每周一本英文书46 | 与自己建立联系

文摘   2024-09-13 22:53   法国  


这周看完一本英文书:101 Ways to Find Calm: How to use your body to soothe your mind. 作者是Rebekah Ballagh. 之前看了她的另一本书:Note to Self Journal: Tools to Transform your World.

101 Ways to Find Calm 是一本自助书,介绍了101种方法,学习如何安全地感受和处理情绪,如何重新连接大脑和神经系统,以及如何与自己建立深厚的联系。书中介绍的方法包括:简单的呼吸练习、身体扫描、多重迷走神经锻炼、瑜伽、冥想等。这些方法简单易行,日常生活中容易践行。

作者Rebekah Ballagh,插画家和心理健康顾问。她创建了 Instagram 社区 Journey to Wellness,是幸福、心理健康宣传和自我护理的平台。





‘Next time you find yourself ‘down the rabbit hole’ in your thinking, remember this exercise.’

这句话里,down the rabbit hole(掉进兔⼦洞)⽐喻陷⼊深思或复杂、混乱的思绪中。这个表达源于《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这本书,爱丽丝掉进兔⼦洞后进⼊了⼀个奇怪、荒诞的世界。To fall down the rabbit hole can mean to enter a confusing situation.

‘Do you ever find yourself on autopilot, going through the motions of your day without being fully present?’

这句话中on autopilot: 是个idiom,指doing something without thinking about it or without making an effort.

另外,想表达肚子咕咕叫,可用tummy gurgles, 如:My tummy gurgles.

想说走神,思绪游走,可用mind wanders,如:My mind wanders.

还可以学到很多和身体有关的词汇,如:earlobe耳垂, glutes臀部, ear canal耳道, jaw joint下颌关节等等。也有些术语介绍,如:

‘Your sympathetic nervous system is all about activation and mobilisation. It is also responsible for your threat responses: fight and flight, feelings of anger, rage and irritability or of anxiety, worry, stress and panic. ’

‘Your amygdala is the part of your brain that is responsible for emotional processing and emotional memory. ’

‘The vagus nerve is one of the most important nerves in the body. It ‘wanders’ from the base of your brainstem and innervates most of your organs, including the heart, stomach and lungs. It’s a two-way communication system, sending information from your organs to your brain and vice versa. It regulates internal functions like digestion, heart rate and respiratory rate.’


A confirmation bias looks for evidence to prove something you already believe to be true. If you believe people are good and trustworthy, you will see that in the world. If you believe ‘I never stick to anything’ or ‘I’m not worthy’ or ‘I’m always getting things wrong’, your brain will see that instead.

Ask yourself, ‘What is one thing I could do for myself right now that would move me in a helpful direction?’ If you focus on one thing at a time, you are much more likely to gain some traction.

Your brain loves comfort and familiarity. It likes to take the habitual, easy path, which is usually staying firmly on the couch or continuing to mindlessly stare at your screen. Acting quickly breaks that circuit.







小红书 |小静读吧 & Evelyne悦记


本文作者:Eveline静 (Evelyne,独立老师

