
文摘   财经   2024-09-20 13:32   北京  

者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(9.16-9.22)共发布 36 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送最后 11 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。


Climate Capitalists


Niels Joachim Gormsen, Kilian Huber, and Sangmin Simon Oh #32933

Abstract: Firms' perceived cost of green capital has decreased since the rise of sustainable investing. Green and brown firms perceived their cost of capital to be the same before 2016, but after the post-2016 surge in sustainable investing, green firms perceived their cost of capital to be on average 1 percentage point lower. This difference has widened as sustainable investing has intensified. Within some of the largest energy and utility firms, managers have started applying a lower cost of capital to greener divisions. The changes in the perceived cost of green capital incentivize cross-firm and within-firm reallocation of capital toward greener investments.


limate Change through the Lens of Macroeconomic Modeling


Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Kenneth Gillingham, and Simon Scheidegger #32963

Abstract: There is a rapidly advancing literature on the macroeconomics of climate change. This review focuses on developments in the construction and solution of structural integrated assessment models (IAMs), highlighting the marriage of state-of-the-art natural science with general equilibrium theory. We discuss challenges in solving dynamic stochastic IAMs with sharp nonlinearities, multiple regions, and multiple sources of risk. Key innovations in deep learning and other machine learning approaches overcome many computational challenges and enhance the accuracy and relevance of policy findings. We conclude with an overview of recent applications of IAMs and key policy insights.


Inclusive Teaching: Spotting Social Isolation in the Classroom


Sule Alan, Michela Carlana, and Marinella Leone #32954

Abstract: We evaluate an intervention designed to increase teachers’ awareness of social isolation by providing them with their own students’ social network and information on developmental risks associated with social exclusion. Using friendship data and incentive-compatible measures of antisocial and prosocial behavior, we find that the intervention reduces social isolation and antisocial behavior without improving prosocial behavior. The reduction in antisocial behavior leads to better economic outcomes in treated classrooms, measured by average payoffs and the Gini coefficient. Our findings highlight the personal and communal benefits of alleviating social exclusion and antisocial peer relationships in schools.


 Information and Market Power in DeFi Intermediation


Pablo D. Azar, Adrian Casillas, and Maryam Farboodi #32949

Abstract: This paper considers the “DeFi intermediation chain”—the market structure that underlies the creation and distribution of ETH, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum—to examine how information asymmetry shapes intermediation rents. We argue that using proof-of-stake blockchain technology in DeFi leads to a novel limit to arbitrage, arising from the tension between arbitrageurs' privacy needs and blockchain transparency. Using a new dataset which distinguishes private and public transactions in Ethereum, we find that a 1% increase in private information advantage leads to a 1.4% increase in intermediaries' profit share. We develop a dynamic bargaining model that predicts information market power stems exclusively from participants' private information advantage. Our analysis illustrates how blockchain technology can sustain arbitrage opportunities despite low entry barriers.


Hell with the Lid Off: Racial Segregation and Environmental Equity in America’s Most Polluted City


H. Spencer Banzhaf, William Mathews, and Randall Walsh #32950

Abstract: This study examines the relationship between racial segregation and environmental equity in Pittsburgh from 1910 to 1940. Utilizing newly digitized historical data on the spatial distribution of air pollution in what was likely America's most polluted city, we analyze how racial disparities in exposure to air pollution evolved during this period of heightening segregation. Our findings reveal that black residents experienced significantly higher levels of pollution compared to their white counterparts, and this disparity increased over time. We identify within-city moves as a critical factor exacerbating this inequity, with black movers facing increased pollution exposure. We also provide evidence of the capitalization of air pollution into housing markets. Taken as a whole, our results underscore the importance of considering environmental factors in discussions of racial and economic inequalities.


Data Privacy for Record Linkage and Beyond


Shurong Lin and Eric Kolaczyk #32940

Abstract: In a data-driven world, two prominent research problems are record linkage and data privacy, among others. Record linkage is essential for improving decision-making by integrating information of the same entities from different sources. On the other hand, data privacy research seeks to balance the need to extract accurate insights from data with the imperative to protect the privacy of the entities involved. Inevitably, data privacy issues arise in the context of record linkage. This article identifies two complementary aspects at the intersection of these two fields: (1) how to ensure privacy during record linkage and (2) how to mitigate privacy risks when releasing the analysis results after record linkage. We specifically discuss privacy-preserving record linkage, differentially private regression, and related topics.


Social Status, Economic Development and Female Labor Force (Non) Participation


Kaivan Munshi and Swapnil Singh #32946

Abstract: This research provides a status-based explanation for the persistent increase in female labor force non-participation (FLFNP) that often accompanies economic development. This explanation is based on the idea that households or ethnic groups in developing economies can signal their wealth, and thereby increase their social status, by withdrawing their women from the labor force. If the value of social status or the willingness to bear the signaling cost is increasing with economic development, then this would explain the persistent increase in FLFNP. To provide empirical support for this argument, we utilize two independent sources of exogenous variation—across Indian districts in the cross-section and within districts over time—to establish that status considerations determine rural FLFNP. Our status-based model, which is used to derive the preceding tests, is able to match the increase in rural Indian FLFNP that motivates our analysis. Counterfactual simulations of the estimated model indicate that conventional policy prescriptions, such as a reduction in the cost of female education, could {\em raise} FLFNP by increasing potential household incomes and, hence, the willingness to compete for social status. The steep increase in female education in recent decades could paradoxically have increased FLFNP in India even further.


Optimal Financing of Government Purchases


Andrew B. Abel and Stavros Panageas #32961

Abstract: We characterize a planner's optimal allocation of consumption and capital in an overlapping generations model with exogenous government purchases, privately-observed idiosyncratic shocks to the depreciation rate of capital, and a proportional cost of reversing investment to transform used capital to consumption. We show how a package of various taxes and government bonds can finance government purchases and support the same balanced growth path as in the planner's optimum. The optimal tax rate on capital income implements the planner's optimal (but incomplete) sharing of idiosyncratic depreciation risks, while respecting the private nature of these risks.


Minimum Wages in the 21st Century


Arindrajit Dube and Attila S. Lindner #32878

Abstract: This chapter surveys the literature on the impact of minimum wages on low-wage labor markets. We describe and critically review the empirical methods in the new minimum wage literature, particularly those leveraging quasi-experimental variation. We provide a quantitative overview of the most recent evidence on the employment and wage effects of the policy, while also exploring emerging research on its impact on other margins, including amenities, other inputs (such as capital and high-skilled workers), firm entry and exit, output prices and demand, profits, and productivity. This approach allows us to present a comprehensive picture of how minimum wage policies affect firms, workers, and labor markets. We also review the evidence on the policy’s impact on wage inequality and income distribution. Finally, we discuss how these effects can vary depending on the economic context and the level of a country’s development.


Inflation Expectation and Cryptocurrency Investment


Lin William Cong, Pulak Ghosh, Jiasun Li, and Qihong Ruan #32945

Abstract: Using proprietary data from the predominant cryptocurrency exchange in India together with the country's Household Inflation Expectations Survey, we document a significantly positive association between inflation expectations and individual cryptocurrency purchases. Higher inflation expectations are also associated with more new investors in cryptocurrencies. We investigate investment heterogeneity in multiple dimensions, and find the effect to be concentrated in Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT) trading. The results are robust after controlling for speculative demand captured by surveys of investors' expected cryptocurrency returns, and admit causal interpretations as confirmed using multiple instrumental variables. Our findings provide direct evidence that households already adopt cryptocurrencies for inflation hedging, which in turn rationalizes their high adoption in developing countries without a globally dominant currency.


Perpetual Futures Pricing


Damien Ackerer, Julien Hugonnier, and Urban Jermann #32936

Abstract: Perpetual futures are contracts without expiration date in which the anchoring of the futures price to the spot price is ensured by periodic funding payments from long to short. We derive explicit expressions for the no-arbitrage price of various perpetual contracts, including linear, inverse, and quantos futures in both discrete and continuous-time. In particular, we show that the futures price is given by the risk-neutral expectation of the spot sampled at a random time that reflects the intensity of the price anchoring. Furthermore, we identify funding specifications that guarantee the coincidence of futures and spot prices, and show that for such specifications perpetual futures contracts can be replicated by dynamic trading in primitive securities.





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【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
