双语玩转中国网络用语和热梗Bridging the Gap: learn Chinese Internet Slang

文摘   教育   2024-06-16 10:33   上海  


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Recently, I've been traveling overseas for work and noticed that more and more foreign friends are starting to learn Chinese. However, when they browse Chinese social media or websites, they often encounter some "mysterious symbols" that can't be found in traditional dictionaries—unique internet slang or viral phrases ("网梗"). Using common translation tools like Google Translate only provides very literal translations, making it difficult for foreign friends to grasp the essence of these terms and understand the subtle nuances of the speaker's mindset.

Moreover, many Chinese friends have told me that when communicating with foreign friends, they struggle to accurately translate vivid expressions that reflect current attitudes or trends. To be honest, many newly created internet terms not only baffle foreign friends but sometimes even require Chinese people to do some research. It's a bit embarrassing to admit... Simply put, this is largely due to the generation gap between Generation X/Y and Generation Z (Z世代), with "代差" (generation gap) being a term that perfectly captures this idea.

Indeed, for parents to connect with their children, they need to crack the communication code of the digital age and synchronize with the youth subculture. Many parents I know are currently embracing "cultural feedback" to resolve minor family conflicts. After all, being able to throw out a few trendy phrases like “绝绝子” (absolutely incredible) is much better than constant household chaos.

It's truly fascinating to see how Chinese internet slang is like a tidal wave in this rapidly evolving digital age. It not only showcases the boundless creativity of netizens or 'Z-ers' but also reveals the unique charm of modern Chinese culture. Today, let's explore some interesting and popular internet slang terms. I hope this guide will help our foreign friends better grasp these expressions and understand the current cultural and trend dynamics in China, while also allowing us to confidently convey these unique expressions.

最近一直在海外出差旅行,发现越来越多的外国朋友开始学习中文。 然而,在浏览中国的社交媒体或网页时,他们常常遇到一些在传统字典里根本找不到的“神秘符号”——那些独特的网络用语或网络热梗(“网梗”)。借助常用的翻译软件如  Google Translate来查询,也只是得出非常生硬的直译, 让外国小伙伴们根本无法get 到这些网络用语的精髓,也无法真正感受到对方的微妙心态。另外呢,很多中国朋友有时也会跟我说,在与外国朋友交流时,想要表达一些反映当下心态或流行趋势的生动词汇,却不知道如何准确翻译。

说实在的, 很多新创造的网络词汇不仅让外国朋友抓耳挠腮,有时甚至连很多中国人自己也得去做功课,说起来有点尴尬… 直白点说主要是Generation X/Y 跟Generation Z (Z世代)的代沟导致, 网络用语“代差”表达的正是这个意思。确实,父母们要融入孩子的世界,就得努力破解数字时代的交流密码,通过同步频率来引导青少年的亚文化。我也了解到身边很多家长朋友们目前都在接受“文化反哺”,用这种方式化解家庭中的小冲突。毕竟,能说几句“绝绝子”总比天天鸡飞狗跳强。


文 | Caroline Liang


Navigating the vibrant world of Chinese internet slang can be a delightful adventure. These colorful expressions offer a glimpse into the creative minds of netizens and the cultural nuances of modern China. Here’s a fun and sophisticated guide to help you decode and enjoy these unique terms.

跟大家一起梳理常遇到的网络热词, 喜欢请收藏!

Recently trending terms/topics


1. 淡人 (Dàn Rén - Serene Person)

Recently, the topic #More and more young people diagnosed with “Dàn Dàn Syndrome”# became a trending topic. The term “Dàn Rén” refers to those who approach everything and everyone with a detached attitude, often saying “hmm” or “whatever.” No matter what dramatic events occur, they always seem unfazed on the surface.

A “Dàn Rén” typically exhibits the following traits:

•Emotionally Detached: Their mood fluctuations are minimal, with hardly any highs or lows.

•Indifferent to Hobbies: When asked about their interests, their response is usually “I could take it or leave it.”

•Minimalistic in Communication: Their replies are concise and straightforward, often limited to “Got it,” “Okay,” “Sure,” or “Fine.”

•Laid-Back Lifestyle: They can spend an entire day in bed, enjoying the peace and quiet of solitude.

The terms “Dàn Rén” (淡人) and “Nóng Rén” (浓人) are new internet buzzwords, following the introduction of “i Rén” (introverted) and “e Rén” (extroverted). “Dàn Rén” are like water, calm and gentle, while “Nóng Rén” are like fire, passionate and vibrant. If “Dàn Rén” are characterized by their indifference to external circumstances, then “Nóng Rén” are full of energy and enthusiasm. The term “Dàn Rén” reflects the current trend of adopting a “social mask,” and is related to terms like “Dàn Xué” (淡学,淡 studies) and “Dàn Dàn Zōnghézhèng” (淡淡综合症, 淡 syndrome).

The term “Dàn Rén” is quite amusing. It describes those who can’t be swayed or outcompeted, essentially the “plain water” personalities of the modern workplace. Their mental state can be summed up in a few words: calm, insensitive, stable, and at ease.

 A key word in English for “淡人” (Dàn Rén) could be: Serene    This word captures the essence of a “Dàn Rén” as someone who is calm, composed, and emotionally steady, much like the tranquility of still water.



“淡人”和“浓人”,是一组继“i人”(内向的: introverted )和“e人”(外向的, extroverted) 之后出现的一组互联网新词。“淡人”如水,平静温和;“浓人”如火,热烈张扬。如果说“淡人”是不以物喜,不以己悲,那么“浓人”则是充满激情,活力四射。“淡人”当下流行的“社交面具”,相关名词有“淡学”“淡淡综合症”。


2. 中产返贫 (zhōng chǎn fǎn pín)

Translation: “Middle-Class Returning to Poverty”
Explanation: This term describes the phenomenon where individuals or families who were once considered middle-class fall back into poverty due to various factors such as economic downturns, high medical expenses, job loss, or other financial crises. It highlights the precarious nature of middle-class status and the vulnerability to economic instability. The term underscores the challenges faced by the middle class in maintaining their economic position and the impact of unexpected financial burdens on their standard of living.

The Recent Trending Topic: Middle-Class "Self-Sabotage" Trio
Recently, the term "Middle-Class 'Self-Sabotage' Trio" has surged in popularity online. Netizens humorously summarize it as "a mortgage over ten million, a non-working spouse, and two kids in international schools"—the new era's middle-class self-sabotage trio. This notion stems from the middle-class pursuit of a high-quality lifestyle and prioritizing education. Under economic pressure, these ambitions are increasingly unsustainable, and for some, they've even backfired.


网络上,很多人调侃式地总结出“中产返贫三件套”——房贷过千万、配偶不上班、二娃上国际, 就是是新时期“中产作死三件套”。之所以有这样的说法,是因为中产家庭一度追求高品质生活和教育优先的策略,在当前经济大环境的压力下,不仅难以维持,有些甚至遭到了反噬。

3. 消费降级 (xiāo fèi jiàng jí)

Translation: “Consumption Downgrade”
Explanation: This term refers to a shift in consumer behavior where individuals or households start to spend less and opt for cheaper alternatives due to economic pressures or financial constraints. Instead of purchasing premium or high-end products, people might choose more affordable, budget-friendly options. This trend can be seen during economic downturns, where people become more cautious with their spending and prioritize saving money over maintaining a certain lifestyle. The concept highlights changes in consumer confidence and purchasing power, reflecting broader economic conditions and societal adjustments.

Over the past year, “consumption downgrade” has become a hot topic online, with countless memes and jokes emerging. People humorously say, “It’s not that I can’t afford XXX, it’s that XXX is a better deal.” On social media platforms, everyone is sharing their money-saving tips and stories of downgrading their lifestyles.

过去一年,“消费降级”成了网络上的热议话题,各种梗层出不穷。有人戏称“不是买不起XXX,而是XXX更划算”。在社交平台上, 大家纷纷分享着自己的省钱妙招和降级心得。

Other Popular Internet Slang Terms:

1. 盘它 (Pán Tā - Admire It)
Originally from a comedy skit, this term means to really like or admire something. If you see an amazing gadget, you might say, “我要盘它!” (I want to admire it!).

2. 秒杀 (miǎo shā - “flash sale” or “quick kill“)

“秒杀” (miǎo shā) is a Chinese term that translates to “flash sale” or “quick kill.” It refers to a promotional activity in which products or services are offered at significantly reduced prices for a very short period, often lasting just a few seconds or minutes. The term conveys the idea that the deals are so attractive that they will be “killed” or sold out almost instantly. Flash sales are commonly used in e-commerce to drive traffic, create a sense of urgency, and quickly clear inventory.


3. 杀熟 (shā shú - taking advantage of old customers)

‘杀熟’(duì lǎo kèhù ‘shā shú’) is a Chinese term that translates to “taking advantage of old customers” or “exploiting familiarity with old customers.” This strategy involves leveraging the established relationship with existing customers to increase profit, often by offering them products or services at a higher price compared to new customers. The rationale is that loyal customers are less price-sensitive and more likely to continue purchasing due to their trust and familiarity with the brand.

In essence, it’s about exploiting the trust and loyalty of long-term customers by charging them more or offering less favorable terms, knowing that they are less likely to leave due to the relationship already built. This practice can sometimes lead to customer dissatisfaction and loss of loyalty if they become aware of the differential treatment compared to new customers.



4. 空巢青年 (Kōng Cháo Qīng Nián - Empty-Nest Youth)

This term describes young people who live alone and are often away from their families, similar to the concept of empty-nest syndrome for older adults.

5. 社交牛逼症 (Shèjiāo Niúbī Zhèng - Social Awkwardness)

A humorous way to describe someone who is overly confident or awkward in social situations. If someone is too eager to socialize in an awkward way, they might be said to have “社交牛逼症”.

6. 断舍离 (Duàn Shě Lí - Declutter)

This phrase means to declutter and simplify life, inspired by the Japanese concept of minimalism. It’s used to describe the act of letting go of unnecessary items and habits.

7. 自律给我自由 (Zì Lǜ Gěi Wǒ Zìyóu - Discipline Brings Freedom)

A motivational saying that emphasizes the idea that self-discipline leads to greater freedom and success.

8. 炒CP (Chǎo CP - Create a Couple Pairing)

This term is used in fandoms to describe the act of shipping or pairing two celebrities or characters together, often creating buzz and excitement among fans.

9. 蹭热度 (Cèng Rèdù - Ride the Wave)

Refers to the act of riding on the popularity of a trending topic to gain attention. Brands and influencers often do this to stay relevant.

10. 白嫖 (Bái Piáo - Free Riding)

Used to describe someone who benefits from something without contributing or paying for it. For example, using someone else’s Netflix account without sharing the cost.

11. 躺平 (Tǎng Píng - Lying Flat)

This term has gained popularity among young people to express a laid-back attitude toward life, rejecting societal pressures and the rat race. It’s a way of saying, “I’m done striving for more; I’m going to take it easy.” It describes a social phenomenon and attitude where individuals choose to take a more passive and low-key approach to life, rejecting the high-pressure, high-competition lifestyle that is often emphasized in modern society.

People who “lying flat” typically decide to do the bare minimum to get by, avoiding excessive work, consumption, and societal expectations. This mindset is often a reaction to the intense pressures of career advancement, housing costs, and social expectations. It can be seen as a form of quiet resistance or coping mechanism in the face of overwhelming stress and unattainable standards.

“躺平” 的人通常决定只做最低限度的工作以维持生计,避免过度工作、消费和迎合社会期望。这种心态往往是对职业晋升压力、房价高企和社会期望的强烈反应。可以看作是一种面对巨大压力和难以企及的标准时的静默抵抗或应对机制。

12. 绝绝子 (Jué Jué Zi - Absolutely Incredible)

An enthusiastic way to describe something amazing or extraordinary. If you find a fantastic deal or experience, you might exclaim, “绝绝子!”

13. 小作文 (Xiǎo Zuòwén - Little Essay)

Used sarcastically to describe long, emotional posts or messages, often seen on social media. It implies that the writer is being overly dramatic or verbose.

14. 摸鱼 (Mō Yú - Touching Fish)

A humorous way to describe slacking off at work or taking it easy. If you’re not in the mood to work hard, you might say, “今天就摸摸鱼吧。” (Let’s take it easy today).

15. 爆梗 (Bào Gěng - Viral Punchline)

Refers to a joke or phrase that has gone viral and is widely shared online. It’s the kind of content that everyone starts using because it’s just that catchy.

16. 佛系 (Fó Xì - Buddha-like)

This term describes a laid-back, non-competitive attitude towards life. If someone is very relaxed and doesn’t let anything bother them, they might be described as “佛系”.

17. 内卷 (Nèi Juǎn - Involution)

Used to describe the phenomenon of intense competition within a field that leads to diminishing returns for everyone involved. It’s often used to describe the stressful and competitive environment in education and workplaces.

18. 鸡娃 (Jī Wá - Chicken Babies)

This term is used to describe the phenomenon where parents push their children excessively hard to succeed academically or in other activities, often leading to high stress and burnout.

19. 画饼 (Huà Bǐng - Drawing Pies)

Refers to making empty promises or creating unrealistic expectations. It’s akin to painting a picture of a pie instead of providing a real one, giving false hope without delivering.

20. 追星 (Zhuī Xīng - Chasing Stars)

Describes the act of being a dedicated fan of celebrities, often going to great lengths to support and follow their favorite stars. It’s a term that captures the passion and sometimes the obsession of fandom culture.

21. 网梗 (Wǎng Gěng - Internet Meme)

This term refers to jokes, phrases, or trends that become viral on the internet. “梗” means a humorous element, and “网” refers to the internet. Together, it describes the funny and catchy content that spreads rapidly online.

22. 低配人 (Dī Pèi Rén - Low-Configuration Person)

This term humorously describes someone who is seen as a “downgraded” version of another person, often in terms of skills, abilities, or lifestyle. It’s like calling someone a budget version of someone else.

23. 凡尔赛文学 (Fán ěr sài wén xué - Versailles Literature)

This term is a humorous way to describe humblebragging. It refers to people who subtly show off their wealth, success, or luxury lifestyle while pretending to be modest. Named after the opulent Palace of Versailles, it’s like saying, “Oh, life is so hard with only three cars and two mansions!”

24. 双向奔赴 (Shuāng Xiàng Bēn Fù - Mutual Effort)

Describes a situation where both parties make equal effort in a relationship or cooperation. It’s about mutual understanding and working towards a common goal together.

25. 摆烂 (Bǎi Làn - Give Up on Trying)

Used to describe someone who has given up on making an effort, often in a humorous or self-deprecating way. It’s like saying, “I’m done trying, I’m just going to let it be.”

26. 家庭PUA (Jiā Tíng PUA - Family Manipulation)

Refers to the emotional manipulation within families, where one member may try to control or belittle another. It’s similar to the concept of gaslighting within a family context.

27. 大冤种 (Dà Yuān Zhǒng - Big Fool)

A humorous term to describe someone who is easily tricked or taken advantage of. It’s like calling someone a big sucker.

28. 卷心菜 (Juǎn Xīn Cài - Overachiever)

Literally means “cabbage,” but it’s used to describe someone who is an overachiever, always striving for more, often to the point of exhaustion.

29. 情绪价值 (Qíng Xù Jià Zhí - Emotional Value)

This term describes the emotional support and positivity someone brings to a relationship or environment. It’s the value of having someone who boosts your mood and provides emotional comfort.

30. 键盘侠 (Jiàn Pán Xiá - Keyboard Warrior)

Refers to people who are bold and outspoken online but might not be as brave in real life. They often engage in arguments or express strong opinions behind the safety of their keyboards.

31. 芭比Q了 (Bā Bǐ Q le - Barbecued)

A humorous way to say someone is in trouble or has messed up. It’s derived from “BBQ” and implies that the person is “cooked” or “done for.”

32. 搭子 (Dā Zi - Buddy)

Refers to someone you team up with for a specific activity, like a workout buddy or study partner. It’s about having a partner for mutual support in a shared interest.

33. 泼天的富贵 (Pō Tiān de Fù Guì - Immense Wealth)

A poetic way to describe someone who is extraordinarily wealthy. It conveys the image of wealth that reaches the sky.

34. 多巴胺穿搭 (Duō Bā Ān Chuān Dā - Dopamine Dressing)

Refers to wearing bright and colorful clothing to boost your mood and increase happiness. It’s the idea that your outfit can influence your emotional state.

35. 公主请上车 (Gōng Zhǔ Qǐng Shàng Chē - Princess, Please Get in the Car)

A playful way to invite someone to join you or to make them feel special. It’s like rolling out the red carpet for someone in a fun and informal way.

36. 南方小土豆(Nán Fāng Xiǎo Tǔ Dòu - Southern Little Potato)

A term of endearment that can refer to someone from the South who is down-to-earth and humble. It’s a cute and affectionate nickname.

37. City Walk (Chéng Shì Sàn Bù - City Walk)

Describes the leisurely activity of walking around the city, exploring new places, and enjoying the urban environment. It’s about taking in the sights and sounds of the city at a relaxed pace.

38. 嘴替 (Zuǐ Tì - Mouth Substitute)

Refers to someone who speaks out on behalf of others, expressing opinions that many share but might not voice themselves. It’s like having a spokesperson who says what you’re thinking.

39. 直呼内行 (Zhí Hū Nèi Háng - Call Out the Expert)

Used to praise someone who shows great expertise or skill in a particular area. It’s like saying, “You’re a pro!” or “You really know your stuff!”

40. 社死 (Shè Sǐ - Social Death)

Describes an extremely embarrassing situation that makes someone want to disappear from the social scene. It’s a dramatic way to express feeling mortified.

41. 轻舟已过万重山 (Qīng Zhōu Yǐ Guò Wàn Chóng Shān - The Light Boat Has Passed Ten Thousand Mountains)

A poetic way to express overcoming great challenges and emerging victorious. It’s about achieving success after significant effort and struggle.

42. 破防 (Pò Fáng - Breaking Defenses)

“破防” literally means “breaking defenses” and is used to describe a moment when one’s emotional defenses are breached, leading to a strong emotional reaction. Originally a gaming term used to describe a defense being broken, it has been extended to refer to a psychological or emotional breakthrough. In online contexts, “破防” can refer to being deeply moved by a touching story, an emotional speech, or an unexpected event.


•That touching video really broke my defenses; I couldn’t stop crying.
•His words broke my defenses; I was so unexpectedly moved.


43. 无水上班 (Wú Shuǐ Shàng Bān - Dry Work)

Describes going to work without much enthusiasm or energy, similar to the idea of “going through the motions.” It’s about showing up but not really being engaged.


44. 松弛感 (Sōng Chí Gǎn - Sense of Relaxation)

This term describes a state of being relaxed and at ease. In a high-pressure life, pursuing a “sense of relaxation” has become a new goal for many young people. It represents a mindset of slowing down and enjoying life.


45.  觉醒年代 (Jué Xǐng Nián Dài - The Awakening Age)

“觉醒年代” translates to “The Awakening Age” and refers to a period of ideological awakening and consciousness. It is used to describe a time when individuals or groups start to see the reality and truth more clearly. This term can apply to societal, cultural, or personal levels of awakening.

In a specific cultural context, “觉醒年代” is also the title of a popular Chinese TV drama series that depicts the story of Chinese intellectuals in the early 20th century as they explore ways to save the nation and the people. The series portrays the period around the May Fourth Movement, highlighting the awakening, exploration, and struggle of Chinese intellectuals amid internal and external crises, reflecting the spirit and historical changes of that era.



By mastering these terms, not only can you navigate Chinese social media with ease, but you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the cultural dynamics at play. Whether you’re joining the latest trend or simply admiring a cool gadget, you’ll be able to do it like a pro. Enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of Chinese internet slang!

希望通过一起学习这些网络热词,你不仅可以轻松地浏览中国的社交媒体,还可以更深入地理解其中的文化动态。无论你是追赶最新的潮流,亦或是跟那你们家的“年轻人" 同频交流, 你都可以像个行家一样轻松应对。



Life is a drama filled with stories, waiting to be read and understood. 人生如戏,一起阅读和领悟生命的各种剧本, 只为某一天身处其中时多一份勇气与坚韧,你并不孤单