编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(8.19-8.25)共发布 30 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送中间 10 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Spooky Boundaries at a Distance: Inductive Bias, Dynamic Models, and Behavioral Macro
Mahdi E. Kahou, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Sebastian Gomez-Cardona, Jesse Perla, and Jan Rosa #32850
Abstract: In the long run, we are all dead. Nonetheless, when studying the short-run dynamics of economic models, it is crucial to consider boundary conditions that govern long-run, forward-looking behavior, such as transversality conditions. We demonstrate that machine learning (ML) can automatically satisfy these conditions due to its inherent inductive bias toward finding flat solutions to functional equations. This characteristic enables ML algorithms to solve for transition dynamics, ensuring that long-run boundary conditions are approximately met. ML can even select the correct equilibria in cases of steady-state multiplicity. Additionally, the inductive bias provides a foundation for modeling forward-looking behavioral agents with self-consistent expectations.
The Consumer Welfare Effects of Online Ads: Evidence from a 9-Year Experiment
Erik Brynjolfsson, Avinash Collis, Asad Liaqat, Daley Kutzman, Haritz Garro, Daniel Deisenroth, and Nils Wernerfelt #32846
Abstract: Research on the causal effects of online advertising on consumer welfare is limited due to challenges in running large-scale field experiments and tracking effects over extended periods. We analyze a long-running field experiment of online advertising in which a random 0.5% subset of all users are assigned to a group that does not ever see ever ads. We recruit a representative sample of Facebook users in the ads and no-ads groups and estimate their welfare gains from using Facebook using a series of incentive-compatible choice experiments. We find no significant differences in welfare gains from Facebook. Our estimates are relatively precisely estimated reflecting our large sample size (53,166 participants). Specifically, the minimum detectable difference in median valuations at standard thresholds is $3.18/month compared to a baseline valuation of $31.95/month for giving up access to Facebook. That is, we can reject the hypothesis that the median disutility from advertising exceeds 10% of the median baseline valuation. Our findings suggest that either the disutility of ads for consumers is relatively small, or that there are offsetting benefits, such as helping consumers find products and services of interest.
Political Partisanship and Remote Work: Evidence from U.S. States
Benjamin W. Cowan and Kairon Shayne D. Garcia #32834
Abstract: We examine how politics and policy have affected remote-work rates in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the Current Population Survey, American Community Survey, and the American Time Use Survey, which have several different measures of remote work, we examine how trends in remote work vary by state-level characteristics. We show that state-level measures of the length and stringency of COVID protection policies are not correlated with changes in remote work from before to after the pandemic once a measure of political partisanship (Democratic vote share in the 2020 presidential election) is included in the model. An increase in 2020 Democratic vote share of one standard deviation (about 9 percentage points) is related to an increase in the likelihood of remote work by 1-2 percentage points and the share of remote work by about 3-5 percent. These effects represent roughly 15-25% of pre-COVID means. These results are robust to the inclusion of not only a rich set of individual controls (e.g., occupational telework potential) but also several different state-level controls, including COVID policy indices, cases and deaths, vaccination rates, and economic performance indicators. We conclude that relative increases in remote work across states that are associated with a higher 2020 Democratic vote share cannot be easily explained by differences in COVID-era policies or outcomes or differences in the nature of jobs across states.
Why Do Europeans Save? Micro-Evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey
Charles Yuji Horioka and Luigi Ventura #32838
Abstract: We analyze the saving motives of European households using micro-data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS), which is conducted by the European Central Bank. We find that the rank ordering of saving motives differs greatly depending on what criterion is used to rank them. For example, we find that the precautionary motive is the most important saving motive of European households when the proportion of households saving for each motive is used as the criterion to rank them but that the retirement motive is the most important saving motive of European households if the quantitative importance of each motive is taken into account. Moreover, the generosity of social safety nets seems to affect the importance of each saving motive, with saving for the retirement motive being less important in countries with generous public pension benefits and saving for the precautionary motive being less important in countries with generous health systems. These findings suggest that the retirement motive and the precautionary motive are the dominant motives for saving in Europe partly because social safety nets are not fully adequate. Finally, our findings suggest that the selfish life-cycle model is more applicable in Europe than is the altruism model.
Managing Margins: PE Effects on Financial, Physical, and Human Capital
Michael R. Richards, Maggie Shi, and Christopher M. Whaley #32840
Abstract: Private equity (PE) plays an increasingly important role in the modern US economy. However, its impacts on owned-firms are incompletely understood. We exploit a historically large leveraged buyout of a national hospital chain to examine how the full life cycle of PE influences hospital-level revenues, technology sourcing, labor use, and financial performance. We find permanent improvements in hospital volumes and revenues. PE also reduces growth in full-time employees, with a suggestive partial substitution toward part-time workers. Technology adoption is restrained, but the number of vendors expands. Overall, PE has nuanced effects on hospital management, which translate to improved operating margins.
Who Benefits from Retirement Saving Incentives in the U.S.? Evidence on Gaps in Retirement Wealth Accumulation by Race and Parental Income
Taha Choukhmane, Jorge Colmenares, Cormac O'Dea, Jonathan L. Rothbaum, and Lawrence D.W. Schmidt #32843
Abstract: U.S. employers and the federal government devote over 1.5% of GDP annually toward promoting defined contribution (DC) retirement saving. Using a new employer-employee linked dataset covering millions of Americans, we show that this system of saving incentives benefits White workers and those with richer parents more than their similar-income coworkers who are Black or Hispanic or from lower-income families. Breaking the link between contribution choices and saving subsidies—through revenue-neutral reforms—could close the gaps in DC wealth between White and Black or Hispanic workers and between those with the richest and those with the poorest parents by approximately one-third.
Credit When You Need It
Benjamin L. Collier, Daniel A. Hartley, Benjamin J. Keys, and Jing Xian Ng #32845
Abstract: We estimate the causal effect of emergency credit on households' finances after a negative shock. To do so, we link application data from the U.S. Federal Disaster Loan program, which provides loans to households that have uninsured damages from a federally-declared natural disaster, to a panel of credit records before and after the shock. We exploit a discontinuity in the loan approval rules that led applicants with debt-to-income ratios below 40% to be differentially likely to be approved. Using an instrumented difference-in-differences research design, we find that credit provision at the time of a shock significantly reduces severe financial distress, decreasing the likelihood of filing for bankruptcy by 61% in the three years following the disaster. We explore mechanisms using additional quasi-experimental variation in interest rates, finding support for a liquidity-based explanation. Credit provision in a time of crisis has real consumption effects in the form of additional car purchases even 3 years after loan receipt. Our findings suggest that well-timed liquidity provided to households in acute need can have substantial and persistent positive effects.
A Business Case for Human Rights at Work? Experimental Evidence on Labor Trafficking and Child Labor at Brick Kilns in Bangladesh
Grant Miller, Debashish Biswas, Aprajit Mahajan, Kimberly Singer Babiarz, Nina R. Brooks, Jessie Brunner, Sania Ashraf, Jack Shane, Sameer Maithel, Shoeb Ahmed, Moogdho Mahzab, Mohammad Rofi Uddin, Mahbubur Rahman, and Stephen P. Luby #32829
Abstract: Globally, coercive labor (i.e., forced, bonded, and/or trafficked labor) and child labor are disproportionately prevalent in environments with weak regulatory enforcement and state capacity. Effective strategies for addressing them may therefore need to align with the private incentives of business owners, not relying on government action alone. Recognizing this, we test a ‘business case’ for improving work conditions and promoting human rights using a randomized controlled trial across nearly 300 brick kilns in Bangladesh. Among study kilns, rates of coercive and child labor are high: about 50% of sampled workers are trafficked, and about 70% of kilns use child labor. Our experiment introduced a production method that increased kiln productivity and revenue, and we test if these productivity gains in turn increase worker “compensation” (including better work conditions). Because adoption of the method requires important changes in worker routines, we also test if providing information to kiln owners about positively incentivizing workers to enhance adoption (and hence business revenue) can lead to better work conditions. We find no evidence that productivity gains alone reduced labor trafficking or child labor, but adding the information intervention reduced child labor by 25-30% without reducing revenue or increasing costs.
Reducing Emissions and Air Pollution from the Informal Sector: Evidence from Bangladesh
Nina R. Brooks, Debashish Biswas, Sameer Maithel, Grant Miller, Aprajit Mahajan, M. Rofi Uddin, Shoeb Ahmed, Moogdho Mahzab, Mahbubur Rahman, and Stephen P. Luby #32794
Abstract: We present results from a randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh that introduced operational practices to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions in 276 “zigzag” brick kilns. 65% of intervention kilns adopted the improved practices. Treatment assignment reduced energy use by 10.3% (p-value<0.001) and decreased CO2 and PM2.5 emissions by 171 metric tons and 0.45 metric tons, respectively, per kiln per year. Valuing the CO2 reductions using a social cost of carbon of $185/MT, we find that the social benefits outweigh costs by a factor of 190 to 1. The intervention, which required no new capital investment, also decreased fuel costs and increased brick quality. Our results demonstrate the potential for privately profitable, as well as publicly beneficial, improvements to address environmental problems in informal industries.
Disemployment Effects of Unemployment Insurance: A Meta-Analysis
Jonathan P. Cohen and Peter Ganong #32832
Abstract: We systematically review studies of how unemployment benefits affect unemployment duration. Statistically significant findings are eleven times more likely to be published. Correcting for publication bias halves the average elasticity. Meta-analysis provides a principled way for sufficient statistics methods to aggregate estimates across policy contexts and speak to the optimality of large reforms. Although existing consumption drop-based approaches typically imply an optimal replacement rate near zero, our corrected estimates imply an optimal replacement rate of 28%. The "micro" elasticity is equal to the "macro" elasticity, suggesting that general equilibrium effects are unimportant or cancel out.