一方面,以 Berk and Green (2004) 的开创性研究为代表的文献认为,基金投资者是非常专业的,可以利用贝叶斯学习方法,理性地从基金历史业绩中学习基金能力,进而做出合理的投资决策(参见基金研究:Takeaways of BvB)。这一类观点曾经占据主流,但在近年来日益受到第二类文献的挑战。
另一方面,不少新近研究认为,投资者并不能区分由风格因子带来的收益(对应风险补偿)和基金 alpha(Song, 2020),乃至投资者直接依据简单直观的晨星评级来做投资决策(Ben-David et al., 2022,参见直击灵魂的研究:Takeaways of Ben-David)。
Ben-David, Itzhak, Jiacui Li, Andrea Rossi, and Yang Song. "What do mutual fund investors really care about?." Review of Financial Studies 35.4 (2022): 1723-1774.
Berk, Jonathan B., and Richard C. Green. "Mutual fund flows and performance in rational markets." Journal of Political Economy 112.6 (2004): 1269-1295.
Cremers, KJ Martijn, and Antti Petajisto. "How active is your fund manager? A new measure that predicts performance." Review of Financial Studies 22.9 (2009): 3329-3365.
Huang, Chong, Fei Li, and Xi Weng. "Star ratings and the incentives of mutual funds." Journal of Finance 75.3 (2020): 1715-1765.
Kacperczyk, Marcin, Clemens Sialm, and Lu Zheng. "On the industry concentration of actively managed equity mutual funds." Journal of Finance 60.4 (2005): 1983-2011.
Song, Yang. "The mismatch between mutual fund scale and skill." Journal of Finance 75.5 (2020): 2555-2589.