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他是GANGA Júnior,一位在钻石行业叱咤风云的企业家,也是安哥拉国家钻石公司ENDIAMA的CEO。然而,比起钻石的璀璨光芒,他更看重粮食的力量。他知道,在这个依赖进口、高昂食品价格让无数人吃不起饭的国家,农业是改变一切的钥匙。而他,要用一己之力,为这个国家种下希望的种子。
文 | Caroline Liang
The Restless Warrior: Mr. Ganga’s Agricultural Vision for Angola
In the heart of Malanje province, Angola, lies an 8000-acre expanse of farmland—a lush oasis that stands as a testament to the relentless spirit of its creator, GANGA Júnior, CEO of ENDIAMA. For Mr. Ganga, agriculture is not just a side project; it’s a mission, a labor of love that has consumed 15 years of his life and over $20 million, including personal funds and bank loans that have since been fully repaid。
At 67 years old, he is a man of boundless energy and ambition. While he oversees Angola’s diamond industry during the week, every weekend he drives five hours to personally inspect every detail of his agricultural empire. This is not merely a business venture but a deeply personal contribution to Angola’s future—an effort to make his country self-reliant in food production.
在安哥拉的马兰热省,有一片壮丽的绿洲——8000亩的Malanje农场。这片土地见证了一位不知疲倦的战士、现任ENDIAMA CEO José Manuel Augusto Ganga Júnior的执着与热情。对于这位67岁的老人来说,农业并非他的主业,而是他投入了15年心血的周末事业。
当你初见Mr. Ganga,很难将他和一位农场主联系在一起。他主导着安哥拉钻石行业,肩负着巨大的经济责任。然而,每个周末,他驱车五个小时,前往他的农业帝国,亲自视察农场的每一个细节。这并非只是一次简单的兴趣尝试,而是一份深刻的社会责任感的体现。他认为,农业是解决安哥拉食品安全问题的关键,他希望通过自己的努力,让安哥拉在农业上实现自给自足。
From Agricultural Powerhouse to Food Insecurity
Angola was once an agricultural powerhouse, boasting fertile lands and thriving exports. However, years of war, including the brutal civil conflict following independence, decimated the country’s farming infrastructure. Today, Angola relies heavily on food imports, with prices so high that many families struggle to afford basic meals. Essential crops like corn and soybeans are in constant demand but remain insufficient to meet the needs of the population.
“Agriculture is more than a business; it’s a nation’s lifeline,” Mr. Ganga says. He recognizes the immense challenges of farming in Africa, from erratic rainfall patterns to inadequate infrastructure. The risks are high, requiring massive upfront investment, long-term commitment, and an extraordinary tolerance for uncertainty. Yet he has chosen to face these challenges head-on.
“农业项目不仅仅是商业行为,它更是一个国家的使命,”Mr. Ganga说。他清楚,农业的风险极高,尤其是在气候多变的非洲。旱季和雨季的不平衡、基础设施不足、农作物选择不当,都会导致巨大的经济损失。农业需要巨大的前期投入,长时间的等待,和对不确定性的容忍。然而,他选择迎难而上。
A Miracle Built on Passion
The story of Malanje Farm is nothing short of miraculous. What was once a dense forest has been transformed into Angola’s second-largest corn production hub, second only to a state-owned enterprise. With over $20 million, including personal funds and bank loans now fully repaid, Mr. Ganga has developed a complete agricultural ecosystem, including irrigation systems, reservoirs, and facilities for processing, drying, freezing, and packaging crops.
While most large-scale agricultural projects in Africa rely on funding from the World Bank or national governments, Mr. Ganga decided to take a different path. “I don’t need a business plan to convince investors. I want the farm’s success to speak for itself,” he explains. His goal is simple yet profound: to make Angola less dependent on imports and give his people access to affordable, locally produced food.
Today, Malanje Farm not only meets local demand but also attracts pre-financing from food companies, ensuring stable production for years to come. This market-driven approach is setting a new standard for Angola’s agricultural future.
Agriculture Meets Diamonds: A Complementary Ecosystem
As the CEO of ENDIAMA, Angola’s national diamond company, Mr. Ganga sees agriculture as a natural complement to mining. Diamond mines are often located in remote, barren areas where food supplies are scarce. His farm’s success helps fill that gap, creating a more sustainable ecosystem that supports both industries.
His vision extends far beyond the practical. During a tour of the farm, he pointed to a distant hill and said, “I’m going to build a house on that mountain, just like Mufasa in The Lion King, where I can watch over my kingdom.”
作为ENDIAMA的CEO,Mr. Ganga不仅关注钻石的开采,也将农业视为矿业的天然补充。钻石矿区通常位于荒凉的地区,食物供应是长期的难题。而农场的成功为这些地区提供了必要的粮食保障,也让他的商业生态更加完整。
Driven by Passion and Responsibility
Agriculture is not for the faint-hearted. It demands time, resources, and unwavering dedication. But for Mr. Ganga, it’s more than just a project; it’s a calling. In a country where many people go hungry daily, he believes agriculture holds the key to change.
He is a restless warrior, determined to make a difference in a field fraught with risks. His story is one of courage, perseverance, and an unyielding belief in the power of personal effort.
农业对任何人来说,都是一场漫长的战斗。但对于Mr. Ganga,这不仅仅是一个项目,而是一份对国家和人民的承诺。安哥拉的贫困人口每天都在为一顿饭而挣扎,而他相信,农业可以改变这一切。
A Vision for Angola’s Agriculture Future
Mr. Ganga’s agricultural empire is still growing. His 15-year journey is not just about cultivating land; it’s about proving that Angola can rise above its reliance on imports and reclaim its status as an agricultural powerhouse.
Through his relentless passion and dedication, he has built more than a farm—he has built hope for his country. His story reminds us that true greatness is not just measured by business success but by the impact one makes on society and the courage to pursue a dream, no matter the odds.
In Angola’s fertile fields, Mr. Ganga is sowing the seeds of a brighter future. His legacy is not just an agricultural empire but a testament to what one person’s determination can achieve.
Mr. Ganga的农业帝国还在继续扩张。他的15年付出不仅仅是为了一片农场,更是为了向所有人证明,安哥拉不仅有钻石闪耀的光芒,还有农业的希望。他用自己的热情和责任感,在这片土地上书写了一段属于自己的传奇。
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