Senegal:New Presidency/Strategic Victory塞内加尔迎最年轻总统:从策略到智胜的民主征程

文摘   教育   2024-03-28 06:02   安哥拉  


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Bassirou Diomaye Faye holds a press conference after winning the presidential elections in Dakar, Senegal March 25, 2024。

In a remarkable turn of events, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, a 44-year-old leader of the opposition who was relatively unknown until recently, was declared Senegal's president-elect on Monday. This announcement came less than two weeks after Faye was freed from prison, enabling him to participate in the election. Although the official tally from Sunday's election hadn't been finalized, the former prime minister, considered a leading contender and supported by the sitting President Macky Sall, acknowledged his defeat based on early counts. Subsequently, President Sall extended his congratulations to Faye, effectively recognizing him as the victor.

Faye's win mirrored the young population's discontent with rampant unemployment and governance issues in the West African country. In his initial address as the president-elect late on Monday, the ex-tax inspector pledged to begin a new era after the period of unrest and numerous political detentions preceding the election.

在一系列出人意料的事件演变之后,巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶(Bassirou Diomaye Faye),这位直至最近还不为人熟知的44岁反对党领袖,于周一被正式宣布为塞内加尔的新任总统。这一消息传来时,法耶刚从监狱获释、参加选举不足两周。虽然周日举行的选举最终结果尚未出炉,但被认为是有力竞争者、并获现任总统麦基·萨勒(Macky Sall)支持的前总理已根据初步统计数据承认了败选。紧接着,萨勒总统向法耶表示了祝贺,这等于是间接确认了他的胜利。


文 | Caroline Liang

Protesters clash violently with riot police, arson at the scene (AFP photo) 示威者与防爆警察激烈冲突, 现场纵火(法新社照片)2024.2  Dakar, Senegal 

Presidential elections are always a major event in any country, but they take on an extra layer of drama in Africa, perfectly embodying the essence of commercial drama, or “DramaBizz.” Last month, due to a work coincidence, I found myself in Senegal right when their presidential election was unexpectedly postponed to the end of the year. This postponement sparked a series of riots that moved me to write the article “Senegal: constitutional coup 塞内加尔的宪政危机与非洲的资源诅咒(resource curse)". Now, as the electoral storm subsides and the drama concludes, friends are even urging me to write a follow-up 😂… While I don’t harbor a deep fascination for politics and elections themselves, I am interested in how election outcomes affect policy making. With my background in finance and economics, my writing mainly explores economic and resource perspectives, sharing my observations and experiences.

总统选举,在任何国家都是风起云涌的大事,特别是非洲的“那一场”尤为如此, 总带着满满的戏剧性,权利的角逐完美契合了“DramaBizz”商业戏剧的精髓。记得上个月我因工作巧合去了塞内加尔,恰逢他们的总统选举意外被延期至年底,这一延期引发的一连串暴乱让我有感而发,于是就写下了那篇文章(Senegal: constitutional coup 塞内加尔的宪政危机与非洲的资源诅咒(resource curse)。如今,随着大选风波渐平,大戏落幕,朋友们居然催我更新续篇🤣......我对政治和选举本身并不怀有太多执念,只是关心大选结果对政策制定(policy making )的影响,结合我自身的财务/金融背景,我写作的主旨更多是从经济和资源的角度出发,分享我的所见所感。

Senegal Awakens: A Journey of Strategic Layout to Triumph in Democracy

Senegal, an ancient land, is witnessing a profound political transformation. In this process, two key figures, Ousmane Sonko and Bassirou Diomaye Faye, along with the people of Senegal behind them, are composing an epic about strategy, layout, challenges, scheming, and victory.

About Ousmane Sonko

Under Sonko’s leadership, the PASTEF political party, founded in 2014, started as a new faction on the fringes of the political scene. Sonko, a youthful former tax inspector, rose to prominence in 2016 by exposing the tax evasion practices of foreign companies in Senegal using offshore accounts. He was elected to the National Assembly in 2017 and secured the third position in the 2019 presidential election, trailing behind Sall and Idrissa Seck Rewmi.

Sonko’s critical stance towards the current government and his active online presence endeared him to the young voters, quickly making him a thorn in the side of the ruling party. His supporters argue that the criminal charges he faces, including rape (from which he has now been acquitted), inciting rebellion, creating political turmoil, terrorism, and theft, are due to the threat he posed to the ruling party. The government’s extreme measures to suppress protests led by Sonko’s supporters, including internet shutdowns, have exacerbated Senegal’s already struggling economy.

Ousmane Sonko was sentenced to two years in prison for defamation, losing all civil rights and the ability to run in the presidential election. Thus, he strategically decided to have Bassirou Diomaye Faye run as the candidate for the dissolved PASTEF party. Even from prison, Sonko was considered the most influential political figure in Senegal today, urging all his supporters to vote for Faye, who was also in prison but had not been finally convicted.

Due to political maneuvers, the presidential election scheduled for February 25th did not proceed as planned. Subsequently, President Macky Sall introduced an amnesty law in early March to erase all facts related to political events from 2021 to 2024. This law was passed by the majority of deputies.

Therefore, under the amnesty law, all political prisoners from 2021 to 2024 were released, meaning Ousmane Sonko and Bassirou were also freed. A new election date was set for March 24th. Ousmane Sonko and the entire PASTEF team ran an exceptional campaign for their brother Bassirou Diomaye Faye (chosen by Sonko because he was ineligible due to his conviction), who then won the presidential election in the first round with approximately 58% of the votes.


塞内加尔,这片古老的土地,正见证着一场深刻的政治变革。在这个过程中,两位关键人物——奥斯曼·桑科(Ousmane Sonko)和巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶(Bassirou Diomaye Faye)——以及他们背后的塞内加尔人民,共同谱写了一曲关于策略、布局、挑战、谋划和胜利的史诗。

关于奥斯曼·桑科(Ousmane Sonko)‍‍‍‍






The image captures a moment of camaraderie and strategic alliance that played a pivotal role in the political landscape of Senegal. The man in white, Ousmane Sonko, initiated a significant political project, with Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who is now the president, as his close associate and right-hand man. 

这张图片捕捉到了一个关键时刻,展现了塞内加尔政治版图中友谊与策略联盟的重要作用。身着白衣的奥斯曼·桑科科发起了一个重大的政治项目- Plan B,巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶作为他的密切合作伙伴和得力助手,现在已经成为了总统。

The Genesis of Strategy: Sonko’s Plan B

On the political stage of Senegal, Ousmane Sonko is not just an opposition leader, but a strategist. Despite facing numerous obstacles throughout his political career, he has remained steadfast in his commitment to reform. When legal barriers and the threat of imprisonment jeopardized his ability to personally participate in the elections, Sonko did not choose silence or retreat; instead, he demonstrated exceptional strategic wisdom by launching “Plan B.”

This Plan B, which involved propelling his ally, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, to the forefront as the presidential candidate, was not a makeshift solution but a well-considered strategic choice. The close collaboration and shared ideals between Sonko and Faye provided a solid foundation for this plan. Faye, who fought alongside Sonko in the tax department, shares Sonko’s political ideals and vision for the country’s future. Notably, their unity is reflected not only in their political stance and strategic choices but also in the adversity they have jointly faced. Both were imprisoned for opposing government corruption and mismanagement, an experience that not only deepened their friendship but also strengthened their resolve for reform. The release of Faye, just less than two weeks before the election, underscored the urgency and importance of Plan B.

The launch of Plan B ensured that the reform movement could continue even in Sonko’s absence and sent a powerful message: the force of reform transcends individual efforts, embodying the collective will of the Senegalese people. Through this strategy, Sonko cleverly transformed his political influence and desire for change into momentum for Faye’s campaign.

The success of this plan lies not only in Sonko’s strategic vision but also in his trust in Faye’s personal qualities. For Sonko, Faye is not just an alternative choice but the ideal candidate capable of carrying the banner of reform and leading Senegal towards a more just and prosperous future. This strategy demonstrated Sonko’s profound contemplation as a leader and his firm commitment to the democracy and development of Senegal.

With the implementation of Plan B, Senegal’s political arena witnessed an unprecedented unity and challenge. The strategic alliance between Sonko and Faye not only brought new hope to Senegal but also presented a vivid example of political wisdom, courage, and the power of democracy to the international community. In this democratic journey led by strategy, the collective will of the Senegalese people and their desire for reform were fully expressed and respected.

策略的孕育:桑科(Sonko)的Plan B

在塞内加尔的政治舞台上,奥斯曼·桑科不仅是一名反对派领袖,更是一个策略家。他的政治生涯,尽管遭遇重重阻碍,却始终坚持着对改革的承诺。当法律障碍和监禁威胁到他亲自参与选举的可能性时,桑科并没有选择沉默或退缩,而是展现了非凡的策略智慧——他推出了“Plan B”。

这个Plan B(备用计划),涉及将他的盟友巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶推向前台,作为总统候选人。这一决定并非权宜之计,而是经过深思熟虑的战略选择。桑科和法耶之间的紧密合作及共同理念,为这个计划提供了坚实的基础。法耶,这位在税务部门工作期间与桑科并肩作战的同志,拥有与桑科相似的政治理想和对国家未来的共同愿景。值得注意的是,他们的团结不仅体现在政治立场和战略选择上,更在于他们共同经历的逆境。两人因反对政府的腐败和管理不善而一同入狱,这一经历不仅加深了他们的友谊,也加强了他们改革的决心。法耶在距离选举不到两周的时间里才被释放,这一点更加凸显了“Plan B”的紧迫性和重要性。

“Plan B”的推出,不仅保证了改革运动即使在桑科缺席的情况下仍能继续前进,而且还传递出一个强烈的信号:即改革的力量超越了个人,它是整个塞内加尔民众共同意愿的体现。桑科通过这一策略,巧妙地将自己的政治影响力和对改变的渴望,转化为了法耶的竞选动力。


随着“Plan B”的实施,塞内加尔的政治舞台见证了一次前所未有的团结与挑战。桑科和法耶的这一策略联盟,不仅为塞内加尔带来了新的希望,也为国际社会提供了一个关于政治智慧、勇气与民主力量的鲜活案例。在这场由策略引领的民主征程中,塞内加尔人民的共同意志和对改革的渴望,得到了充分的体现和尊重。

The Triumph of Public Will: Strategic Actions by Sonko and Faye

In the political whirlwind of Senegal, the victory of Bassirou Diomaye Faye not only represented an unexpected surprise on the political stage but also deeply reflected the people’s, especially the younger generation’s, desire for change and hopeful anticipation for the future. Faye, a former tax officer, with his zero-tolerance stance on corruption and significant emphasis on economic sovereignty, demonstrated a profound understanding of public sentiment and strategic wisdom throughout the election process, quickly garnering widespread support from the public.

A key move during Faye’s campaign was the public disclosure of his financial assets, which not only showcased his commitment to transparency and integrity but also challenged the existing political culture. This call for all candidates to exhibit similar transparency provided the public with genuine choices. Moreover, Faye’s policy plans, emphasizing national control over natural resources and a reassessment of foreign economic policies, reflected his thoughtful consideration for Senegal’s economic independence and long-term development. His proposals to suspend fishing agreements with the EU and reevaluate impending oil and gas contracts highlighted his determination to safeguard national resources and seek welfare for the Senegalese people.

Facing an unemployment rate of over 20%, Faye’s victory responded to the collective aspirations of the Senegalese people, particularly the younger generation eager to see practical solutions to economic and social issues.

The joint strategy of Sonko and Faye played a crucial role in the political transformation of Senegal. From the outset, Sonko recognized that the flame of reform could not be extinguished, even if he was imprisoned for political reasons. The carefully planned “Plan B,” which propelled Faye to the forefront as the leader, showcased his leadership style that transcended personal interests and focused on the overall welfare of the nation. This strategy not only maintained the continuity of the political movement but also ensured the further development of reform ideals under new leadership.

Faye’s strategic actions included restoring democratic institutions, curbing executive power, combating corruption, and renegotiating international contracts. Notably, he committed to monetary reform, potentially introducing a new currency - the Senegal Franc, to replace the CFA Franc, which is pegged to the Euro and supported by the former colonial power, France.

In terms of foreign policy, Faye and Sonko worked together to balance international partnerships and reset relations with France, shaping a new Senegal that is sovereignly independent and engages in equal cooperation with the world.

This election became an important milestone in Senegal’s democratic journey, not only signifying a peaceful transfer of political power but also showcasing that profound social transformation can be achieved through united actions and wise strategies. Under Faye’s leadership, Senegal stands at a new historical starting point, ready to face challenges and realize the common dreams and aspirations of its people.





桑科与法耶的共同策略在塞内加尔政治变革中起着至关重要的作用。从一开始,桑科便意识到即便他因政治原因被监禁,改革的火焰也不能熄灭。通过精心策划的“Plan B”,推动法耶成为前台的领导人,展现了他超越个人利益、关注国家整体福祉的领导风范。这一策略不仅保持了政治运动的连续性,也确保了改革理念在新的领导下得到进一步发展。





A New Dawn for Senegal

After enduring prolonged political turmoil and social unrest, the election victory in Senegal emerges like the first light of dawn, heralding the potential for sweeping reforms. The successful execution of Sonko’s Plan B and Faye’s triumph collectively highlight the vibrancy of Senegal’s democratic spirit and the people’s yearning for reform.

This victory signifies not just the strategic acumen of two political leaders but also embodies the collective will of the Senegalese people. With the establishment of a new government, Senegal stands at a new threshold, poised for a brighter future, as the nation collectively anticipates a new chapter transitioning from revolution to rejuvenation.


在经历了长期的政治动荡和社会不安之后,塞内加尔的这次选举胜利,如同曙光初现,预示着国家可能迎来的全面改革。桑科的Plan B和法耶的胜利,共同展现了塞内加尔民主精神的活力和人民对改革的渴望。


PS:I’d like to extend my special thanks to friends from Senegal for providing invaluable materials and profound insights.



Life is a drama filled with stories, waiting to be read and understood. 人生如戏,一起阅读和领悟生命的各种剧本, 只为某一天身处其中时多一份勇气与坚韧,你并不孤单