大西洋环流与厄尔尼诺:安哥拉渔业的幕后推手The Hidden Forces Behind Angola’s Fisheries

文摘   教育   2024-12-27 18:56   安哥拉  


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The Atlantic Circulation and El Niño: The Invisible Forces Behind Angola’s Fisheries

When discussing the decline of fish stocks off the coast of Angola, many instinctively point to overfishing as the primary culprit, overlooking the “natural disasters” hidden within Earth’s complex systems. In reality, the changes in marine ecosystems resemble a vast chess game—where we are not the players.

If the Atlantic Ocean is a profound epic, then climate change is undoubtedly the dramatic twist in its narrative. Angola, with its 1,600 kilometers of coastline, finds itself at the heart of this unfolding story. From the slowing of the Atlantic circulation to the impacts of El Niño, and even the recent surge in rainfall across Africa, these phenomena are silently reshaping Angola’s fisheries and the global marine economy. For the fishermen seeking catches nearshore, this is more than a challenge to their livelihoods—it is a battle against the forces of nature.




文 | Caroline Liang


The Collapse of the Atlantic Circulation: Deadly Fluctuations in Ocean Temperature

The Atlantic circulation is the “lifeline” of global marine ecosystems. This intricate network of currents, driven by the “thermohaline circulation,” transports warm water from the equator to the north and cold water from the Arctic back south, regulating the Earth’s climate and the distribution of marine life. However, in recent years, climate change has slowed this circulation, triggering a cascade of ecological consequences akin to falling dominoes.

1. Declining Water Temperatures and Fish Migration

As the circulation slows, the transport of warm water near the equator weakens, causing surface water temperatures off the coast of Angola to drop by 3–5 degrees Celsius. While this may seem like a minor shift, for marine life—especially fish—it represents a dramatic change in their habitat.

Deeper MigrationFor every degree of temperature decline, fish habitats retreat 5–10 meters deeper into the ocean in search of more suitable conditions. This makes nearshore fishing more costly and often results in the complete disappearance of target fish populations.

Disrupted Food Chains: Changes in water temperature also impact the distribution of plankton, a primary food source for many fish species. With plankton populations dwindling, fish reproduction declines, further depleting nearshore resources.

2. Long-term Effects: A Regional Crisis Amplified

Scientists warn that if the Atlantic circulation continues to slow—or worse, collapses entirely—it will lead to further temperature declines and broader ecological imbalances. Angola’s fisheries are just the tip of the iceberg; the entire West African coastal ecosystem could be at risk. This crisis transcends national borders, presenting a global challenge that demands international attention.





•    迁移深度增加:每下降一度,鱼类的栖息范围便会向深海退缩5-10,以寻找更适宜的水温。对传统近海捕捞而言,这意味着捕捞成本增加,甚至直接失去目标鱼群。

•    生物链断裂:水温的变化还影响了浮游生物的分布,而它们是许多鱼类的主要食物来源。随着浮游生物减少,鱼群繁殖受到限制,进一步削弱了近海资源。



El Niño: The “Climate Game” Disrupting Global Fisheries


El Niño: The “Climate Game” Disrupting Global Fisheries

While changes in the Atlantic circulation represent a long-term shift in ocean ecosystems, El Niño is a more immediate and direct disruptor. Occurring every 2–7 years, El Niño triggers dramatic fluctuations in climate and ocean systems on a global scale. Angola, unfortunately, finds itself downstream of its cascading effects.

1. The Battle of Water Temperatures: Cold vs. Warm Currents

At its core, El Niño involves an abnormal rise in sea surface temperatures across the equatorial Pacific. This warming spreads globally through atmospheric circulation, ultimately impacting Angola’s coastal waters. Combined with the cooling effects of the Atlantic circulation slowdown, these temperature fluctuations create intensified instability in Angola’s nearshore waters:

Disrupted Reproductive Cycles: Fish breeding cycles are thrown off balance, with previously stable spawning seasons disappearing.

Altered Feeding Patterns: Fish change their feeding routes, making it even harder for fishermen to locate and catch them.

2. Amplified Extreme Weather Events

El Niño’s impact extends beyond water temperatures, directly fueling extreme weather events in Angola. Recent years have seen sudden heavy rains and sharp temperature drops in regions like Malanje and Luanda. These disruptions damage both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, indirectly undermining the stability of fisheries.

El Niño’s short-term shocks, combined with the long-term effects of Atlantic circulation changes, present a compounded challenge for Angola’s fisheries and the global marine economy.


如果说大西洋环流的变化是海洋生态的长线效应,那么厄尔尼诺(El Niño)则是一个更加短期且直接的冲击。厄尔尼诺每隔2-7年一次的爆发,总是在全球范围内掀起气候和海洋系统的剧烈波动,而安哥拉则正处于其连锁反应的下游。



•    鱼类的繁殖周期被打乱,原本稳定的产卵季节消失。

•    鱼群觅食路径的改变进一步增加了渔民的捕捞难度。



Freshwater Meets the Ocean: The Unexpected “Shockwave” of Increased Rainfall


Increased Rainfall and River Flow Diluting Ocean Salinity

In recent years, rainfall across the African continent has surged, dramatically increasing the flow of major rivers such as the Congo, Kwanza, and Zambezi into the Atlantic Ocean. This steady influx of freshwater is profoundly altering the ecological balance of nearshore marine environments:

Diluted SalinityThe Atlantic, known for its high salinity, is now experiencing significant dilution in coastal areas due to the influx of freshwater. For many fish species that rely on specific salinity levels to survive, this change disrupts their natural rhythm.

“Salt-Avoidance” Behavior: Like skilled “ocean detectives,” fish are quick to detect changes in salinity, prompting them to migrate to deeper waters in search of more suitable habitats.

The Double-Edged Sword of Freshwater and Sediments

Freshwater inflow doesn’t just dilute salinity—it also carries a surge of sediments and nutrients. River mouths like those of the Congo have become ecological “hotspots”:

Changes in Plankton Growth: While sediment increases can temporarily boost plankton growth, they also alter plankton distribution, making it harder for fish to locate predictable food sources.

Shifting HabitatsChanges in salinity and food availability force some nearshore fish species to relocate, migrating to deeper or more distant waters as a survival strategy. These migrations are both a form of self-preservation and a reluctant response to the changing environment.

Feeding Behavior: A “Migration Drama” for Survival

Fish migration is not only a natural reaction to salinity and temperature shifts but also a survival tactic driven by the need to feed. The effects of freshwater dilution and reduced salinity on the food chain make the deep sea a more attractive haven.

Disrupted Food Chains: As salinity changes push plankton away from nearshore areas, smaller fish follow their food source, forcing higher-level predators to chase them into deeper waters.

Deep-Sea Food Resource AppealCompared to the unstable nearshore environment, the deep sea offers richer and more reliable feeding opportunities. Fish migration to deeper waters is not just about survival but also about securing the future of their species.




•    盐度稀释大西洋本身以高盐度著称,但随着淡水的持续注入,近海盐度被大幅稀释。对于许多依赖特定盐度生存的鱼类来说,这样的变化足以扰乱它们的生活节奏。

•    避盐行为鱼类像是天然的海洋侦探,它们迅速感知盐度的变化,随之向深海迁徙以寻找更适宜的生存环境。



•    浮游生物的变化:沉积物增加虽然一时促进了部分浮游生物的生长,却也影响了它们的分布,使得鱼类觅食路径更难以预测。

•    栖息地的改变:部分近海鱼类因盐度和食物链变化不得不搬家,迁往深海或更远的区域。这些迁徙不仅是鱼类的自我保护,也是生存的无奈选择。



•    捕食链条的断裂:盐度变化使得浮游生物从近海转移,小型鱼类跟随觅食,高阶鱼类则不得不追逐它们向深海移动。

•    深海食物资源的吸引力:相比于不稳定的近海环境,深海提供了更丰富、更稳定的觅食资源。鱼类迁徙深海,不仅是为了生存,也是为了延续种群。

Multiple Factors at Play: The Inevitable Decline of Coastal Fish Stocks


Attributing the recent decline in coastal fish populations in Angola to a single cause would be an oversimplification. From freshwater inflows and salinity changes to the slowing of ocean currents and the impacts of El Niño, each factor plays a critical role in this ecological upheaval.

1.The Dual Pressure of Salinity and TemperatureFreshwater inflows dilute salinity, while reduced circulation lowers water temperatures, collectively forcing fish to abandon traditional habitats.

2.Disrupted Food Chains: Fish migration is driven not just by habitat instability but also by the search for abundant food resources now concentrated in deeper waters.

3.The Deep Sea as a New Territory: Natural changes have made the deep sea a new haven for fish, directly challenging the traditional coastal fishing industry.



1.   盐度与温度的双重压力:淡水注入稀释了盐度,环流减缓则降低了水温,两者共同迫使鱼类离开传统栖息地。

2.   觅食链的改变:鱼类迁徙不仅是为了生存环境的稳定,更是为了跟随深海丰富的食物资源。

3.   深海成新领地:种种自然变化让深海逐渐成为鱼类的新乐园,而传统近海渔业模式则受到直接冲击。

Deeper Reflection: A Global Perspective on Fisheries Challenges


The ocean is a highly complex and interconnected system. The slowing of the Atlantic circulation, the occurrence of El Niño, freshwater inflows, and salinity changes are all manifestations of global climate change. These phenomena highlight the far-reaching impact of human activities on natural systems, with fisheries being one of the hardest-hit sectors.

1.A Shared Responsibility for Resource Challenges

The decline in Angola’s coastal fish stocks is not the fault of any single country or group but rather a reflection of global challenges. While climate change is driven by factors worldwide, it is often vulnerable fishing communities that bear the brunt of its effects. This issue is not unique to Angola but is also seen in countries like Peru and Indonesia, which depend heavily on fisheries.

2.The Need for Global Cooperation

Addressing the combined impacts of the Atlantic circulation slowdown and El Niño requires more than individual efforts by any one nation or industry. Global fisheries governance must involve closer collaboration, including the sharing of sustainable technologies, coordinated responses to climate risks, and collective action to protect marine resources.







Conclusion: The Ocean’s Metaphor—Challenges and Opportunities Coexist 大海的隐喻:挑战与机遇并存

The Atlantic circulation, El Niño, increased rainfall, and freshwater influx—these seemingly distant natural phenomena—are quietly reshaping the ecological landscape of Angola’s coastal waters. The decline in fish populations off Angola’s shores is a symptom of the long-term crisis driven by climate change. Yet this crisis is not only a test for those who depend on fisheries but also an opportunity to push for industry upgrades and technological innovation.

Chinese fishing enterprises in Angola have actively embraced their social responsibilities, making significant contributions to Angola’s economic and social development. They are not merely participants in the industry but vital cogs in the complex machinery of global climate and economic systems. Through broader cooperation and a deeper sense of responsibility, these enterprises are not only working to address immediate challenges but are also contributing to the sustainable development of the global marine ecosystem.




As the old saying goes, “The sea is always changing, but within change lies hope.” Within the natural rules set by the ocean, only by choosing adaptation, innovation, and collaboration can we continue to navigate the vast and ever-changing waters.


The ocean’s transformations have never been separate from the land, and humanity’s future has never been independent of nature.


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