
文摘   财经   2025-01-24 23:16   陕西  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(1.20-1.26)共发布 20 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送最后 7 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Survivors' Mental Health and the Protective Role of Income Stability


Itzik Fadlon, Astrid Sophie Fugleholm, and Torben Heien Nielsen #33359

Abstract: We use administrative records on the healthcare utilization and economic outcomes of the universe of Danish households to characterize survivors' mental health following their spouse's death. We provide visually clear evidence for the inevitable immediate, large, and lingering adverse impacts and focus on studying the role of potential mediators: economic conditions and the presence of children. We find no evidence of heterogeneity in family composition. As for economic outcomes, baseline levels of income and net wealth play only a modest role: there is no meaningful cross-household inequality gradient in mental health declines, so that spousal death is devastating for both the rich and the poor. Rather, a key source of heterogeneity in the decline in mental health is the household's degree of income insurance, that is, the within-household income variation. Specifically, the least-insured households experience an immediate decline in mental health that is 80 percent larger. Our findings suggest that the consumption smoothing welfare gains from income protection policies can have important spillovers to improved mental health in the context of severe household events.



The Growth Dividend and Excess Interest


Danny Yagan #33375

Abstract: Standard deficit accounting neglects the growth dividend: the amount by which annual GDP growth shrinks the debt-GDP ratio. America's growth dividend has more than doubled since the Great Recession because the debt ratio has more than doubled, leading to headline deficits that far exceed changes in the debt ratio. Each year's change in the debt ratio can be decomposed into three components: the primary deficit (non-interest spending minus tax revenue), interest payments, and the growth dividend. The sum of the latter two is excess interest: the impact of past debt on the debt ratio, roughly equal to last year's debt ratio times the excess interest rate (r-g)/(1+g) where r is the average nominal interest rate on federal debt and g is the nominal GDP growth rate. Excess interest remains slightly negative in CBO's baseline ten-year projection. Hence, current debt is sustainable in the CBO baseline despite high interest payments, and primary deficits entirely drive the unsustainable projected debt ratio path and provide a good guide for how the debt ratio is projected to change. However, America's higher debt ratio implies higher vulnerability to the risk that the excess interest rate turns persistently positive.



The Role of Digital Platforms in Shaping Tech Venture Innovation


Ginger Zhe Jin, Mario Leccese, and Liad Wagman #33370

Abstract: This chapter examines the multifaceted interactions between top digital platforms and technology ventures across capital, labor, innovation, and product markets. Exploring how venture investments, talent flows, strategic alliances, and competitive behaviors can shape the innovation ecosystem, the chapter highlights both the complementary and competitive dynamics between large incumbents and smaller entrants, and the benefits and potential inefficiencies that may arise from them, as demonstrated by the empirical and theoretical literatures. Throughout, the chapter identifies key areas for research that can support a rigorous evaluation of policy proposals concerning evolving market structures in the digital economy.



Modernizing Access to Credit for Younger Entrepreneurs: From FICO to Cash Flow


Christopher M. Hair, Sabrina T. Howell, Mark J. Johnson, and Siena Matsumoto #33367

Abstract: Younger entrepreneurs are disadvantaged by traditional loan underwriting, which relies heavily on personal credit scores. With data from three fintech companies, we show that incorporating timely information about ability to repay from business checking account statements particularly improves default prediction performance for younger business owners. We develop a novel method to compare model predictions across subgroups—Tail Analysis for Comparative Outcomes (TACO)—which finds that switching from a Baseline (FICO-driven) model to a Cash Flow-enhanced model benefits younger entrepreneurs. We confirm this in causal analysis of approval decisions, showing that access to cash flow-intensive underwriting increases approval rates for younger vs. older entrepreneurs.



Artificial Intelligence Asset Pricing Models


Bryan T. Kelly, Boris Kuznetsov, Semyon Malamud, and Teng Andrea Xu #33351

Abstract: The core statistical technology in artificial intelligence is the large-scale transformer network. We propose a new asset pricing model that implants a transformer in the stochastic discount factor. This structure leverages conditional pricing information via cross-asset information sharing and nonlinearity. We also develop a linear transformer that serves as a simplified surrogate from which we derive an intuitive decomposition of the transformer's asset pricing mechanisms. We find large reductions in pricing errors from our artificial intelligence pricing model (AIPM) relative to previous machine learning models and dissect the sources of these gains.



Valuing Solar Subsidies


Bryan Bollinger, Kenneth Gillingham, and A. Justin Kirkpatrick #33368

Abstract: Individuals trade present for future consumption across a range of economic behaviors, and this tradeoff may differ across socioeconomic groups. To assess these tradeoffs, we estimate a dynamic model of residential solar adoption and system sizing in California using household-level data on solar irradiance, electricity consumption, and electricity rates that offer plausibly exogenous variation in the future benefits from adopting relative to upfront costs. We find implicit discount rates of 15.3%, 13.8%, and 10.0% for low-, medium-, and high-wealth households. Counterfactual simulations demonstrate opportunities to reduce the regressivity of solar adoption, increase policy cost-effectiveness, and improve welfare for low-wealth households.



Enclaves and Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration: Evidence from Ethnic Catholic Churches


Ran Abramitzky, Leah Platt Boustan, and Osea Giuntella #33362

Abstract: Immigrant enclaves offer valuable ethnic amenities but may delay assimilation. We study enclave formation in the Age of Mass Migration by using the centralized location decisions for “ethnic” Catholic churches. After a church opening, same-ethnicity residents of chosen neighborhoods experienced falling earnings but strengthened communal ties, as compared to residents of areas matched on baseline characteristics. Treated residents held more manual occupations, and increased in-group marriage and naming. These effects persist into the second generation and are not observed for non-ethnic neighbors. Consistent with the historical record, Poles organized communal life around neighborhood parishes, but Italians were less church-centered.





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