为什么星巴克在中国“糊”了 | 纽约时报

时事   2024-12-22 07:57   山东  


1. flavor [ˈfleɪvə] n. 情味,风味;香料;滋味 vt. 加味于;flavors;flavors;flavoring;flavored;flavored

2. pose [pəʊz] v. 造成,引起(威胁、危险、问题等);提出(问题);(为照相、画像等)摆好姿势;假扮,冒充(pose as);(举止或穿戴)装腔作势,招摇过市;把……难住,使为难 n. (为拍照、画像等摆的)姿势;故作姿态,装腔作势;poses;poses;posing;posed;posed

3. acute [əˈkjuːt] adj. 严重的,危险的;急性的,剧烈的;灵敏的;敏锐的,有洞察力的;锐角的;带尖音符的;(声音)高的,尖的;acuter;acutest

4. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

5. shortage [ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ] n. 短缺,不足;shortages

6. dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] v. 统治,支配;在……中占首要地位;俯视,高耸于;占绝对优势;dominates;dominating;dominated;dominated

7. practically [ˈpræktɪkəlɪ] adv. 实际地;几乎;事实上

8. thrive [θraɪv] v. 茁壮成长,兴旺,繁荣;(尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以……为乐,可以出色应对;thrives;thriving;thrived;throve;thrived;thriven

9. conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs] adj. 意识到的;神志清醒的,有知觉的;关注的;刻意的,慎重的

10. rival [ˈraɪvəl] n. 竞争对手,敌手;可与之匹敌者,可与之相比的人(或物) v. 与......相匹敌,比得上 adj. 竞争的,对抗的 【名】 (rival)(俄)里瓦尔(人名);rivals;rivals;rivalling;rivaling;rivalled;rivaled;rivalled;rivaled

11. spin [spɪn] v. (使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;(头感到)眩晕;纺纱,纺织;飞驰,疾驰;编故事;有倾向性地陈述;(用甩干机或洗衣机)甩干(衣服);(昆虫)吐(丝),结(网);(用旋式诱饵)钓鱼;播放(唱片);抛(硬币);(球)旋转;(用车床将金属薄板)旋压成形 n. 高速旋转;兜风;带倾向性的解释(或说法);(政治上的)倾向性报道;(尤指板球、网球、斯诺克球中的)旋转球;(飞机的)旋冲,螺旋下降;晕头转向,焦虑不安;(物理)核素总角动量;spins;spins;spinning;spun;spun

12. lower [ˈləʊə] adj. (尤指在同类中处于)较下的,下方的;在底部的,近底部的;次重要的,较低级的;(数字或数量)较小的;向南的;早期的 v. 减少,降低;把……放低,使……降下;降低,贬低(身份);变昏暗,变阴沉;露愠色 adv. 处于较低位置地,向低处下降地 【名】 (lower)(美、英)洛厄(人名);lowers;lowering;lowered;lowered

13. saw [sɔː] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

14. plunge [plʌndʒ] v. (使)突然向前倒下(跌落);猛推,猛插;投入(液体中以使淹没);(价值)猛跌;(剧烈)颠簸,震荡;(马)猛地用后腿直立;陡然向下倾斜;骤然陷入;(鲁莽地)开始;(使)投身,(使)突然开始从事;种下(植物) n. (突然的)坠落;跳水,快速游泳;(价值或数量的)骤然下跌;突然陷入 adj. (女式服装)领口低的(plunging);plunges;plunges;plunging;plunged;plunged

15. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

16. generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] v. 产生,引起;generates;generating;generated;generated

17. revenue [ˈrevənjuː] n. (企业、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)税收;税务局,税务署(the revenue);revenues

18. growth [grəʊθ] n. 成长,生长;增长,发展;肿瘤,赘生物;生长物,产物;种植,栽培 adj. 发展的,增长的;growths

19. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的; 别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

20. spokesman [ˈspəʊksmən] n. (尤指男性)发言人,代言人;spokesmen

21. boom [buːm] n. 繁荣;流行,风靡;隆隆声;吊杆;帆桁;水栅 v. 迅速发展,繁荣;轰鸣,轰响;用低沉的声音说 【名】 (boom)(英、美、荷、俄、比、德)博姆(人名);booms;booms;booming;boomed;boomed

22. estate [ɪˈsteɪt] n. 财产,遗产;大片私有土地,庄园;住宅区,工业区;社会阶层;(生活)状况,条件;estates

23. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

24. labor [ˈleɪbə] n. 劳动;工作;劳工;分娩 vi. 劳动;努力;苦干 vt. 详细分析;使厌烦 n. (labor)人名;(德、塞、法)拉博尔;(英)拉博;labors;labors;laboring;labored;labored

25. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

26. stock [stɒk] n. (商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备物,备用物;储备量,现有量;股本,资本;股份,股票;公债,公债券;家畜,牲畜;家族,世系;(动植物的)类,种类,种群;高汤,原汤;(用作刑具的)手足枷(stocks);(工具的)柄,(尤指)枪托;名声,声望;紫罗兰;接穗,砧木;(草本植物多年生的)根茎,根状茎;(演出几种不同保留剧目的)专业剧团;信任,相信;(铁路上运行的)全部车辆(包括机车、车厢等);(胶卷)原片;(牌戏中)发剩下的牌;(商品的)原材料;锚杆;主轴台,主轴箱(headstock 的简称);尾架,尾座(tailstock 的简称);(作为正式骑马服饰一部分的)白色领结,白色领带;(牧师衣领下系的)黑色领带;船台(stocks) v. (商店或工厂)储备,贮存;为……备货,把……填满;(尤指为某个特定时刻或目的而)备货,囤积;为(枪等火器)装枪托;出新芽 adj. 老一套的,陈腐的;(商店里)常备的,通常有的,库存的;(有关)电影资料镜头的 【名】 (stock)(德、匈、捷)施托克,(英、法、葡、瑞典)斯托克(人名);stocks;stocks;stocking;stocked;stocked

27. tumble [ˈtʌmbl] v. 翻滚,滚落;摔倒,跌倒;倒塌,坍塌;(价格、数量等)暴跌,骤降;(水)滚滚而流;跌跌撞撞地走;翻跟头;(头发)垂落;突然闯入(某地),浑然不觉地进入(某种状态);(因兴奋或伤心而)快速说;(组织或体系突然)瓦解,不复存在;大量移动;弄乱,弄皱;做爱;用滚筒干燥机甩干;用滚净筒把(铸件、宝石矿石等)弄干净 n. 跌倒,滚落;(数量、价值)暴跌;混乱,杂乱;翻跟头;性交;(表认可、感激或感兴趣的)示好;tumbles;tumbles;tumbling;tumbled;tumbled

28. dividend [ˈdɪvɪdend] n. 红利,股息;好处,回报;(足球彩票的)彩金;被除数;dividends

29. category [ˈkætɪgərɪ] n. 种类,范畴;categories

30. clothe [kləʊð] v. 给……穿衣;为……提供衣服;赋予(某人某品质);clothes;clothing;clothed;clad;clothed;clad

31. crush [krʌʃ] v. 压坏,挤压变形;捣碎,碾成粉末;把……挤入,将……塞进(狭小的空间内);(使)变皱,起皱;制服,镇压;使心烦意乱,使消沉 n. 拥挤的人群;(对某人短暂的)热恋,迷恋;迷恋对象;果汁饮料;(牛,羊的)分群栏;crushes;crushes;crushing;crushed;crushed

32. cater [ˈkeɪtə] v. 提供餐饮服务,承办酒席;满足,迎合 【名】 (cater)(英)凯特(人名)

33. costly [ˈkɒstlɪ] adj. 昂贵的,值钱的;造成严重损失的,代价大的 【名】 (costly)(英)科斯特利(人名);costlier

34. favor [ˈfeɪvə] v. 较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料 n. 帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;同意性交;favors;favors;favoring;favored;favored

35. amid [əˈmɪd] prep. 在……过程中,在……中;四周是,被……所环绕 【名】 (amid)(美)阿米德(人名)

36. propaganda [ˌprɒpəˈgændə] n. 宣传,鼓吹;(罗马天主教的)传信部(propaganda)

37. tension [ˈtenʃən] n. 紧张,焦虑;紧张关系,紧张局势;矛盾,冲突;(电线、绳子、肌肉等的)拉紧,绷紧;拉力,张力;(电影、书籍中的)紧张情绪,恐怖气氛;(编织的)针织密度;电压 v. 使拉紧,使紧张;tensions;tensions;tensioning;tensioned;tensioned

38. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

39. impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v. 强制推行,强制实行;把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于;打扰,麻烦;把(活字页)拼版;欺骗;imposes;imposing;imposed;imposed

40. tariff [ˈtærɪf] n. (政府对进出口货物征收的)关税,关税表;(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表;量刑标准 v. 按税率定……的价格;征收关税;tariffs;tariffs;tariffing;tariffed;tariffed

41. escalate [ˈeskəleɪt] v. (使)变得严重,(使)升级;迅速增加,迅速增长;逐步增强,逐步升高;escalates;escalating;escalated;escalated

42. boycott [ˈbɔɪkət] v. 抵制,拒绝参加 n. 抵制行动 【名】 (boycott)博伊科特(人名);boycotts;boycotts;boycotting;boycotted;boycotted

43. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

44. factor [ˈfæktə] n. 因素,要素;等级,系数;因数,因子;遗传因子,基因;(血液中的)凝血因子;代理公司,代理商;地产管理人,管家;测量水平 v. 把……作为因素计入,把……包括在内(factor in);把……作为因素排除,不把……包括在内(factor out);将……分解为因子;代理经营,(代管)产业;做代理商 【名】 (factor)(英)法克特(人名);factors;factors;factoring;factored;factored

45. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

46. momentum [məʊˈmentəm] n. 冲力,推力;动力,势头;动量,冲量;momenta;momentums

47. mostly [ˈməʊstlɪ] adv. 多半,主要地;几乎全部,几乎所有

48. laptop: n. 膝上型轻便电脑,笔记本电脑;laptops

49. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

50. estimate [ˈestɪmeɪt] v. 估计;判断,评价 n. 估计,估价;估价单;看法,判断;estimates;estimates;estimating;estimated;estimated

51. spoil [spɔɪl] v. 破坏,糟蹋;溺爱,宠坏;善待,格外关照;(食物)变质,腐败;使(选票)作废;极度渴望,跃跃欲试;抢劫(人,地方),掠夺 n. 赃物,战利品(the spoils);成功所带来的好处(spoils);(开掘时挖出的)废土,废泥土;spoils;spoils;spoiling;spoilt;spoiled;spoilt;spoiled

52. competitive [kəmˈpetɪtɪv] adj. 竞争的;好竞争的,好胜的;有竞争力的

53. launch [lɔːntʃ, lɑːntʃ] v. 发动,发起;上市,发行;使(船或舰)下水;发射(武器或宇宙飞船);启动(计算机程序);投出,用力扔出;使投身于(事业等);起飞,出海 n. (航天器的)发射;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起;汽艇,游艇;(新产品,出版物)发布会,推介会;launches;launches;launching;launched;launched

54. instance [ˈɪnstəns] n. 例子,实例 v. 举……为例;instances;instances;instancing;instanced;instanced

55. spacious [ˈspeɪʃəs] adj. (房间或建筑物)宽敞的;无边无际的

56. couch [kaʊtʃ] n. 长沙发,长榻;诊察台 v. 表达,措辞;躺下,躺卧;平端(矛或枪)(准备攻击);用下压及后压晶状体的方式治疗(白内障);贴线缝绣 【名】 (couch)(英)库奇(人名);couches;couches;couching;couched;couched

57. investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n. 投资;值得买的东西;(时间、精力的)投入;包围,封锁;investments

58. exclusive [ɪksˈkluːsɪv] adj. 独有的,专用的;高档的,昂贵的;不含……的;排外的;排斥的;全部的;唯一关心的;(新闻或报道)独家的;(条款)除外责任的;高级的,昂贵的 n. 独家新闻,独家报道;exclusives

59. hut [hʌt] n. (简陋的)小屋;(花园中的)木屋,(建筑工人等住的)临时工棚 v. 供给……小屋 【名】 (hut)(阿拉伯、罗、塞)胡特 (人名);huts;huts;hutting;hutted;hutted

60. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings

61. upgrade [ˈʌpgreɪd] v. (使)(计算机、机器或软件)升级;提高(设施、服务等的)档次,改善;(使)升级到更高待遇,(使)升舱;使(雇员)升职;使(某事物)升格 n. 改善,提高档次;(计算机的)升级;上坡 adj. 往上的 adv. 往上;upgrades;upgrades;upgrading;upgraded;upgraded

62. tactic [ˈtæktɪk] n. 策略,手法;战术,兵法(tactics) adj. 按顺序的,依次排列的;tactics

63. provided [prɜːˈvaɪdɪd] conj. 假如,只要,在……条件下 v. 提供;规定;为(可能事件)作充分准备(provide 的过去式和过去分词形式)

64. coupon [ˈkuːpɒn] n. 赠券,优惠券;(剪自报刊的)参赛表,订货单;(债券的)息票;(尤指战时食品、衣服或其他商品的)配给券,票证;(固定利息证券的)票面利率;(足球博彩或其他比赛的)彩票;脸,面孔;coupons;coupons;couponing;couponed;couponed

65. giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. (传说中的)巨人;高大健壮的人;巨兽,巨型植物;大公司,大国;卓越人物,伟人;(天文)巨星 adj. 巨大的,伟大的;giants

66. domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

67. lunar [ˈljuːnə] adj. 月亮的,月球的;银的;阴历的;似月的,月牙形的 【名】 (lunar)(西)卢纳尔(人名)

68. release [rɪˈlɪːs] v. 释放,放走;使出院;把(动物)放生;解救;放开;拉开,松开(装置);发射,投(弹);公布,发布;发行,上映;表达,发泄;释放,排放(物质); 解除(职务或工作),解雇;放弃,让予;使不紧张;开放,解禁 n. (人或动物的)释放,放出;排放,泄漏;(设备的)松开,拉开;释放装置(如按、拉的装置);表达,宣泄;解脱,轻松感;放松的机会;新发行的东西;公开,发布;公映;(责任等的)免除,解除;免责书; 放弃,让予;放弃文书; 传球;releases;releases;releasing;released;released

Starbucks has a China problem: coffee and tea drinkers who want more for less.


Vivian Yan tried her first Starbucks coffee eight years ago. She was desperate for a jolt of caffeine at work, and the store was nearby. “It didn’t necessarily mean I love Starbucks,” she said, “nor was it my first choice.”


These days, she thinks a cup of Starbucks is a little too expensive and prefers to get her coffee from McDonald’s. But what she really loves is ChaGee, HeyTea and other Chinese chains that sell coconut milk lattes, boba milk teas with cheese cream and sugary jasmine tea frappés. “They are delicious and offer more choices,” said Ms. Yan, 35, who is from China’s eastern province of Jiangsu.


Ms. Yan’s preference for more diverse flavors poses an acute challenge for Starbucks. It is losing customers at a rapid pace. Brian Niccol, the new chief executive, sounded the alarm in October, calling the competition “extreme” in the company’s second-biggest market behind the United States.


第一,学习desperate的用法。这个词做形容词,表示needing or wanting something very much,非常需要…的,极其需要…的,例:The team is desperate for a win. 这支球队急需一场胜利。

第二,学习acute的用法。这个词做形容词,表示an acute problem is very serious,严重的,例:The housing shortage is more acute than first thought. 住房短缺情况比一开始想的要严重。

第三,学习raise/sound the alarm的用法。这个词组表示to warn people that something bad is happening,发出警报,例:Neighbours raised the alarm when they smelled smoke. 邻居闻到烟味便发出了警报。

When Starbucks opened its first shop in China in 1999, tea dominated and coffee culture was practically nonexistent. But the company quickly built a thriving market alongside a swelling middle class that was turning to iPhones, Gucci handbags and other international brands to signal its newfound wealth.


Today, consumers are less interested in foreign brands, more cost conscious and enticed by local rivals that are popping up on corners all around the country offering something a little different. Dozens of competitors to Starbucks spin out new flavors of tea and coffee every week, at lower prices, creating competition so ferocious that Starbucks saw a 14 percent plunge in same-store sales in China in its most recent financial quarter.


Luckin Coffee, a Chinese brand that started seven years ago, now generates more revenue in the country than Starbucks. It has nearly three times as many stores, and opens a new one, on average, every hour.


第一,学习entice的用法。这个词做及物动词,表示to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want,诱惑;诱使,例:The birds were enticed back into Britain 40 years ago. 那些鸟在40年前被引回英国。

第二,学习spin out的用法。这个词组表示to use money, food etc as carefully and slowly as possible, because you do not have very much of it,尽可能延长使用〔钱、食物等〕,例:I’ve only got £10 left, so we’ll have to spin it out over the whole week. 我只剩10英镑,所以我们必须省着用,过完这一周。

第三,学习swell的用法。这个词做不及物动词,表示to increase in amount or number,(使)增加,(使)增多,(使)增大,例:The crowd swelled to around 10,000. 人群增加到一万人左右。

Mr. Niccol, who took over as Starbucks’s chief executive in September, has to not only figure out how to help the coffee chain regain its footing in the United States, where its 17,000 stores generated $26.7 billion in revenue last year, but also find a solution in China, where its 7,600 stores bring in around $3 billion in annual sales.


In China, “we need to figure out how we grow in the market now and into the future,” Mr. Niccol told Wall Street analysts on an earnings call in October. That growth could come with the help of a strategic partner, he added.


Starbucks declined to make any executives available for this article.


“We have a world-class team and a strong brand in China, and we see significant long-term growth potential in the market,” Marc Birtel, a spokesman for the company, said in an emailed statement.


第一,学习footing的用法。这个词做名词,表示the conditions or arrangements on which something is based,状况;基础;立足之本,例:He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing. 他想长久维系他们的关系。

Starbucks is hardly the only foreign company grappling with China. Brands that once looked at the country as a booming growth market are wrestling with slower demand for their products. Consumers remain stubbornly unwilling to spend money, shaken by a real estate crisis and weak labor market that have been a drag on China’s economy.


In early December, General Motors said it would take a more than $5 billion hit to its profits as it restructured its ailing China operations, which have been losing money as its car sales here have dropped sharply. Estée Lauder’s stock tumbled 21 percent in one day after the beauty company cut its dividend and pulled its 2025 forecast because of uncertainty over China’s economy.


In almost all categories, homegrown companies are willing to price their cars, coffee and clothing at steep discounts to crush the competition.


Starbucks has diversified its menus in China, offering more milk teas and flavors that cater to local tastes, but they are typically more costly than their competitors and have occasionally missed the mark.


Many young consumers in China are also eschewing foreign brands in favor of Chinese companies amid a wave of nationalism known as guochao, or Chinese fad. The country’s leaders have a history of dialing up the patriotism with propaganda during moments of tension with other countries. If President-elect Donald J. Trump follows through on his promise to impose tariffs on all products going into the United States from China, the government in Beijing could turn on American brands.


In a nod to this, Starbucks, which offers more American-centric drinks like Pumpkin Spice Latte in its stores in China, recently said its business faced risks from “escalating U.S.-China tension and increased anti-Americanism, potential tariff increases, retaliations, restrictive regulations or boycotts, and increasing political sensitivities in China.”


The sense of patriotism is an increasingly important factor for foreign brands, according to Jin Lu, a public relations expert who has worked with many multinational brands in China, including PepsiCo and McKinsey.


“This momentum of China nationalism has grown very, very strong,” Mr. Lu said. “People tend to think: ‘OK, this country is stronger and the second largest economy. Do we really need this foreign investment?’”


At a Starbucks in Hong Kong in December, Liu Ning, 47, who was visiting from the northern Chinese city of Zhengzhou, begrudgingly ordered a matcha latte. He was tired from shopping and needed a place to sit.


“The coffee at Starbucks tastes terrible and has an industrial feel,” Mr. Liu said. The restaurant was mostly empty except for a few tables occupied by students and some workers on their laptops.


But just around the corner, dozens of people stood outside ChaGee, a Starbucks competitor, waiting for Lapsang Souchong tea lattes and Da Hong Pao snowy frappés. They posed in front of the sign and took photos of their red and blue takeaway cups, posting to their social media accounts about the quality and price, which was generally cheaper than drinks from Starbucks.


China now has more coffee shops than the United States, according to the World Coffee Portal, a market research firm. The market grew 25 percent from 2018 to 2023, according to Bain & Company estimates.

据市场研究公司World Coffee Portal的数据,中国目前的咖啡店数量已超过美国。据贝恩公司估计,中国的咖啡市场在2018到2023年间增长了25%。

“Chinese consumers are very spoiled in some ways because it is a very competitive market and all the suppliers are trying to make consumers happy with new launches,” said Nancy Zheng, a partner at Bain in Shanghai.


Luckin, for instance, goes through about 60 new products each year, offering a new drink every week. Its new coconut latte sells nearly $140 million worth annually, Ms. Zheng said.


With its spacious stores and couches, Starbucks is often still the place where professionals meet to talk deals, students go to study or tired shoppers find respite. This, in some ways, positions Starbucks in a different category from its competitors, which tend to have smaller storefronts that focus on churning out orders made on smartphone apps.


Starbucks is “still a strong brand,” said Fred Hu, founder of the investment firm Primavera Capital and an nonexecutive chairman of Yum China, the exclusive licensee of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell brands in the country. “There is no reason they cannot succeed going forward.”


“But,” he added, “they do need to make changes.” Those could include finding a local partner or spinning off the China business, as Yum did in 2016. Depending on the direction Mr. Niccol takes, Primavera Capital could be a future suitor for a partnership.


Whatever Mr. Niccol ends up doing, time may be running out, experts said.


This year, Howard Schultz, Starbucks’s former chief executive, insisted that the coffee chain would not enter a price war in China. “As customers become more knowledgeable about coffee, they will want to upgrade from lower-end or discounted products,” he said in a talk at Fudan University in Shanghai. “As long as we continue to earn the market’s respect, they will choose to upgrade to Starbucks.”


At the same time, the company has been trying some of the tactics used by its local competitors. It ramped up promotions and provided coupons throughout much of the summer. The coffee giant also began to follow domestic competitors like Luckin and Cotti into smaller cities. During the Lunar New Year holiday this year, Starbucks released a pork flavor latte. It cost more than $9 and was widely seen as a disaster.


“They are the first coffee brand in China, so definitely it’s going to be challenging to defend their position because all the new products are taking their customers,” Ms. Zheng said.


Starbucks, she added, has “lost a lot customers to Chinese brands.”


外刊文章来源,纽约时报 为什么星巴克在中国“糊”了 Starbucks Has a Pumpkin Spice Latte Problem in China 2024年12月20日


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