这两年,不少人的生活或许都面临着诸多挑战。网约车行业的运营状况,在一定程度上,能够映射出一个地区的整体经济发展水平。那么,网约车司机的收入状况究竟如何呢?机缘巧合之下,小编得以窥见西南某省一个地级市的网约车运营实况。该市及其下属市县共有常住人口约660万,其中,中心城区常住人口约为158万。Recent years have
witnessed many individuals grappling with numerous challenges in their lives.
The operational state of the ride-hailing industry can, to a certain degree, reflect
the overall economic strength of a region. So, what is the income situation of
ride-hailing drivers? Fortunately, I had the opportunity to gain an inside look
at the ride-hailing operations in a prefecture-level city in a southwestern
province. This city and its subordinate counties have a combined resident
population of approximately 6.6 million, with around 1.58 million residing in
the central urban area.
刘总作为“首汽约车”在该市的负责人,向小编提供了宝贵的第一手数据,并慷慨授权发布。这些数据涵盖了该市所有网约车平台,而非仅限于首汽约车。值得一提的是,刘总在政协会上也曾分享过这些数据,因此,其可信度颇高。Mr. Liu, the
representative of “Shouqi Yueche” in the city, provided me with valuable
first-hand data and graciously authorized its publication. These data cover all
ride-hailing platforms in the city, not just Shouqi Yueche. It's worth noting
that Mr. Liu also shared this information during a Political Consultative
Conference, further underscoring its credibility.
截至2024年11月,该市共有网约车平台企业92家,网约车车辆总数达到16995辆,取得从业资格证的司机人数为46866人,而实际从事网约车服务的司机则超过20000人。其中,中心城区拥有平台企业37家,网约车11172辆,从业司机14886人,包括486名女司机。As of November 2024,
the city had 92 ride-hailing platform companies, with a total of 16,995
ride-hailing vehicles. The number of drivers with licenses reached 46,866,
while over 20,000 drivers were actively engaged in ride-hailing services. In
the central urban area alone, there were 37 platform companies, 11,172
vehicles, and 14,886 drivers, including 486 female drivers.
刘总对该市2022年至2024年的网约车运营情况进行了对比分析,结果显示,网约车司机的在线时长逐年增加,但收入却呈现下滑趋势。Mr. Liu conducted a
comparative analysis of the city's ride-hailing operations from 2022 to 2024.
The results showed that while drivers' working hours steadily increased,
their income displayed a downward trend.
2022年数据概览:2022 Overview:
日均订单量:25至28单(平均单价:12至15元)Daily Average Orders:
25–28 (average fare: ¥12–15)
日均行驶里程:约400公里(载客里程:约350公里)Daily Mileage: ~400 km
(passenger mileage: ~350 km)
日均在线时长:约12小时Daily Active Hours:
~12 hours
日均收入:12小时工作可获约400元Daily Income: ~¥400
for 12 hours of work
2023年数据概览:2023 Overview:
日均订单量:22至24单(平均单价:约11元)Daily Average Orders:
22–24 (average fare: ~¥11)
日均行驶里程:约350公里(载客里程:约260公里)Daily Mileage: ~350 km
(passenger mileage:: ~260 km)
日均在线时长:约13小时Daily Active Hours:
~13 hours
日均收入:13小时工作可获约300元Daily Income: ~¥300
for 13 hours of work
2024年数据概览:2024 Overview:
日均订单量:18至20单(平均单价:约8元)Daily Average Orders:
18–20 (average fare: ~¥8)
日均行驶里程:约300公里(载客里程:约200公里)Daily Mileage: ~300 km
(passenger mileage:: ~200 km)
日均在线时长:约13小时(占比70%),部分司机高达15小时(占比30%)Daily Active Hours:
~13 hours (70% of drivers), up to 15 hours (30% of drivers)
日均收入:12小时工作可获约200元;15小时工作则可获约300元Daily Income: ~¥200
for 12 hours of work; ~¥300 for 15 hours of work
这些数据为我们描绘了一幅网约车司机生存状态的真实图景,也在一定程度上反映了整体经济的状况。These figures paint a
vivid picture of the living conditions of ride-hailing drivers, while also
reflecting, to some extent, the state of the broader economy. 除去成本,如管理费、保险费、充电费等,实际收入恐怕还要低很多。据了解,不含买车的贷款,电车每天的成本约70-80元。Excluding costs such
as management fees, insurance fees, charging fees, etc., the actual income is
likely to be much lower. Reportedly, the daily expenses of an electric ride-hailing vehicle average 70-80 yuan RMB, on top of its mortgage. (喜欢就请关注)