安哥拉”中国日投资经济论坛”Angola China Day Investment and Economic Forum

文摘   2024-11-28 06:53   安哥拉  


文 | Caroline Liang

昨天非常荣幸受邀参加了由 Standard Bank 举办的 China Day Forum,并担任中英双语同声传译。这场活动嘉宾阵容强大,包括中国驻安哥拉大使馆经济商务参赞陆玉忠先生、Standard Bank的高层领导、安哥拉中资企业商会会长兼中信建设(CITIC Construction)代表范军涛会长,以及通过视频连线认识的中国工商银行(ICBC)非洲代表处的高层。这是一场关于中非经济合作的高端对话,干货满满。

Today, I had the great honor of being invited to the China Day Forum organized by Standard Bank, where I served as a bilingual simultaneous interpreter (Chinese-English). The event featured an impressive lineup of distinguished guests, including Mr. Lu Yuzhong, the Economic and Commercial Counselor from the Chinese Embassy in Angola, senior executives from Standard Bank, Mr. Fan Juntao, the Chairman of the Angola Chinese Chamber of Commerce and representative of CITIC Construction, and senior representatives from the African office of ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), whom I had the chance to connect with via video link. This was truly a high-level dialogue on China-Africa economic cooperation, packed with valuable insights.

论坛围绕PPP(公私合作伙伴关系)项目融资、金融风险管理、基金产品创新以及非洲投资的机遇与挑战展开讨论。作为非洲市场的重要参与者,Standard Bank分享了支持大型基础设施建设项目融资的经验,以及推动人民币在非洲市场流通的实践。此外,安哥拉中资企业商会也介绍了中资企业在非洲发展过程中的成果和经验,令人振奋。现场还有许多安哥拉知名的中资企业出席,包括众多常驻安哥拉并享有盛名的中资公司。

The forum focused on key topics such as PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project financing, financial risk management, innovative fund products, and the opportunities and challenges of investing in Africa. As a major player in the African market, Standard Bank shared its extensive experience in financing large-scale infrastructure projects and its efforts in promoting the use of the RMB across African markets. Additionally, the Angola Chinese Chamber of Commerce presented inspiring success stories and experiences of Chinese enterprises thriving in Africa.The event was also attended by numerous well-known Chinese enterprises based in Angola, including many prominent and long-established companies.


Although I am an experienced professional in the financial sector, this was my first time trying my hand at simultaneous interpretation. Given Angola’s primary language is Portuguese, I was fortunate to be selected for this bilingual interpretation role. To prepare, I diligently reviewed materials on PPP financing, African financial market trends, and China-Africa trade, so I could confidently take on this challenging task. As an interpreter, I had the privilege of being immersed in these high-quality discussions in real time, gaining a front-row seat to the vibrant exchanges.

This experience not only deepened my understanding of the immense potential of China-Africa cooperation but also highlighted the crucial role of collaboration between Chinese enterprises and financial institutions.


I look forward to more opportunities like this in the future, where I can witness and contribute to new milestones in China-Africa cooperation.

#中非合作 #StandardBank #ChinaDayForum #ICBC #PPP融资 #CITIC建设 #同声翻译随感

#ChinaAfricaCooperation #StandardBank #ChinaDayForum #ICBC #PPPFunding #CITICConstruction #SimultaneousInterpretationExperience



以下是一些同声翻译的练习片段录音(For good memory):

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