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Angola's diamond narrative is unfolding a fresh chapter. Once obscure, it now emerges as the focus of global attention.Reflecting on the transformative strides Angola's diamond sector has made, one discerns the profound shift towards inclusivity and globalization under the new governance. The welcoming of private and foreign investments, epitomized by the re-invitation of De Beers, signifies a pivotal renaissance in Angola's diamond mining narrative. This strategic move not only amplifies the nation's production capacity but also repositions Angola as a formidable player on the global stage, underscoring a sophisticated approach to leveraging mineral wealth for economic revitalization.
安哥拉的钻石产业正在翻开崭新的篇章。昔日默默无闻,今朝成为全球瞩目的焦点。回顾安哥拉钻石产业的变革步伐,在新的治理下,开放和全球化策略显然已经取得了重大突破。通过重新邀请戴比尔斯(De Beers)等私人和外国投资回归等战略举措,安哥拉不仅大大增强了其钻石产能,还在全球舞台上确立了自己的强大地位,展现出利用矿产财富促进经济复苏的成熟战略思维。
Lulo Rose pink diamond discovered in Angola 安哥拉稀世粉钻 ”卢洛玫瑰“
文 | Caroline Liang
公寓楼顶的sunset view和不远处日夜不停运营的钻井船(Drill Ship)
这些淘金者的聚集(mingle),让健身房的氛围变得异常热闹。在跑步机上或是哑铃旁,你总能听到关于石油和钻石行业的精彩讨论——这对我来说,绝对是难得的学习机会。前几天和两位从加拿大和法国来的犹太老先生聊得特别投机和深入,一聊就是关于他们在钻石领域的各种冒险故事,和奇葩经历。 他们不仅是钻石开采领域的老手,更是见证了非洲钻石行业几十年变迁的活历史。从南非的金伯利到刚果金的深山,再到安哥拉,他们的脚步几乎遍布了非洲大陆上所有著名的钻石矿区,让人听得真是意犹未尽。其中一位法国犹太老先生第二天就赶早班机前往安哥拉某个province(偏远省份)的钻石矿区,据说要在那里呆上4个月,而在启程之前,还邀请我们吃晚饭, 然后换个地方喝一杯百香果Mojito,最后还必须到另外一家餐厅吃上他们最爱的chocolate fondant (巧克力熔岩蛋糕)配香草冰激凌,因为据说province的钻石矿区没啥好吃的,出发前要尽情享受。 很欣赏他们work hard, play hard 的豁达人生观。另外, 犹太人的纪律性和凝聚力也是很让人佩服, 他们像全球很多犹太人一样, 之前都自愿回以色列服过兵役。
回到钻石行业, 这些天的深度交流让我回想起在杜克大学上MBA时课堂上讨论的De beers 和博茨瓦纳著名的钻石商业案例,那时候的讨论已经让我觉得很印象深刻,而现在,这些讨论变得更加生动和现实,一下勾起了我的兴趣。那么我今天就想聊聊安格拉的钻石行业前景和格局,也回顾一下De Beers 和博茨瓦纳成功合作的经验和案例。
当我看到安哥拉的De Beers 办公大楼时,我不由自主地在想,De Beers在博茨瓦纳的成功模式是否可以在这里复制。在博茨瓦纳,De Beers通过与政府的合作,不仅促进了钻石产业的发展,也为国家带来了显著的经济利益。安哥拉,这个同样拥有丰富钻石资源的国家,是否也能通过类似的合作模式,实现双赢的局面?如果说博茨瓦纳的故事是关于合作与共赢的话,那安哥拉的版本会是怎样的呢?
The Revival of Angola’s Diamond Industry
The return of major diamond companies like De Beers to Angola reflects the country’s success in creating a stable and investment-attracting environment through reforms, highlighting its potential as a leading region for diamond exploration and development. Angola’s undeveloped diamond reserves, along with the global urgent demand for new diamond sources, make the country a hotspot for diamond exploration and investment. This demand is further intensified by Western sanctions on Russian diamonds, increasing the need for alternative sources.
Angola’s appeal not only lies in its high potential for diamond discoveries but also in its relatively unexplored territory. Since the significant diamond finds in Canada 40 years ago, such discoveries have become exceedingly rare, prompting mining companies to eagerly search for new resources. Consulting geologist John Bristow emphasized that much of Angola, situated largely on the Central African Craton, has not yet been thoroughly explored with modern technologies like high-resolution aeromagnetic surveys.
De Beers and Botsw
Studying the case of De Beers and Botswana’s influence on global diamond prices offers an insightful opportunity to understand market forces, supply chain management, and partnership strategies in depth. This case focuses on how De Beers has maintained and regulated global diamond prices over time through its partnership with Botswana and a deep understanding of the diamond market.
For the better part of the 20th century, De Beers nearly monopolized the global diamond market. By purchasing vast amounts of diamonds and controlling the supply, De Beers was able to impact the market’s supply-demand balance, thereby influencing prices. This control extended beyond diamonds directly mined, also encompassing those sourced through joint ventures with countries like Botswana, thus impacting a broader market.
The partnership with Botswana, especially through the Debswana Diamond Company joint venture, granted De Beers access to Botswana’s rich diamond resources, crucial for its control strategy. Debswana became one of the world’s largest diamond producers, supplying De Beers with a significant volume of diamonds, thereby enhancing its ability to regulate prices on the global stage.
This control mechanism also involved De Beers’ management of diamond sales, including unified sales through the Central Selling Organisation (CSO). With the CSO, De Beers could decide when, in what quantity, and at what price to release diamonds to the market, further strengthening its market regulatory capacity.
However, as time progressed, the dynamics of the global market changed, with the emergence of new competitors and countries’ increased desire to manage their natural resources, challenging De Beers’ market dominance. Despite this, the partnership between De Beers and Botswana remains a unique and powerful example within the global diamond industry, showcasing the importance of long-term partnership strategies in market tactics.
Revisiting this case study here hopes to deepen understanding of the complexities of market control strategies and their potential impact within the global economy. Additionally, this case underscores the significance of ethics and sustainability in global business practices.
De Beers’ business model in Botswana is founded on robust cooperation with the government, mining diamonds through the joint venture company, Debswana Diamond Company. This model not only ensures that Botswana benefits from its natural resources but also helps De Beers maintain a significant position in the global diamond market. Given this success, De Beers might consider replicating a similar business model in Angola.
Angola, a major diamond producer with vast untapped diamond resources, has faced numerous challenges in its diamond mining industry over the past decades due to civil wars and political instability. In recent years, with national stabilization and economic reforms, the Angolan government has begun seeking foreign investment to develop its diamond industry and improve the national economy.
For De Beers to replicate its successful business model from Botswana in Angola, it would need to establish a close partnership with the Angolan government, potentially involving the formation of a joint venture similar to Debswana. Such cooperation could help Angola enhance its diamond mining and sales capabilities while allowing De Beers to access Angola’s rich diamond resources.
However, replicating this model would also face challenges, including differences in political, legal, and economic environments, as well as potential management of international and local community relations. De Beers would need to proceed with caution, ensuring its activities are conducted on a foundation of respect for Angola’s national interests and adherence to principles of sustainable development and ethical mining.
In conclusion, while De Beers may intend to replicate its successful business model from Botswana in Angola, its feasibility will depend on establishing a similarly strong and mutually beneficial partnership with the Angolan government and addressing the specific challenges of implementing this model in different national contexts.
At the invitation of Chinese President Xi, Angolan President João Lourenço embarked on a four-day state visit to China on March 14th.应国家主席习近平邀请,安哥拉总统洛伦索于3月14日开启对中国为期四天的国事访问:
The Angola Oil, Gas, and Mining Summit is set to take place in Beijing on March 16th. Those interested in Angola's mining sector, stay tuned!
3月16日安哥拉油气矿业高峰论坛即将在京召开, 对安哥拉矿业有兴趣的小伙伴敬请关注。