中产妈妈已放弃“鸡娃”? 转而讨论怎样才是“好妈妈”? What Makes a Good Mom?

文摘   教育   2025-01-23 09:28   美国  


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Have Middle-Class Moms Given Up on “Tiger Parenting”? Now They’re Asking—What Makes a Good Mom?

Lately, during my trip back home and casual chats with friends, I’ve noticed an interesting shift. Not too long ago, every conversation revolved around“tiger parenting.”Moms were busy comparing extracurricular classes, academic competitions, and packed schedules, all in the pursuit of making sure their kids wouldn’t “fall behind.” But now, the conversation has taken a turn—“tiger parenting”seems to be fading into the past, and instead, moms are asking a deeper question:“What makes a good mom?”

What’s surprising is that once moms started reflecting on themselves rather than fixating on their child’s grades, the entire family atmosphere became much more relaxed. The old competitive mindset of “whose kid is more accomplished” has evolved into discussions like “Do moms have their own lives?” and “How can I be a role model for my child?”

This shift in focus can be quite thought-provoking, even a bit unsettling. We grew up with the classic idea of “great maternal love”—where a mother gives up everything for her child, dedicates herself completely, and makes endless sacrifices. But when you really think about it,is a self-sacrificing mom truly the best kind of mom?





文 | Caroline Liang

What Makes a Good Mom?


When this question comes up, I can’t help but imagine the two typical “mom personas” I often see on social media:

1.The “Sacrificial Mom”– Her posts are filled with tutoring sessions, homework battles, and a never-ending cycle of extracurricular activities.

2.The “Superwoman Mom”– Effortlessly juggling a thriving career and parenting, making you feel like moms should be superheroes—perfect in both their professional and personal lives.

But in my opinion, being a “good mom” isn’t about fitting into a certain mold. It’s about whether your child looks at you and thinks:

“I want to be like you.”

At the end of the day,a mom is a child’s first role model.

Kids don’t just listen to what we say; they watch how we live. If a mom pours all her energy into her child while giving up on her own passions and growth, it won’t take long before the child starts wondering,“Mom, what about your own life?”





说到底,妈妈是孩子的第一任role model


A Good Mom is a Role Model, Not a Martyr

Many people believe that being a good mom means centering your entire world around your child, sacrificing everything for their success. But the truth is, this approach can send the wrong message—teaching children that love equals self-sacrifice.

We grew up hearing our moms say things like:

“Everything I do is for you.”

Looking back, I realize that this mindset can be a double-edged sword. For the child, it creates pressure; for the mom, it’s a form of self-erasure.

A truly good mom shows, through her actions, that:

Loving life, continually learning, and staying independent are key values.

A successful career teaches kids about ambition and goal-setting.

Pursuing personal interests—whether it’s fitness, learning a new skill, or even indulging in hobbies—shows kids that life is meant to be enjoyed.

Ultimately, a good mom doesn’t just revolve around her child. Instead, she demonstrates through her own lifestyle:

“I’m living a life I love, and you can too.”





•    你追求事业,孩子会学会目标感;

•    你坚持健身、学习,孩子会理解自律的意义;

•    你追星、看剧、养花种草,孩子会发现,原来生活也可以这么有趣。


A Good Mom is a Distant Guardian, Not a Micromanager

One of the hardest lessons in parenting is learning to let go.

Many moms, out of love, micromanage every aspect of their child’s life—making decisions for them, planning every detail, and even stepping in to prevent failure. But the unintended consequence? Kids who struggle to make independent decisions and constantly feel overshadowed by their super-capable moms.

A good mom takes on the role of a“distant guardian”rather than a“helicopter parent.”She doesn’t pave every step of the way but instead empowers her child to walk their own path, offering gentle guidance from afar.

This approach involves:

Providing enough freedom for kids to explore, experiment, and even fail.

Serving as a mental and emotional support system without taking over.

Trusting that your child can figure things out, while being there as a safety net.

It’s about finding that delicate balance:“I’m here when you need me, but I trust you to try first.”






•    既能让孩子知道你永远在,也给了他们足够的自由去尝试、去犯错;

•    既是一个精神支柱,也能让孩子感受到信任。


When Moms Have a Balanced Life, Kids Learn Balance Too 平衡自己的角色,孩子才能学会平衡自己的生活

A mom wears many hats—caretaker, mentor, partner, and, most importantly, an individual with her own aspirations. If a mom gives up her career, hobbies, and dreams entirely for the sake of her child, the child may start feeling an unspoken pressure. They may even ask:

“Mom, what about your own dreams?”

Children don’t just need guidance; they need inspiration. And what better inspiration than seeing their mom embrace life in a fulfilling way?

Show your child that it’s okay to have boundaries—“I have work now, but we’ll have time together later.”

Demonstrate the importance of friendships and self-care.

Let them see that pursuing your goals isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

Balance isn’t just something we preach to our kids; it’s something we model for them every day.






•     “我白天忙工作,但晚上会陪你聊天。

•     “我也有自己的朋友和兴趣爱好,和你一样。

•     “当我为自己努力时,我也希望你为自己努力。


Moms Don’t Need to Be Perfect; They Need to Be Real  适度弱势,让孩子变得强势

There’s a saying:“When moms are too strong, kids become weak.”

If a mom always steps in to fix everything, the child never learns resilience or problem-solving skills. The best moms are those whoembrace imperfectionand aren’t afraid to show vulnerability.

“I don’t know the answer either, let’s figure it out together.”

“I had a tough day too; let’s take a break.”

“I’m learning how to be a better mom, just like you’re learning to grow up.”

Being real with your child builds a deeper connection and teaches them that perfection isn’t the goal—growth is.





•    比如,妈妈可以承认自己的不足:这个事情妈妈也不会,我们一起学。

•    或者主动示弱:这件事情你来帮妈妈,好吗?


A Good Mom Teaches Resilience, Not Just Success 好妈妈要教会孩子“抗造”,而不只是“成功”

In a world that glorifies success and achievement, it’s easy for moms to fall into the trap of constantly encouraging their children to win, excel, and shine. But the truth is, life isn’t a straight path to victory—it’s a winding road full of setbacks, detours, and disappointments.A good mom doesn’t just cheer for success; she teaches her child how to stand tall in the face of failure.

Resilience isn’t something that can be taught through words alone; it’s built through experience. A mom who truly prepares her child for life isn’t afraid to let them face challenges, struggle through difficulties, and even taste failure. The goal isn’t to protect them from every fall, but to show them how to get back up—every single time.

Failure isn’t the enemy; fear of failure is.

When a child grows up believing that failure is unacceptable, they become hesitant, afraid to take risks, and overly dependent on external validation. But when they understand that setbacks are a natural part of growth, they become bolder, more adaptive, and better equipped to handle life’s uncertainties.

So, what does a resilience-building mom do?

She allows her child to take risks,even when there’s a chance of failure. Whether it’s trying out for a team they might not make or taking on a challenge they aren’t fully prepared for, the experience matters more than the outcome.

She normalizes struggle,showing that hard times are not a sign of weakness but of progress. Tears, frustration, and doubts are all part of the journey, and that’s okay.

She emphasizes bouncing back,reminding her child that failure is just a temporary state, not a permanent label. “What did you learn from this?” becomes a more important question than “Why didn’t you succeed?”

She leads by example,openly sharing her own experiences of setbacks and how she overcame them, proving that resilience is a lifelong skill, not just a childhood lesson.

Ultimately,resilience is about courage—the courage to keep going, to try again, and to believe in oneself even when things don’t go as planned.A good mom doesn’t make life easier for her child; she makes them stronger for life.

Because life, after all, isn’t about avoiding failure—it’s about learning to rise, again and again.













The Ultimate Goal: Raising Independent and Happy Kids


At the end of the day, a mom’s job isn’t to create a “perfect child.” It’s to nurture a confident, independent, and happy individual. The ultimate mission is to walk alongside them for a while, then watch them confidently step into their own lives.

And in this journey, moms must remember to live their own fulfilling lives—because a happy mom creates a happy home.

A confident mom inspires confidence in her child.

An independent mom raises an independent child.

A mom who chases her dreams teaches her child to do the same.

In Summary: What Makes a Good Mom?

1.A good mom has her own life, not just her child’s.

2.She knows when to step back and let her child grow.

3.She embraces imperfection and leads by example.

4.She balances love with independence, creating a healthy relationship.

So yes, “tiger parenting” might be fading, but the conversation about being a “good mom” is just getting started.

Let’s all strive to be the kind of moms whosupport, inspire, and empower—without losing ourselves in the process.

Here’s to parenting with balance and joy!



•    快乐的妈妈,才能带来快乐的家庭。

•    独立的妈妈,才能让孩子学会独立。

•    有梦想的妈妈,才能让孩子懂得追逐梦想的意义。



•    放手不是不爱,是更高级的爱;

•    妈妈不需要完美,但需要真实;

•    你活得自信,孩子才会有自信。






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Life is a drama filled with stories, waiting to be read and understood. 人生如戏,一起阅读和领悟生命的各种剧本, 只为某一天身处其中时多一份勇气与坚韧,你并不孤单