编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.23-12.29)共发布 40 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 13 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Bocar A. Ba, Nayoung Rim, and Roman Rivera #33276
Abstract: Given the use of an individual’s arrest history for many economic and social outcomes, reducing conviction‐less arrests (arrests that result in no charges or where the defendant is found not guilty) is an important policy goal. This paper examines which officers are making conviction‐less arrests, and whether these arrests can be reduced with increased oversight. Using the Chicago Police Department’s rotational duty calendar to obtain plausibly exogenous variation in the set of officers assigned to work on a particular day, we find that arrests made by officers with high misconduct are 10.5% less likely than the arrests made by no‐misconduct officers to result in charges and are 14% more likely to have a “Not Guilty” outcome. We also analyze two events that increased the transparency of police misconduct through public disclosure of complaint records and find that increased oversight reduces conviction‐less arrests, but with important nuances across misconduct profiles. While no‐ and low‐misconduct officers are responsive to oversight mechanisms, high‐misconduct officers are less responsive.
David Card, Eric Chyn, and Laura Giuliano #33282
Abstract: Boys are less likely than girls to enter college, a gap that is often attributed to a lack of non-cognitive skills such as motivation and self-discipline. We study how being classified as gifted – determined by having an IQ score of 116 or higher – affects college entry rates of disadvantaged children in a large urban school district. For boys with IQ’s around the cutoff, gifted identification raises the college entry rate by 25-30 percentage points – enough to catch up with girls in the same IQ range. In contrast, we find small effects for girls. Looking at course-taking and grade outcomes in middle and high school, we find large effects of gifted status for boys that close most of the gaps with girls, but no detectable effects on standardized tests scores of either gender. Overall, we interpret the evidence as demonstrating that gifted services raise the non-cognitive skills of boys conditional on their cognitive skills, leading to gains in educational attainment。
Zachary Bleemer and Aashish Mehta #33269
Abstract: Underrepresented minority (URM) college students have been steadily earning degrees in relatively less lucrative fields of study since the mid-1990s. A decomposition reveals that this widening gap is principally explained by rising stratification at public research universities, many of which increasingly prevent students with poor introductory grades from declaring popular majors. We investigate these major restriction policies by constructing a novel 50-year dataset covering four public research universities' student transcripts and employing a staggered difference-in-difference design around the implementation of 25 GPA-based restrictions. Restrictions disproportionately filter out less-prepared students with fewer pre-college academic opportunities, decreasing average URM enrollment shares by 20 percent. They do not measurably improve allocative efficiency across majors, departments' wage value-added, or filtered students' educational attainment. Using first-term course enrollments to identify students who intend to earn restricted majors, we find that major restrictions disproportionately lead URM students toward less lucrative majors, explaining nearly all growth in within-institution ethnic stratification since the 1990s.
Jacob Goldin, Sebastian Koehne, and Nicholas Lawson #33270
Abstract: We study the optimal taxation of expenditures that generate income while also serving a consumption function. We characterize the Pareto optimal income tax deduction for such mixed-purpose expenditures within a generalized Atkinson-Stiglitz model. Pareto optimality requires a partial deduction for mixed-purpose expenditures, where the deduction rate depends on the fraction of an expenditure’s marginal benefits that are attributable to income-generation rather than consumption. We extend our results to account for several practical considerations, including potential constraints relating to a uniform deduction rate or a fixed income tax schedule. Our results provide a rationale for non-uniform commodity taxation, distinct from existing models of preference heterogeneity or non-separability.
Eli Berman, Prabin B. Khadka, Danny Klinenberg, and Esteban Klor #33273
Abstract: We use response curves in a repeated game to analyze key aspects of mutual deterrence: escalation, de-escalation, incomplete deterrence, and deterrence by denial. In this approach, episodes of violence are due to interacting response curves, which disincentivize opponents from attacking through both deterrence and compellence. Both sides punish attacks to maintain credibility in future episodes, disincentivizing larger attacks and yielding nonviolent lulls. We empirically estimate those curves using detailed incident data from the Israel-Gaza conflict between 2007 and 2017. Our estimates match the dynamics of the raw data: very frequent episodes of low lethality violent exchange. Response curves are stable and probably Markovian. They exhibit a posture consistent with incomplete deterrence: i.e., episodes de-escalate, but to a violent equilibrium. Israeli missile defense shifts the Gazan response curve to a less aggressive posture, as predicted by theory.
Marleen R. Marra, Nathan H. Miller, and Gretchen Sileo #33292
Abstract: Incarcerated individuals in the U.S. purchase goods and services from monopoly vendors selected by their correctional authority. We study telecommunications, which have come under bipartisan scrutiny due to the high prices inmates pay for phone calls. Prospective providers are evaluated on their technical capabilities, the prices they would charge, and the “commission” they would pay the correctional authority. Using data from public records requests, we estimate a first-score auction model with evaluation uncertainty and multi-dimensional bidder heterogeneity. The model indicates that reducing the role of commissions in procurement lowers prices, whereas increasing competition among providers mainly raises commissions. Moreover, recent federal regulations that ban commissions and cap prices likely preserve providers' profitability.
Joshua S. Gans #33304
Abstract: This is a paper in the “economists ruin everything” field. It considers whether Catch-22 situations can persist as an equilibrium phenomenon. Rather than being an arbitrary rule or a set of self-serving beliefs, the focus is on the preferences of Gatekeepers who choose to create such situations in the first place. The base game-theoretic model is of a Catch-22 situation inspired by Heller's famous paradox. We consider a Requester who may be Sane or Insane and a Gatekeeper who must decide whether to grant the Requester's desired outcome or force them into a less desirable one. This is modelled as a game in which the Requester chooses whether to send a request signal before the Gatekeeper decides. We solve for the conditions under which a Catch-22 situation persists as an equilibrium and its efficiency properties. It is demonstrated that Catch-22 situations can arise, but they reflect an efficient response on the part of a Gatekeeper facing asymmetric information. An application to labour markets is also considered.
Timothy Layton and Eran Politzer #33302
Abstract: Setting payment rates for providers contracted over multiple periods is a persistent challenge in government procurement. We study the dynamics of fiscal costs following the outsourcing of Medicaid provision to private health insurers by states. We focus on beneficiaries with disabilities who account for a third of Medicaid's spending. Using a national administrative database, we identify county-level private plan enrollment mandates and exploit them as an instrument for individuals' transition to managed care plans. These transitions, while initially slightly reducing fiscal costs, lead to a continuous increase in Medicaid's costs over subsequent years. Counties subject to mandates experience a 9.8% higher cost four years post-mandate compared to those without mandates. "Actuarially sound" endogenous payment rates, that are based on past costs in the market, may serve as mechanism underlying the rising spending.
摘要:为多期合同的供应商设定支付标准一直是政府采购中的一个持续挑战。我们研究了各州将医疗补助(Medicaid)服务外包给私人健康保险公司后财政成本的动态变化,重点关注残疾受益人群体,这一群体占医疗补助支出的三分之一。通过一个全国性行政数据库,我们识别了县级私人计划强制参保政策,并将其作为个人向管理式医疗计划(Managed Care Plans)过渡的工具变量。这些过渡在初期仅略微减少了财政成本,但随后几年却导致医疗补助成本的持续上升。实施强制参保政策的县在政策实施四年后,与未实施强制政策的县相比,成本高出9.8%。基于市场过去成本的“精算合理”(actuarially sound)内生支付标准可能是支出不断上升的潜在机制。
Liying Yang, Yi Qian, and Hui Xie #33265
Abstract: Endogeneity is a primary concern when evaluating causal effects using observational panel data. While unit-specific intercepts control for unobserved time-invariant confounders, dependence between (i) regressors (e.g., marketing mix strategy of interests) and the current error term (regressor endogeneity) and/or between (ii) regressors and heterogeneous slope coefficients (slope endogeneity) can introduce significant estimation bias, resulting in misleading inference. This paper proposes a two-stage copula endogeneity correction mean group (2sCOPE-MG) estimator for panel data models, simultaneously addressing both endogeneity concerns. We generalize the IV-free copula control function, employing a general location Gaussian copula that effectively captures the panel structure. The heterogeneous coefficients are treated as unit-specific fixed parameters without distributional assumptions. Consequently, the 2sCOPE-MG estimator allows for arbitrary dependence structure between heterogeneous coefficients and regressors. Unlike Haschka (2022), 2sCOPE-MG requires neither a normal error distribution nor a Gaussian copula regressor-error dependence structure and is more robust, easier to implement, and capable of addressing slope endogeneity. The 2sCOPE-MG estimator is extended to dynamic panels, where intertemporal dependence in the outcome process can be suitably captured. We study its asymptotic properties and provide an analytical variance formula for inference without the need to bootstrap. For short dynamic panels, a Jackknife bias-corrected 2sCOPE-MG estimator is provided to ensure unbiased inference. The usage of the 2sCOPE-MG estimator is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations and a marketing mix response application across 21 categories to account for regressor and slope endogeneities in store-panel sales data.
摘要:在使用观测面板数据评估因果效应时,内生性是主要问题之一。尽管单位特定的截距能够控制未观测的时间不变混杂变量,但(1) 回归变量(如营销组合策略)与当前误差项之间的依赖关系(回归变量内生性)以及(2) 回归变量与异质斜率系数之间的依赖关系(斜率内生性)可能会引入显著的估计偏差,导致误导性推断。本文提出了一种适用于面板数据模型的两阶段Copula内生性校正均值组(2sCOPE-MG)估计方法,该方法同时解决了上述两类内生性问题。我们推广了无工具变量(IV-free)的Copula控制函数,采用了一种通用位置高斯Copula,能够有效捕捉面板结构。异质性系数被视为单位特定的固定参数,无需分布假设。因此,2sCOPE-MG估计允许异质性系数与回归变量之间存在任意依赖结构。与Haschka(2022)不同,2sCOPE-MG不需要正态误差分布或高斯Copula回归变量-误差依赖结构,因而更为稳健、易于实施,并能够解决斜率内生性问题。2sCOPE-MG估计方法还被扩展到动态面板模型,可以适当捕捉结果变量过程中的跨期依赖关系。我们研究了其渐近性质,并提供了无需自举抽样(bootstrap)的推断解析方差公式。对于短动态面板,本文还提出了一种Jackknife偏差校正的2sCOPE-MG估计方法,以确保无偏推断。通过蒙特卡罗模拟和一个涵盖21个品类的营销组合响应应用,本文展示了2sCOPE-MG估计方法的实际使用,解决了商店面板销售数据中的回归变量和斜率内生性问题。
Daniel Kessler and William Wygal #33278
Abstract: We investigate whether two characteristics of non-profit hospital boards – the number of board members and whether the CEO is a board member – are associated with CEO pay and several measures of hospital performance, including price, operating margin, quality, and service to low-income patients. Although the consequences of CEO board membership for for-profit firms have been studied extensively, the consequences for non-profits in general, and non-profit hospitals in particular, have received little attention. Because most hospitals are non-profit and non-profit hospital prices have increased rapidly over the past 20 years, this gap is important. We find a strong positive association between CEO board membership and non-profit hospital prices, operating margins, and CEO pay, with a weaker positive (negative) association between CEO board membership and quality (service to low-income patients). We conclude that CEO board membership contributes to the fundamental agency problem between non-profit hospitals’ management and the hospitals’ intended beneficiaries, consistent with the concerns expressed by Fama and Jensen (1983).
Aaditya Mattoo, Michele Ruta, and Robert W. Staiger #33293
Abstract: Until the beginning of this century, the GATT/WTO system worked. Economic research provided a compelling explanation. It showed that if governments maximize the well-being of their own countries broadly defined, GATT/WTO principles would facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation over their trade policy choices. Now heightened geopolitical rivalry seems to have undermined the WTO. A simple transposition of the previous rationalization suggests that geopolitics and trade cooperation are not compatible. We show that this is only true if rivalry eclipses any consideration of own-country well-being. In all other circumstances, there are gains from trade cooperation even with geopolitics. Furthermore, the WTO’s relevance is in question only if it adheres too rigidly to its existing rules and norms. Through measured adaptation to the geopolitical imperative, the WTO can continue to thrive as a forum for multilateral trade cooperation in the age of geopolitics.
Janet Currie, N. Meltem Daysal, Mette Gørtz, and Jonas Cuzulan Hirani #33303
Abstract: Mental health disorders are the leading cause of childhood disability worldwide. We examine the impact of a relatively common household stressor on child mental health: the presence of a younger sibling with a physical disability. Using Danish administrative data from families with at least 3 children, we focus on differences between first and second born children in families with and without a 3rd child with a disability. Second-born children in these families spend a larger fraction of their early childhood in families that may be under stress. We find that second-born children are 11 percent more likely to use mental health services than first-born children. There is a 19% increase in psychiatric visits and a 16% increase in use of psychiatric medications. These results are confirmed by matching models.
Garth Heutel and J. Paul Kelleher #33300
Abstract: We survey various ethical issues related to the use of pollution pricing. While pollution pricing, for example in the form of Pigouvian taxes or cap-and-trade systems, is widely used in environmental economics modeling, many moral and ethical assumptions lie behind those models, and many ethical objections to pollution pricing are disregarded. We hope this review will be helpful to environmental economists who are regularly engaged in the use of such models, and in economic reasoning more generally, but who are less familiar with their ethical underpinnings and possible implications.