
文摘   财经   2025-01-04 20:58   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.30-1.4)共发布 17 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送最后 5 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Empowered by Adversity: Economic Shocks and Noncognitive Skill Development in Ethiopian Youth


Leonard Wantchekon and Sally Zhang #33305

Abstract: Despite the widespread economic shocks faced by children in developing countries, the factors that contribute to resilience remain poorly understood. In this paper, we present three novel facts on the development of noncognitive skills using a longitudinal dataset from Ethiopia. First, we observe a weak correlation between parental wealth and noncognitive skills. Second, we find that while adverse weather shock cause a slight decline in cognitive test scores, they boost noncognitive skills, including generalized self-efficacy, self-esteem, and internal locus of control. Lastly, we show that past exposure to adverse weather shocks is correlated with better mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. We rationalize these surprising findings within a model of cognitive and noncognitive skill development, where child agency serves a key role. In this model, when a child chooses to exert effort during a particular period, they not only increase their immediate consumption, but it also enhances their noncognitive skills through “learning by doing.” Incorporation of child agency in human capital development result in model predictions that are consistent with the empirical results, and highlights the policy relevance of improving child agency.



Currency Wars and Trade


Kris James Mitchener and Kirsten Wandschneider #33313

Abstract: The Great Depression is the canonical case of a widespread currency war, with more than 70 countries devaluing their currencies relative to gold between 1929 and 1936. What were the currency war’s effects on trade flows? We use newly-compiled, high-frequency bilateral trade data and gravity models that account for when and whether trade partners had devalued to identify the effects of the currency war on global trade. Our empirical estimates show that a country’s trade was reduced by more than 21% following devaluation. This negative and statistically significant decline in trade suggests that the currency war destroyed the trade-enhancing benefits of the global monetary standard, ending regime coordination and increasing trade costs.



From Crisis to Norm: Remote Work Trends and Employee Engagement Across Industries, Occupations, and Geography


Christos A. Makridis and Jason Schloetzer #33315

Abstract: We use a survey of nearly 360,000 workers conducted from May 2020 through December 2023 to characterize shifts in remote work across time, industry, occupation, and geography, and examine the evolving relationship between remote work and employee engagement. We find remarkable stability in the incidence of remote work since mid-2021 with roughly one-half of workers reporting always working remotely or in a hybrid arrangement. While remote work arrangements across industries remain broad-based, at the occupation level, they are conspicuously concentrated in certain job classifications. Remote work continues to evolve across the U.S., with 13 (14) states experiencing reported increases (decreases) in remote work rates since 2022 with the most populous states experiencing remote working rates exceeding 40% of workers. Empirical evidence shows that while working remotely correlates with higher job satisfaction and lower intentions to quit, these correlations disappear when other workplace characteristics such as pay practices, human resources policies, and managerial relationships are considered. If remote work remains the norm, our results suggest it may not directly influence employee engagement—the workplace still matters.



Interest Rate Risk in Banking


Peter M. DeMarzo, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Stefan Nagel #33308

Abstract: We develop a framework to estimate bank franchise value. Contrary to existing models, sticky deposits and low deposit rate betas do not imply negative duration. While operating costs could generate negative duration, they are offset by fixed interest rate spreads from lending activity. Consequently, franchise value declines as interest rates rise, further exacerbating losses on banks’ securities holdings. Banks with less responsive deposit rates tend to invest more in long-term securities, aiming to hedge cash flows rather than market value. Despite significant recent rate hike losses, most U.S. banks still retain sufficient franchise value to remain solvent, justifying forbearance.



In-Person Schooling and Juvenile Violence


Benjamin Hansen, Kyutaro Matsuzawa, and Joseph J. Sabia #33317

Abstract: While investments in schooling generate large private and external returns, negative peer interactions in school may generate substantial social costs. Using data from four national sources (Uniform Crime Reports, National Incident-Based Reporting System, National Crime Victimization Survey, National Electronic Injury Surveillance System) and a variety of identification strategies, this study comprehensively explores the effect of in-person schooling on contemporaneous juvenile violence. Using a proxy for in-person schooling generated from anonymized smartphone data and leveraging county-level variation in school calendars — including unique, large, localized changes to in-person instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic — we find that in-person schooling is associated with a 28 percent increase in juvenile violent crime. A null finding for young adults is consistent with a causal interpretation of this result. The effects are largest in larger schools and in jurisdictions with weaker anti-bullying policies, consistent with both concentration effects and a peer quality channel. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that relative to closed K-12 schools, in-person schooling generates $233 million in monthly violent crime costs.





重磅| 基金申请内部学习和交流
【学术笔记 第33篇】 英属印度时期铁路:交通基础设施的影响评估(AER)
【学术笔记 第32篇】 技术、地理和贸易(经典EK模型)
【学术笔记 第31篇】2018年贸易战对美国物价和福利的影响
【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
