常用效应指标 |《系统评价与Meta分析论文撰写规范PRISMA解读》新书抢先看

学术   健康   2024-08-13 16:14   北京  




第八章 效应指标的选择与统计学分析

第一节 常用效应指标

PRISMA声明中,对于系统评价效应指标部分的写作,只涉及一个条 目,即条目12:为每个结果指定用于综合或呈现结果的效应指标(如风险比、平均差异)。




相对风险(RR)的英文全称可为rate ratio,risk ratio或relative risk,其是反映暴露与疾病关联强度最有用的指标。RR仅可以用于随机对照试验和队列研究中。在随机对照试验中,RR=1,表示两组结局事件的发生率无差异;RR<1,表示试验组发生率较低;RR>1,表示试验组发生率较高。在队列研究中,RR值越大,表示暴露与结局关联强度越大,暴露的效应越大。

优势比(OR)也称比值比,英文全称为odds ratio,是测量疾病与暴露联系强度的一个重要指标。OR主要用于病例−对照研究,而不推荐用于队列研究和随机对照试验,这主要是因为病例−对照研究是“由果索因”的回顾性研究,根据结局(是否发生疾病)对患者进行分组,无法计算疾病在人群中的发病率,因此不能直接计算RR。OR=1,表示疾病组与对照组在暴露因素的比例上无差异;OR<1,表示暴露因素在疾病组发生率较低,是疾病的保护因素;OR>1,表示暴露因素在疾病组发生率较高,是疾病的危险因素。

危险差(RD)英文全称为risk difference,也被称为归因危险度(attributable risk, AR)、绝对危险差(absolute risk difference,ARD)和绝对危险降低率(absolute risk reduction,ARR),是指试验组与对照组事件率的差值,即RD是率的差。RD仅可以用于随机对照试验和队列研究中。RD=0,表示试验组(暴露组)事件发生率无差异;RD<0,表示试验组事件发生率较低;RD>0,表示试验组发生率较高。

加权均数差(WMD)英文全称是weighted mean difference,用于Meta分析中所有可比性的连续性结局变量(如体重)的合并,反映试验组(暴露组)均值与对照组均值的差值。MD可用于各个研究类型中。MD=0,表示两组无差异;MD<0,表示试验组的均数较小;MD>0,表示试验组均数较大。在临床研究中,部分变量是具有“可比性”的,比如体重、血糖等,全世界都是采用可以溯源的系统进行检测的,不同实验室、仪器之间的结果具有可比性。此时应采用WMD进行合并。但某些指标的检测,完全没有“溯源性”可言,比如血清IL−2的检测,来自不同厂家的试剂盒之间采用的方法、原理、反应条件、单位、检测抗体等可能不同,结果完全不具备可比性,此时就应该是标准化均数差进行合并了。标准化均数差(SMD)为两组估计均数差值除以平均标准差而得,消除“单位”或“检测方法”的影响,可以简单将其理解为将连续变量进行“标准化”或“归一化”的过程。SMD可用于各类型研究中,其解读与SMD相同。









示例1 [3]


Statistical analysis We analyzed the patients who received SBRT or RFA after PSM. We calculated event rates of the outcome (the proportion of patients who developed relevant outcomes) from the included cohorts for those two therapies. We pooled log-transformed event rates and assessed heterogeneity using the Mantel-Haenszel test (16,23). A statistical test with a P < 0.05 was considered significant. To account for the potential effect of publication bias, the methodological quality of literature was assessed by the risk of bias table from Cochrane Collaboration. To measure overall heterogeneity across the included cohorts, we calculated the I2 statistic, with I2 > 50% indicating high heterogeneity. We performed the statistical analyses in RevMan 5.3 software (RevMan Web, Cochrane Collaboration, USA).




Statistical analysis First, we conducted pair-wise meta-analyses with a random-effects model to synthesize studies comparing the same pair of treatments. The results were reported as pooled risk ratio (RR) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). Statistical heterogeneity across studies was assessed with a forest plot and the inconsistency statistic (I2). Statistical significance was regarded as P < 0.05. All calculations were performed using REVIEW MANAGER (version 5.0 for Windows; the Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK).

Second, we built a random-effects network within a Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in ADDIS 1.15 (Drugis.org) (16). We networked the translated binary outcomes of HBV recurrence rates within studies and specified the relations among the RRs across studies making different comparisons as previously reported (17), with which, direct and indirect evidences for any given pair of treatments were combined. We used P < 0.05 and 95%CI beyond the null value to assess significance.

We also estimated the probability of each treatment being as the best regimen, the second best, the third best and so on, by calculating the RR of each treatment group compared with arbitrary common controls, and counting the proportion of iterations of the Markov chain of the RR ranking in treatments. We ranked treatments in terms of the risk of HBV recurrence with the same methods.

A variance calculation and a node-splitting analysis provided by the software ADDIS 1.15 were applied to evaluate the inconsistency within the network meta-analysis. Significant inconsistency existed if the difference between random effects variance and inconsistency variance was large or a P < 0.05 of disagreement between direct and indirect evidences was met. We would adjust the study included and ultimately obtain an ideal network with consistency according to quantitative estimation.




Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed with Cochrane Review software [Review Manager (RevMan) version 5.3 for Windows] and Stata 12 (version 12.0, StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). Weighted mean difference (WMD) was used for continuous variable data, and the odds ratio (OR) was calculated for dichotomous variables. Both WMD and OR were expressed by 95% confidence interval (95%CI). The heterogeneity was presented by using I2 values. If P > 0.1, I2 ≤ 50%, it was considered that there was no obvious heterogeneity among the included studies, and the fixed effect model was used to calculate the combined statistics. If it was considered that there was heterogeneity (P  0.1, I2 > 50%), the random effect model was used to calculate the combined statistics. A significant statistical difference was considered if P < 0.05. Mean, median, and the ratio was performed for the single-arm studies to act as simple descriptive analysis parameters.



这部分写作不是难点,只需要在统计学分析部分用一句话直截了当地说明合并的效应量即可,但选择什么样的效应指标需要作者仔细斟酌。在撰写此部分时可参考一些比较规范的文章,常用的表达方式为:The results were reported as pooled RR/OR/RD/SMD/WMD等。



[1] 文进,李幼平. Meta分析中效应尺度指标的选择[J]. 中国循证医学杂志,2007,7(8):606-613.

[2] Cummings P. The relative merits of risk ratios and odds ratios[J]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009,163(5):438-445.

[3] Hong J,Cao L,Xie H,et al. Stereotactic body radiation therapy versus radiofrequency ablation in patients with small hepatocellular carcinoma:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr,2021,10(5):623-630.

[4] Zhang Y,Kang S,Fang W,et al. Network meta-analysis on prophylactic regimens against recurrent hepatitis B virus infection after liver transplantation[J]. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr, 2013,2(6):297-303.

[5] Yang J,He Y,Zhang X,et al. Robotic and laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Ann Transl Med,2021,9(6):449.



责任编辑:李欣燃  AME Publishing Company
排版编辑:陈   童  AME Publishing Company



