感。即使是小小的体验,如晚餐预订或惊喜外出,也可以留下持久的印记。在我去年送给父母的所有礼物中,他们最珍惜的是浪漫的合影和在宁静的郊区森林中为期 3 天的水疗静修。相比之下,我送出的物质礼物——无论是一双温暖的袜子、一件珠宝还是其他东西——都已经从记忆中消失了,甚至对我来说也是如此。

Showing You Care: Thoughtful Gifts Matter Most


We’ve all felt the urge to give a gift that feels personal—something that shows we truly know and understand the recipient. Interestingly, this is especially common in close relationships. Research shows that when giving to close friends or family, we tend to prioritize gifts that signal thoughtfulness and intimacy, even if those gifts don’t perfectly align with the recipient’s stated preferences. For instance, instead of buying the cookbook someone asked for, we might choose a hand-picked baking set because it feels more heartfelt. While practical gifts like those from a registry often satisfy recipients more, the intention behind relationally meaningful gifts shines through.


Gifts Reflect Culture, Care, and Connection


Gifting has always been central to human connection, but it is far more complex than simply exchanging objects. Across cultures and throughout history, gifts have symbolized everything from care and generosity to power, loyalty, and obligation. Anthropologists remind us that gifting is not just about the item itself but about the relationships, intentions, and meanings negotiated between the giver, recipient, and even observers.


Unlike market transactions, gifts occupy a unique space in which social bonds, symbolic gestures, and cultural expectations converge. A gift can strengthen bonds, express gratitude, or create a sense of collective care, but it can also carry strategic significance. Historically, rulers used gifts to assert dominance or secure loyalty, while recipients could redefine their meaning to resist subjugation. Similarly, gifts to religious institutions or political figures often held underlying agendas, transforming material wealth into social or spiritual capital.


What makes gifting so fascinating—and sometimes challenging—is its inherent ambiguity. The meaning of a gift is not fixed but shaped by its cultural context and the power dynamics of the moment. A thoughtful gesture in one setting might be misinterpreted in another, leading to unintended consequences or strained relationships. For example, a gift that is perceived as too extravagant may feel like an obligation, while a modest offering could be seen as a sign of care and sincerity.


Throughout history, the language of gifting has evolved alongside societal structures. In feudal systems, gifts reinforced hierarchical relationships, while in modern economies, they increasingly reflect personal intention and sentiment. Whether elaborate or simple, what ultimately matters most is the intention behind the gift—and the dynamic, evolving connection it represents.


The Gift That Keeps on Giving


As I wrapped the last of my gifts this year, I reminded myself of something simple but important: The perfect gift doesn’t exist. Instead, what truly matters is the thought, care, and connection we bring to the act of giving. Even if a gift isn’t immediately cherished, its meaning can grow over time. A quirky vase or a well-loved sweater might someday remind someone of the love and effort we put into choosing it. This holiday season, let your gifts be symbols of care and connection. Whether it’s a shared experience, a meaningful keepsake, or simply something that brings joy, every thoughtful gift has the power to say, I see you, and you matter to me.

