
文摘   2024-11-07 19:00   上海  























“小纸片变形记” ——康德双语小学部数学周,充满创意与无限可能。学生们积极行动,发挥创意,用小纸片制作出各种创意建筑。






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Dear Parent





Thank you for your interest in SCBS!

If you are interested in enroling your child at SCBS, please scan the QR code below to submit your application.

We will then contact you to outline our admission procedures.


Thank you!






招生热线:(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091



Geometry, an ancient and vibrant subject, is the jewel in the kingdom of mathematics. It is not only a simple combination of points, lines, surfaces and bodies, but also a ubiquitous language in nature and human civilisation. From the magnificent construction of The Pyramids to the subtle design of modern architecture, from the mystery of the constellations to the marvellous structure of the microcosm, the beauty of geometry is everywhere, leading us to explore the unknown and understand the world.

SCBS Primary School ushered in the annual Maths Week. Given that the new curriculum emphasizes more on the dual development of students' thinking and knowledge and combines the learning of mathematics with life, we launched a project on geometric knowledge around the theme of “Magic Paper”. We started with a piece of paper, and through“cutting, folding and rolling”, transformed it into different 2D and 3D shapes, and then by the children's imaginative transformation, converted these into creative architecture. 

G1: My Little World

G1 students learnt about the names of basic shapes and read picture books together, made creative collages with jigsaw stickers, and explored the structure of three-dimensional books and how to make them. They were able to name basic shapes in English and make a folding hut, ‘My Little World’, out of coloured cardboard.

In extension lessons, teachers will consider the age and foundation of the students and select representative problems from previous maths activities to broaden students' thinking and continue to enhance their core literacy in various aspects horizontally. At the same time, both Chinese and International teachers read geometry books and picture books with students to learn about the knowledge, role and value of geometry, to express geometric shapes bilingually, and to experience the wide range of applications of geometry in art and various fields of science.

Please click on the images to enlarge them 

to see the learning sheets for the G1 students. 

Can you name the shapes of the objects in the pictures?

G2: My Paper House

G2 students learnt about the names of basic shapes, 3D paper house models and three-dimensional geometric jigsaw puzzles to play against each other. They named the basic shapes in English and worked in pairs to complete the paper house using the paper house models.

SCBS places a high value on developing students' spatial imagination. In the activities, students have to imagine the flat small pieces of paper into three-dimensional shapes, and then make geometric models together. This will enable them to accumulate experience in observation and thinking, feel the wonder of three-dimensional space, enhance their spatial perception and slowly form spatial concepts. This is particularly good for developing students' spatial imagination and geometric intuition. With continuous trial and improvement, they can better understand the relationship of geometric shapes in space and be prepared for learning more difficult geometric constructs in their future scientific studies.

Please click on the image to enlarge it 

to see the learning sheets for the G2 students. 

Can you match the 3D shapes in the picture with the correct names?

G3, G4 and G5: My Creative Building 

and My Creative Neighbourhood

G3 worked on ‘Creative Buildings’; G4 and G5 worked on ‘Creative Neighbourhoods’. All three grades were required to know the names of basic shapes, learn about architecture and geometry, understand and make models of three-dimensional shapes, and create ‘My Geometry Book’ on the spot using ‘Drawing Rope Expansion Models’ and ‘Eight Transparent Geometry Models’ and coloured cardboard. 

At the same time, they named basic shapes in English and recorded the points related to the shapes in their ‘My Geometry Book’. Students worked in groups to embellish and create three-dimensional shapes using various types of three-dimensional figure spreads.

G3 ‘Creative Buildings’

Students were able to use small pieces of paper that they see every day to transform and use geometric shapes in their artwork to appreciate the beauty of geometry. They also created their own geometric artworks, which helped them to appreciate the magical fusion of maths and aesthetics, as well as the fact that maths is closely related to everyday life. Through such hands-on experience, they can better understand the usefulness of geometric knowledge in solving practical problems and enhance their ability to apply mathematical knowledge.

G4 ‘Creative Neighbourhoods’

G5 ‘Creative Neighbourhoods’

Please swipe left and right 

to see the study sheets for students 

in G3, G4, and G5...

Can you complete them? 

Come and take the challenge!

‘Magic Paper’ - Maths Week at SCBS Primary School was full of creativity and endless possibilities. Students were active and creative, making all kinds of creative constructions out of small pieces of paper.

The excitement of Maths Week is yet to come, 

so let's look forward to more surprises from SCBS students!

School Visit Reservation

Thank you for your interest in SCBS! SCBS' online registration for the 2024-2025 school year has now begun. Please scan the QR code on the poster below for more information and we look forward to meeting you on campus.

Contact us

School address

Middle schoolNo.53 Runan Street Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Primary school:No. 385 South Ruijin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Postal code:200023

Official website:www.concordschool.com.cn

The admission advisory telephone:

(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091

The admission email:Enquiries@concordschool.com.cn
