编者按:美国全国经济研究所(NBER)是美国最大的经济学研究组织,其发布的工作论文代表着经济学研究最新的成果,每周一发布新论文。本周(1.20-1.26)共发布 20 篇新工作论文,本期将会推送前 7 篇论文的题目与摘要,供读者学习。
Erika Kirgios, Susan Athey, Angela L. Duckworth, Dean Karlan, Michael Luca, Katherine L. Milkman, and Molly Offer-Westort #33294
Abstract: Effective information sharing is critical for the success of organizations and governments. Because information that is easy to access is more likely to be adopted, leaders often minimize friction in information delivery. However, one type of friction may increase engagement: piquing curiosity by posing relevant questions prior to sharing information. To test this, we shared identical information about COVID-19 in either question-and-answer format or via direct statements across two preregistered field experiments in Ghana and Michigan (total N=49,395). Q&A-style communication increased information seeking about directly related topics (e.g., how to wear a mask properly) by 1.0 percentage-point (216%) in Ghana and by 1.1 percentage-points (19%) in Michigan (p’s<0.001), and increased self-reported behavior change by 1.3 percentage-points (4%) in Michigan (p=0.002). However, sharing information in Q&A format did not increase interest in general COVID-19 information in either setting, suggesting that the impact of Q&A-style messaging on information seeking may be issue-specific. In Michigan, both Q&A-style and direct statement messaging produced less information-seeking than sending no informational messages, likely due to differential attrition: the more texts participants received, the more likely they were to opt out of receiving messages, which made it impossible for them to seek more information via text. In a follow-up implementation experiment with social media ads (a messaging strategy without attrition challenges) Q&A-style ads generated 9-11% more unique clicks to the CDC website per dollar spent than ads that directly stated information about vaccines (p<0.001). We speculate that Q&A-style information delivery may stimulate curiosity, driving its benefits.
Robert Novy-Marx and Mihail Z. Velikov #33363
Abstract: This paper describes a process for automatically generating academic finance papers using large language models (LLMs). It demonstrates the process’ efficacy by producing hundreds of complete papers on stock return predictability, a topic particularly well-suited for our illustration. We first mine over 30,000 potential stock return predictor signals from accounting data, and apply the Novy-Marx and Velikov (2024) “Assaying Anomalies” protocol to generate standardized “template reports” for 96 signals that pass the protocol’s rigorous criteria. Each report details a signal’s performance predicting stock returns using a wide array of tests and benchmarks it to more than 200 other known anomalies. Finally, we use state-of-the-art LLMs to generate three distinct complete versions of academic papers for each signal. The different versions include creative names for the signals, contain custom introductions providing different theoretical justifications for the observed predictability patterns, and incorporate citations to existing (and, on occasion, imagined) literature supporting their respective claims. This experiment illustrates AI’s potential for enhancing financial research efficiency, but also serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating how it can be abused to industrialize HARKing (Hypothesizing After Results are Known).
José Andrée Camarena, Juan Pablo Medina, Daniel Riera-Crichton, Carlos A. Vegh, and Guillermo Vuletin #33366
Abstract: In the aftermath of the 1997-98 Asian crises, many emerging markets self-insured by accumulating international reserves (i.e., non-contingent assets) in excess of what many models predicted, while relying relatively little on state-contingent assets. This apparent over-reliance on self-insurance has been viewed as a puzzle in search of an explanation. A related, and still outstanding, puzzle is why the benefits of financial liberalization appear to be quite small and, yet, financial globalization has been unprecedented in recent decades. We show that these two puzzles can be solved by incorporating rare macroeconomic disasters in income risk. To this effect, we first fit a fat-tailed distribution to long output time series for 156 countries. We then develop a theoretical framework to quantify (i) the increase in welfare gains of financial integration and (ii) how the composition of official reserves (non-contingent and contingent) responds to bigger shocks. Our results show that fat tails lead to a sharp increase in both the gains of financial integration and self-insurance for standard values of the coefficient of risk aversion.
Stefano Giglio, Theresa Kuchler, Johannes Stroebel, and Olivier Wang #33361
Abstract: We study the economic effects of the interaction of nature loss and climate change in a model that incorporates important aspects of both processes. We capture the distinct ways in which they affect economic activity—with nature constituting a key factor of production and climate change destroying parts of output—but also the ways in which they interact: climate change causes nature loss, and nature provides both a carbon sink and adaptation tools to reduce climate damages. Our analysis of these feedback loops reveals a novel amplification channel—the Twin-Crises Multiplier—that systematically affects optimal climate and nature conservation policies.
Ethan Kaplan, Jorg L. Spenkuch, and Cody Tuttle #33365
Abstract: In 1975, a federal court ordered the desegregation of public schools in Jefferson County, KY. In order to approximately equalize the share of minorities across schools, students were assigned to a busing schedule that depended on the first letter of their last name. We use the resulting quasi-random variation to estimate the long-run impact of attending an inner-city school on political participation and preferences among whites. Drawing on administrative voter registration records and an original survey, we find that being bused to an inner-city school significantly increases support for the Democratic Party and its candidates more than forty years later. Consistent with the idea that exposure to an inner-city environment causes a permanent change in ideological outlook, we also find evidence that bused individuals are much less likely to believe in a "just world" (i.e., that success is earned rather than attributable to luck) and, more tentatively, that they become more supportive of some forms of redistribution. Taken together, our findings point to a poverty-centered version of the contact hypothesis, whereby witnessing economic deprivation durably sensitizes individuals to issues of inequality and fairness.
Alan J. Auerbach and Danny Yagan #33374
Abstract: Any fiscal path is sustainable if future fiscal policy responds sufficiently to high deficits. Previous work found that Congress reduced the deficit during 1984-2003 when projected deficits rose. We find that this year-to-year feedback has disappeared: Congress on average during 2004-2024 did not respond to the projected deficit. We quantify how strong fiscal feedback needs to be going forward in order to keep the debt-GDP ratio below 250% in one hundred years, taking as given the debt sensitivity of interest rates implicit in official projections. Without fiscal risk, the government can succeed either by modestly and gradually reducing the deficit or by suddenly and permanently reducing the deficit once this century by 1.5% of GDP. When considering large transitory deficit shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic and persistent interest rate shocks, keeping the debt ratio below 250% with 95% probability requires stronger gradual feedback — 0.5%-1.1% of GDP average deficit reduction in the next decade — though less strong than actually observed during 1984-2003. Successful sudden feedback requires being able to undertake 1.5%-of-GDP deficit reductions twice in thirteen-year periods, suggesting that a “wait-and-see” approach to successful deficit reduction sometimes allows little waiting.
Katie Bollman, Benjamin Hansen, Edward A. Rubin, and Garrett O. Stanford #33360
Abstract: Using Measure 114’s narrow passage in Oregon as a natural experiment, we study how new gun regulations affect firearm demand. Background checks, a proxy for demand, rose 13.9% in anticipation of the referendum and surged 157% immediately following the election. After judicial intervention halted the law’s enactment, demand returned near pre-election levels. Temporal displacement/harvesting does not explain the demand spike: after eighteen months, we still observe a substantial cumulative increase of 63,000 excess firearm-related background checks. Administrative data reveal significant county-level heterogeneity. This evidence underscores the paradoxical effect of gun-control policies, offering a cautionary lesson to policymakers.