
文摘   财经   2024-12-26 20:30   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.23-12.29)共发布 40 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送中间 14 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Lessons Learned and Ignored in U.S. Place-Based Policymaking


Matthew Freedman and David Neumark #33272

Abstract: Place-based programs aim to encourage economic and community development in defined geographic areas. They frequently offer tax incentives, grants, loans, or regulatory relief to private or non-profit entities for investing in specific communities. Funding can support a range of activities, including investments in job creation, infrastructure, workforce development, affordable housing, and more. Interest in spatially targeted interventions in the U.S. has waxed and waned over time in response to changing political environments, policy advocacy, and the evolving conclusions of academic research. The nature of place-based programs themselves has also evolved – often building on the lessons learned from past research and experience, but sometimes ignoring these lessons. In this chapter, we review what we have learned from past place-based job creation programs in the U.S. context. We also describe some of the newest developments in place-based policymaking and how recent programs’ successes and failures in heeding past lessons have contributed to their relative effectiveness.



Risk Loving and Fat Tails in the Wealth Distribution


Aloisio Araujo, Juan Pablo Gama, and Timothy J. Kehoe #33298

Abstract: We study the dynamic properties of the wealth distribution in an overlapping generations model with warm-glow bequests and heterogeneous attitudes towards risk. Some dynasties of agents are risk averters, and others are risk lovers. Agents can invest in two types of Lucas trees. The two types of trees are symmetric in the sense that one type has a high return in states where the other has a return of zero. This symmetry allows risk averters to perfectly ensure their future income and eliminates aggregate uncertainty in the model. Furthermore, risk lovers take extreme portfolio positions, which make it easy for us to characterize the evolution of their wealth holdings over time. We show that the model has an equilibrium in which the aggregate wealth distribution converges to a unique invariant distribution. The invariant distribution of wealth of the risk lovers has fat tails for high bequest rates. The existence of fat tails is endogenously generated by the behavior of risk lovers rather than by the exogenous existence of fat tails in the endowments or in the returns of the assets.

摘要:我们研究了一个包含“温暖情感遗赠”(warm-glow bequests)和异质风险态度的重叠世代模型中财富分配的动态特性。在该模型中,一些家族的代理人是风险规避者,而另一些则是风险偏好者。代理人可以投资两种类型的卢卡斯树(Lucas trees)。这两种树在某种对称性意义上是对称的:即一种树在某些状态下有高回报,而另一种树在相同状态下的回报为零。这种对称性使风险规避者能够完全保障其未来收入,并消除了模型中的总体不确定性。此外,风险偏好者采取极端的投资组合策略,这使我们能够更容易地刻画其财富持有量随时间的演变过程。我们证明,该模型存在一个均衡,在这一均衡中,总体财富分配收敛于一个独特的不变分布。对于高遗赠率,风险偏好者的财富不变分布呈现厚尾现象。这种厚尾现象是由风险偏好者的行为内生生成的,而不是由于禀赋或资产回报中外生存在的厚尾所导致。


Ideological Bias in Estimates of the Impact of Immigration


George J. Borjas and Nate Breznau #33274

Abstract: When studying policy-relevant topics, researchers’ policy preferences may shape the design, execution, analysis, and interpretation of results. Detection of such bias is challenging because the research process itself is not normally part of a controlled experimental setting. Our analysis exploits a rare opportunity where 158 researchers working independently in 71 research teams participated in an experiment. After being surveyed about their position on immigration policy, they used the same data to answer the same well-defined empirical question: Does immigration affect the level of public support for social welfare programs? The researchers estimated 1,253 alternative regression models, producing a frequency distribution of the measured impact ranging from strongly negative to strongly positive. We find that research teams composed of pro-immigration researchers estimated more positive impacts of immigration on public support for social programs, while anti-immigration research teams reported more negative estimates. Moreover, the methods used by teams with strong pro- or anti- immigration priors received lower “referee scores” from their peers in the experiment. These lower-rated models helped produce the different effects estimated by the teams at the tails of the immigration sentiment distribution. The underlying research design decisions are the mechanism through which ideology enters the production function for parameter estimates.



Winners and Losers from the Work-from-Home Technology Boon


Morris A. Davis, Andra C. Ghent, and Jesse M. Gregory #33284

Abstract: We model how an increase in Work-from-Home (WFH) productivity differentially affects workers using a framework in which some workers cannot work offsite, some are hybrid, and some are completely remote. The improvement in WFH productivity increases housing demand and thus housing prices since housing is inelastically supplied. Because workers in non-telecommutable occupations must consume housing but their total factor productivity does not increase, the rise in house prices reduces their welfare. The welfare decline is equivalent to 1-9% of consumption, depending on how substitutable WFH is with onsite work, and it arises despite measured income of all workers increasing.



The Mental Health of the Young in Africa


David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson #33280

Abstract: Growing evidence from around the world suggests the mental health of children and young adults is declining. We examine trends in mental health in Africa where there has been little prior work. We examine data from a number of surveys including Afrobarometers, the Gallup World Poll, the World Values Surveys, UNICEF’s Multiple Cluster Indicator Surveys and Global Minds. We find little support for the proposition that the age structure of wellbeing in Africa has changed over the last decade, although the Global Minds surveys, conducted over the internet, do find mental health improves with age. One potential reason for this is the limited amount of internet access in Africa, especially for women. In countries like Burkina Faso and Guinea the majority of the population say they have never accessed the internet. In a new survey in rural Tanzania, where there is little or no internet access, mental health improves with age. The absence of the internet might help explain why the mental health of young Africans have been declining less than elsewhere other than for the internet savvy. However, there are dangers on the horizon as the sales of smartphones explode in Africa.

摘要:来自全球的越来越多证据表明,儿童和年轻人的心理健康正在下降。我们研究了非洲地区的心理健康趋势,此前在该地区相关研究较少。我们分析了包括非洲晴雨表(Afrobarometers)、盖洛普全球民意调查(Gallup World Poll)、世界价值观调查(World Values Surveys)、联合国儿童基金会的多指标集群调查(UNICEF’s Multiple Cluster Indicator Surveys)以及全球思维(Global Minds)等多项调查的数据。我们的研究发现,尽管互联网进行的Global Minds调查显示心理健康随着年龄增长而改善,但总体来看,过去十年非洲地区的幸福感年龄结构变化并不显著。其中一个潜在原因可能是非洲的互联网接入率有限,尤其是女性群体。在布基纳法索和几内亚等国家,大多数人表示从未使用过互联网。在互联网接入率极低或几乎没有互联网接入的坦桑尼亚农村地区的一项新调查中,我们发现心理健康随着年龄增长而改善。这表明互联网的缺失可能解释了为什么非洲年轻人的心理健康下降幅度比其他地区更小,除了那些对互联网熟悉的人群以外。然而,随着非洲智能手机销售的激增,未来可能面临一些新的挑战和风险。


Unified Growth Theory: Roots of Growth and Inequality in the Wealth of Nations


Oded Galor #33288

Abstract: What sparked humanity’s leap from stagnation to prosperity? What lies at the core of inequality among nations? Unified Growth Theory explores the evolution of societies over the entire course of human history. It uncovers the universal wheels of change that have governed the journey of humanity, driven the growth process, and shaped inequality across the globe. The theory sheds light on two of the most fundamental mysteries surrounding this journey: (i) The Mystery of Growth—the origins of the dramatic transformation in human prosperity over the past two centuries, in the wake of millennia of near stagnation; and (ii) The Mystery of Inequality—the roots of the vast inequality in the wealth of nations. The theory suggests that forces operating in the distant past are central to the understanding of the uneven development across the globe and the design of effective policies that could promote economic growth and mitigate inequality.

摘要:是什么促使人类从停滞跃升到繁荣?国家之间不平等的核心原因是什么?统一增长理论探讨了人类社会在整个历史进程中的演变,揭示了驱动人类发展、推动增长过程并塑造全球不平等的普遍变革动力。这一理论阐明了围绕这一历程的两个最根本的谜题:(i) 增长之谜——在人类经历了数千年的近乎停滞后,过去两个世纪中繁荣发生剧变的根源;(ii) 不平等之谜——国家财富巨大不平等的根源。该理论指出,远古时代运作的力量对于理解全球发展不平衡至关重要,同时也为制定促进经济增长和减少不平等的有效政策提供了重要见解


Highway Procurement During the Great Recession and Stimulus


Dakshina G. De Silva and Benjamin Rosa #33299

Abstract: We study highway procurement in Texas during the Great Recession and stimulus period, finding increased competition with more bidders and lower bids. We argue that the recession reduced opportunity costs, in part due to a slump in private-sector construction. We evaluate costs and efficiency by developing methods to estimate an empirical auction model tailored for public bidding and demonstrate that contracts became more efficient and less costly. A counterfactual analysis confirms that infrastructure procurement during recessions not only stimulates the economy but also enables the government to complete necessary projects at lower costs.



Open Banking and Digital Payments: Implications for Credit Access


Shashwat Alok, Pulak Ghosh, Nirupama Kulkarni, and Manju Puri #33259

Abstract: Does the ability to generate verifiable digital financial histories, with customers having data-sharing rights, improve credit access? We answer this using India’s launch of an Open-Banking based public digital payment infrastructure (UPI). Using rarely available data on the universe of consumer loans we show credit increases by both fintechs (new entrants) and banks (incumbents), on the intensive and extensive margin, including increased credit to subprime and new-to-credit customers. We show several mechanisms at play: low-cost internet improves credit access, lenders weigh in digital histories, and digital payments with Open Banking effectively complement first-time bank accounts enabling access to formal credit.



Dissertation Paths: Advisors and Students in the Economics Research Production Function


Joshua Angrist and Marc Diederichs #33281

Abstract: Elite economics PhD programs aim to train graduate students for a lifetime of academic research. This paper asks how advising affects graduate students’ post-PhD research productivity. Advising is highly concentrated: at the eight highly-selective schools in our study, a minority of advisors do most of the advising work. We quantify advisor characteristics such as an advisor’s own research output and aspects of the advising relationship like coauthoring and research field affinity that might contribute to student research success. Students advised by research-active, prolific advisors tend to publish more, while coauthoring has no effect. Student-advisor research affinity also predicts student success. But a school-level aggregate production function provides much weaker evidence of causal effects, suggesting that successful advisors attract students likely to succeed–without necessarily boosting their students’ chances of success. Evidence for causal effects is strongest for a measure of advisors’ own research output. Aggregate student research output appears to scale linearly with graduate student enrollment, with no evidence of negative class-size effects. An analysis of gender differences in research output shows male and female graduate students to be equally productive in the first few years post-PhD, but female productivity peaks sooner than male productivity.



The Claiming of Children on U.S. Tax Returns


Geoffrey Gee, Jacob Goldin, Joseph Gray-Hancuch, Ithai Lurie, and Vedant Vohra #33277

Abstract: Tax benefits tied to children form a central component of the social safety net in the United States. To participate in these programs, taxpayers must claim a child on their tax return. We study the claiming of children on tax returns by drawing on health insurance information returns to establish the presence of children in the United States. We estimate that the vast majority of insured children (approximately 95 percent) and a significant majority (between 88 and 97 percent) of all U.S. children are claimed on tax returns. Unclaimed children are disproportionately concentrated in lower income households and are more likely to live in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods.



From Flat to Fair? The Effects of a Progressive Tax Reform


Nicolas Ajzenman, Guillermo Cruces, Ricardo Perez-Truglia, Darío Tortarolo, and Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare #33286

Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of a progressive tax reform on tax compliance. We leverage a major progressive tax reform in a large Argentine municipality. First, we use a quasi-experimental design to estimate the causal effect of changes in a household's own tax rates on its tax compliance. Second, we utilize a large-scale natural field experiment to examine whether, holding a household's own tax rates constant, tax compliance is influenced by the tax rates of poorer or richer households. We find that reducing taxes for poorer households increases their compliance, while increasing taxes for richer households decreases their compliance. When poor households learn about the tax hike on the rich, this increases their perceived fairness of the tax system and their tax compliance. When rich households learn about the tax cuts for the poor, their perceived fairness increases significantly, but their compliance, if anything, goes down. Leveraging another reform (and another field experiment) that took place a year later, we show that both the quasi-experimental and experimental findings replicate. Our evidence highlights that tax compliance depends not only on a household's own tax rate but also on its perception of the broader tax schedule. Our findings also highlight the gap between stated and revealed preferences for redistribution. Lastly, we conduct a counterfactual analysis to illustrate the implications of our findings for the design of tax policies.



Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: Continuing Progress?


Francine D. Blau #33266

Abstract: This article examines the trends in women’s economic outcomes in the United States focusing primarily on labor force participation, occupational attainment, and the gender wage gap. The author first highlights considerable progress on all dimensions prior to the 1990s followed by a slowing or stalling of gains thereafter, with a plateauing of female labor force participation trends and a slowing of women’s occupational and wage convergence with men. She considers the likelihood of a resumption of progress in narrowing gender gaps in these areas, concluding it is unlikely without policy intervention. She then considers some new policy initiatives addressing work-family issues and labor market discrimination that may hold potential for increasing female labor force participation and narrowing gender inequities in the labor market.



Consumer Preferences for Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products in Japan: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment


Donald S. Kenkel, Alan D. Mathios, Grace N. Phillips, Revathy Suryanarayana, Hua Wang, and Sen Zeng #33301

Abstract: Heated tobacco products (HTPs), a harm reducing cigarette alternative, gained popularity over the past decade and appear to have contributed significantly to the reduction of smoking in Japan. While the increased popularity of HTPs suggests a consumer preference for cigarette alternatives, there is a limited understanding of how consumers choose between different tobacco products. Understanding consumer choice is especially salient given the evolving policy landscape and proposals to increase HTP taxes. This study uses a large discrete choice experiment to examine the decision-making processes of smokers in Japan when choosing between cigarettes, HTPs, and quitting. We assess the influence of various product attributes such as prices, flavors, nicotine content, and warning messages on these choices. The findings reveal that prices and flavors significantly influence smokers' preferences. Specifically, higher HTP prices tend to drive smokers back to combustible cigarettes and discourage them from choosing to quit. Additionally, there is some evidence that consumers prefer HTPs with a wide variety of flavors. Meanwhile, hypothetical policy simulations that change warning messages or nicotine content do not affect consumers' choices.



Climbing the Ivory Tower: How Socio-Economic Background Shapes Academia


Ran Abramitzky, Lena Greska, Santiago Pérez, Joseph Price, Carlo Schwarz, and Fabian Waldinger #33289

Abstract: We explore how socio-economic background shapes academia, collecting the largest dataset of U.S. academics’ backgrounds and research output. Individuals from poorer backgrounds have been severely underrepresented for seven decades, especially in humanities and elite universities. Father’s occupation predicts professors’ discipline choice and, thus, the direction of research. While we find no differences in the average number of publications, academics from poorer backgrounds are both more likely to not publish and to have outstanding publication records. Academics from poorer backgrounds introduce more novel scientific concepts, but are less likely to receive recognition, as measured by citations, Nobel Prize nominations, and awards.





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【学术笔记 第31篇】2018年贸易战对美国物价和福利的影响
【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
