编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(1.27-2.2)共发布 27 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送中间 9 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Erkmen G. Aslim, Rafiuddin Najam, and Erdal Tekin #33398
Abstract: This study examines the long-term effects of prenatal exposure to war violence on cognitive and developmental outcomes, focusing on children in Afghanistan, a country deeply affected by prolonged violent conflict. Using data from the 2022 Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and geo-referenced information on violent incidents, we estimate the effects of prenatal exposure to civilian casualties on educational attainment, math performance, and functional and disciplinary outcomes. Our findings reveal significant gender disparities, with girls exposed in utero demonstrating substantially worse cognitive and developmental outcomes compared to boys, including lower school attendance, reduced math performance, and increased functional difficulties. These adverse effects appear to be driven by disruptions in foundational cognitive skills during critical developmental periods. Post-birth exposure, while negatively affecting both genders, has less pronounced and consistent effects. These results highlight the intergenerational consequences of war conflict, emphasizing the need for interventions that address the unique vulnerabilities of children in conflict-affected regions.
Jaecheol Lee, Andrew J. Wilson, and Solomon M. Hsiang #33379
Abstract: Particulate matter (PM) is a major, clinically important air pollutant. A large portion of emitted PM crosses borders, damaging health outside of its originating jurisdiction, but due in part to technical obstacles these pollutant flows remain unregulated. Proposed attribution approaches assume that units of PM originating in different jurisdictions cause the same harm, despite a widespread understanding that differing chemical and physical features of PM could generate distinct health effects. We use an atmospheric model to decompose the origins of PM individuals are exposed to at each location in South Korea, the nexus of one of the world's most contentious transboundary air pollution disputes, every day during 2005–2016. We then link these data to universal healthcare records in an econometric analysis that simultaneously measures and accounts for harms from seven types of PM, each from a distinct origin. We discover that the health harm of a unit of transboundary PM is approximately 5× (North Korea) and 2.6× (China) greater than a unit of PM originating within South Korea, and that health responses to PM from natural sources differs from those to anthropogenic sources. Because harms differ by origin, we compute that transboundary sources contribute only 43% of anthropogenic PM exposure in South Korea but generate over 70% of its associated respiratory health costs. Our results suggest that PM should be treated as a mixture of distinct pollutants, each with a unique measurable impact on human health.
Majid Ahmadi, Gwen-Jirō Clochard, Jeff Lachman, and John A. List #33391
Abstract: When multiple forces potentially underlie discriminatory behavior, pinning down the precise sources becomes a challenge, making proposed policy solutions speculative. This study introduces an empirical approach, tightly linked to theory, to dissect two specific channels of discrimination: customer bias and managerial bias. To illustrate our framework, we integrate proprietary data with several publicly available datasets to uncover channels of discrimination within the Major League Baseball draft. Our analysis reveals that customer preferences significantly influence the drafting of players at the top end of the draft—those likely to gain immediate public attention and eventually play for the club. Conversely, we observe managerial homophily in the latter parts of the draft, where players who attract little attention and have minimal chances of playing for the club are selected. The observed preferential bias at both ends of the draft incurs a substantial opportunity cost. However, bias at the top end unduly affects competitiveness. Our findings provide significant implications for future research on measuring discrimination and addressing the challenge of multiple channels.
Victor Couture, Jonathan I. Dingel, Allison E. Green, and Jessie Handbury #33386
Abstract: We study how preferences over the demographic composition of co-patrons affects income segregation in shared spaces. To distinguish demographic preferences from tastes for other venue attributes, we study venue choices within business chains. We find two notable regularities: preferences for high-income co-patrons are similar across racial groups, and racial homophily does not vary by income. These demographic preferences are economically large, explain much of the cross-group variation in exposure to high-income co-patrons, and correlate with movers' neighborhood choices.
Sydnee Caldwell, Ingrid Haegele, and Jörg Heining #33396
Abstract: We use novel surveys of firms and workers, linked to administrative employer-employee data, to study the prevalence and importance of individual bargaining in wage determination. We show that simple survey questions accurately elicit firms’ bargaining strategies. Using the elicited strategies for 772 German firms, we document that the majority of firms are willing to engage in individual wage bargaining. Labor market factors predict firms’ strategies better than firm characteristics. Survey responses from nearly 10,000 full-time workers indicate that most worker-firm interactions begin with the worker providing their salary expectations. Most interactions end with the worker rejecting the offer and remaining at the incumbent firm. There is substantial heterogeneity in workers’ bargaining behavior, which translates into within-firm wage inequality. Firms that set pay via individual bargaining have a 3 percentage point higher gender wage gap.
Paul L. E. Grieco, Charles Murry, Joris Pinkse, and Stephan Sagl #33397
Abstract: We propose a conformant likelihood estimator with exogeneity restrictions (CLEER) for random coefficients discrete choice demand models that is applicable in a broad range of data settings. It combines the likelihoods of two mixed logit estimators—one for consumer level data, and one for product level data—with product level exogeneity restrictions. Our estimator is both efficient and conformant: its rates of convergence will be the fastest possible given the variation available in the data. The researcher does not need to pre-test or adjust the estimator and the inference procedure is valid across a wide variety of scenarios. Moreover, it can be tractably applied to large datasets. We illustrate the features of our estimator by comparing it to alternatives in the literature.
Joanne S. McLaughlin and David Neumark #33388
Abstract: We present new and rich evidence on intersectional discrimination in labor markets, focusing on wages in the traditional residual wage differential approach to discrimination. We interpret “intersectional discrimination” in the framework of interactions, in which discrimination along two intersecting dimensions leads to discrimination that exceeds the sum of its parts. We make three contributions. First, we resolve puzzling contradictory findings on intersectional discrimination in existing research – with studies using similar data and methods reaching diametrically opposite conclusions. Second, we extend the analysis of potential intersectional discrimination to more dimensions than have typically been considered in past research. Third, we explore issues of bias in the wage equations we estimate from selection on employment. Our overall conclusion from these different types of evidence is that there is little or no evidence consistent with intersectional discrimination in wage differentials among the large set of groups (and combinations of groups) we study, and indeed most evidence points in the opposite direction.
Antonio Coppola, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Chenzi Xu #33390
Abstract: Drawing on the experiences of the historical Eurodollar market and recent Chinese dollar bond issuances traded outside U.S. jurisdiction at negative spreads to Treasurys, we examine the conditions under which a parallel offshore dollar financial system that circumvents Western sanctions may emerge. We propose a model in which currency use is driven by liquidity provision and safe bond supply. We characterize three equilibrium regimes: high convenience yields emerge in both the initial sanctions-driven region and the final liquidity-driven region, separated by an intermediate region. Transitions between equilibria depend on safe-asset supply and liquidity technologies, in addition to endogenous dynamic complementarities.
Clare A. Balboni and Joseph S. Shapiro #33377
Abstract: How do environmental goods and policies shape spatial patterns of economic activity? How will climate change modify these impacts over the coming decades? How do agglomeration, commuting, and other spatial forces and policies affect environmental quality? We distill theoretical and empirical research linking urban, regional, and spatial economics to the environment. We present stylized facts on spatial environmental economics, describe insights from canonical environmental models and spatial models, and discuss the building blocks for papers and the research frontier in enviro-spatial economics. Most enviro-spatial research remains bifurcated into either primarily environmental or spatial papers. Research is only beginning to realize potential insights from more closely combining spatial and environmental approaches.