编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.23-12.29)共发布 40 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送最后 13 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Buyi Wang, Meredith Slopen, Irwin Garfinkel, Elizabeth Ananat, Sophie M. Collyer, Robert Paul Hartley, Anastasia Koutavas, and Christopher Wimer #33279
Abstract: National paid family leave programs have been repeatedly proposed in the United States in recent years. To inform policy discussions, we provide a benefit-cost analysis of introducing such a program. We systematically identify high-quality, quasi-experimental studies on the impact of paid leave on infants and parents. Using the most conservative estimates or the mean estimates from this literature, we estimate that every $1,000 investment in paid parental leave would generate, respectively, $7,275 or $29,406 in present discounted net social benefits. We use these estimates to conduct a microsimulation of benefits and costs of two policy proposals with different eligibility and wage replacement rates. The first, a 4-week program, would have an initial fiscal cost of under $2 billion and net social benefits of $13 (conservative) or $55 billion (mean). The corresponding figures for the 12-week program are about 3.7 times larger, suggesting that either version would likely generate high returns.
Joshua Angrist, Bruno Ferman, Carol Gao, Peter Hull, Otavio L. Tecchio, and Robert W. Yeh #33296
Abstract: The ISCHEMIA Trial randomly assigned patients with ischemic heart disease to an invasive treatment strategy centered on revascularization with a control group assigned non-invasive medical therapy. As is common in such “strategy trials,” many participants assigned to treatment remained untreated while many assigned to control crossed over into treatment. Intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses of strategy trials preserve randomization-based comparisons, but ITT effects are diluted by non-compliance. Conventional per-protocol analyses that condition on treatment received are likely biased by discarding random assignment. In trials where compliance choices are made shortly after assignment, instrumental variables (IV) methods solve both problems—recovering an undiluted average causal effect of treatment for treated subjects who comply with trial protocol. In ISCHEMIA, however, some controls were revascularized as long as five years after random assignment. This paper extends the IV framework for strategy trials, allowing for such dynamic non-random compliance behavior. IV estimates of long-run revascularization effects on quality of life are markedly larger than previously reported ITT and per-protocol estimates. We also show how to estimate complier characteristics in a dynamic-treatment setting. These estimates reveal increasing selection bias in naive time-varying per-protocol estimates of revascularization effects. Compliers have baseline health similar to that of the study population, while control-group crossovers are far sicker.
摘要:ISCHEMIA试验随机将患有缺血性心脏病的患者分配到以血运重建为中心的侵入性处理策略组和接受非侵入性药物处理的对照组。这类“策略试验”中常见的情况是,许多被分配到处理组的参与者未接受处理,而许多被分配到对照组的参与者则转而接受了处理。策略试验的意向处理分析(ITT)保留了基于随机分配的比较,但由于不依从性(non-compliance),ITT效应被稀释。传统的按方案分析(per-protocol analysis)基于实际接受的治处理情况,容易因丢弃随机分配信息而产生偏差。在依从性选择在随机分配后不久完成的试验中,工具变量(IV)方法可以解决这两个问题——恢复符合试验协议的受试者的未稀释平均因果效应。然而,在ISCHEMIA试验中,一些对照组患者在随机分配后长达五年后才接受血运重建。本文扩展了适用于策略试验的工具变量框架,允许动态的非随机依从行为。对长期血运重建对生活质量影响的IV估计明显高于此前报道的ITT和按方案估计。此外,我们还展示了如何在动态处理环境中估计依从者(compliers)的特征。这些估计揭示了随着时间变化的幼稚的按方案估计中日益增加的选择偏差。依从者的基准健康状况与研究总体相似,而对照组中转向处理的患者健康状况显著更差。
Tamma Carleton, Esther Duflo, Kelsey Jack, and Guglielmo Zappalà #33264
Abstract: Mounting costs of anthropogenic climate change reveal that adaptation will be essential to human well-being in coming decades. At the same time, the literature on the economics of adaptation offers relatively little guidance for emerging policy. In this chapter, we review the existing literature, focusing on how it can better inform adaptation policy design and implementation. A simple conceptual model of adaptation decision-making describes two core adaptation channels that we link to two streams of adaptation literature, which have emerged largely in parallel. We outline how insights from these literatures can be used for adaptation policy evaluation, highlight key limitations of and opportunities for public intervention in private adaptation markets, and provide guidance for future work.
Stefano Carattini, Garth Heutel, Givi Melkadze, and Inès Mourelon #33275
Abstract: Transition risk – the financial stability risk related with decarbonization – is a major source of concern. The literature has so far only studied transition risk caused by carbon tax shocks. This paper explores other potential sources of transition risk: two other policy sources – subsidies to abatement or to green producers – and two preference-based sources – a shock to consumer preferences and a shock to investor preferences. We develop an environmental dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that includes a frictional financial sector, and we consider macroprudential policy responses to transition risks. These different shocks have different effects on the possibility of transition risk and lead to different macroprudential policy implications.
Felipe Benguria, Felipe Saffie, and Shihangyin Zhang #33287
Abstract: We study the uneven effects of a commodity boom, documenting its impact across workers based on their skill and on the region where they live. To this end, we develop a dynamic quantitative model of an economy with many regions connected through interregional trade and migration. Empirically, we focus on the experience of Brazil during the commodity boom of the 2000s and calibrate the model using detailed micro-level data. At the aggregate level, the boom leads to a decline in the skill premium, resulting from a larger increase in the real wages of unskilled than skilled workers. The model indicates that the commodity boom accounts for a quarter of the decline in the skill premium observed during this period, and masks substantial heterogeneity across states and sectors. Finally, using the model to simulate counterfactuals, we show that spatial linkages—interregional migration and interregional trade—play an important role in shaping the impact of the boom. Spatial linkages reduce the decline in the skill premium at the national level, and also reduce the extent of spatial inequality due to the boom.
Ethan Kaplan and Suresh Naidu #33295
Abstract: We survey and summarize recent literature on labor unions in political economy. While labor unions have been a long-standing subject of study in labor and macroeconomics, until recently they have been less studied by political economists, despite being important political actors in many policy-relevant contexts. We first organize the literature into work on the external influence of unions on the political system, including effects on voting, campaign finance, lobbying, and intraparty bargaining. We then discuss work on the internal politics and organization of unions, including issues of selection and representation, union aggregation of preferences. We pay special attention to the economic and political effects of public sector unions. We also discuss union behavior in weakly institutionalized contexts, where crime, corruption, rent-seeking, political strikes, and violence are all issues. We conclude with directions for future work.
Marcel Fafchamps, Asadul Islam, Debayan Pakrashi, and Denni Tommasi #33285
Abstract: We conduct a clustered randomized controlled trial across 180 villages in Uttar Pradesh, India, to promote the take-up of a savings commitment product newly introduced to our study population. A random subset of participants was targeted through our promotional campaign to test whether the product's diffusion among untargeted participants operates primarily through information sharing or through persuasion by incentivized target participants. If social learning is the main channel of diffusion, we would expect higher sign-up and take-up rates in information villages compared to persuasion villages. Conversely, if persuasion is the primary channel, sign-up and take-up rates should be higher in persuasion villages. Our findings consistently favor the persuasion channel, as sign-up and take-up rates were higher in the persuasion treatment, even without increased financial literacy or knowledge about the product. Information alone had a negligible impact on take-up, while the combined treatment achieved the highest sign-up and conversion rates, suggesting that information complements persuasion by enhancing its effectiveness. These results highlight the importance of incentivized persuasion in promoting product take-up and suggest that, in certain contexts, direct information-sharing may be less effective than previously assumed.
Dean Karlan, Monica P. Lambon-Quayefio, Utsav Manjeer, and Christopher R. Udry #33271
Abstract: Digital finance in agriculture is a nascent technology which could help improve rural financial inclusion. In an experimental evaluation of a digital lending product for farmers in Southern Ghana, credit increases farm investments but has few statistically significant average effects on downstream outcomes. However, logistical challenges generated imperfect compliance with the treatment assignment, with some loans delivered in a timely fashion for agricultural investments and others coming later. We cautiously exploit this unplanned non-experimental implementation heterogeneity and conclude that agriculturally-focused digital credit platforms have potential to tackle persistent rural financial market imperfections, but the timing seems critical and deserves further study.
Miguel Acosta-Henao, Andrés Fernández, Patricia Gomez-Gonzalez, and Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan #33283
Abstract: Using comprehensive administrative data on Chilean firms, we examine whether credit lines and government-backed credit guarantees mitigated the impact of the large sudden stop event during the pandemic—the abrupt withdrawal of international capital. Our analysis employs a regression discontinuity design to demonstrate that firms eligible for these programs increased their borrowing from domestic lenders at a relatively lower cost. By reducing the cost of domestic currency debt relative to foreign currency debt, these policies effectively lowered the relative cost of domestic capital in the short term. This reduction in borrowing costs is conditional on selection effects at both the firm and bank levels, where only policy-eligible firms benefit from the lower credit costs from the same lender that non-eligible firms also borrow from. An open economy model with heterogeneous firms and financial frictions helps explain our findings: government interventions eased the higher cost of capital during the sudden stop by relaxing firms’ domestic collateral constraints, which in turn reduced domestic financial intermediaries’ risk aversion and boosted the supply of domestic credit in the face of shrinking international capital flows.
Simon Jäger, Suresh Naidu, and Benjamin Schoefer #33267
Abstract: In this paper, we assess the recent economics literature on collective bargaining. Despite a declining trend in the OECD in coverage and especially union membership, a large share of formal workers around the world are still covered by collective bargaining agreements. We describe the substantial institutional variation across a variety of countries, highlighting research done with modern research designs and recently available administrative datasets. We then estimate a canonical empirical model of individual-level coverage effects and selection in harmonized cross-country data across 18 advanced economies (in Europe and North America). We estimate collective bargaining coverage premia, compression, selection, and spillover coefficients in each country, and use these to document considerable heterogeneity in collective bargaining coverage effects on the wage structure. While there is a strong negative relationship between collective bargaining coverage and wage inequality across countries, substantial uncertainties remain about the underlying mechanisms. Coverage effects may operate through direct premia, selection, or spillovers onto non-covered wages, but distinguishing and quantifying these channels and how they vary across institutional contexts remains a key challenge for future research. In our data, we find that the direct effect of coverage on wages of covered workers does not explain much of the cross-country correlation between coverage and inequality. While compelling research designs often result from specific institutional variation, we also emphasize that these contextual details must be accounted for when comparing estimates across industrial relations systems. A particularly pressing need is for more compelling causal evidence on spillover effects, which could help reconcile conflicting micro and macro evidence on how collective bargaining shapes the wage distribution.
Manju Puri, Yiming Qian, and Xiang Zheng #33297
Abstract: We hypothesize and find evidence that banks use venture investments in fintech startups as a strategic approach to navigate fintech competition. We show that banks’ venture investments have increasingly focused on fintech firms in systematic ways. We find that banks facing greater fintech competition are more likely to make venture investments in fintech startups. Banks target fintech firms that exhibit higher levels of asset complementarities with their own business. Finally, instrumental variable analyses show that venture investments increase the likelihood of operational collaborations and knowledge transfer between the bank investor and the fintech investee.
Luigi Guiso, Paola Sapienza, and Luigi Zingales #33268
Abstract: This paper examines how the concept of embedded culture played a transformative role in the ongoing cultural revolution within economics and business. We trace the field's shift from the 20th-century concept of homo economicus universalis to an approach incorporating cultural embeddedness in economic behavior. Beyond documenting this intellectual transformation, we identify fertile areas for future research and explore how an embedded cultural perspective can enhance both our understanding of economic phenomena and the design of effective policies.
摘要:本文探讨了嵌入式文化这一概念如何在经济学和商业领域持续的文化变革中发挥了变革性作用。我们回顾了该领域从20世纪普遍经济人(homo economicus universalis)概念向经济行为中融入文化嵌入性的转变过程。在记录这一知识转型的同时,我们还识别了未来研究的潜力领域,并探讨了嵌入式文化视角如何能够提升我们对经济现象的理解以及有效政策的设计。
Mo Alloush and Michael Carter #33290
Abstract: This paper defines the first measure of economic resilience based on the cumulative current and future losses a shock-exposed household experiences relative to a counterfactual measure of what household economic well-being would have been absent the shock. Drawing on the rich economics literature on the sensitivity of household income and consumption to shocks, we derive a resilience metric that can be estimated with panel data using standard impact evaluation methods. To illustrate these methods, we first use simulated data from a dynamic optimization model and a known data generation process. We show how this metric can be used to not only evaluate the impact of different policies on resilience but also to judge the public finance efficacy by showing how the cumulative avoided loss based resilience measure can be used for cost-benefit analysis. We then we illustrate how to use these methods to calculate resilience at the household level and show that reliance on income as a measure of economic well-being may be wiser in the absence of long-term data. Finally, We then use data from a recent experiment in Eastern and Southern Africa to show that these methods can be informative even with relatively short duration data.