
文摘   财经   2025-01-10 16:05   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(1.6-1.12)共发布 19 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 6 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



New Keynesian Economics through the Extensive Margin


Saki Bigio and Akira Ishide #33332

Abstract: This paper reformulates the New Keynesian model to incorporate output adjustments through the extensive margin. Shifting from adjustments through the intensive to the extensive employment margin, the model introduces predetermined output, altering key properties of the New Keynesian framework. First, the Taylor principle is inverted: stability is achieved when nominal rates respond less than one-for-one with inflation. Second, the model significantly alters the output responses to changes in monetary policy. We argue that this represents a challenge and an opportunity for the literature. Sticky information allows the model to correct the sign of impulse responses.



Intergenerational Mobility over Two Centuries


Ran Abramitzky, Leah Platt Boustan, and Tamar Matiashvili #33330

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of recent empirical and methodological advances in the study of historical intergenerational mobility trends, with a focus on key measurement challenges. These advances are made possible by the recent digitization of historical censuses and new methods of historical record-linking, which have enabled researchers to create large historical samples of parent-child links. We identify three main findings. First, absolute mobility increased in the decades leading up to 1940 but has since declined, both in the US and other industrial countries. Second, recent studies on relative mobility question the classic narrative that the US has transitioned from a “land of opportunity” in the 19th century to a less mobile society today, suggesting that mobility was not as high in the past. However, estimates of relative mobility are sensitive to choices regarding sample selection and measurement. Third, we explore mechanisms underlying shifts in intergenerational mobility over time, including geographic mobility, wealth shocks, educational attainment, locational effects, and the transmission of parent-specific human capital. We conclude by suggesting avenues for future research.



Time Consistent Infrastructure Investments: Optimal Flood Protection Policies in Spatial Equilibrium


Amine Ouazad and Matthew E. Kahn #33333

Abstract: Place-based investments can have unintended general equilibrium effects and face challenges of time inconsistency. This paper simulates the granular impact of alternative spatial and temporal designs of such investments, using Quantitative Spatial Models where the strategy of the policymaker is endogenized, with time-consistent policy analysis or policies with commitment. It can apply to sunk, fixed costs investments in transportation infrastructure, levees, and other location-based investments. Applying this framework to the 1936 Flood Control Act, the largest investment in flood control infrastructure in US history protecting 5% of land, the study examines the general equilibrium effects of levee investments on housing prices, population density, and racial demographics over eight decades. Protected neighborhoods initially had lower property values, higher minority shares, and greater flood risk, but experienced sustained property appreciation and changes in population density. Structural analysis reveals that optimal levee designs prioritize high-density areas, reduce price capitalization, and minimize urban sprawl. Policymakers who cannot commit to long-term plans tend to overbuild and maintain larger systems compared to those with time-consistent strategies.



Are Big Cities Important for Economic Growth?


Matthew Turner and David N. Weil #33334

Abstract: Cities are often described as engines of economic growth. We assess this statement quantitatively. We focus on two mechanisms: a static agglomeration effect that makes production in bigger cities more efficient, and a dynamic effect whereby urban scale impacts the productivity of invention, which in turn determines the speed of technological progress for the country as a whole. Using estimates of these effects from the literature and MSA-level patent and population data since 1900, we ask how much lower US output would be in 2010 if city size had been limited to one million or one hundred thousand starting in 1900. These effects are small. If city sizes had been limited to one million people since 1900, output in 2010 would have been only 8% lower than its observed value.



E-Cigarette Taxation and Queer Youth


Anthony Chuo, Chad D. Cotti, Charles J. Courtemanche, Johanna Catherine Maclean, Erik T. Nesson, and Joseph J. Sabia #33326

Abstract: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) teenagers is over 30 percent higher than among their heterosexual counterparts. Yet little is known about how recent efforts to curb nicotine vaping through ENDS taxes impact sexual minorities. This study explores this question using data from the 2015-2021 State Youth Behavior Surveys. We find that a one-dollar (in 2021$) per mL of e-liquid increase in ENDS taxes reduces the likelihood of any prior-month ENDS use among heterosexual teens by about four percentage points and the likelihood of habitual vaping (as measured by frequent and everyday use) by about two percentage points. In sharp contrast, we find no evidence that ENDS taxes reduce any of the vaping measures for queer youths. The coefficient estimates are consistently less strongly negative for LGBQ than heterosexual youths, and the differences in effects on frequent and everyday vaping are statistically significant. Therefore, taxes widen disparities in vaping between queer and straight teens. The estimated effect of ENDS taxes on LGBQ teens who do not report being depressed, suicidal, or bullied is similar to the effect among heterosexuals, suggesting that LGBQ youths’ tax insensitivity may be explained by their dependence on e-cigarettes to cope with unique stress-related psychological challenges.



Immigrant Age at Arrival and the Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identification among Mexican Americans


Brian Duncan and Stephen J. Trejo #33329

Abstract: Many U.S.-born descendants of Mexican immigrants do not identify as Mexican or Hispanic in response to the Hispanic origin question asked in the Census and other government surveys. Analyzing microdata from the 2000 U.S. Census and the 2001-2019 American Community Surveys, we show that the age at arrival of Mexican immigrants exerts an important influence on ethnic identification not only for these immigrants but also for their U.S.-born children. Among Mexican immigrants who arrived as children, the rate of “ethnic attrition”—i.e., not self-identifying as Mexican or Hispanic—is higher for those who migrated at a younger age. Moreover, the children of these immigrants exhibit a similar pattern: greater ethnic attrition among children whose parents moved to the United States at a younger age. We unpack the relative importance of several key mechanisms—parental English proficiency, parental education, family structure, intermarriage, and geographic location—through which the age at arrival of immigrant parents influences the ethnic identification of their children. Intermarriage turns out to be the primary mechanism: Mexican immigrants who arrived at a very young age are more likely to marry non-Hispanics, and the rate of ethnic attrition is dramatically higher among children with mixed ethnic backgrounds.





重磅| 基金申请内部学习和交流
【学术笔记 第33篇】 英属印度时期铁路:交通基础设施的影响评估(AER)
【学术笔记 第32篇】 技术、地理和贸易(经典EK模型)
【学术笔记 第31篇】2018年贸易战对美国物价和福利的影响
【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
