秋冬季感冒咳嗽食疗偏方:被严重低估的超级食材 Superfood Remedy for Coughs and Colds

文摘   教育   2024-09-09 18:31   安哥拉  


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It’s been a while since I last posted something health-related, but recently, a friend of mine had a lingering cold that turned into a persistent cough and sinus issues. She wasn’t getting better and looked completely worn out. She vaguely remembered me mentioning a home remedy my family uses for colds and coughs during the fall and winter, so she sent me a message asking for the details. This remedy has been a staple in my family for years, and we always bring it out whenever someone is stuck with a stubborn cough or cold during the colder months.

She gave it a try, and after about a week or two, the results were noticeable. Her cough subsided, and even her sinus issues improved significantly. She was so impressed that she urged me to share this simple yet effective recipe on my WeChat public account, so people could easily find it when they need it and save it for future use. After all, sharing health tips is sharing happiness, right? And trust me, everyone who’s tried it swears by it!

This “food therapy” remedy in our family has never failed. Whether it’s for adults or kids, whenever we’re hit with a cold or cough, we barely touch any medicine—we just rely on this combination of white radish, kumquat, pear, and honey. In about a week, the cold symptoms are pretty much gone—definitely a go-to “health booster.” Plus, the salad itself is light, refreshing, and has a perfectly sweet-tangy taste that both kids and adults love. It’s even great as a daily healthy snack because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to keep their immune system in top shape?

Also, this “magic remedy” isn’t just a lifesaver during colds; it’s absolutely top-tier as an everyday salad! The combination of ingredients delivers a powerful trio of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer benefits. Regularly eating this is all pros, no cons. Whether you’re a wellness enthusiast or just want to give your body a little extra care, this salad will keep you feeling great, with zero stress!





文 | Caroline Liang

When it comes to preventing colds and dealing with lingering respiratory issues in winter, my family has a go-to “magic remedy” that’s been our savior for years. This recipe has been in use for quite a while, and it’s especially kid-friendly—seriously, it’s like having a “super teammate” on hand. Originally, we just soaked white radish in honey, which worked wonders, but the radish’s spiciness was a bit too intense for kids. Then, I had a lightbulb moment and turned it into a salad, which not only improved the taste but also kept the effectiveness intact, making it the perfect remedy for colds and stubborn coughs!

Now, it’s winter in Angola, and I’m in the process of putting together this health recipe. Coincidentally, my Israeli friend landed in Angola and immediately lost his voice, with a bit of a cough as well. He was only staying for a few days and had back-to-back meetings, so losing his voice was a real problem. I mentioned my “family remedy,” but I was a bit unsure if we’d even be able to find the ingredients here. When I explained the ingredients to him, he was completely puzzled and said he had no idea what I was talking about, though it sounded intriguing. He asked if I could take him to the supermarket, and to our surprise, we actually found white radish and pears. However, kumquat—well, that’s a bit harder to find, as it’s a special “secret ingredient” from my hometown in Guangxi, a massively underrated fruit. Kumquats are an absolute treasure, with throat-soothing and cough-relieving powers that are nothing short of amazing.

Although we couldn’t find kumquats this time, I decided to tap into my years of health knowledge and improvise with some lemon and mint. It totally fits my Gemini “last-minute improvisation” style. And the best part? My cautious yet clever Israeli friend totally trusted me, saying I sounded like an experienced “traditional Chinese medicine master.” Haha! 🤣


在安哥拉现在是冬天,我正在整理这篇养生食疗偏方,说来也巧,我的一个以色列朋友正好飞到安哥拉当天就嗓子失声,还带点咳嗽,他在安哥拉就呆几天,还需要密集见人和说话, 不能说话简直太耽误事儿了。 我就跟他提到了这个“老偏方”,不过心里犯嘀咕:在这边能不能买到那些食材?他听我说完这些食材后也是一脸懵,说完全不知道我说的是什么, 但是听起来很神奇, 问我介不介意陪他去趟超市,结果出乎意料,还真找到了白萝卜,梨也有。不过,金桔就比较难找了,毕竟这是我们广西老家的“独门偏方”,一个被严重低估的小水果。金桔这东西,绝对是宝藏水果,功效强大到让你意想不到,特别是润喉止咳的效果,简直是一绝。

虽然这次没找到金桔,我决定根据自己多年的养生经验,加点柠檬和薄荷, 非常符合双子座last minute的即兴发挥风格, 关键聪明又谨慎的以色列朋友居然说绝对相信我,因为我听来像个很有经验的“老中医”。 哈哈🤣 


Ingredients: White Turnip/radish, kumquat, pear, and honey
These ingredients are classic examples of “food as medicine,” meaning they can be used both as daily food and as remedies to help maintain health. In this recipe, if available, you can also add mint and lemon as substitutes or optional ingredients, as they are also well-known in both food and medicine for their health benefits. Let’s explore how each of these ingredients can help soothe coughs and nourish the throat:

这几样食材都是典型的“药食同源”材料,既能入药,又能作为日常饮食的一部分,帮助调理身体。 而且在这个方子里,如果有条件,还可以加入薄荷和柠檬作为替代或可选项,它们也是非常经典的药食同源养生食材。我们先来分析这些食材用来缓解咳嗽和滋润喉咙方面的功效:

1. White Turnip/Radish:
White radish is well known in Chinese medicine for its cooling properties. It helps clear the lungs, dissolve phlegm, and alleviate respiratory discomfort by reducing throat inflammation. Additionally, it regulates Qi (energy), promoting smooth airflow through the lungs, thus relieving cough.

In China, there’s an old saying, “Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer,” highlighting white radish’s role as a winter “health hero.” It’s one of the most common and affordable vegetables during the colder months, often overlooked due to its low price. However, its ability to clear the lungs, dissolve phlegm, and reduce inflammation makes it a hidden “treasure” of winter. White radish not only prevents colds but also helps detoxify the body and boost immunity. Despite its low cost, its powerful health benefits during winter should not be underestimated.

•Lung-Clearing Hero: In Chinese medicine, white radish is often praised as a “natural ginseng” for its ability to cleanse the lungs and dissolve phlegm. Though it’s cheap, its health benefits are highly underrated. It detoxifies the lungs and helps relieve cough and phlegm buildup caused by winter’s cold air.
•Anti-Cancer Properties: White radish contains a compound called isothiocyanate, a strong cancer-fighting agent that can inhibit the formation and spread of cancer cells, particularly in the stomach and lungs. Eating it regularly in winter helps protect the body against cancer.
•Boosts Metabolism: Another benefit of white radish is its ability to speed up metabolism, helping the body detoxify. Winter often brings heavier, greasier food and less activity, and white radish helps cleanse the digestive system.




2. Kumquat:
Kumquats are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost immunity and have anti-inflammatory properties. Their acidity helps clear mucus and relieve throat discomfort.

Kumquats are truly a “hidden gem” for people from Guangxi, often praised for their tangy sweetness. What many don’t realize is that they also provide an “immune boost.” In our hometown, we frequently eat kumquats in winter to ward off colds, and when we have a cough, we brew kumquat water to soothe our throats. Folk wisdom has long attributed lung-cleansing benefits to kumquats, and modern science backs this up: kumquats not only contain antioxidants but also activate the body’s natural killer cells, which help fend off infections and even destroy tumor cells.

•Immune Boost: The beta-cryptoxanthin found in kumquats has been shown to lower lung cancer risk, according to research. Don’t underestimate this little fruit—it can combat colds, coughs, and even low immunity. Though small, it’s a hidden “superfood” for winter health.
•Symbolism of Good Fortune: In Guangxi, kumquats also carry cultural significance. In Cantonese, “kumquat” sounds like “wealth and prosperity,” so it’s a must-have fruit during Chinese New Year, symbolizing good fortune and prosperity.


金桔,真的是我们广西人的“水果宝藏”,很多人只觉得它酸甜开胃,没想到它其实还有超强的免疫力“外挂”。在我们老家,冬天常吃金桔来防感冒,咳嗽不舒服的时候也会泡点金桔水,民间都说它有清肺的功效。其实,现代科学也挺给力,证明了金桔不仅富含抗氧化物质,还能激活我们身体里的“天然杀手细胞”(Natural Killer Cells),这些天然杀伤细胞是身体抵抗感染的重要防线,它们不仅可以防止感染的发生,还有能力破坏肿瘤细胞



3. Pear:
Pears are known for their ability to moisten the lungs, effectively relieving dry throats and reducing cough-induced irritation. In Chinese medicine, pears are especially effective for treating dry coughs, providing moisture and lubrication to the lungs.

•The Best Partner for Lung Health: Pears are highly effective in soothing the throat and stopping dry coughs, making them the perfect fruit for dry winter air. They also help balance the body and ease throat discomfort. If your throat feels dry or irritated, eating a pear can bring immediate relief.
•Dual Benefits of Cancer Prevention and Anti-Inflammation: Pears are rich in flavonoids, which have strong anti-cancer properties, particularly for preventing stomach and lung cancers. Additionally, pears contain anti-inflammatory compounds that help combat chronic inflammation. Since winter is a peak time for chronic illnesses, pears not only nourish the lungs but also help prevent cancer and inflammation.


• 润肺养阴的最佳拍档:梨有着极强的润肺止咳作用,尤其适合冬天干燥的时候食用。它可以滋润喉咙、缓解干咳,还能帮助身体恢复平衡。如果你在冬天感觉喉咙干燥不适,吃个梨马上见效。
• 抗癌、抗炎双管齐下:梨中的黄酮类物质被研究证实有很强的抗癌作用,尤其是预防胃癌和肺癌。另外,梨还富含抗炎成分,能够帮助身体对抗慢性炎症。冬天是各种慢性疾病高发的季节,吃梨不仅养肺,还能预防癌症和炎症。

4. Honey:
Honey is well-known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It forms a protective layer in the throat, reducing irritation and suppressing cough. Honey also promotes healing and soothes throat pain.

•Nature’s Antibiotic: Honey is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial agents. Packed with enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants, it not only helps the body fend off external bacteria but also repairs damaged tissues. When your throat feels dry and itchy in winter, a warm drink with honey can quickly relieve discomfort and speed up recovery.

These ingredients are all classic “food as medicine” choices, meaning they can be used both medicinally and as part of daily meals to help regulate the body. If available, you can also add mint and lemon as optional ingredients to this recipe, as they are also classic ingredients used in both food and medicine.




5. Mint (Optional):
Mint is cooling, helps relieve heat, and clears wind-heat. It’s effective in soothing throat inflammation and nasal congestion. In this recipe, mint adds a fresh, cooling flavor that balances out the slight spiciness of white radish.

•Refreshing and Soothing: The menthol in mint helps clear the respiratory system, relieving nasal congestion and throat discomfort. It’s perfect for freshening breath and clearing the airways, especially during winter colds.
•Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial: Mint not only helps reduce inflammation and kill bacteria but also relieves headaches and muscle tension. In winter, mint can help alleviate nasal congestion and throat pain, making breathing easier.
 薄荷(可选 ):清凉解暑、疏散风热,对缓解喉咙发炎和鼻塞有很好的效果。它能为这道食谱增添一股清新的凉爽感,帮助平衡白萝卜的辛辣味道。


6. Lemon (Optional):
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and has antioxidant properties, helping prevent colds. They also soothe the throat and reduce coughing. The acidity of lemon enhances the flavor of the salad and helps clear heat and detoxify the body.
柠檬(可选 )富含维生素C,具有增强免疫力、抗氧化的功能,能有效预防感冒,同时还可以润喉止咳。它的酸味不仅能提升沙拉的口感,还能起到清热解毒的作用。

This salad version keeps the properties of the original recipe intact but offers a refreshing and easy-to-eat alternative.

To turn this recipe into a salad while keeping its soothing properties, you can adjust the ingredients for a raw and refreshing dish that’s still gentle on the throat. Here’s how you can make a White Turnip, Kumquat, Pear, and Honey Salad:

•1 small white turnip (raw, peeled, and thinly sliced)
•2-3 kumquats (thinly sliced, seeds removed)
•1 pear (sliced or diced)
•1-2 tablespoons of honey
•A squeeze of lemon (optional, for freshness)
•A small handful of fresh mint or cilantro (optional, for extra freshness)

1.Prepare the Ingredients:
•White Turnip: Peel and thinly slice the white turnip into small strips or rounds for texture. You can use a mandoline for finer slices.
•Kumquat: Slice the kumquats thinly and remove any seeds. Kumquats bring a tart, slightly sweet flavor.
•Pear: Slice or dice the pear into bite-sized pieces. This will add natural sweetness and moisture to the salad.
2.Combine the Ingredients:
In a mixing bowl, combine the white turnip, kumquat slices, and pear pieces.
3.Make the Dressing:
In a small bowl, mix the honey with a tiny bit of warm water to thin it out. If you prefer more brightness, you can add a squeeze of lemon juice.
Drizzle the honey dressing over the salad and toss gently to coat all the ingredients. Optionally, you can sprinkle some fresh mint or cilantro leaves for a burst of freshness.
5.Chill and Serve:
Let the salad sit for a few minutes in the fridge to chill and let the flavors combine. Serve it cold or at room temperature.

Why It Works:
•The white turnip retains its health benefits for the throat, but the raw version adds crunch to the salad.
•Kumquats provide tangy citrus that complements the turnip’s slight bitterness.
•The pear offers hydration and a sweet balance to the salad.
•Honey coats the throat, while also acting as a natural sweetener in the salad dressing.

This salad version keeps the properties of the original recipe intact but offers a refreshing and easy-to-eat alternative.







A superfood combination packed with powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer benefits.

This combination of white turnip, kumquat, pear, and honey isn’t just great for soothing the lungs and stopping coughs—it’s also fantastic for clearing heat, detoxing, and fighting inflammation. For those who just can’t seem to shake a post-cold cough, this remedy helps clear out all the inflammation and mucus from your system. It’s gentle yet effective for soothing inflamed throats and easing nasal congestion over time. The best part? It’s completely natural and free of side effects, so even kids can take it safely.

Not only is this remedy a cold-busting, cough-fighting solution, but it also works wonders as an everyday health salad. The ingredients have powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anti-cancer properties. Eating it regularly is all benefit, no downside. It helps prevent colds, nourishes the lungs, and protects against chronic illnesses. In other words, this isn’t just your go-to remedy during a cold—it’s a superfood combo that can support your health day-to-day, giving you a refreshing boost with every bite.






This salad, with the addition of mint and lemon, is truly the perfect blend of East and West.

Presenting it as a salad makes it not only modern but also super healthy. Especially when you take it out of the fridge, the cool, refreshing taste is just unbeatable! The mint and lemon add a fresh kick, elevating the flavor while also soothing the throat. If you’ve got a sore throat, one bite of this, and you'll immediately feel that calming effect – it’s perfect for the season.

Lately, I’ve been compiling a list of “superfoods,” including both traditional Chinese ingredients and those recommended by various health magazines from around the world. Honestly, staying healthy is the ultimate "game-changer." If you're not in good health, life can feel pretty miserable! I used to be sick a lot as a kid, and I’ve had enough of that, which is why I’m now super focused on eating healthy and avoiding chronic illnesses through diet.

Once you’ve got a chronic illness, it drags down not just your physical health but also your mood. So, with all the amazing superfoods I’ve discovered, I feel like I should definitely share them with everyone. Staying healthy isn’t all that complicated—just eat the right foods, steer clear of chronic issues, and you’ll find your mood and energy levels right where they should be. Let’s share these health tips and boost our quality of life together, because honestly, who doesn’t want to live a little better?




Thank you all for your attention and support! Keep liking, sharing, and commenting. 


Life is a drama filled with stories, waiting to be read and understood. 人生如戏,一起阅读和领悟生命的各种剧本, 只为某一天身处其中时多一份勇气与坚韧,你并不孤单