逐光而行,共赴新程 | 康德双语年度精彩回顾

文摘   2024-12-31 19:00   上海  





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中学部的康德学子们亦在 2024 年收获满满。他们在追求学术卓越的知识海洋里乘风破浪,在各类竞赛中屡获佳绩,用智慧书写辉煌篇章;在综合素质的舞台上,他们同样大放异彩,展现出康德学子们全面发展的卓越风姿。

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他们凭借着扎实的学识、卓越的综合素养,在升学的激烈竞争中脱颖而出。令人瞩目的是,超过42% 的学生成功叩响了英国 G5 大学的校门;超过 68% 的学生收获了排名前三十的世界知名大学递来的橄榄枝;更值得骄傲的是,学校连续三年达成 100% 的学生被世界排名前一百的大学或顶尖艺术学院录取的傲人佳绩,这不仅是学生们个人努力的勋章,更是康德双语教育实力的有力见证。

与此同时,康德双语也在极具影响力的 2024 福布斯中国・国际化双语学校年度评选百强榜中强势上榜,荣获上海地区第 6全国第 12 的佳绩。

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回首2024,康德双语与莘莘学子携手共进,彼此成就。所有康德学子们用才华与热情为学校增添光彩,学校则以广阔的平台和丰富的资源为他们的梦想插上翅膀。新年伊始,站在新的起点,我们满怀期待,相信在2025 年,康德双语全体师生将创造更多的精彩与美好的未来!




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When the bell of the New Year is about to ring, we are standing at the intersection of 2024 and 2025, looking back to the past, full of emotion; looking forward to the future, full of ambition. This year, every moment of SCBS has been like a bright star, illuminating the road ahead for teachers and students. 

SCBS Primary School

2024 Highlights

In 2024, the school life of SCBS Primary School students was like a colourful painting, with non-stop excitement from the beginning to the end of the year. This year, the school has built a rich and diverse platform for the children to grow. Whether it is the arena of knowledge, the showroom of art, or the stage of public welfare, the children are able to confidently appear on the stage, blossom, harvest growth in practice, and mould self-confidence in growth.

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SCBS Middle School

2024 Highlights

The SCBS Middle School students are also full of rewards in 2024. In the pursuit of academic excellence, they rode the waves of the sea of knowledge, won numerous competitions, and wrote brilliant chapters with their wisdom; in the stage of comprehensive quality, they also shone brightly, showing the outstanding style of the all-round development of SCBS students.

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In 2024, SCBS' first founding class of graduates achieved great success. During these seven meaningful years, as founding students, they have witnessed every step of the school's growth from sprouting to thriving, and have written countless unforgettable chapters of history alongside the school.

With solid academic knowledge and excellent comprehensive quality, they have stood out in the fierce competition for higher education. It is remarkable that more than 42% of our students have successfully knocked on the door of G5 universities in the UK; more than 68% of our students have gained olive branches from world-renowned universities ranked in the top 30; and we are even more proud of the fact that for three consecutive years, 100% of our students have been admitted to the world's top 100 universities or top art colleges, which is not only a medal of our students' individual efforts, but also a powerful testimony to the strength of SCBS education. 

At the same time, SCBS was also listed in the influential 2024 Forbes China International Bilingual Schools Annual Ranking, and won the 6th place in Shanghai and the 12th place in China.

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We send our warm congratulations to students in our class of 2025 who have received offers and invitations to interview at prestigious universities early in the application season. We look forward to announcing many further successes very soon!

Looking back to 2024, SCBS and our students have worked hand in hand to make achievements for each other. All the students of SCBS use their talent and passion to add lustre to the school, while the school gives wings to their dreams with a broad platform and rich resources. At the beginning of the new year, standing at the new starting point, we are full of expectations and believe that in 2025, all the teachers and students of SCBS will create more excitement and a better future!

School Visit Reservation

Thank you for your interest in SCBS! Registration for the SCBS Campus Open Day in January, 2025 is open now. Please scan the QR code below (or on the poster below) for more information and we look forward to meeting you on campus.

Contact us

School address

Middle schoolNo.53 Runan Street Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Primary school:No. 385 South Ruijin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Postal code:200023

Official website:www.concordschool.com.cn

The admission advisory telephone:

(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091

The admission email:Enquiries@concordschool.com.cn
