
文摘   财经   2025-01-03 10:05   北京  

编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(12.30-1.4)共发布 17 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送中间 5 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。



Distributional Impacts of the Changing Retail Landscape


Yue Cao, Judith A. Chevalier, Jessie Handbury, Hayden Parsley, and Kevin R. Williams #33307

Abstract: A common tactic to estimate willingness-to-travel exploits variation in the relative proximity of consumers to supplier locations. The validity of these estimates relies on the exogeneity of that consumer-supplier distance. We argue that distance to suppliers is endogenous because suppliers strategically choose locations to target consumers; we introduce a novel instrument to address this form of endogeneity. Using geolocation data from millions of smartphones, we estimate consumer preferences for specific retail chains across income groups and regions. We show that accounting for distance endogeneity significantly alters willingness-to-travel measures. Contrary to the prevailing “retail apocalypse” narrative, we find that consumer surplus per trip to general merchandise stores did not significantly decline from 2010 to 2019. For the lowest-income consumers, the expansion of national chains, particularly dollar stores, nearly compensates for the closure of traditional department stores and regional chains. Notably, failing to account for distance endogeneity leads to the erroneous conclusion that lower-income households experienced statistically significant consumer surplus declines.



Revenue-Sharing Teams with Remote Workers


E. Glenn Dutcher and Krista J. Saral #33321

Abstract: Remote work policies remain controversial because of the perceived opportunity for increased shirking outside of the traditional office; a problem that is potentially exacerbated if employees work in a revenue-sharing team environment. Using a controlled experiment, where individuals are randomized to different work locations (remote or an office-like setting), we examine how remote work impacts effort choices under individual pay schemes and in revenue sharing teams. Treatments vary the number of remote workers on a team. Our results suggest that work location alone does not lead to productivity differences. However, the location of partners does impact an individual’s effort levels in revenue-sharing teams. Non-remote workers reduce effort as the number of remote partners increases, and remote workers increase effort as the number of remote workers increases. These results are driven predominantly by those who are relatively less productive as individuals. Post-experiment incentivized survey evidence points to expectations of partner productivity as a contributing factor.



Coverage, Counter-cyclicality and Targeting of Work Requirement Waivers in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program


Richard V. Burkhauser, Kevin Corinth, Thomas O'Rourke, and Angela K. Rachidi #33316

Abstract: Non-disabled, working age adults without children are required to work 20 hours per week in order to maintain eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. However, states may waive the work requirement for areas that meet conditions reflective of a weak labor market. We construct a dataset with the waiver status of each United States county for every month from 1997–2023 and evaluate waiver coverage, counter-cyclicality and targeting. Waiver coverage has grown over time and in December 2023, when the national unemployment rate was 3.5 percent, waivers covered 29 percent of the U.S. population. In terms of counter-cyclicality, a county’s probability of receiving a waiver increases by 3.1 percentage points for every one percentage point increase in its unemployment rate. In terms of targeting, counties with an unemployment rate below 5 percent received 25 percent of waivers in the average month from 1997–2023. We simulate the effects on waiver eligibility of counterfactual regulations finalized in 2019—but never implemented—by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Altogether, the 2019 rule would have decreased waiver eligibility in all months, increased the responsiveness of waivers to county unemployment rates, and increased the share of waivers targeted to high unemployment counties.



Aggregate Debt Servicing and the Limit on Private Credit


Mathias Drehmann, Mikael Juselius, and Sarah Quincy #33306

Abstract: This paper reviews the debt service ratio (DSR) as a theoretically well-grounded indicator of systemic risk. The DSR has the desirable feature that it fluctuates around a stable level which makes its early warning signals easy to understand and communicate. In contrast, current early warning indicators (EWIs) based on credit-developments lack clear economic interpretations and require statistical detrending, which can reduce their accuracy and usefulness for macroprudential policymakers. The review of the literature shows that the DSR provides highly accurate early warning signals for crises and future economic slowdowns, outperforming traditional credit-based indicators. By extending the measurement of the DSR back to the 1920s – a novel contribution in this paper – we demonstrate its EWI effectiveness across different historical periods and show that the DSR acts as an upper limit on benign financial deepening. The paper also outlines questions for future research.



Glass Box Machine Learning and Corporate Bond Returns


Sebastian Bell, Ali Kakhbod, Martin Lettau, and Abdolreza Nazemi #33320

Abstract: Machine learning methods in asset pricing are often criticized for their black box nature. We study this issue by predicting corporate bond returns using interpretable machine learning on a high-dimensional bond characteristics dataset. We achieve state-of-the-art performance while maintaining an interpretable model structure, overcoming the accuracy-interpretability trade-off. The estimation uncovers nonlinear relationships and economically meaningful interactions in bond pricing, notably related to term structure and macroeconomic uncertainty. Subsample analysis reveals stronger sensitivities to these effects for small firms and long-maturity bonds. Finally, we demonstrate how interpretable models enhance transparency in portfolio construction by providing ex ante insights into portfolio composition.





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【学术笔记 第32篇】 技术、地理和贸易(经典EK模型)
【学术笔记 第31篇】2018年贸易战对美国物价和福利的影响
【学术笔记 第30篇】全球价值链和国家部门层面实际有效汇率
