
文摘   2024-11-21 16:00   上海  

今年,来自全球 82 个国家 750 所学校的 2200 多名学生参加了 2023/2024年度的培生爱德思考试。康德双语的2024届毕业生Luca Jin在其中力拔头筹,在培生Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Mathematics 中获得全球最高成绩

作为建校后的首批学生他在康德双语从初中六年级读至高中十二年级毕业的过程中,曾收获了许多荣誉和奖项。其中包括BPhO Top Gold、AMC 12  Distinguish、UKMT Gold、FTC等。这些奖项主要集中在数学领域。


目前Luca Jin已在英国帝国理工大学学习物理学专业,恭喜Luca,我们为你感到骄傲!康德双语也祝福所有留学海外的康德学子学业顺利,继续追就学术卓越







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Dear Parent





Thank you for your interest in SCBS!

If you are interested in enroling your child at SCBS, please scan the QR code below to submit your application.

We will then contact you to outline our admission procedures.


Thank you!






招生热线:(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091


This year, more than 2,200 students from 750 schools in 82 countries sat the Pearson Edexcel exams. Luca Jin, SCBS Graduate 2024, earned the highest mark in the world in Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Mathematics.

As one of the first students after the establishment of the school, he has collected many honours and awards during his time at SCBS from G6 to G12. These include BPhO Top Gold, AMC 12 Distinguish, UKMT Gold, FTC and many more. These awards were mainly in the field of Mathematics and Physics.

As an accredited test centre of Pearson Edexcel, SCBS offers students the convenience of taking their IGCSE and A-level exams at the same time in our school, and the familiarity of the exam environment is a good way to alleviate students' anxiety about the exams.

Luca is now studying Physics at Imperial College, UK. (as World Ranking No.2) Congratulations Luca, we are very proud of you! SCBS also wishes all SCBS students studying abroad the best of luck in their studies and to strive for academic excellence!

SCBS students have gained the following offers, congratulations to them all; and we look forward to more good news very soon!

SCBS always pays attention to the development of each individual student, and provides personalised guidance to SCBS high school students through a full range of university guidance services. This guidance is provided to SCBS high school students through a comprehensive range of college counselling. This service begins at the middle school level, and the school's teachers work together with the students and their parents, accompanying them on every step of their journey to their dream school. SCBS has always been committed to nurturing students with an international outlook and a local flavour. We would like to commend all SCBS teachers and students for their academic excellence, and we look forward to hearing more good news about our students!

School Visit Reservation

Thank you for your interest in SCBS! SCBS' online registration for the 2024-2025 school year has now begun. Please scan the QR code on the poster below for more information and we look forward to meeting you on campus.

Contact us

School address

Middle schoolNo.53 Runan Street Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Primary school:No. 385 South Ruijin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Postal code:200023

Official website:www.concordschool.com.cn

The admission advisory telephone:

(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091

The admission email:Enquiries@concordschool.com.cn
