
文摘   财经   2024-12-14 23:31   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.09-12.15)共发布 22 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送最后 7 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Growth and Fluctuations: An Overview


Joseph E. Stiglitz #33218

Abstract: Capitalism since its inception has been marked by large fluctuations. The resulting episodic unemployment has been very costly. This paper provides an overview of alternative theories. Standard models (such as DSGE) have not provided insights into the causes of the fluctuations and the shocks buffeting the economy, which contrary to what they assume, are largely endogenous; they have not provided an understanding of how and why the economy amplifies shocks and makes their effects at times so persistent or how and why there may be oscillatory behavior, rather than a smooth convergence back to some (temporary) equilibrium. Accordingly, they do not give guidance on how to make deep downturns—those that really matter—less frequent, shallower, and less costly. By contrast, there are alternative, new models, often building on older Keynesian foundations, with heterogenous capital goods and heterogeneous agents, interacting with each other in imperfect markets and fragile networks, with endogenous innovation in an ever-evolving economy, with deep uncertainty. These theories, with endogenously driven fluctuations, provide greater insights in the causes and nature of fluctuations, and better policy guidance.



Hustling From Home? Work From Home Flexibility and Entrepreneurial Entry


John M. Barrios, Yael Hochberg, and Hanyi (Livia) Yi #33237

Abstract: We investigate the influence of the growing trend of work-from-home (WFH) on new business formation, with a particular focus on the period surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. At baseline, local new business entry is positively associated with the proportion of occupations amenable to telework in the region. Utilizing the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of stay-at-home mandates as an exogenous shock, we examine the effects of realized flexibility for WFH on entrepreneurial entry. While overall new business registrations increased following pandemic stay-at-home mandates, areas with an occupational mix that has higher potential for telework demonstrate less pronounced growth in new business formation, particularly in regions with lower economic demand factors. Survey evidence highlights how flexibility provided by traditional employment reduces entrepreneurial intent, especially for workers seeking non-pecuniary benefits such as autonomy or flexibility. Consistent with this substitution effect, we observe significant gender disparities, with a notable decline in women-led startups in areas with greater telework potential. Our results suggest a nuanced tension between the attractiveness of flexibility in traditional employment and the autonomy provided by entrepreneurial entry.



Tearing the Paper Ceiling: The Impact of State Commitments to Remove Degree Requirements on Public Awareness and Job Opportunities for STARs


Justin Heck, Blair Corcoran de Castillo, Peter Q. Blair, and Papia Debroy #33220

Abstract: In the past two years, 25 states have enacted executive orders and legislation to reduce unnecessary degree requirements for public sector jobs, signaling a shift toward skill-based hiring. This paper examines the impact of these policy commitments on public perceptions, media coverage, and job posting practices in the time following their adoption. Our analysis reveals significant increases in public awareness of skill-based hiring concepts, such as the 'paper ceiling' (i.e., bachelor’s degree analog of the glass ceiling), and a notable decline in bachelor’s degree requirements in state government job postings. We estimate that degree requirements dropped by 2.5 percentage points for each additional year of policy exposure in states with commitments. These findings suggest that state policy commitments have expanded access to government jobs for workers skilled through alternative routes (STARs) other than the bachelor’s degree in keeping with the intended goals of the policies to broaden the talent pool for public sector hiring.



Minimum Viable Signal: Venture Funding, Social Movements, and Race


Matt Marx, Qian Wang, and Emmanuel Yimfor #33227

Abstract: How do venture capital investors react to social movements, including those that relate to historical underrepresentation in funding? We use image and name algorithms combined with clerical review to classify race for 150,000 founders and 30,000 investors. These data allow us to assess the impact of George Floyd’s murder on VC funding of Black entrepreneurs and identify which VCs were most responsive. Although VCs responded swiftly, investment in Black-founded startups reverted to prior levels within two years. This temporary reaction was concentrated among those who had never previously invested in any Black entrepreneur. Moreover, the investors who responded were less likely to invest in more than one Black-founded startup and were less inclined to engage deeply by taking a board seat. Finally, it appears that the best Black entrepreneurs may have anticipated this “token” response, as they did not match with investors who had no experience funding Black startups.



Valuing Policy Characteristics and New Products using a Simple Linear Program


H. Spencer Banzhaf #33225

Abstract: The Random Utility Model (RUM) is a workhorse model for valuing new products or changes in public goods. But RUMs have been faulted along two lines. First, for including idiosyncratic errors that imply unreasonably high values for new alternatives and unrealistic substitution patterns. Second, for involving strong restrictions on functional forms for utility. This paper shows how, instead, starting with a revealed preference framework, one can partially identify nonparametrically the answers to policy questions about discrete alternatives. When the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference (GARP) is satisfied, the approach weakly identifies a pure characteristics model. When GARP is violated, it recasts the RUM errors as departures from GARP (critical cost efficiency), to be minimized using a minimum-distance criterion. This perspective provides an alternative avenue for nonparametric identification of discrete choice models. The paper illustrates the approach by estimating bounds on the values of ecological improvements in the Southern Appalachian Mountains using survey data.



Business Applications as a Leading Economic Indicator?


Jose Asturias, Emin Dinlersoz, John C. Haltiwanger, Rebecca J. Hutchinson, and Alyson Plumb #33224

Abstract: How are applications to start new businesses related to aggregate economic activity? This paper explores the properties of three monthly business application series from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Business Formation Statistics as economic indicators: all business applications, business applications that are relatively likely to turn into new employer businesses (“likely employers”), and the residual series -- business applications that have a relatively low rate of becoming employers (“likely non-employers”). Growth in applications for likely employers significantly leads total nonfarm employment growth and has a strong positive correlation with it. Furthermore, growth in applications for likely employers leads growth in most of the monthly Principal Federal Economic Indicators (PFEIs). Motivated by our findings, we estimate a dynamic factor model (DFM) to forecast nonfarm employment growth over a 12-month period using the PFEIs and the likely employers series. The latter improves the model’s forecast, especially in the years following the turning points of the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, applications for likely employers are a strong leading indicator of monthly PFEIs and aggregate economic activity, whereas applications for likely non-employers provide early information about changes in increasingly prevalent self-employment activity in the U.S. economy.



Investor Memory and Biased Beliefs: Evidence from the Field


Zhengyang Jiang, Hongqi Liu, Cameron Peng, and Hongjun Yan #33226

Abstract: We survey a large, representative sample of retail investors in China to elicit their memories of stock market investments and their return expectations. We merge this survey data with administrative transaction data to test a model in which investors selectively recall past experiences to form their beliefs. Our analysis uncovers new facts about investor memory and highlights similarity-based recall as a novel mechanism of belief formation in financial markets. A rising market prompts investors to recall their past experiences more positively, leading to more optimistic forecasts of future returns. Recalled experiences explain a sizable fraction of cross-investor variation in return expectations and dominate actual experiences in their explanatory power. In the transaction data, we confirm that recalled experiences affect investors' trading decisions through a belief channel.





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【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
