Neuropharmacology and Therapy: 快速上线仅需48小时,免版面费,编辑部免费润色!
2024-10-23 13:31
Neuropharmacology and Therapy(以下简称NPT)是一本开放获取出版的国际学术期刊,旨在报道利用神经药理学方法阐明重要神经系统疾病的机制,促进神经科学家和医生之间就神经药理学的各种主题进行转化和交流,重点关注神经疾病药物的作用机理以及神经系统中各种功能障碍的治疗方式和效果。期刊的定位为JCR一区,影响因子6-8。期刊由GATE出版社负责出版运营。期刊荣誉主编为中国科学院院士、复旦大学脑科学研究院杨雄里教授,期刊主编是“国家杰青”河北大学基础医学院吉永华教授和“国家高层次人才计划领军人才”青岛大学药学院张汉霆教授。期刊编委团队由多本SCI期刊的主编、副主编担任,以及来自全球各地的神经药理学领域的杰出学者组成编委团队。2024~2026年,NPT对所有接受的稿件不收取费用;投稿阶段,采用自由投稿(Free Format submission),待接受后,再统一调整格式。NPT期刊承诺,对所有确认Proof的稿件,均在48小时内完成Online (上线正式出版)。并且,编辑部负责对每一篇接受的稿件进行高质量免费润色,免除非英语母语国家作者语言上的问题。
投稿网址: 神经疾病潜在药物分子的发现、设计和合成,包括天然产物或小分子化合物;
- 对具有神经疾病有治疗潜力的新分子生物活性或作用模式的研究;
- 研究亮点 (Research Highlight)
为什么选择Neuropharmacology and Therapy发表您的论文?NPT是一本开放获取(Open Access)期刊,这意味着世界上任何人都可以直接从期刊官网或ScienceOpen平台免费下载你的论文;- 与许多传统期刊不同,您的论文不会因版面不足而被拒稿。我们是一份电子期刊,我们可以发表的论文数量或大小没有限制。
文章可以使用在线提交和同行评审系统ScholarOne提交给神经药理学和治疗。注册和访问可在。不收取作者提交或文章处理费用。有关该杂志的更多信息,包括文章提交指南以及如何注册免费内容提醒服务,请访问:已被WorldCat、Primo Central(前Libris)、Sherpa Romeo和Summon等国际数据库收录。目前正在申请的国际数据库,如DOAJ,PSyCINFO,DOAJ,EBSCO,ProQuest,Chemical Abstracts,Pubmed Central,Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)等。有关稿件的一切问题,以及期刊合作、编委或其他问题请联系编辑部,刘博士。Neuropharmacology and Therapy (NPT)provides an open platform to facilitate communication between neuroscientists and surgeons on various topics in neuropharmacology with a focus on regiments and mechanisms of new drugs and neurosurgical therapies of various dysfunctions in the nervous system. NPT welcomes research contributions with respect to the following areas:- Mechanisms of important neurological diseases elucidated by neuropharmacological methods
- Novel methodologies facilitating the search for therapies neurological diseases
- Structures and functions of therapeutic targets of neurological diseases
- Discovery, design and synthesis of biologically active agents, including natural products, therapeutic macromolecules for all neurological diseases
- Omics in neuropharmaceutical sciences
- Biological databases, web-based software for neuropharmaceutical sciences
- Studies of biological activity or mode of action of novel molecules having therapeutic potentials for neurological diseases
- Clinical research and trials, meta-analysis for the treatment of neurological diseases
- Management, commercial and regulatory issues in neuropharmaceutical R&D Other aspects of neuropharmacology.
The journal welcomes the following article types:Benefits of choosingNPT for your research- NPT is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the ScienceOpen website.
- Unlike many traditional journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. We are an electronic journal and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.
- No Author submission or article processing charges.
- Authors retain the copyright to their article.
- Fast publication online after article acceptance.
- Professional/global marketing/promotion of your articles. Articles are:
- Sent to clinicians and researchers through email alerts;
· Promoted to the journal followers on Wechat, X (Twitter)· Distributed to news outlets through press releases.Submissions: Articles can be submitted to Neuropharmacology and Therapy using ScholarOne, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at nptherapy. There are no author submission or article processing fees.Editorial Board: more information about the journal, including article submission guidelines and how to register for free content-alerting services, please visit: and Therapy is indexed in WorldCat, Primo Central (Ex Libris), Sherpa Romeo, and Summon Databases.