【顶刊速递】Review of Economic Studies 《经济研究评论》:2025年1月期刊目录及摘要

文摘   2025-01-23 22:09   陕西  

Review of Economic Studies
Vol.92,  No.1 (2025-01)

The Review was founded in 1933 by a group of Economists from leading UK and US departments. It is now managed by economists based in Europe. It is published by The Review of Economic Studies Ltd, whose objective is to encourage research in theoretical and applied economics, especially by young economists, and to publish the results in the Journal. The Review of Economic Studies is essential reading for economists. It is one of the core economics journals, consistently ranking among the top five titles.
《经济研究评论(RES)》由来自英国和美国主要部门的一群经济学家于 1933 年创立。它现在由欧洲的经济学家管理,并由 The Review of Economic Studies Ltd 出版,其目标是鼓励理论和应用经济学的研究,尤其是年轻经济学家的研究,并将结果发表在杂志上。RES是经济学家的必备读物,它是核心经济学期刊之一,一直位居前五名,与AER、QJE、JPE、Econometrica合称经济学“五大刊”。点击文末“阅读原文”可跳转RES期刊官网。




  1. 1.Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled

    Naoki Aizawa, Soojin Kim, Serena Rhee
  2. 2. Optimal Allocation via Waitlists: Simplicity Through Information Design

    Itai Ashlagi, Faidra Monachou, Afshin Nikzad
  3. 3 Inefficient Automation

    Martin Beraja, Nathan Zorzi
  4. 4.Migration and the Value of Social Networks

    Joshua E Blumenstock, Guanghua Chi, Xu Tan
  5. 5.Private Sector Provision as an “Escape Valve”: The Mexico Diabetes Experiment

    Ari Bronsoler, Jonathan Gruber, Enrique Seira
  6. 6. Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric Structural Functions and Elasticities

    Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen, Sid Kankanala
  7. 7.Information Spillovers and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets the Eurozone Crisis

    Harold L Cole, Daniel Neuhann, Guillermo Ordoñez
  8. 8. Partially Linear Models under Data Combination

    X D’Haultfœuille, C Gaillac, A Maurel
  9. 9. Too Domestic to Fail: Liquidity Provision and National Champions

    Emmanuel Farhi, Jean Tirole
  10. 10.The Climate in Climate Economics

    Doris Folini, Aleksandra Friedl, Felix Kübler, Simon Scheidegger
  11. 11. Good Politicians: Experimental Evidence on Motivations for Political Candidacy and Government Performance

    Saad Gulzar, Muhammad Yasir Khan
  12. 12.International Comovement in the Global Production Network

    Zhen Huo, Andrei A Levchenko, Nitya Pandalai-Nayar
  13. 13.Transhumant Pastoralism, Climate Change, and Conflict in Africa

    Eoin F McGuirk, Nathan Nunn
  14. 14.Reservation Raises: The Aggregate Labour Supply Curve at the Extensive Margin

    Preston Mui, Benjamin Schoefer
  15. 15. Robust Implementation with Costly Information

    Harry Pei, Bruno Strulovici
  16. 16. The Causal Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills Training on Educational Success

    Giuseppe Sorrenti, Ulf Zölitz, Denis Ribeaud, Manuel Eisner
  17. 17.Surviving Competition: Neighbourhood Shops versus Convenience Chains

    Miguel Ángel Talamas Marcos
  18. 18. Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA

    Pietro Tebaldi


Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled

Naoki Aizawa, Soojin Kim, Serena Rhee

This article studies how firms’ screening incentives in the labour market affect the optimal design of social insurance programs and quantitatively assesses the U.S. disability policies accounting for firms’ screening of the disabled. We develop an equilibrium search model where workers with different productivities have heterogeneous preferences over non-wage benefits and firms cannot offer an employment contract that explicitly depends on worker types. In this environment, firms may use contracts to screen out a certain type of workers, distorting employment rates and contracts in equilibrium. Therefore, the optimal structure of social insurance policies depends on firms’ screening incentives. We extend and structurally estimate this framework to quantitatively understand the inefficiencies arising from firms’ incentives to screen out disabled workers and examine the optimal joint design of disability insurance (DI) and various forms of firm subsidies. We find that hiring subsidies mitigate screening distortions; at the same time, they interact with DI by reducing the labour supply disincentives it generates. The optimal policy structure leads to a considerable welfare gain by simultaneously making firm subsidies and DI benefits more generous.


Optimal Allocation via Waitlists: Simplicity Through Information Design

Itai Ashlagi, Faidra Monachou, Afshin Nikzad

We study non-monetary markets where objects that arrive over time are allocated to unit-demand agents with private types, such as in the allocation of public housing or deceased-donor organs. An agent’s value for an object is supermodular in her type and the object quality, and her payoff is her value minus her waiting cost. The social planner’s objective is a weighted sum of allocative efficiency (i.e. the sum of values) and welfare (i.e. the sum of payoffs). We identify optimal mechanisms in the class of direct-revelation mechanisms. When the social planner can design the information disclosed to the agents about the objects, the optimal mechanism has a simple implementation: a first-come first-served waitlist with deferrals. In this implementation, the object qualities are partitioned into intervals; only the interval containing the object quality is disclosed to agents. When the planner places a higher weight on welfare, optimal disclosure policies become coarser.


Inefficient Automation

Martin Beraja, Nathan Zorzi

How should the government respond to automation? We study this question in a heterogeneous agent model that takes worker displacement seriously. We recognize that displaced workers face two frictions in practice: reallocation is slow and borrowing is limited. We analyze a second best problem where the government can tax automation but lacks redistributive tools to fully alleviate borrowing frictions. The equilibrium is (constrained) inefficient and automation is excessive. Firms do not internalize that automation depresses the income of automated workers early on during the transition, precisely when they become borrowing constrained. The government finds it optimal to slow down automation on efficiency grounds, even when it does not value equity. Quantitatively, the optimal speed of automation is considerably lower than at the laissez-faire. The optimal policy improves efficiency and delivers meaningful welfare gains.


Migration and the Value of Social Networks

Joshua E Blumenstock, Guanghua Chi, Xu Tan

How do social networks influence the decision to migrate? Prior work suggests two distinct mechanisms that have historically been difficult to differentiate: as a conduit of information, and as a source of social and economic support. We disentangle these mechanisms using a massive “digital trace” dataset that allows us to observe the migration decisions made by millions of individuals over several years, as well as the complete social network of each person in the months before and after migration. These data allow us to establish a new set of stylized facts about the relationship between social networks and migration. Our main analysis indicates that the average migrant derives more social capital from “interconnected” networks that provide social support than from “extensive” networks that efficiently transmit information.


Private Sector Provision as an “Escape Valve”: The Mexico Diabetes Experiment

Ari Bronsoler, Jonathan Gruber, Enrique Seira

Public health systems are dominant in much of the world but often face fiscal constraints that lead to rationing of care. As a result, private sector healthcare providers could in theory beneficially supplement public systems, but evaluating the benefits of private alternatives has been challenging. We evaluate a private supplement to the free public health system for one of the world’s deadliest health problems, diabetes. We estimate enormous impacts of the private supplement, increasing the share of those treated who are under control by 69%. This effect arises through both improved treatment compliance and health behavior. We find diabetes complications fall in the short run, and that the net costs of this intervention are one-third of the gross costs. The returns to private care do not appear to reflect more productive delivery but rather more attachment to medical care, offering lessons for improving the public system.


Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric Structural Functions and Elasticities

Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen, Sid Kankanala

We introduce two data-driven procedures for optimal estimation and inference in nonparametric models using instrumental variables. The first is a data-driven choice of sieve dimension for a popular class of sieve two-stage least-squares estimators. When implemented with this choice, estimators of both the structural function and its derivatives (such as elasticities) converge at the fastest possible (i.e. minimax) rates in sup-norm. The second is for constructing uniform confidence bands (UCBs) for and its derivatives. Our UCBs guarantee coverage over a generic class of data-generating processes and contract at the minimax rate, possibly up to a logarithmic factor. As such, our UCBs are asymptotically more efficient than UCBs based on the usual approach of undersmoothing. As an application, we estimate the elasticity of the intensive margin of firm exports in a monopolistic competition model of international trade. Simulations illustrate the good performance of our procedures in empirically calibrated designs. Our results provide evidence against common parameterizations of the distribution of unobserved firm heterogeneity.


Information Spillovers and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets the Eurozone Crisis

Harold L Cole, Daniel Neuhann, Guillermo Ordoñez

We develop a theory of information spillovers in sovereign bond markets in which investors can learn about default risk before trading in primary and secondary markets. If primary markets are structured as multi-unit discriminatory-price auctions, an endogenous winner’s curse leads to strategic complementarities in information acquisition. Shocks to default risk in one country may trigger crisis episodes with widespread information acquisition, sharp increases in the level and volatility of yields in risky countries, low and stable yields in safe countries, market segmentation, and arbitrage profits between primary and secondary markets. These predictions are consistent with the dynamics of auction informativeness during the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis, which we measure using the reaction of secondary market yields to primary market yields.


Partially Linear Models under Data Combination

X D’Haultfœuille, C Gaillac, A Maurel

We study partially linear models when the outcome of interest and some of the covariates are observed in two different datasets that cannot be linked. This type of data combination problem arises very frequently in empirical microeconomics. Using recent tools from optimal transport theory, we derive a constructive characterization of the sharp identified set. We then build on this result and develop a novel inference method that exploits the specific geometric properties of the identified set. Our method exhibits good performances in finite samples, while remaining very tractable. We apply our approach to study intergenerational income mobility over the period 1850–1930 in the U.S. Our method allows us to relax the exclusion restrictions used in earlier work, while delivering confidence regions that are informative.


Too Domestic to Fail: Liquidity Provision and National Champions

Emmanuel Farhi, Jean Tirole

Authorities’ support policies shape the location and continuation of industrial and banking activity on their soil. Firms’ locus of activity depends on their prospect of receiving financial assistance in distress and therefore on factors such as countries’ relative resilience. We predict that global firms are global in life and national in death; and that they become less global when competition is more intense, times are turbulent, and international risk sharing (say, through swap lines) weak. We analyse the competitive benefits of industrial and banking policies as well as their limitations, such as currency appreciation.


The Climate in Climate Economics

Doris Folini, Aleksandra Friedl, Felix Kübler, Simon Scheidegger

To analyse climate change mitigation strategies, economists rely on simplified climate models—so-called climate emulators—that provide a realistic quantitative link between CO2 emissions and global warming at low computational costs. In this paper, we propose a generic and transparent calibration and evaluation strategy for these climate emulators that are based on freely and easily accessible state-of-the-art benchmark data from climate sciences. We demonstrate that the appropriate choice of the free model parameters can be of key relevance for the predicted social cost of carbon. The key idea we put forward is to calibrate the simplified climate models to benchmark data from comprehensive global climate models that took part in the coupled model intercomparison project, phase 5 (CMIP5). In particular, we propose to use four different test cases that are considered pivotal in the climate science literature: two highly idealized tests to separately calibrate and evaluate the carbon cycle and temperature response, an idealized test to quantify the transient climate response, and a final test to evaluate the performance for scenarios close to those arising from economic models, and that include exogenous forcing. As a concrete example, we re-calibrate the climate part of the widely used DICE-2016, fathoming the CMIP5 uncertainty range of model responses: the multi-model mean as well as extreme, but still permissible climate sensitivities and carbon cycle responses. We demonstrate that the functional form of the climate emulator of the DICE-2016 model is fit for purpose, despite its simplicity, but its carbon cycle and temperature equations are miscalibrated, leading to the conclusion that one may want to be skeptical about predictions derived from DICE-2016. We examine the importance of the calibration for the social cost of carbon in the context of a partial equilibrium setting where interest rates are exogenous, as well as the simple general equilibrium setting from DICE-2016. We find that the model uncertainty from different consistent calibrations of the climate system can change the social cost of carbon by a factor of 4 if one assumes a quadratic damage function. When calibrated to the multi-model mean, our model predicts similar values for the social cost of carbon as the original DICE-2016, but with a strongly reduced sensitivity to the discount rate and about 1 degree less long-term warming. The social cost of carbon in DICE-2016 is oversensitive to the discount rate, leading to extreme comparative statics responses to changes in preferences.


Good Politicians: Experimental Evidence on Motivations for Political Candidacy and Government Performance

Saad Gulzar, Muhammad Yasir Khan

How can we motivate good politicians—those that will carry out policy that is responsive to citizens’ preferences—to enter politics? In a field experiment in Pakistan, we vary how political office is portrayed to ordinary citizens. Emphasizing prosocial motives for holding political office instead of personal returns—such as the ability to help others versus enhancing one’s own respect and status—raises the likelihood that individuals run for office and that voters elect them. A year later, the treatment improves the alignment of policy with citizens’ preferences. These effects emerge only when treatments are randomly delivered in a public setting. Taken together, the results demonstrate that how politics is perceived shapes who decides to run for office, who is elected, as well the policies that democracies deliver.


International Comovement in the Global Production Network

Zhen Huo, Andrei A Levchenko, Nitya Pandalai-Nayar

This article provides a general framework to study the role of production networks in international GDP comovement. We first derive an additive decomposition of bilateral GDP comovement into components capturing shock transmission and shock correlation. We quantify this decomposition in a parsimonious multi-country, multi-sector dynamic network propagation model, using data for the G7 countries over the period 1978–2007. Our main finding is that while the network transmission of shocks is quantitatively important, it accounts for a minority of observed comovement under the estimated range of structural elasticities. Contemporaneous responses to correlated shocks in the production network are more successful at generating comovement than intertemporal propagation through capital accumulation. Extensions with multiple shocks, nominal rigidities, and international financial integration leave our main result unchanged. A combination of TFP and labour supply shocks is quantitatively successful at reproducing the observed international business cycle.


Transhumant Pastoralism, Climate Change, and Conflict in Africa

Eoin F McGuirk, Nathan Nunn

We consider the effects of climate change on seasonally migrant populations that herd livestock—i.e. transhumant pastoralists—in Africa. Traditionally, transhumant pastoralists benefit from a cooperative relationship with sedentary agriculturalists whereby arable land is used for crop farming in the wet season and animal grazing in the dry season. Rainfall scarcity can disrupt this arrangement by inducing pastoral groups to migrate to agricultural lands before the harvest, causing conflict to emerge. We examine this hypothesis by combining ethnographic information on the traditional locations of transhumant pastoralists and sedentary agriculturalists with high-resolution data on the location and timing of rainfall and violent conflict events in Africa from 1989 to 2018. We find that reduced rainfall in the territory of transhumant pastoralists leads to conflict in neighbouring areas. Consistent with the proposed mechanism, the conflicts are concentrated in agricultural areas; they occur during the wet season and not the dry season; and they are due to rainfall’s impact on plant biomass growth. Since pastoralists tend to be Muslim and agriculturalists Christian, this mechanism accounts for a sizable proportion of the rapid rise in religious conflict observed in recent decades. Regarding policy responses, we find that development aid projects tend not to mitigate the effects that we document. By contrast, the effects are reduced when transhumant pastoralists have greater power in national government, suggesting that more equal political representation is conducive to peace.


Reservation Raises: The Aggregate Labour Supply Curve at the Extensive Margin

Preston Mui, Benjamin Schoefer

We measure desired labour supply at the extensive (employment) margin in two representative surveys of the U.S. and German populations. We elicit reservation raises: the percent wage change that renders a given individual indifferent between employment and nonemployment. It is equal to her reservation wage divided by her actual, or potential, wage. The reservation raise distribution is the nonparametric aggregate labour supply curve. Locally, the curve exhibits large short-run elasticities above 3, consistent with business cycle evidence. For larger upward shifts, arc elasticities shrink towards 0.5, consistent with quasi-experimental evidence from tax holidays. Existing models fail to match this nonconstant, asymmetric curve.

我们在对美国和德国人口进行的两项代表性调查中测量了广泛(就业)边际的期望劳动力供应。我们得出了保留加薪:使特定个人在就业与非就业之间无差异的工资变化百分比。它等于保留工资除以实际或潜在工资。保留加薪分布是非参数的总劳动力供给曲线。从局部来看,该曲线的短期弹性大于 3,与商业周期的证据相符。对于较大的上移,弧形弹性会缩小至 0.5,这与免税期的准实验证据一致。现有模型无法与这种非恒定、非对称的曲线相匹配。

Robust Implementation with Costly Information

Harry Pei, Bruno Strulovici

We construct mechanisms that can robustly implement any desired social choice function when (1) agents may incur a cost to learn the state of the world, (2) with small probability, agents’ preferences can be arbitrarily different from some baseline known to the mechanism designer, and (3) the mechanism designer does not know agents’ beliefs and higher-order beliefs about one another’s preferences. The mechanisms we propose have a natural interpretation and do not require the mechanism designer to be able to verify the state ex post. We also establish impossibility results for stronger notions of robust implementation.


The Causal Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills Training on Educational Success

Giuseppe Sorrenti, Ulf Zölitz, Denis Ribeaud, Manuel Eisner

We study the long-term effects of a randomized intervention targeting children's socio-emotional skills. The classroom-based intervention for primary school children has positive impacts that persist for over a decade. Treated children become more likely to complete academic high school and enrol in university. Two mechanisms drive these results. Treated children show fewer attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms: they are less impulsive and less disruptive. They also attain higher grades, but they do not score higher on standardized tests. The long-term effects on educational attainment thus appear to be driven by changes in socio-emotional skills rather than cognitive skills.


Surviving Competition: Neighbourhood Shops versus Convenience Chains

Miguel Ángel Talamas Marcos

Hundreds of millions of microenterprises in emerging economies face increased competition from the entry and expansion of large firms that offer similar products. This paper examines the impacts of the opening of chain-run convenience stores on one of the world’s most ubiquitous microenterprises: owner-operated shops. To address endogeneity in time and location of chains’ opening, I pair two-way fixed effects with a novel instrument that shifts the profitability of chains but not of shops at the neighbourhood level. Expanding the number of chain outlets from zero to the neighbourhood average of 6.7 stores reduces the number of shops by 15%, a decline driven not by increased shop exits but by decreased shop entries. Shops retain their sales of fresh products and keep 96% of their customers, but customers visit shops less frequently and spend less on packaged goods. Surviving shops leverage competitive advantages stemming from being owner operated, such as lower agency costs, cultivating relationships with neighbours, and offering customers informal credit. The welfare gains of convenience chains replacing shops increase with household income; the poorest households experience a welfare loss.


Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA

Pietro Tebaldi

Regulations to design private yet publicly sponsored health insurance markets are increasingly adopted in many OECD countries. Here I combine data and economic theory to analyse the interaction between insurers’ competition and the design of premium subsidies in determining equilibrium outcomes. My empirical model includes adverse selection, rich heterogeneity in preferences for vertically and horizontally differentiated plans and accommodates alternative assumptions on pricing conduct. In the context of the Affordable Care Act in the U.S., I estimate the joint distribution of preferences and expected cost using Californian administrative records on 3.4 million plan choices between 2014 and 2017, combined with plan and survey data on medical claims. An empirical horse race between conduct assumptions favours oligopoly pricing over perfect competition. Considering alternative subsidy designs shows that, in equilibrium, shifting subsidy generosity toward the “young invincibles” would lower premiums for all enrolees while increasing enrolment and profits.





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