读着图画书去上学 | 小一新生家庭请开启幼小衔接锦囊

文摘   2024-08-05 19:01   上海  




一、 学习准备





这套书按照儿童常见的学习生活场景分为 10 主题,分别是数一数、比一比、圆方角、日月年、你我他、我的家、在学校、在郊外、动物们、吃什么,适合 3-6 岁的儿童阅读。汉字教学聚焦 4 个必要角度入手,包括拼音、字形、字义和笔顺,从低年级学段(1-2 年级)课程标准要求认识的常用 1600-1800 汉字量中,拣选近 500 个日常生活中常用汉字,满足幼小衔接汉字启蒙需求。







《I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words

《Usborne Big Book of General Knowledge》

《A-Z Menagerie》

《My First 100 Nature Words》


此外,在康德双语小学部外方老师精挑细选的英语原版图画书书单中,我们还分享了以下这些英语原版图书,整整 三辑共四十五本。

二、 身心准备














《The Bad Seed》






《Have You Filled a Bucket Today?》
























(1)  别人讲话不插嘴,边玩边等。

(2)  不抢别人的东西,夺人所爱。

(3)  玩好玩具放回原处,别人还要玩。

(5)  和小伙伴约好的时间要守时如钟。

(6)  好东西,不独享。

(7)  做什么都讲个先来后到。

(8)  发脾气是无能的表现,学习控制情绪。

(9)  别忘了对父母说:我爱你们。








1. 家长可以陪小朋友们一起朗读这些好习惯,顺带识字;或者由家长创设场景,让他们实践这些行为,让他们说说怎么做。

2. 小朋友们的自我评价:家长们可以过“星评价”系统,鼓励小朋友们自我监督,逐步养成好习惯。知道应该怎么做可以获得一颗星;有时可以做到可以获得两颗星;经常做到可以获得三颗星;

3. 家长和小朋友们可以共同选定一两个作为下一阶段的目标(目标可逐步进阶,不要操之过急),并用两周时间坚持好习惯的行为,逐步养成行为习惯。

4. 家长们可以两周后再评价,让小朋友们看见自己的进步,再确定下一个目标。

三、 用品准备




铅笔盒:体积不宜过大,结构简单;内放木制 HB 或 H 的铅笔 5-6 支(不用活动铅笔,不带卷笔刀、刀片、剪刀),直尺一把(不要折叠式),橡皮一块(4B 绘图橡皮)。垫板:A4、B5 各两块,无图案。














Swipe for English>>>


Dear Parent





Thank you for your interest in SCBS!

If you are interested in enroling your child at SCBS, 

please scan the QR code below to submit your application. We will then contact you to outline our admission procedures.


Thank you!






招生热线:(021) 53079916; (021) 52401091


Dear parents of Grade 1 students

After this summer, your child will enter SCBS Primary School and become a Grade 1 students. The role of the pupil will change, and with this change, you as a parent will also gain a new role: parent of a primary school student! You surely have some apprehension about taking on this new role, but there is no need to worry. Our SCBS teachers have prepared a guide book for you and your child. They also recommend 100 picture books in this guide. This summer, please read picture books with your children. Let's help them complete successfully the following preparations for this significant transition.

Picture books, dominated by large illustrations accompanied by simple sentences. With its rich and interesting stories, intuitive and vivid images, extraordinary imagination, concise and bright words, in line with children's cognitive development patterns. Picture books  They are particularly suited for Grade-1 students. Picture books do not have a dogma, but cater to the needs of growing minds. Some of the stories in picture books are interesting and vivid, and some are warm and touching. Children are also willing to learn from the protagonists in the stories. Moreover, shared reading experiences between parents and children can further strengthen their bond.

Study Preparation

We suggest that parents schedule regular reading time with your children each day, guide children to pay more attention to Chinese and English in daily life, and encourage them to use English and Chinese to communicate.Through reading picture books together, children can smoothly complete the study preparation for the transition from kindergarten to Primary school.

Books for Chinese language learning

Recommended Reading

《I like Chinese characters very much》

This book series is divided into 10 themes based on common learning and life scenarios for children, including "Counting," "Comparing," "Shapes: Circles, Squares, and Angles," "Days, Months, and Years," "You, Me, and Them," "My Family," "At School," "In the Countryside," "Animals," and "What to Eat." It is suitable for children aged 3 to 6. The Chinese character teaching approach focuses on four essential aspects: pinyin (Chinese phonetics), character structure, meaning, and stroke order. From the commonly used 1600-1800 Chinese characters required by the curriculum standards for lower grades (Grades 1-2), nearly 500 frequently used characters in daily life have been selected to meet the needs of Chinese character enlightenment during the kindergarten-to-primary school transition.

Books for Maths learning

Recommended Reading

《Where are the Numbers》

"What Tells Us the Size of Shoes? What Tells Us the Time? What Can Replace Our Names? The Answer is Numbers! Numbers are everywhere – This book lists numerous instances where numbers are used in daily life, encouraging children to observe numbers in their daily life, gradually understanding their various functions and meanings. Numbers become vibrant and not just abstract symbols. With the book's vibrant and rich colors, learning numbers turns into an enjoyable and accessible experience in everyday life."

Books for English learning

Recommended Reading

《I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words

《Usborne Big Book of General Knowledge》

《A-Z Menagerie》

《My First 100 Nature Words》

These English picture books can guide children to engage in reading English from easy to difficult levels, and through reading lively and interesting picture books, children can subconsciously accumulate English vocabulary. They are ideal English picture books for Grade-1 students.

In addition, we also share the following three series of English picture books, a total of 45 books, from the list of English picture books recommended by SCBS foreign teachers.

Physical and Psychological


The transition from Kindergarten to Primary School requires not only academic preparation but also  physical and mental preparation. Finding ways to quickly adapt to the school's schedule, how to integrate into the group, and find good friends in a new environment, we can also find answers from these picture books.

Enjoy your school life

Recommended Reading


In this, the first of the series of classic books featuring the silly goose, Petunia finds a book—and, deciding that if she owns a book she must be wise, dispenses hilariously mistaken advice to the other animals in the farmyard. With its gentle lesson and the kind of humor that kids love best, this new edition of a beloved classic will delight and inspire a whole new generation of readers.

Related Books

《 The Little Monsters Go to School》、

《I like books》、《Library Mouse》

Obey the rules

Recommended Reading

《 David Goes to School 》

David is a newly enrolled student who doesn't know how to get along with others, likes to tease classmates, and breaks school rules such as not being late, not eating during class, and going to the bathroom during breaks. The story humorously reflects children's own behaviours through David, helping them understand what is acceptable and what is not, encouraging them to be children who bravely face their mistakes.

Related English Picture Book

《The Bad Seed》

Social ability

  Recommended Reading

《My Deskmate Ada》

The most distinctive feature of this book lies in its use of first-person narrative and flashback storytelling, which makes it feel as if the reader is listening to the author narrate the story in a leisurely manner. Parents can take on the role of the author and narrate the story, engaging in discussions with their children about the topic of making friends.

Related English Picture Book

《Have You Filled a Bucket Today?》

The ability to regulate your emotions

  Recommended Reading


When children go to school, their given names are frequently called out, and some names may have unique pronunciations or homophones that can easily lead to being teased with nicknames . Fortunately, Chrysanthemum has the comfort of her parents and the immense affirmation from her music teacher, allowing her to happily embrace her differences. Accepting oneself begins with accepting one's own name. Before children start school, parents can tell them the story behind their name, who named them, and the special meaning and expectations embedded within it. Engaging in activities such as recognizing and writing their names, drawing name-inspired artwork, or designing personalized name cards can be fun parent-child activities.

Related English Picture Book


In addition to accompanying children to read these relevant picture books during the transition from Kindergarten to Primary School, we have also compiled the following suggestions to help parents of Grade-1 students smoothly accompany their children through this transition.


Physical Preparation

Nutritional Balance:

A balanced diet and good eating habits are the foundation for maintaining good health. Parents will prepare nutritious and varied meals for you to ensure that you grow up healthy and strong. It's important to avoid being picky about food and to refrain from wasting food.


Pay attention to small muscle exercises, such as paper cutting, painting, playing Musical Instruments, etc., while ensuring large movement sports, such as running, swimming, etc. Keep an hour of exercise every day, you can have a healthy body.




Helping children develop a positive attitude towards school is an important aspect of psychological preparation during the transition from kindergarten to elementary school. During the holidays, it is recommended that parents engage their children in various activities that foster friendship and encourage them to integrate into groups. After school starts, our teachers will also arrange various activities to help children quickly make new friends in the new elementary school environment and experience the joy of learning and school life.


self-care abilities 

Cultivating self-care abilities is a crucial aspect of elementary school life. Parents can teach children simple daily living skills such as dressing themselves and organizing their schoolbags to help them develop their self-reliance and learn to independently handle routine tasks. Additionally, establishing a sense of time is essential, as it allows children to understand the importance of time management and plan their daily lives effectively.


Good Habits

Cultivating good study habits is key to helping children better adapt to elementary school life and enhance their learning outcomes. Concentration, active listening, willingness to express oneself, enjoyment of reading, and efficiency are all habits that we can work together to develop in children, both at school and at home.

We would also like to invite you and your child to read the "Parent/Student Handbook" together, to understand and comply with the school's relevant requirements. During the transition period from kindergarten to primary school, we prioritize cultivating the following good habits: managing time effectively, self-discipline, respecting others, and improving attention span. Here are some specific examples and suggestions to facilitate this process:

(1) Don't interrupt when others are speaking, 

wait patiently while playing.

(2) Don't take others' belongings.

(3) Avoid physical confrontation.

(4) Return toys to their original place after playing.

(5) Keep your promises to your friends.

(6) Don't hog good things for yourself, share with others.

(7) Follow the principle of first come, first served.

(8) Learn to control your emotions.

(9) Remember to express your gratitude to your parents.

(10) Don't make promises lightly, keep the ones you make.

(11) Be willing to help others.

(12) Learn to work and cooperate with others.

(13) Even if cartoons and games are enjoyable,
turn off the device when the time is up.

(14) Don't touch others' belongings without permission.

(15) Stand and sit with proper posture.

Dear Parents, we would like to provide you with the following suggestions:

1. Parents can accompany their children in reading aloud about these good habits, which can also serve as an opportunity for literacy development. Alternatively, parents can create scenarios for their children to practice these behaviors and ask them to explain how they would do it.

2. Self-evaluation for children: Parents can use a "star rating" system to encourage children to self-monitor and gradually develop good habits. One star can be awarded for knowing what to do, two stars for sometimes being able to do it, and three stars for consistently doing it.

3. Parents and children can work together to select one or two habits as goals for the next stage (goals can be progressively advanced). Spend two weeks consistently practicing these habits to gradually form them into behavioral routines.

4. Parents can reassess after two weeks, allowing children to see their progress and set the next goal accordingly.

School Supplies

1. School Uniform

Please select and order the school uniform according to the requirements.

2. School Supplies

Pencil Case: Should not be too large, with a simple structure. Inside, place 5-6 wooden HB or H pencils (no mechanical pencils, no pencil sharpener, blades, or scissors). Include one straight ruler (not foldable) and one eraser (4B drawing eraser).

Writing Pad: Two each of A4 and B5 size, without any patterns.

3. Daily Necessities

Two Handkerchiefs (and Backup Tissues): Keep one in your pocket and the other (or tissues) in a plastic bag inside your schoolbag for backup.

Spare Mask: Keep it in a ziplock bag or a clean pouch in a designated spot in your schoolbag for easy access. Water Bottle/Thermos: With a wide mouth and a lid, of moderate capacity, not too large. The school provides room-temperature tap water.

Teacher's Message

Please swipe the picture below to read the letter from SCBS Primary  

Dear SCBS Grade-1 student,

Welcome to the SCBS family! Congratulations on becoming SCBS Primary School Student soon! Enrolling in school marks the prelude to a new phase of growth. In the future, at SCBS, you will gain knowledge, friendships, confidence, happiness, and so much more... Of course, you will also encounter difficulties and setbacks... These are all inevitable experiences on the path of growth. However, don't worry too much, your parents will always be by your side as you grow; and once you start school, you will have classmates and teachers as well. 

Let's work hard together this summer vacation to prepare for the new life of SCBS Primary School.

In August, we'll be waiting for you at SCBS!

SCBS Primary 

School Visit Reservation

Thank you for your interest in SCBS! The consultation for transfer students in autumn of the 2024 school year has now begun. Please scan the QR code for more information and we look forward to meeting you on campus.
