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巴黎奥运会期间,我女儿看了不少关于奥运会的视频,某一天她突然跟我说,‘妈妈,我不想做法国人了!’我一愣,心想这是怎么回事?结果她告诉我,网上都在骂法国人,说奥运会搞得一团糟,连开幕式都被吐槽得体无完肤。我赶紧跟她说,‘巴黎奥运会有很多亮点,比如那种法式浪漫和松弛感,很多人都觉得这次开幕式是一次全城大派对(big party)!’但在算法的推送下,负面消息铺天盖地,让她小小的脑袋里产生了不小的困惑。
文 | Caroline Liang
The Double-Edged Sword of the Internet: Be Wary of the “Information Cocoon” Shaping Children’s Perceptions
Kids today are incredibly quick learners, but this comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, during the Paris Olympics, my daughter, who is of mixed Chinese and French heritage, nearly had her mind “reprogrammed” by watching too many videos online. Instead of feeling proud of her dual cultural background, she was bombarded with negative opinions and relentless criticism about the Paris Olympics. This flood of negativity led her to feel ashamed of being French. This isn’t just a minor issue—it’s something that we really need to pay attention to.
The Impact of the Highly Controversial Paris Olympics on Children
In my previous article, 2024 Paris Olympics: Relaxed Yet Successful, France, You Won!, I mentioned that this year’s Paris Olympics certainly provided plenty of fodder for discussion. The performance featuring French performer Philippe Katerine as the Greek god of wine, Dionysus—dubbed “The Last Supper of the Blue Fatty”—and the “Ménage à Trois” segment during the opening ceremony became hot topics across the internet. Social media and mainstream outlets continuously pushed videos and articles, dissecting these perplexing aspects over and over again, with waves of criticism flooding the internet.
One day during the Paris Olympics, my daughter suddenly said to me, “Mom, it’s terrifying—I’m embarrassed to say I’m French!” I was startled and wondered what had happened. She explained, “Everyone online is bashing the French, saying the Paris Olympics were a mess, that the opening ceremony was bizarre, and that it’s all over the internet, being harshly criticized. It’s so embarrassing…” As it turns out, video platforms had been feeding her a lot of negative content, with comments like “The opening ceremony was terrible” and “French romance has become a joke,” all of which were exaggerated to grab attention. These skewed perspectives made it seem as if the French were being “cyber-bullied,” and my daughter couldn’t help but be affected by this, leading to an unhealthy sense of self.
I tried to explain to her, “Yes, the Paris Olympics sparked a lot of debate, but did you know that many people appreciated the unique ‘French sense of relaxation’? They saw this Olympics as one big party where everyone had a great time. I’ve watched videos too, and the content I’m getting is mostly positive: things like the French aesthetic being on point, and the cultural richness of France…” But you see, a child can’t easily distinguish the true intentions behind these comments. Without a fully developed understanding, these exaggerated negative remarks had already deeply influenced her. It was then that I realized how the data-driven “recommendation” algorithms on these platforms can be a double-edged sword, especially for children.
我的上一篇文章2024巴黎奥运:松弛又成功,法国你赢了! The Paris Olympics: Relaxed Yet Successful提到过,这次巴黎奥运会确实给大家提供了不少吐槽的素材,像开幕式上的“三人行”表演,还有那个被戏称为“蓝胖子的最后晚餐”的环节,简直成了全网讨论的焦点。自媒体和主流媒体也是不停地推送各种视频、文章,一遍又一遍地分析这些让人看不懂的部分,吐槽声一浪接一浪,铺天盖地...
于是,我立马联系了夏令营的教官,反映了这个情况。教官非常耐心地处理了这个问题,并且很快就把我女儿换到了另一个宿舍, 之后,夏令营的剩余时间里,我女儿终于开心了起来。教官也去找那个女孩子了解了情况并跟她解释这个世界的多样性, 不能把自己的认知强加给别人。。
Discussing the Topic of LGBTQ+
Kids today are exposed to information at a very young age. Just the other day, I was surprised to learn that my daughter knows about 100 different gender identities! She calmly told me, “Mom, did you know there are so many gender identities, not just male and female?” I was both shocked and amazed by how much children are aware of in this digital age.
In today’s society, issues like DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and LGBTQ+ are heavily emphasized in an effort to demonstrate political correctness and cultural diversity. However, this constant emphasis can sometimes confuse children. They might not have even been thinking about these topics, but the overemphasis causes them to start questioning themselves: “Do I fit into the traditional gender categories? Which one do I belong to?”
This premature exploration of gender identity can lead to confusion and uncertainty. For instance, some of the girls my daughter met at summer camp seemed very introverted, yet they already had what they believed to be a clear understanding of their gender identity and even categorized themselves within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. While it’s important to recognize that these topics can’t be completely avoided, I believe that the government or public messaging should not overly stress these issues, as it could create unnecessary confusion for children who have not yet fully developed their understanding.
As a parent, I feel that if we don’t take the initiative to discuss these sensitive topics with our children, they might end up learning about them through the internet, which could lead to misunderstandings or distorted views. Rather than allowing our children to form potentially incorrect beliefs from incomplete information, it’s better for us to engage them in open conversations, discussing these topics regularly so they can develop a proper understanding.
Cyberbullying and the Distorted Online Environment
再来说说奥运会期间发生的事。比如中国奥运冠军全红婵,她因为得了冠军而被一些媒体人语言攻击。尤其是有一位南方周末的记者,在网络连线的时候,用多个带有侮辱性的词汇形容全红婵。他说全红婵在外媒的镜头下“疯疯癫癫”,还说她英语不好,如果以后不跳水了就像个白痴一样。真的吗? 人家只是个孩子,需要这么恶毒吗?居然这样去攻击奥运冠军!!
我觉得这些人有什么资格来评判别人?全红婵的人生道路是她自己的选择,她凭借自己跳水方面的天赋先努力取得辉煌的奥运会战绩,之后再去补文化课有什么不行的?每个人都有自己的节奏和步伐, 当下211本科毕业的大学生还在努力找工作, 所谓的走寻常路不一定能看到想要的结果, 每个人的路都不一样,凭什么别人要按你设定的标准来走?
Final Thoughts