2024 Connect X 线上论坛 特邀嘉宾——曹杨

文摘   2024-07-11 01:28   美国  

Connect X,作为一个致力于在全球范围内汇聚变革者力量的前沿连接平台,其在多个领域展现出了强大的影响力,尤其在科技、教育和健康方面。该平台不仅促进了多元文化的包容性和社区联系,更为社会带来了深远的积极影响。

在推动青少年与儿童心理健康可持续发展的道路上,Connect X发挥了举足轻重的作用。继2024青少年与儿童心理健康可持续发展国际论坛的成功举办后,Connect X更是集结了来自全球的多方力量,共同举办了2024 Connect X线上论坛,以深化对青少年心理健康问题的探讨和应对。 


而Connect X线上论坛则是在此基础上,进一步扩大了影响力和参与度。通过线上平台,Connect X将全球的变革者紧密地连接在一起,共同为青少年心理健康事业贡献力量。论坛不仅分享了最新的研究成果和实践经验,还提供了丰富的交流和合作机会,让各方能够携手共进,共同应对青少年心理健康挑战。

接下来,我们将逐一为您介绍2024 Connect X  线上论坛的各位重量级嘉宾——

主题 非自杀性自伤的系统式干预

嘉宾 曹杨


沈阳市精神卫生中心  科主任



中国心理卫生协会婚姻家庭健康促进专业委员会 常务委员





辽宁省心理卫生协会 常务理事







非自杀性自伤 (NSSI) 指个体直接、故意损害身体组织,但并不打算造成死亡。切割是NSSI最常见的形式,烧灼、刮擦/划伤皮肤、干扰伤口愈合、击打、咬伤,以及有目的性地参与非娱乐性的高危活动等也很常见,大部分实施NSSI的个体并没有寻求死亡的意图,但自杀观念往往先于NSSI出现,而反复实施NSSI也是日后自杀未遂的高危因素。




Speaker: Cao Yang

Title: The Founder of the Meaning Life International Family Health Foundation

Topic: Systematic intervention for non suicidal self injury

Short description:
10% -20% of children and adolescents worldwide have mental and psychological problems, with approximately half of them occurring before the age of 14. The prevalence of mental illness among children in China is 8% -17%, and the situation is not optimistic.

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of children and adolescents in psychological clinics who have scratched their arms and harmed themselves. Many patients have been misdiagnosed as attempted suicide due to depression, and drug and physical therapy have little effect. With the impact of academic aversion, emotional problems, parent-child conflicts, family issues, and trauma, non suicidal self injury has become more prominent, and it has also brought huge impacts to families, schools, and society.

Non suicidal self injury (NSSI) refers to an individual's direct and intentional damage to bodily tissues without the intention of causing death. Cutting is the most common form of NSSI, including burning, scratching/scratching the skin, interfering with wound healing, hitting, biting, and purposefully participating in non recreational high-risk activities. Most individuals who implement NSSI do not have the intention to seek death, but suicidal ideation often occurs before NSSI, and repeated NSSI implementation is also a high-risk factor for attempted suicide in the future.

NSSI is most common among adolescents and young adults, with a peak period of 12-14 years old. The incidence of NSSI is 7.5% -46.5% among adolescents, 38.9% among college students, and 4% -23% among adults. In recent years, it has received extensive research and increasing attention from psychiatry.

Understand the risk factors, causes, and motivations related to NSSI, and use a systematic treatment approach to incorporate NSSI into relationship contexts and interactions, improve ineffective interaction patterns, explore family resources, and activate the ability of family self-organization; Try new interactive modes; Significant results have been achieved by utilizing the influence of social systems such as schools and cultural systems.

As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, I apply a systems perspective, a collaborative approach, and work with family members. At the same time, I utilize school resources to intervene in non suicidal self harm students and families, and promote healthy family development through positive communication. Systematic treatment can help index patients improve and return to school, allowing more families to emerge from the shadows.

Director of the Department of Shenyang Mental Health Center

Chief Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Registered Supervisor of the Chinese Psychological Association (D-21-145)

Member of the Child Psychiatry Group of the Psychiatric Branch of the Chinese Medical Association

Executive Committee Member of the Marriage and Family Health Promotion Professional Committee of the China Psychological Health Association

Member of the Marriage and Family Psychology Committee of the Chinese Society of Social Psychology

Expert member of the Professional Committee for Promoting Occupational Mental Health of the China Association of Mental Health

Member of the Pediatric Collaborative Group on Developmental Behavior in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China

Expert in the Construction of Social and Psychological Service System in Liaoning Province

Executive Director of Liaoning Psychological Health Association

Expert of Liaoning Province's Psychological Crisis Intervention and Psychological Counseling Team

Member of the Shenyang Emergency Health Expert Advisory Committee

Vice Chairman of Shenyang Primary and Secondary School Student Health Professional Committee





Connect X期待您的精彩参与!

Meaningful Life