
文摘   2025-01-16 13:40   美国  


译者按:据《乌克兰新声》(The New Voice of Ukraine)今天(116)中午报道,乌克兰议会以高票通过了一项法案,允许乌克兰在战争期间向其他国家派遣军队驻扎,以确保乌克兰的安全和防卫,同时击退对乌克兰的侵略。





Ukraine's parliament greenlights overseas military missions during wartime



January 16, 2025, 12:12 AM



The Ukrainian parliament has approved a bill allowing the deployment of Ukrainian military units to other countries during wartime, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported on Telegram on Jan. 15.

115日,乌克兰议会议员雅罗斯拉夫·热列兹尼亚克(Yaroslav Zheleznyak)在社交媒体电报(Telegram)上说,乌克兰议会批准了一项法案,允许乌克兰在战争期间在其他国家部署乌克兰军队。


Bill No. 12378 was passed with 317 votes.



It stipulates that during the period of martial law, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be stationed abroad to ensure security, defense, and repel aggression against Ukraine in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.



The decision to send Ukrainian army units to other countries is made by the president of Ukraine but does not apply to cases where Armed Forces units are used on the territory of the aggressor state to repel such aggression. Simultaneously, a bill must be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for approval of this decision, along with information about the mission, the total number of units, the type and composition of their armaments, military equipment, subordination, duration of stay, and the procedure for their possible extension, replacement of personnel, and their maintenance.

向其他国家派遣乌克兰军队的决定由乌克兰总统做出,但这一规定不适用于在侵略国领土上使用武装部队以击退侵略的情况。同时,总统必须向乌克兰最高议会(Verkhovna Rada)提交一项法案,以批准这一决定,并附上与任务相关的信息,包括部队的总人数、武器装备的类型和组成、军事设备、隶属关系、驻军时间,以及可能的延期、人员更替和后勤保障的程序。


During the period of martial law, the provisions of this law will apply to Ukrainian Armed Forces units that were sent to another country and were on its territory before this law came into effect, according to Zheleznyak.



A bill was registered in the legislature on Jan. 7 to send units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to other countries during wartime.




