A、DoseRight:Automatic Exposure Control adapts tube current to patient attenuation using Surview.
B、Dose RightIndex (DRI):Image quality index that increases or decreases mAs dependent on Surview, patient reference size and actual patient size.For a given reference size, you can decrease image noise (improve image quality) by increasing DRI. One DRI step increases/decreases mAs at approximately 12% increments and reduces/increases noise by about 6%.
b、信噪指数(DoseRight Index)是一个与扫描CTDI和IQ密切相关的无单位整数值。DoseRight Index随着患者定位像、参考大小和实际大小而增加或减少mAs。对于给定的参考大小,通过增加DRI可以减少图像噪声(改善图像质量)。每增加一个DRI单位,mAs大约增加12%,噪声大约减少6%。与DRI相关的mAs值是指将应用于根据年龄和体重组定义的患者的平均mAs。
C、Z-Modulation:Longitudinal tube modulation uses attenuation data from Surview.
D、3D Modulation:Employs both angular (x and y axis) and longitudinal tube current modulation using Surview.
d、3D调节(3D Modulation):根据检查床位置(Z坐标)中的患者衰减情况和球管瞬时位置(X-Y 坐标)来调节球管电流,以减少伪影。如果没有3D调节功能,机架周围的所有角度均会使用相同的球管电流。
E、mAs for Average Adult:Set average mAs for a patient as characterized by the Age group field and Patient Size selections (both found below series list menu).
F、Absolute Min mAs:Define minimum mAs modulation on exam card. mAs will not go lower than value set.
G、Absolute Max mAs:Define maximum mAs modulation on exam card. mAs will not go higher than valueset.
H、Brain or Liver DoseRight Index:Use to increase/decrease DRI setting through area of brain and/or liver to meet image quality objectives.
1、应用肝区DoseRight Index后,系统会自动检测肝并将其显示在定位像上,然后所设置的Index级别就会应用到检测区域。
•要增加整个肝区的 X射线曝光量,请在级别 +1至级别 +8之间选择肝区 DRI。默认设置为 +3。
•要使用与整个计划扫描相同的X射线曝光量扫描肝区,请选择Same as the rest of the scan(与其他扫描相同)。
2、应用头区DoseRight Index后,系统会自动检测头线并将其显示在定位像上,然后所设置的Index级别就会应用到检测头区。
•要增加整个头区的 X射线曝光量,请在级别 +2至级别 +14之间选择头区DRI。默认设置是与其他扫描相同。
•要使用与整个计划扫描相同的X射线曝光量扫描头区,请选择Same as the rest of the scan(与其他扫描相同)。
I、Dose Notification:Dose notification value(mGy) for the acquisition or series. When value is exceeded during scan,a dose alert message will open and require user interaction.
i、剂量通知(Dose Notification):采集或序列的剂量通知值(mGy)。当扫描时超出该值,会弹出剂量警告信息并需要用户操作。
J、Series List Numbering:Whole number series represent scan acquisitions.
K、Series List Numbering:Decimal numbers represent Results or reconstruction results of the primary acquisition.