
文摘   财经   2024-08-13 15:28   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(8.12-8.18)共发布 32 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 10 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Supply-Side Drug Policy, Polydrug Use, and the Economic Effects of Withdrawal Symptoms


Alexander Ahammer and Analisa Packham #32804

Abstract: Despite the fact that 30 percent of opioid overdoses also involve a benzodiazepine, there is little policy guidance on how to curb concurrent misuse and even less evidence on how changes to co-prescribing practices can affect patients' economic trajectories. In 2012, Austria restricted access to flunitrazepam, one of the most potent, and most heavily misused, benzodiazepines. We use linked individual-level data to identify opioid users and estimate the reform's impact on their health and labor market outcomes relative to a randomly selected comparison group of non-opioid users. Estimates indicate a 12.7 percent drop in employment, a 13.1 percent increase in unemployment insurance claims, and a 26.5 percent increase in overall healthcare expenditures. We provide suggestive evidence that these effects are due to incapacitating withdrawal symptoms, rather than substitution to other drugs, including heroin or alcohol.



Local Projections


Òscar Jordà and Alan M. Taylor #32822

Abstract: A central question in applied research is to estimate the effect of an exogenous intervention or shock on an outcome. The intervention can affect the outcome and controls on impact and over time. Moreover, there can be subsequent feedback between outcomes, controls and the intervention. Many of these interactions can be untangled using local projections. This method’s simplicity makes it a convenient and versatile tool in the empiricist’s kit, one that is generalizable to complex settings. This article reviews the state-of-the art for the practitioner, discusses best practices and possible extensions of local projections methods, along with their limitations.



Misreporting in the Norwegian Business Cash Support Scheme


Dinara Alpysbayeva, Annette Alstadsæter, Wojciech Kopczuk, Simen Markussen, and Oddbjorn Raaum #32801

Abstract: We analyze the reporting response to an ambitiously targeted government support scheme for Norwegian businesses at the very start of the Coronavirus crisis in 2020. Our empirical design is based on cross-checking self-reported data in the applications for support with administratively reported data used for VAT. We find strong evidence that strategic misreporting was present but conclude that its remaining quantitative extent after enforcement actions already taken by the tax authorities was relatively small. Firms tend to misreport 4 percent more often than expected, and the actual support paid out was 5 percent higher than it should have been. We discuss possible reasons for the relatively limited extent of non-compliance and more general lessons for the design of transfer programs.



Corruption as a Shared Dilemma: Survey Evidence from Legislators and Citizens in Three Countries


Raymond Fisman, Matteo F. Ferroni, and Miriam Golden #32825

Abstract: We conduct parallel surveys of legislators and citizens in three countries to study their tolerance for corruption. In Italy, Colombia, and Pakistan legislators and citizens respond similarly to hypothetical scenarios involving trade-offs between, for example, probity and efficiency: both perceive corruption as undesirable but prevalent. These novel descriptive data further reveal that legislators generally have accurate beliefs about public opinion on corruption and understand its relevance to voters. An informational treatment updates legislators’ beliefs about public opinion. The treatment produces downward adjustments among legislators who initially overestimated citizens’ anti-corruption preferences. We also present descriptive data that tolerance of corruption is predicted by politician attributes, most notably motivations for entering politics. Finally, results reconfirm partisan bias by voters in evaluations of corruption. Overall, results suggest that barriers to effective anti-corruption policies are unlikely to lie with lack of information by legislators or by their deliberate commitment to corrupt activities.



Racial Housing Price Differentials and Neighborhood Segregation


Sebastien Box-Couillard and Peter Christensen #32815

Abstract: We report evidence from the largest study of racial price differentials in the U.S. housing market, using a panel of 40 million repeat-sales transactions. We find that price premiums facing Black and Hispanic homebuyers are ubiquitous and systematically higher in neighborhoods with a larger share of non-white residents. We find that non-white buyers purchase at a premium when buying from sellers from outside their group. Consistent with predictions from theoretical models, we find higher premiums in supply-constrained markets. Leveraging exogenous variation in racial segregation, we find that racial segregation leads to larger price premiums paid by Black homebuyers.



Bank Lending and Deposit Crunches during the Great Depression


Kris James Mitchener and Gary Richardson #32783

Abstract: Bank distress was a defining feature of the Great Depression in the United States. Most banks, however, weathered the storm and remained in operation throughout the contraction. We show that surviving banks cut lending when depositors withdrew funds en masse during panics. This panic-induced decline in lending explains about one-third of the reduction in aggregate commercial bank lending between 1929 and 1932, more than twice as much as attributed to the failure of banks.



50 Years of Breakthroughs and Barriers: Women in Economics, Policy, and Leadership


Francine D. Blau and Lisa M. Lynch #32820

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of what has happened over the past fifty years for women as they worked to break through professional barriers in economics, policy, and institutional leadership. We chart the progress of women in higher education at the college level and beyond and then go on to examine women’s representation at the upper levels of academia, government, law, medicine, and management. We begin our description of trends in 1972 when Title IX was enacted, prohibiting sex-based discrimination in federally funded educational programs. The data paint a picture of considerable progress but also persistent inequities. We then go on to consider possible explanations for the continuing gender differences and some of the empirical evidence on the factors identified.



Pension Reforms and Inequality in Germany: Micro-Modelling


Axel H. Börsch-Supan, Johannes Rausch, and Luca Salerno #32796

Abstract: Germany, like many other countries, has undergone a series of pension reforms since the 1980s which generally decreased benefit generosity and increased the retirement age due to demographic pressures. This paper investigates whether these reforms have increased income and wealth inequality among retirees. In order to answer this question, we employed counterfactual simulations in which we predict how the income and social security wealth distributions would have developed if these reforms had not taken place, compared to the actual development of the income and social security wealth distributions. Our analysis reveals that the pension reforms has led to an increase in inequality in terms of social security wealth between the 1990s and 2000s and decreased inequality thereafter. The decrease in inequality is mainly driven by social assistance as it represents a lower bound for benefit size and thus mitigates the effect of benefit-reducing reforms for lower income groups. We further divided the total effect of the pension reforms into two components. The first component is the mechanical effect, which keeps retirement probabilities constant and only considers changes in benefit calculation. The second component is the behavioral effect, which describes how SSW differs because of altered retirement probabilities. Our findings indicate that in the German context the behavioral effect is statistically significant but economically small



Why Do Employers Establish Retirement Savings Plans? Evidence from State “Auto-IRA” Policies


Adam Bloomfield, Lucas Goodman, Manita Rao, and Sita Slavov #32817

Abstract: Several states have recently attempted to boost retirement saving by adopting “auto-IRA” policies that require employers not currently offering an employer-sponsored retirement plan (ESRP) to either (1) establish an ESRP or (2) enroll employees in state-facilitated Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). We identify the effect of these state retirement plan mandates on firm decisions to offer ESRPs, treating the gradual rollout of these policies across states and employer size categories as a series of “experiments.” Using U.S. tax microdata, we estimate that at least 30,000 firms have been induced to offer an ESRP by these policies, although there is substantial heterogeneity in these effects across firm and worker characteristics. This effect is large considering that, for employers, establishing and maintaining an ESRP is more costly than utilizing the state-facilitated IRAs. We explore both rational and behavioral explanations for why firms might choose the higher-cost approach to complying with auto-IRA policies.



Relative-Price Changes as Aggregate Supply Shocks Revisited: Theory and Evidence


Hassan Afrouzi, Saroj Bhattarai, and Edson Wu #32816

Abstract: We provide theory and evidence that relative price shocks can cause aggregate inflation and act as aggregate supply shocks. Empirically, we show that exogenous positive energy price shocks have a positive impact not only on headline but also on U.S. core inflation while depressing U.S. real activity. In a two-sector monetary model with upstream and downstream sectors and heterogeneous price stickiness, we analytically characterize how upstream shocks propagate to prices. Using panel IV local projections, we show that the responsiveness of sectoral PCE prices to energy price shocks is in line with model predictions. Motivated by post-COVID inflation in the U.S., a model experiment shows that a one-time relative price shock generates persistent movements in headline and core inflation similar to those observed in the data, even in the absence of aggregate slack. The model also emphasizes that monetary policy stance plays an important role in propagation of such shocks.





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【学术笔记 第32篇】 技术、地理和贸易(经典EK模型)
【学术笔记 第31篇】2018年贸易战对美国物价和福利的影响
【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
