编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.30-1.4)共发布 17 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 6 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Claudia Goldin #33311
Abstract: Fertility levels have greatly decreased in virtually every nation in the world, but the timing of the decline has differed even among developed countries. In Europe, Asia, and North America, total fertility rates of some nations dipped below the magic replacement figure of 2.1 as early as the 1970s. But in other nations, fertility rates remained substantial until the 1990s but plummeted subsequently. This paper addresses why some countries in Europe and Asia with moderate fertility levels in 1980s, have become the “lowest-low” nations today (total fertility rates of less than 1.3), whereas those that decreased earlier have not. Also addressed is why the crossover point for the two groups of nations was around the 1980s and 1990s. An important factor that distinguishes the two groups is their economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s. Countries with “lowest low” fertility rates today experienced rapid growth in GNP per capita after a long period of stagnation or decline. They were catapulted into modernity, but the beliefs, values, and traditions of their citizens changed more slowly. Thus, swift economic change may lead to both generational and gendered conflicts that result in a rapid decrease in the total fertility rate.
Stefan Faridani and Paul Niehaus #33319
Abstract: We study the problem of estimating the average causal effect of treating every member of a population, as opposed to none, using an experiment that treats only some. We consider settings where spillovers have global support and decay slowly with (a generalized notion of) distance. We derive the minimax rate over both estimators and designs, and show that it increases with the spatial rate of spillover decay. Estimators based on OLS regressions like those used to analyze recent large-scale experiments are consistent (though only after de-weighting), achieve the minimax rate when the DGP is linear, and converge faster than IPW-based alternatives when treatment clusters are small, providing one justification for OLS's ubiquity. When the DGP is nonlinear they remain consistent but converge slowly. We further address inference and bandwidth selection. Applied to the cash transfer experiment studied by Egger et al (2022) these methods yield a 20\% larger estimated effect on consumption.
摘要:我们研究了在一个实验中仅对部分人进行处理的情况下,估计对整个群体中的每个人进行处理(而不是完全不处理)的平均因果效应的问题。我们考虑了溢出效应具有全局支持并且随着(广义的)距离缓慢衰减的情形。在此背景下,我们推导了估计和实验设计的最小最大速率(minimax rate),并表明其随溢出效应衰减的空间速率而增加。基于普通最小二乘(OLS)回归的估计(如分析近期大规模实验时所用的那些估计)是一致的(尽管需要经过去权重处理),在数据生成过程(DGP)为线性时能够达到最小最大速率,并且当处理集群较小时,其收敛速度快于基于反倾向权重(IPW)的替代方法,这为OLS的广泛应用提供了一种合理解释。而当数据生成过程是非线性时,这些估计仍然一致,但收敛速度较慢。此外,我们还研究了推断问题和带宽选择。在应用于Egger等(2022)研究的现金转移实验时,这些方法对消费的估计效应提高了20%。
Huanan Xu, Joseph R. Blasi, Douglas L. Kruse, and Richard B. Freeman #33310
Abstract: To what extent, if at all, did employee-owned (EO) firms maintain jobs for workers compared to non-EO firms in the spring 2020 Covid-19 shock to the US economy? Did EO firms shift jobs from workplaces to work-from-home locations in the pandemic more or less than other firms? This paper uses a unique survey of nearly 750 firms that differ in the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) mode of employee ownership to answer these questions. The analysis finds that in the Covid crisis ESOPs with majority ownership of their firm maintained proportionately more jobs and shifted work to workers’ homes more than other firms and that these differences scale with the ESOP percentage of firm ownership. The findings are consistent with a model of firm decision-making in which ESOP firms weigh the well-being of employee-owners as workers in the firm in a job crisis while non-ESOP firms view workers solely as a costly input in production in maximizing the income of their (non-employee) owners.
Giovanni Maggi and Monika Mrázová #33318
Abstract: We examine the potential role of international agreements on product standards through a stylized model where countries have different regulatory preferences and firms incur fixed costs of regulatory diversity. Overall, our analysis suggests that the common perception of regulatory agreements as playing a key role in promoting harmonization may have been overstated. We show that regulatory harmony can arise even in the absence of an agreement, and that “spontaneous” harmonization may be inefficient, suggesting that the role of regulatory agreements could be to promote regulatory diversity rather than harmonization. Moreover, the role of regulatory cooperation depends in important ways on the pattern of trade: in the presence of intra-industry trade, the potential role of an agreement tends to be more limited, and under some conditions it can only play a coordination role. Finally, through the lens of our model, we examine the “Pop Critique” of regulatory agreements, according to which lobbying by corporate interests may lead to welfare-reducing harmonization. Our analysis lends only limited support to this critique.
Michel Beine, Giovanni Peri, and Morgan Raux #33314
Abstract: In this paper, we estimate the effect of increasing the share of foreign-born Master graduates on the creation of innovative start-ups in the US. We combine information on international students graduating from Master's programs by university cohort with data on start-ups created in the US between 1999 and 2020 by graduates of those cohorts. To establish a causal link, we use idiosyncratic variation in out-of-state relative to in-state fees charged by universities across Master's cohorts, resulting in differential foreign students' enrollment. We also use changes in the share of foreign students predicted by a shift-share instrument, based on university-level past networks, as an additional identification strategy. For each additional ten percentage points of foreign students graduating in a Master's cohort, we find 0.4 additional start-ups in that cohort. Then, using a name-based attribution of the origin of creators of start-ups, we find that between 30 and 45% of the total start-up creation effect is attributable to a positive spillover of foreign-born on start-up founders of US origin.
Pol Antràs #33312
Abstract: The field of international trade has undergone significant theoretical and empirical advancements over the last twenty-five years. A key breakthrough has been the emergence of firm-level approaches to studying exporting, importing, and global value chains. The field has also experienced a quantitative revolution, driven by medium-scale models that rapidly assess the implications of trade cost shocks on real income. Additionally, a branch of the empirical literature has unshackled itself from the discipline of theoretical frameworks and from traditional data sources. Yet, several underexplored areas, or `uncharted waters,' remain in international trade research. I outline new potential areas for theoretical research, including incorporating oligopolistic (strategic) behavior into core models, and fostering greater cross-disciplinary collaboration with other fields in economics and social sciences, such as behavioral economics or political science. I also discuss potential uncharted waters for empirical trade economists, while identifying potential new sources of data and ways in which official trade statistics could be improved. Finally, I explore how big data and artificial intelligence could reshape the design of international trade policy in coming years.