
文摘   财经   2024-09-16 16:57   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(9.16-9.22)共发布 36 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 12 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Firm Productivity and Learning in the Digital Economy: Evidence from Cloud Computing


James M. Brand, Mert Demirer, Connor Finucane, and Avner A. Kreps #32938

Abstract: Computing technologies have become critical inputs to production in the modern firm. However, there is little large-scale evidence on how efficiently firms use these technologies. In this paper, we study firm productivity and learning in cloud computing by leveraging CPU utilization data from over one billion virtual machines used by nearly 100,000 firms. We find large and persistent heterogeneity in compute productivity both across and within firms, similar to canonical results in the literature. More productive firms respond better to demand fluctuations, show higher attentiveness to resource utilization, and use a wider variety of specialized machines. Notably, productivity is dynamic as firms learn to be more productive over time. New cloud adopters improve their productivity by 33% in their first year and reach the productivity level of experienced firms within four years. In our counterfactual calculations, we estimate that raising all firms to the 80th percentile of productivity would reduce aggregate electricity usage by 17%.



The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Household Expectations and Spending


Olena Kostyshyna and Luba Petersen #32939

Abstract: We use a new Canadian household survey to examine how inflation uncertainty influences inflation expectations and spending. Through randomized information interventions, we provide inflation statistics with or without second moments, creating variations in households' inflation uncertainty. All information types effectively lower inflation expectations and uncertainty. While communicating inflation uncertainty does not affect expectations or uncertainty levels, it increases the probability assigned to expected inflation near communicated ranges. Using Nielsen IQ Homescanner data, we find that higher inflation expectations and uncertainty reduce household spending on goods. Communicating inflation statistics with ranges increases spending by lowering expectations and reducing uncertainty.



Patent Text and Long-Run Innovation Dynamics: The Critical Role of Model Selection


Ina Ganguli, Jeffrey Lin, Vitaly Meursault, and Nicholas F. Reynolds #32934

Abstract: As distorted maps may mislead, Natural Language Processing (NLP) models may misrepresent. How do we know which NLP model to trust? We provide comprehensive guidance for selecting and applying NLP representations of patent text. We develop novel validation tasks to evaluate several leading NLP models. These tasks assess how well candidate models align with both expert and non-expert judgments of patent similarity. State-of-the-art language models significantly outperform traditional approaches such as TF-IDF. Using our validated representations, we measure a secular decline in contemporaneous patent similarity: inventors are “spreading out” over an expanding knowledge frontier. This finding is corroborated by declining rates of multiple invention from newly-digitized historical patent interference records. In contrast, selecting another single representation without validating alternatives yields an ambiguous or even opposing trend. Thus, our framework addresses a fundamental challenge of selecting among different black-box NLP models that produce varying economic measurements. To facilitate future research, we plan to provide our validation task data and embeddings for all US patents from 1836–2023.



Why Do Workers Dislike Inflation? Wage Erosion and Conflict Costs


Joao Guerreiro, Jonathon Hazell, Chen Lian, and Christina Patterson #32956

Abstract: How costly is inflation to workers? Answers to this question have focused on the path of real wages during inflationary periods. We argue that workers must take costly actions (“conflict”) to have nominal wages catch up with inflation, meaning there are welfare costs even if real wages do not fall as inflation rises. We study a menu-cost style model, where workers choose whether to engage in conflict with employers to secure a wage increase. We show that, following a rise in inflation, wage catchup resulting from more frequent conflict does not raise welfare. Instead, the impact of inflation on worker welfare is determined by what we term “wage erosion”—how inflation would lower real wages if workers' conflict decisions did not respond to inflation. As a result, measuring welfare using observed wage growth understates the costs of inflation. We conduct a survey showing that workers are willing to sacrifice 1.75% of their wages to avoid conflict. Calibrating the model to the survey data, the aggregate costs of inflation incorporating conflict more than double the costs of inflation via falling real wages alone.



Lee Bounds With Multilayered Sample Selection

带有多层样本选择的Lee Bounds方法

Kory Kroft, Ismael Mourifié, and Atom Vayalinkal #32952

Abstract: This paper investigates the causal effect of job training on wage rates in the presence of firm heterogeneity. When training affects worker sorting to firms, sample selection is no longer binary but is “multilayered”. This paper extends the canonical Heckman (1979) sample selection model - which assumes selection is binary - to a setting where it is multilayered, and shows that in this setting Lee bounds set identifies a total effect that combines a weighted-average of the causal effect of job training on wage rates across firms with a weighted-average of the contrast in wages between different firms for a fixed level of training. Thus, Lee bounds set identifies a policy-relevant estimand only when firms pay homogeneous wages and/or when job training does not affect worker sorting across firms. We derive sharp bounds for the causal effect of job training on wage rates at each firm which leverage information on firm-specific wages. We illustrate our partial identification approach with an empirical application to the Job Corps Study. Results show that while conventional Lee bounds are strictly positive, our within-firm bounds include 0 showing that canonical Lee bounds may be capturing a pure sorting effect of job training.

摘要:本文研究了在公司异质性存在的情况下,职业培训对工资水平的因果影响。当培训影响工人对企业的选择时,样本选择不再是二元的,而是“多层次的”。本文扩展了经典的Heckman1979)样本选择模型,该模型假设选择是二元的,而本文将其扩展到多层次的情境中,并表明在这种情境下,Lee界限集识别了一个总效应,该总效应结合了职业培训对各公司工资水平的因果影响的加权平均值与不同公司在相同培训水平下工资差异的加权平均值。因此,只有当公司支付同质工资和/或职业培训不影响工人在不同公司间的选择时,Lee界限集才能识别出与政策相关的估量值。我们为每个公司中职业培训对工资水平的因果影响推导出了利用公司特定工资信息的精确界限。我们通过对Job Corps研究的实证应用说明了我们部分识别的方法。结果显示,虽然传统的Lee界限是严格正值,但我们的公司内部界限包括0,这表明经典的Lee界限可能捕捉到了职业培训的纯粹排序效应。


Do Higher Tipped Minimum Wages Reduce Race, Ethnic, or Gender Earnings Gaps for Restaurant Workers?


David Neumark and Emma Wohl #32964

Abstract: One of the arguments increasingly made to support large minimum wage increases is that they decrease wage or earnings gaps for minorities or women (e.g., Derenoncourt and Montialoux, 2021). The argument is often made with particular reference to higher tipped minimum wages for restaurant workers, because of discrimination in tipping that is immune to equal pay policy requirements. Of course, even if higher tipped minimum wages reduce hourly pay differences between groups, increases in tipped minimum wages can reduce employment or hours among restaurant workers (Neumark and Yen, 2023), and these effects could differ by race and gender, so implications for hourly earnings do not necessarily extend to overall earnings. We estimate the impact of variation in tipped minimum wages – or, equivalently, tip credits – on earnings of restaurant workers (which ignores employment variation but incorporates hours variation). We find that tipped minimum wages raise hourly earnings of women, but not of Blacks or Hispanics. But tipped minimum wages generally do not raise weekly earnings for these groups (because of hours declines for women). In contrast, regular minimum wages boost hourly and weekly earnings of all three groups of restaurant workers, with the effects arising from non-tipped workers.



Work from Home and Disability Employment


Nicholas Bloom, Gordon B. Dahl, and Dan-Olof Rooth #32943

Abstract: There has been a dramatic rise in disability employment in the US since the pandemic, a pattern mirrored in other countries as well. A similar increase is not found for any other major gender, race, age or education demographic. At the same time, work from home has risen four-fold. This paper asks whether the two are causally related. Analyzing CPS and ACS microdata, we find the increase in disability employment is concentrated in occupations with high levels of working from home. Controlling for compositional changes and labor market tightness, we estimate that a 1 percentage point increase in work from home increases full-time employment by 1.1% for individuals with a physical disability. A back of the envelope calculation reveals that the post pandemic increase in working from home explains 80% of the rise in full-time employment. Wage data suggests that WFH increased the supply of workers with a disability, likely by reducing commuting costs and enabling better control of working conditions.



Patent Hunters


Lauren Cohen, Umit Gurun, Katie Moon, and Paula Suh #32965

Abstract: Analyzing millions of patents granted by the USPTO between 1976 and 2020, we find a pattern where specific patents only rise to prominence after considerable time has passed. Amongst these late-blooming influential patents, we show that there are key players (patent hunters) who consistently identify and develop them. Although initially overlooked, these late-blooming patents have significantly more influence on average than early-recognized patents and are associated with significantly more new product launches. Patent hunters, as early detectors and adopters of these late-blooming patents, are also associated with significant positive rents. Their adoption of these overlooked patents is associated with a 6.4% rise in sales growth (t = 3.02), a 2.2% increase in Tobin’s Q (t = 3.91), and a 2.2% increase in new product offerings (t = 2.97). We instrument for patent hunting, and find strong evidence that these benefits are causally due to patent hunting. The rents associated with patent hunting on average exceed those of the original patent creators themselves. Patents hunted are closer to the core technology of patent hunters, more peripheral to writers, and in less competitive spaces. Lastly, patent hunting appears to be a persistent firm characteristic and to have an inventor-level component.

摘要:通过分析美国专利商标局(USPTO)在1976年至2020年间授予的数百万项专利,我们发现了一种模式,即某些专利在经过相当长时间后才变得重要。在这些晚开花的重要专利中,我们发现了一些关键角色(即专利猎手),他们能够持续识别并开发这些专利。尽管最初被忽视,这些晚开花的专利平均上比早期获得认可的专利具有更大的影响力,并且与更多的新产品推出相关联。作为早期发现和采用这些晚开花专利的专利猎手,他们与显著的正收益相关联。专利猎手采用这些被忽视的专利后,公司销售增长率平均提高了6.4%t=3.02),Tobin’s Q(企业市值与资产重置成本比率)提高了2.2%t=3.91),新产品推出增加了2.2%t=2.97)。我们对专利猎取行为进行了工具变量分析,发现强有力的证据表明,这些收益是由于专利猎取所带来的。专利猎取所带来的收益通常超过了原始专利发明人自身获得的收益。被猎取的专利更接近专利猎手的核心技术,离发明者的核心领域较远,并且通常处于竞争较少的领域。最后,专利猎取似乎是公司层面持久的特征,并具有发明者层面的影响


The Increasing Cost of Buying American


Matilde Bombardini, Andres Gonzalez-Lira, Bingjing Li, and Chiara Motta #32953

Abstract: The latest resurgence in the U.S. of policies aimed at reducing imports and bolstering domestic production has included the expansion of Buy American provisions. While some of these are new and untested, in this paper we evaluate long-standing procurement limitations on the purchase of foreign products by the U.S. Federal Government. We use procurement micro-data to first map and measure the positive employment effects of government purchases. We then calibrate a quantitative trade model adapted to include features relevant to the Buy American Act: a government sector, policy barriers in final and intermediate goods, labor force participation, and external economies of scale. We show that current Buy American provisions on final goods purchase have created up to 100,000 jobs at a cost of between $111,500 and $137,700 per job. However, the recently announced tightening of the policy on the use of foreign inputs will create fewer jobs at a higher cost of $154,000 to $237,800 per job. We also find scant evidence of the use of Buy American rules as an effective industrial policy.



Carbon VIX: Carbon Price Uncertainty and Decarbonization Investments


Maximilian Fuchs, Johannes Stroebel, and Julian Terstegge #32937

Abstract: We study the effects of carbon price uncertainty on firms' decisions to decarbonize their operations. We first use information on the pricing of options on emission allowances in the European Emissions Trading System to create the Carbon VIX, a market-based high-frequency measure of carbon price uncertainty. Carbon price uncertainty is high, varies substantially over time, and experiences persistent shocks around major climate policy events. To explore the effects of carbon price uncertainty on expected aggregate decarbonization investments, we analyze its effect on the stock returns of firms that help other businesses decarbonize. To identify these "carbon solution providers," we extract common types of decarbonization investments from a large survey of firms, and then identify companies that offer the associated goods and services. We find that the stock returns of these carbon solution providers vary positively with carbon prices, but negatively with carbon price uncertainty. The effect of increases in carbon price uncertainty on our proxy for expected decarbonization investments is economically large and of similar magnitude as the effect of declines in carbon prices. These findings support predictions from real options theory that firms may delay investments in decarbonization when faced with uncertainty about the future costs of emissions.



Assessing Nonresponse Bias in Macro Indicators by Combining Para-, Administrative, and Survey Data


Ori Heffetz, Guy Lichtinger, and Daniel B. Reeves #32935

Abstract: National surveys are crucial for estimating key economic aggregates, including the unemployment rate, labor force participation, and household expenditures. The accuracy of these indicators is increasingly under scrutiny due to declining response rates and the consequent risk of nonresponse bias. How can we assess nonresponse bias in these key economic aggregates? Using two Israeli national surveys, we propose a novel approach. First, using often-available paradata such as number of contact attempts and nonresponse reason, we create respondent and nonrespondent subcategories. Second, using rarely-available merged administrative records, we identify, for each nonrespondent subcategory, which respondent subcategory appears to resemble it most. We find that nonrespondents are a heterogeneous group: some—e.g., those temporarily unavailable—share administrative-record demographic and outcome profiles with harder-to-reach respondents, while others—e.g., refusals and withdrawals—are more similar in the administrative data to easier-to-reach respondents. Third, assuming that these resemblances would extend to survey outcomes, we impute (always-available) survey-based aggregates to nonrespondents within each paradata-based subcategory. We demonstrate that our method can help assess nonresponse bias in surveys lacking matched administrative records, using the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey as an example.



The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Grain Invasion


Stephan Heblich, Stephen J. Redding, and Yanos Zylberberg #32958

Abstract: We examine the distributional consequences of trade using the New World Grain Invasion that occurred in the second half of the 19th century. We use a newly-created dataset on population, employment by sector, property values, and poor law transfers for over 10,000 parishes in England and Wales from 1801–1901. In response to this trade shock, we show that locations with high wheat suitability experience population decline, rural-urban migration, structural transformation away from agriculture, increases in welfare transfers, and declines in property values, relative to locations with low wheat suitability. We develop a quantitative spatial model to evaluate the income distributional consequences of this trade shock. Undertaking counterfactuals for the Grain Invasion, we show that geography is an important dimension along which these income distributional consequences occur.





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【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
