安哥拉维多利亚渔业:六年铸就的“精卫填海”传奇Angola Victoria Fisheries

文摘   教育   2025-01-27 17:39   美国  


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Angola Victoria Fisheries: A Six-Year Epic of “Filling the Sea”

A long the vast coastline of Benguela, Angola, lies a bay that has borne witness to six years of perseverance and dreams. Victoria Fisheries, a flagship project of a Chinese enterprise in Angola’s fishing industry, is more than just a commercial venture—it is a legend of determination, innovation, and social responsibility.

The story of Victoria Fisheries began six years ago when the fishing infrastructure in Benguela was extremely underdeveloped. The coastal ports were mostly small-scale structures, unable to accommodate large vessels, leading to long-standing inefficiencies in fishing operations and logistics. As a result, the development of the local fishing industry had been stagnant for years.

In the face of these challenges, Victoria Fisheries, based in Benguela Province, not only chose to tackle the obstacles head-on but also undertook what can only be described as an extraordinary feat—one that redefined the future of this bay, akin to the mythical tale of “Jingwei Filling the Sea.”

文 | Caroline Liang

Chapter 1:填海筑湾:用石头与沙子书写的传

Reclaiming the Sea—A Legend Written with Stones and Sand


•    山石筑坝,填海造湾:为修建防浪堤,维多利亚团队将目光投向了山丘。通过精确规划和高效施工,他们将山上的石头开采后运至海边,一块块填入海中,最终成了一条保护海岸的防浪堤。这个过程不仅耗费巨大的人力物力,还需要克服自然条件的重重阻碍。每一块石头的搬运,都仿佛是为未来奠定的一块基石。

•    自然与人工的融合:在保护海洋生态的前提下,防浪堤设计既坚固又环保,为未来的渔业发展提供了长久保障。

The story of Victoria Fisheries is inseparable from the creation of a breakwater that stretches for several kilometers. This massive structure not only reshaped the coastline but also laid the foundation for the development of a modern fishing port in the region.

To construct the breakwater, the Victoria team embarked on an ambitious endeavor—quarrying stones from nearby mountains and transporting them to the shore, gradually building a protective barrier that extended for kilometers into the sea. This remarkable feat not only altered the geography of the bay but also set the stage for the construction of a state-of-the-art port facility.

Mountains to the Sea: Building a Breakwater, Shaping a Bay

With the goal of constructing a resilient breakwater, the Victoria team turned to the nearby hills. Through meticulous planning and efficient execution, they extracted massive stones from the mountains and transported them to the shoreline, placing them one by one into the sea. Each stone laid was more than just a physical addition—it was a cornerstone for the future. The process demanded tremendous manpower and resources, overcoming numerous natural challenges along the way.

A Fusion of Nature and Engineering

 Designed with both durability and environmental sustainability in mind, the breakwater serves as a long-term safeguard for the fishing industry while ensuring minimal impact on the marine ecosystem. This careful balance between human ingenuity and environmental responsibility guarantees a prosperous future for the region’s fisheries.

Chapter 2:挖沙筑港,六年坚守不懈
Excavating the Port—Six Years of Unwavering Dedication


•    六年的日夜不停:现代化设备的轰鸣声从未间断,每一铲沙石都是对未来的投资。

•    从未妥协的坚持:无论是雨季还是酷暑,施工团队始终坚守岗位,用六年的努力,正在打造能够停泊大型船只的深水港湾。

•    环保与技术的结合:在挖沙过程中,维多利亚渔业始终关注对周边生态的保护,确保海洋环境的可持续性。


To enable the bay to accommodate large fishing vessels, the port needed to meet the deep-water standard of 9 meters. Achieving this required an extensive dredging operation to completely clear the accumulated sand and sediment.

Six Years of Relentless Effort

The roar of modern equipment never ceased, with every scoop of sand and stone representing an investment in the future. Day and night, the work continued, steadily transforming the bay.

Unyielding Perseverance

Regardless of the challenges posed by the rainy seasons or scorching heat, the construction team remained steadfast in their mission. Through six years of hard work, they are shaping a deep-water port capable of docking large vessels, a feat achieved through sheer determination and resilience.

Balancing Environmental Sustainability with Technology

Throughout the dredging process, Victoria Fisheries remained committed to protecting the surrounding ecosystem, ensuring that the marine environment would be preserved for future generations while pursuing progress.

After six years of tireless effort, this once-undeveloped bay is being transformed into a modern fishing port, capable of accommodating large ships and set to revolutionize the fishing industry in Benguela.

Chapter 3:技术革新与行业升级:重塑本地渔业的蓝图

Technological Innovation and Industry Upgrade—Redefining the Future of Angola’s Fisheries



安哥拉近海资源的减少已经成为渔业面临的主要挑战,尤其是在厄尔尼诺(El Niño)现象大西洋环流减缓的双重影响下,近海水温下降、鱼群大规模向深海迁移,传统近海捕捞的模式估计已难以为继。

•    深海捕捞的技术需求:深海捕捞需要大型渔船和先进设备支持,而维多利亚渔业的港口建设正是为这些大型捕捞船只的停靠和作业提供了可能。

•    9米深水港的意义:通过挖沙将码头水深拓至9米,为未来停泊大型远洋捕捞船只提供了必要条件。这不仅是对本地渔业格局的提升,更是对深海资源开发能力的赋能。



•    解决近海捕捞困境:随着近海鱼群的减少,渔业企业必须将捕捞目标转向深海,而这需要码头的配套设施和技术支持。

•    开拓深海资源的潜力:维多利亚渔业码头建成后,将成为区域深海捕捞作业的重要支点,为安哥拉渔业迈向深海资源开发提供了新的可能性。


•    大型渔船投入运营:维多利亚渔业也在积极引入多艘配备先进捕捞设备的大型渔船,能够深入深海开展高效捕捞。这也是维多利亚渔业为了努力扭转本格拉渔业过度依赖近海资源的局面所做的战略调整和努力

•    冷链物流一体化:船只配备的冷藏技术确保了渔获物的新鲜度,显著提升了渔产品的市场竞争力。



•    管理模式升级:码头建成后,维多利亚渔业将引入一套先进的捕捞和运营管理系统,优化船只调度、捕捞计划和资源分配。这种管理经验将大幅提升安哥拉渔业的现代化水平。

•    技术支持与数据化作业:通过配备捕捞数据采集系统和深海捕捞设备,维多利亚渔业将进一步推动安哥拉渔业向数据化、智能化方向转型,提高资源利用效率。



•    技术输出:维多利亚渔业还积极为本地渔民提供技术培训,帮助他们掌握现代化的捕捞和加工技能。从网具的使用到设备的维护,这些技术的输出不仅提升了渔民的作业效率,也为他们创造了更高的收入。

•    捕捞船队建设:通过引入和建造更多的大型深海捕捞船,进一步提升本地渔业资源的开发能力。





Victoria Fisheries’ six-year journey is not just about transforming Angola’s fishing infrastructure; it’s about laying a solid foundation for the future of deep-sea fishing. While significant progress has been made with the construction of the breakwater and port, the project is still ongoing, driven by long-term ambitions that go beyond the present. Once completed, Victoria Fisheries will not only set a benchmark for Angola’s fishing industry but also revolutionize local operations through technology transfer and modernized fishing practices, enhancing both efficiency and sustainability.

1. Building Infrastructure for Deep-Sea Fishing

The depletion of coastal fish resources has become a major challenge for the fishing industry in Angola, exacerbated by the dual impacts of the El Niño phenomenon and the slowdown of Atlantic Ocean currents. These factors have led to lower coastal water temperatures, pushing fish populations further into deeper waters, rendering traditional coastal fishing methods unsustainable.

The Need for Deep-Sea Fishing Technology:

Deep-sea fishing requires large vessels equipped with advanced technology. The construction of Victoria Fisheries’ port provides the essential docking and operational support for such vessels, enabling offshore expansion.

The Significance of a 9-Meter Deep-Water Port:

By deepening the port to 9 meters, the facility will be capable of accommodating large offshore fishing vessels, which is not only a game-changer for the local fishing landscape but also a critical step in unlocking deep-sea resource development.

2. Transitioning from Coastal to Deep-Sea Fishing

The shift towards deep-sea fishing is not just a response to climate change but a necessary evolution for Angola’s fishing industry.

Addressing the Challenges of Coastal Fishing:

As coastal fish stocks dwindle, fishing enterprises must set their sights on deeper waters, which requires advanced port facilities and technological support.

Unlocking the Potential of Deep-Sea Resources:

Once completed, Victoria Fisheries’ port will serve as a strategic hub for deep-sea fishing operations, opening new possibilities for Angola to tap into offshore resources efficiently and sustainably.

3. Pioneering Deep-Sea Fishing Operations

Deployment of Large-Scale Fishing Vessels:

Victoria Fisheries is actively investing in a fleet of large, technologically advanced fishing vessels capable of deep-sea operations. This strategic move aims to reduce the region’s dependence on coastal resources and expand offshore capabilities.

Integrated Cold Chain Logistics:

Equipped with state-of-the-art refrigeration technology, these vessels ensure the freshness of the catch, significantly enhancing the competitiveness of local seafood products in international markets.

4. Preparing for Advanced Management Practices

The six-year construction effort is not just about bridging an infrastructure gap; it’s about paving the way for the introduction of advanced Chinese management techniques and operational expertise in Angola.

Upgrading Management Systems:

Upon completion, Victoria Fisheries will implement a comprehensive fishing and operational management system to optimize fleet scheduling, fishing plans, and resource allocation. This knowledge transfer will significantly modernize Angola’s fishing industry.

Technology Integration and Data-Driven Operations:

By incorporating fishing data collection systems and deep-sea fishing equipment, Victoria Fisheries aims to propel the industry towards a data-driven and intelligent future, maximizing resource efficiency and sustainability.

5. Facilitating a Full-Scale Technological Transition

Deep-sea fishing requires not only infrastructure but also the transfer and adoption of relevant technologies. Victoria Fisheries is committed to driving progress in the following areas:

Technology Transfer:

The company actively provides training programs for local fishermen, equipping them with modern fishing and processing skills. From net usage to equipment maintenance, these initiatives enhance operational efficiency and offer higher income opportunities for local communities.

Fleet Expansion:

Through the acquisition and construction of additional deep-sea fishing vessels, Victoria Fisheries aims to further develop Angola’s offshore fishing capacity, ensuring sustainable industry growth.

Conclusion: Paving the Way for Deep-Sea Fishing

Victoria Fisheries’ six-year commitment is about more than just constructing a port; it’s about drawing a clear blueprint for the future of Angola’s fishing industry. While the project began with coastal fishing in mind, its vision extends far beyond—to the depths of the open sea.

This port represents not only hope for local economic development but also a strategic response to the challenges posed by climate change. Every milestone achieved in construction stands as a promise for deep-sea resource development, and every new facility established serves as a cornerstone for future growth.

Looking ahead, as the port reaches full completion and technology adoption accelerates, Victoria Fisheries will not only become a key pillar of Angola’s deep-sea fishing industry but will also continue to forge new success stories in the collaboration between China and Angola in the fisheries sector.

Chapter 4:公益与社会责任:筑堤如筑梦,企业的另一份答卷 Public Welfare and Social Responsibility—Building a Breakwater, Building Dreams




•    改善海岸生态与保护渔业资源:防浪堤的建成大大缓解了海浪对海岸线的侵蚀,稳定了沿岸海域的生态环境,为渔业资源的持续开发提供了有力保障。

•    为当地社区服务:防浪堤不仅保护了渔业作业的安全,也在一定程度上改善了沿海居民的生活环境,使这一公益项目的意义超越了企业自身。




•    直接创造就业机会:工程高峰期雇佣了数千名本地工人,从搬运山石到施工建设,为众多家庭带来了经济收入。

•    长期就业岗位:随着码头逐步建成并投入运营,码头的管理、船只调度、渔获加工等配套工作将为本地居民提供长期、稳定的岗位。




•    修建道路,便利交通:企业修建和改善了多条道路,连接港口与周边村镇,为物流运输和居民出行提供了便利。

•    捐赠教育物资:点亮孩子们的学习之路:教育是社区发展的基石,而维多利亚渔业深知这一点。从2020年开始,企业连续多年向周边学校捐赠课桌椅和学习用品,帮助改善教学环境,为当地的学生创造更好的学习条件:

•    2020年捐赠:为本格拉地区一所学校捐赠200套课桌椅,解决了多间教室长期缺乏基础设施的问题。

•    2021年捐赠:再次为两所学校送去300套课桌椅和大量学习用品,包括文具、作业本和书包,惠及了数百名学生。




•    财力与精力的巨大投入:从开采山石到运输填海,维多利亚渔业以一企之力完成了这项浩大的工程,展现出强大的执行力和社会担当。

•    六年如一日的坚持:在这场跨越多年的建设中,维多利亚渔业始终保持高标准、高效率,克服了雨季施工、技术难题和成本压力等多重困难。


The story of Victoria Fisheries is not just a tale of industrial development; it is also a remarkable testament to social responsibility. Over the past six years, the company has dedicated itself to constructing a breakwater stretching several kilometers along the Benguela coast. More than just a large-scale infrastructure project, it is a monumental act of public service that has profoundly transformed the local community.

1. The Breakwater Project: A Model of Public Service

Building the breakwater was never an obligation for Victoria Fisheries, yet the company made the bold decision to invest significant resources and take on the challenge with its own strength and vision.

Protecting the Coastal Ecosystem and Fisheries Resources:

The breakwater has significantly reduced coastal erosion caused by ocean waves, stabilizing the coastal environment and providing long-term protection for sustainable fisheries development.

Serving the Local Community:

Beyond ensuring safer fishing operations, the breakwater has improved the living conditions of coastal residents, turning the project into a public service initiative that extends beyond the company’s interests.

Each stone placed in the breakwater represents Victoria Fisheries’ dedication and commitment. This project not only enhances port functionality but also stands as a shining example of corporate social responsibility.

2. Job Creation and Economic Impact

Over the six years of breakwater and port construction, Victoria Fisheries has continuously invested in job creation and contributed to the local economy in multiple ways.

Direct Employment Opportunities:

At the peak of construction, thousands of local workers were employed, from quarrying and transporting stones to on-site construction, providing stable incomes for many families.

Long-Term Employment:

As the port nears completion and begins operations, it will create stable jobs in port management, vessel operations, and seafood processing, offering sustainable employment for the local population.

Beyond short-term job opportunities, Victoria Fisheries has also provided training programs to equip workers with modern construction and maintenance skills, opening new career possibilities for them.

3. Infrastructure and Community Development

In addition to building the breakwater and port, Victoria Fisheries has actively contributed to improving local infrastructure and supporting community initiatives.

Road Construction for Better Connectivity:

The company has constructed and improved several roads connecting the port to surrounding towns and villages, facilitating logistics and making daily travel more convenient for residents.

Educational Donations: Lighting Up the Path to Learning

Education is the cornerstone of community development, and Victoria Fisheries recognizes its importance. Since 2020, the company has consistently donated school desks, chairs, and supplies to local schools, helping to improve educational conditions.

•  2020 Donation:Provided 200 sets of desks and chairs to a school in Benguela, addressing a long-standing shortage of basic classroom infrastructure.

•  2021 Donation:Donated an additional 300 sets of desks and chairs, along with school supplies such as stationery, notebooks, and backpacks, benefiting hundreds of students across two schools.

These initiatives demonstrate the company’s commitment to public welfare and have made Victoria Fisheries an integral part of the local community’s progress.

4. Commitment and Investment: The Determination Behind Public Welfare

The construction of the breakwater was not a quick task but a long-term commitment requiring persistent investment and determination.

Significant Financial and Operational Efforts:

From quarrying stones to transporting and placing them in the sea, Victoria Fisheries took on this massive undertaking single-handedly, showcasing its strong execution capabilities and social responsibility.

Six Years of Consistency:

Despite challenges such as the rainy season, technical difficulties, and financial pressures, the company maintained high standards and efficiency throughout the entire project, never wavering in its commitment.

The breakwater is more than just an infrastructure improvement; it serves as a bridge connecting corporate development with social responsibility, economy with sustainability.

Building the Breakwater, Building Dreams




Victoria Fisheries’ public welfare efforts are not just an extension of its business values but also a vivid example of cooperation between China and Angola. From educational donations to job creation, from infrastructure development to community support, the company has upheld its commitment to social responsibility through tangible actions.

The breakwater that now stands along the coast not only shields the community from the forces of the sea but also opens a new chapter of growth and prosperity. Through six years of unwavering dedication, Victoria Fisheries has built more than just a port; it has laid the foundation for a better future.

Looking ahead, as the port becomes fully operational, the true value of this commitment will become even clearer. Victoria Fisheries will continue to balance public welfare with business development, writing new chapters in its ongoing legacy of responsibility and progress.

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