—— Dr Paul Silverwood
Paul Silverwood校长来自英国,凭着对学习与生俱来的热爱,他进入剑桥大学攻读自然科学,并获得了剑桥大学的奖学金。随后,他在曼彻斯特大学取得了核化学博士学位,并在伦敦接受了教师培训。在此期间,他曾担任学生导师、化学系老师,兼任国际学生的寄宿管理工作。
随着新学年的到来,Paul Silverwood博士将担任上海康德双语实验学校、上海浦东新区民办康德学校执行校长一职。Paul Silverwood博士将把他近三十年来的教育领域教学管理经验带到学校,引领学校翻开新篇章,继续谱写辉煌蓝图。
Dr Paul Silverwood
Paul Silverwood 校长具有近三十年的教学与教育管理经验,超过15年的英国本土和国际知名私立寄宿学校高级管理岗位经验。他曾任享誉全英的牛津圣爱德华中学(St Edward’s School Oxford)化学系主任和副校长、安妮公主的母校博耐顿中学 (Benenden School)助理校长兼研究主任、百年精英女校玛格丽特女王学校(Queen Margaret‘s School)校长,还参与过亚洲地区一些国际化学校的创办。Paul Silverwood校长不仅负责学校管理工作,还亲历亲为担任舍监和年级主任,参与了学校各个方面的工作,这段工作经历也帮助他全面了解了学生在校生活的各个方面。而在中国创办学校的经历,也帮助Paul Silverwood校长更好地了解中国家庭和中国学生,对于双语学校的十二年一贯制教学有了深入的管理经验。
Paul Silverwood校长从今年八月已经正式开启了自己在康德的工作,加入康德之初,他就被校园里友好、民主的氛围所感染。而他在暑假中就已经以顾问的身份,参与到学校教师的培训中。新学期学生返校后,他也会每天准时在校门口亲自迎接学生,和学生一起午餐、一起运动。尤其是对于浦东康德的寄宿学生,他希望可以为孩子们营造家庭氛围,让他们无法与家人在一起的这一周里,也能感受到来自老师、同学乃至整个康德社区的关心,从而使康德真正成为学生的“家外之家”。
Paul Silverwood校长的个人教育理念与学校“和、信、义”的价值观紧密呼应。 他认为“和”是指我们在培养学生的过程中,都秉承着一致的目标。学生、老师、家长可以有各自的观点,但方向是一致的。在康德,我们不会揠苗助长、急于求成,我们希望给予每个学生个性化的教育。“信”在他看来是非常多方面的,不仅仅包括学生和老师之间、家校之间的互相信任,更是指我们对于学生的信任,我们对他们不可限量的未来的信任以及我们全身心的投入从而成就学生的发展成长。“义”在他的理解中更多的是指一种诚实守信、忠于事实的品格,希望每个康德社区的成员都能朝着正确的方向前行。
Paul Silverwood校长想对每个康德学生说,找到你们的热情,并让老师帮助你们在康德成就自己的热爱。每个学生都有各自的天赋,但天赋和热情不同,老师要做的就是和学生并肩同行,发现学生的天赋,激发学生的热情,当天赋和热情相结合,学生将发挥巨大的能量。老师是学生成长道路上的帮助者,将帮助学生一起朝着梦想、满怀热情地向着未来奔跑。期待通过康德学校,让教育成为大家全心全意分享的礼物,帮助每一个康德学子成就属于自己的卓越。
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“I love reading and researching, and I like listening to people's original ideas. I think that as a teacher and a leader, we should listen to different opinions and then help people develop their own independent thinking. My educational philosophy is to give students confidence so that they want to take responsibility for their learning, even if they make mistakes; it’s through bravely re-thinking, exploring and experimenting that students become excellent decision makers and independent young men and women.”
—— Dr Paul Silverwood
Executive Principal,SCBS
Dr Paul Silverwood hails from the United Kingdom. Driven by his innate passion for learning, he embarked on his academic journey, reading Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, followed by a PhD in Nuclear and Radiochemistry at the University of Manchester, before training as a teacher in London. Dr Paul Silverwood won a scholarship to read Natural Sciences the University of Cambridg. During this period, Dr Silverwood also worked as a tutor and supervisor in the Department of Chemistry, and took on the boarding management work for international students who had just come to the city to study at the university.
Please click on the video above to watch
the interview with Dr Paul Silverwood
With the arrival of the new school year, Dr Silverwood will take up the role of Executive Principal of Shanghai Concord Bilingual School. Bringing his 30 years of teaching and management experience in the field of education, he will lead SCBS into its next chapter of growth and development.
Dr Paul Silverwood
Executive principal, SCBS
Bachelor (BA Hons) and Master (MA) in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nuclear and Radiochemistry from the University of Manchester; Chartered Chemist (CChem); Qualified Teacher (QTS)
British chemical scientist
With nearly 30 years of teaching and educational management experience
15 years in senior management positions in international and private boarding schools
Dr Silverwood has nearly 30 years of experience in teaching and educational management, with over 15 years in senior management positions in leading private boarding schools in the UK and internationally. He has served as a Head of Department , Head of Grade and Housemaster at St Edward's Oxford, Director of Studies at Benenden School, and Principal of Queen Margaret's York in the UK. He has also been a Founding Principal and Director of Education, involved in the establishment, growth and development of several international and bilingual schools in Asia. His work has enabled him to gain a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of school operations and the holistic education of students in a boarding school context. Moreover, his experience of setting up schools in China has deepened his understanding of Chinese families and students, and provided him with in-depth experience in managing K12 bilingual schools.
Building SCBS Community
Dr Silverwood officially commenced his work at SCBS at the start of August, and he has been deeply impressed by the friendly and open atmosphere on campus. During the summer holidays, he had already participated in the training of SCBS teachers as a consultant. After the students returned to school in the new semester, he was able to meet many of them at the school gate, in the dining hall and observe many of their classes. Especially for the boarding students, Dr Silverwood hopes to create a family atmosphere so that during the week when they are not with their families, they can still feel the pastoral care from teachers, classmates, and the entire SCBS community, truly making SCBS a "home away from home".
Interpretation of the SCBS Ethos
Dr Silverwood's personal educational philosophy is closely aligned with SCBS's values of "Harmony, Trust, and Decency". He believes that "Harmony" comes from plotting parallel narratives with common goals, ensuring we work as one team together in the interests of our students.In his view, the value of "Trust" is multifaceted. It not only encompasses the mutual trust between students and teachers, and between home and school, but also reflects our trust in students. Dr Silverwood believes that students should be given opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning and transition from dependence upon their teachers into independent young men and women before they graduate from high school. "Decency", according to Dr Silverwood, comes from understanding how our words and deeds impact others, and so we should always act with honesty and kindness.
Best Wishes to SCBS Community
“I would like to say to each student, find your passion, and let us help you in realising your dreams at SCBS. Each student has his or her own unique talent, and when talent and passion combine, a student can reveal their future direction with energy and enthusiasm. As teachers, we are the helpers on your journey and we will accompany you as you run towards your dreams. We look forward to making education a gift that we share wholeheartedly, enabling every SCBS student to achieve excellence.”
—— Dr Paul Silverwood
Executive Principal,SCBS
Contact us
School address
Middle school:No.53 Runan Street Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Primary school:No. 385 South Ruijin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Postal code:200023
Official website:www.concordschool.com.cn
The admission advisory telephone:
(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091
The admission email:Enquiries@concordschool.com.cn